"Do you...dare to bet on this possibility with me?"

"snort. bet? What a surprise"

"I thought you would produce evidence or conduct rigorous reasoning... I didn't expect that I would hear the word"bet" from the mouth of the God of Wisdom."

The doctor admitted that this threat threatened him.

Gambling means that even Nasida does not know what will happen.

Destroying the Heart of God means that even the God of Wisdom does not know what will happen.

If It's reasoning, and the doctor can find flaws in it.

If it's gambling, then the doctor can't evaluate the risks.

Nacida is right, she is indeed gambling.

But she is not betting on whether the gods will pay attention, but Dr. Gambling will not act rashly again after listening to her words.

She is not alone, this is Xumi, and many of Xumi's people need her protection.

There are also fainted Paimon and Ying behind her, so starting a war here is not a good choice.

Okay Here, Nasida won the bet

"But... what a clever move. Could it be that when I captured your consciousness, you also saw through it?"

"As a scholar, you must respect all possibilities. This has always been my principle and an essential quality for experimenters"

"Indeed, I cannot look past this possibility. Tell me, what are your conditions?"

Both sides are smart people and very rational. They have a moderate amount of advance and retreat, which is just right."

【Bengtie Fuxuan: It's not that I don't dare to gamble, but I can't afford to gamble. Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, the doctor doesn't want the heavenly principles to awaken.】

【Genshin Impact Arataki Idou: It’s so complicated, but I’ve already smashed it.】

【Beng San Tesla: Brain, use your brain when trouble comes. Don’t just use your fists to speak.】

【Bengsan Cocolia: That’s what negotiation is, mutual exchanges, mutual concessions】

【Bengsan Cocolia: Not to mention that the Grass God supports Zhi Dong in resisting the laws of heaven, besides, the God of Thunder’s divine heart is really not as good as an exquisite ornament in Sumeru]

The problem of the World Tree has been solved.

For Nasida now, the foreign god's heart is not only useless, it can only be said to be of no use at all.

It makes you feel bored and upset when you look at it.

Why don't you give Xumi some benefits in exchange? You can't really start a war in your own country.

War is a means, not an end.

The reason why the two sides can talk means that there is no benefit in fighting.

"The heart of a god in a foreign country, even if it stays in Sumeru, it will only bring disaster.……"

The trouble in Nacida's mouth is of course the fools.

It takes a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no way to guard against a thief.

Lei Shen's divine heart is useless and will be missed by the fools.

Xumi comes to cause trouble every three days, so she can't stop.

"But this Thunder God's Heart is the trophy I got after defeating one of your executive officers."

"Now that you want to take away the loot in my hand, you, the instigator, should pay a corresponding price, right?"

"cost? Interesting, what price do you want me to pay?"

"……How about erasing all your slices?"

【Genshen Xingqiu: Hey~ It’s cruel enough, but this time it’s in line with the behavior of a god】

【Genshin Kamisato Ayaka: Well, the Order of the Order has been brought to justice, and there is no reason why the doctor who was one of the initiators could escape.】

【Original God D'Adalia: Kill all the doctor's slices. It's strange that the doctor agrees.】

【Beng Tie Sushang: Oh, I understand, I understand, you have to pay the high price, right? I always understand.】

【Collapse Iron Black Tower: She is serious and has no intention of asking for high prices.】

【Bengsanqiana: Huh? Can the doctor agree? Kill all other selves, or the self that you have worked so hard to do?]

Erase other selves. Why is Nasida so sure that the doctor will do this?

【Genshin is indeed the Little Lucky Grass King. She must have the confidence to do this.】

【I have countless original gods, that is the past tense】

【Genshin Impact...why is Mr. Little Lucky Grass King so sure that the doctor will agree?】

【Original God! Does he have a choice? He caused a big disaster in Xumi and wants to avoid paying the price.】

【The big deal is that the original god has really awakened that kind of heavenly principle.】

【Genshin Impact, use your brain, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King is trying his best to avoid war.】

【Genshin Impact Little Lucky Grass King has unparalleled wisdom. She must have caught the doctor’s weakness.】

"Hahaha... Are you using this method to defeat me, the most threatening opponent to the Kingdom of Wisdom? What you did is tantamount to taking away my eyes from the latitude of time~."

In other words, he is indeed the God of Wisdom. His observation skills are terrifying.

Slices are very difficult to make and require extremely rare resources and a lot of time.

It is really a clever choice for him to destroy them all here.

"really interesting. Can I think that you are already on guard against me?"

"Of all the me, this slice you see is the most selfish. If it weren't for me...ah, would your idea be feasible?"

"What did you see when you were imprisoned? You are observing me...that's why you know that I have long acquired the respect to face my doubts, and that I am tired of those endless arguments."

"You said it, making peace with yourself... is a difficult thing."

"You’re smart, is it one o’clock yet?"

Doctor, when you are observing me, why am I not staring at you?

"I see. Add in what you think is the value of so many mes compared to one heart of God...deal"

【Bengtie March 7: Huh? ah! ah? He agreed】

【Bengtie Danheng: This slice is the most arrogant and selfish one. He must have been looking for ways to kill the other slices a long time ago.】

【Bengtieheita: That’s why I said this plan is extremely stupid. If we save ourselves from different periods, we will only dislike each other.】

【Collapse Iron Black Tower: How does that sentence go? When you feel that your past self is a bad person, you will grow up.】

【Genshin Kaia: I would like to see the young Diluc】

【Genshin Impact Diluc: If you want to die, just say so】

【Yuanshen Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun: It would be great if the emperors could also be sliced. There are one hundred and eight emperors. It’s exciting to think about it.】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli:...According to the character of Emperor Yanwang, they will probably argue endlessly over who should protect Liyue.】

【Yuan Shen Mandrill: No need to fight, let’s guard Liyue together】

【Original God Zhongli:……】

Is it possible, I would say.

These one hundred and eight emperors all want to retire and let the remaining one hundred and seven work.

【Genshin Kamisato Ayato: He really hates his other slices, which is in line with his selfish and conceited character.】

【Original God Leosley: If nothing else, this is the Doctor’s strongest slice.】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: They can erase each other. What if one of the slices suddenly goes crazy?】

【Bengtie Fuxuan: First of all, you have to understand that the doctor is a smart man and he will not act out of loyalty.】

【Bengtie Fuxuan: He will not hesitate to betray himself for profit. On the contrary, if there is no profit, even if they don't like it, the slicers will not do anything.】

"You don't seem to mind that much. Is the relationship between you really that bad?"

No matter what, it was still me, but the doctor didn't hesitate at all.

He didn't even blink an eyelid.

"I don't think this is something to mind. The excess I can be used in exchange for the heart of God - do you think anyone can offer themselves a higher price?"

"Not to mention the ability to accompany me, sooner or later I will find a better perspective. It would be better to say...you are temporarily ahead."

He started to emphasize winning and losing. It seems that the doctor is not as open-minded as he said.

He hates that he doesn't add others, but he is still very distressed to lose many years of inventory all at once.

"But I want to know, how can you be sure that I really erased them?"

"I'll see what's left of your honesty……"

With the ability to read people's hearts, she can know who is lying at all times in Xumi.


The doctor who realized this snorted coldly and obediently eliminated his slices.

Such a ridiculous decision... a stupid decision.

Are you joking!

I was so short-sighted back then...forget it... the guy who even betrayed himself.

Wait a moment, please wait a moment!

I hope you are worthy of this moment... you will definitely... regret it……

【Bengtiexing: At this time, an empty ship arrives at the solstice] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Bengsanqiana: It can’t be said to be an empty ship. There should be other fools on it.】

【Bengtie Huohuo: Hmm... so scary]

The camera just panned across the sliced ​​faces of each doctor, and the doctors of each period were different.

Sadness, anger, accusation, madness...

I didn't even think about the other slices that one day they would be erased by me.

【Beng Tie Xi'er: He is so cruel】

【Genshin Impact: So what, slice and erase, even if the doctor said it lightly, it is actually a serious loss of vitality] Nasida has the ability to read minds and distinguish between true and false. In the conversation just now, the doctor said all truth.

Precious materials, a lot of time, maybe these are the inventories that the doctor has saved for hundreds of years.

【Genshen Dadalia: It’s really exciting. I want to know what the attitude of the fools on the ship would be if the doctor on the ship suddenly exploded.

He only found out today that the doctor had many slices.

Not to mention other fools

【Genshin Impact Yelan: Then I would rather see the doctor explode in front of the Queen of Winter.】

【Servant of Genshin Impact: It turns out there are so many doctors. No wonder this guy gives me a different feeling every time I meet him. It turns out it’s not an illusion.】

【Genshin Impact Skirmisher: Hahahaha, Dotore, you also have today】

【Dr. Genshin: Humph! That's all in the future, but the slices are still there for me now]

His slices were used in exchange for the Thunder God's Heart, which Nasida regarded as a trophy. Now the Thunder God's Heart is still in the hands of the skirmishers..

The awakened Grass God is certainly difficult to deal with, but if you switch to skirmishers... haha, that is an experiment that has been planned by me for hundreds of years.

【Genshin Elhaysen: If I can beat you the first time, I will naturally beat you the second time.】[]

【Genshin Saino: Sumeru is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want.】

【Dr. Genshin Impact: Let’s wait and see】

【Beng San Yayi: The God’s proof was given out easily. Doesn’t the God of Thunder have any objections?】

【Original God Thunder movie: It doesn’t matter, the heart of God is of no use to me】

【Genshin Eightfold Son of God: Hahaha, after all, one of the purposes of creating skirmishers was to keep the Heart of God.】

【Genshin Impact Yae Kamiko: That thing isn’t even in Kage’s hands】

【Yuan Shenying: No wonder you just gave it up to the skirmishers. I thought I was very important.】

【Original God Zhongli: The Heart of God is the proof of governance, which is equivalent to the certificate of Sky Island for gods.】

【Bengtie Yukong: It’s about equal to a seal, right?】

【Genshin Impact Wendy: Pretty much.】

"How about it? Have you confirmed it?"

"……take it."

Nascida confirmed that the doctor's slices have been used up.

After sending out Thor's Heart of God, Nacida turned to talk about her own Heart of God. This thing is hot to keep, so why not pack it together? Xumi, the Ice God, seeks some benefits

"The future school city will be completely taken over by me. I will close the void and let people's thirst for knowledge and curiosity dominate the academic field again……"

"……There will be no more gaps for you to sneak in."

Quite a classic

(After Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Qiao mutinied, his first thought was to seize the military power of his subordinates to prevent them from rebelling like himself.

The first thought of Nasida, who relied on the void to release false commands, was to close the void.

This thing is too harmful, and there is a doctor watching it.

Nacida knew very well how crazy the doctor was, and Nacida also knew how harmful the void was to Sumeru's scholarship.

The two are one, and the existence of the void has more advantages than disadvantages. She will not risk the doctor's conscience on the safety of the Sumeru people.

"It's sad that my academic achievements have never been appreciated in my hometown. Of course, I have no interest in being rejected by this city for a third time."

"A chess piece...where is your grass god's heart?"

The doctor heard the implication of Nasida's words.

"Don't be greedy, executor of Solstice."

Took the bait, good."

"No, no, this is another transaction. Anyway, if you plan to close the void, keeping the wise heart of God here won't play an important role, right?"

You are still acting here. If you don't want to tell me, why don't you mention the closing of the void.

But the doctor also understands that not only the Queen, but the other seven rulers have long been dissatisfied with the laws of heaven.

It's just that they dare not confess to the Queen.

"Isn’t it God’s duty to deliver desired things to those who seek them?"

"oh? Look at the expression. You don't seem too happy about it. So let's change the idea... Since you are the God of Wisdom, how about I urgently exchange knowledge with you?"

【Original God Diluc: What an arrogant statement to exchange for the God of Knowledge and Wisdom】

【Genshin Kamisato Ayato: Since the doctor can tell it, it must be knowledge that the God of Wisdom does not know. He is worthy of being the second executive among the Fools. He has enough cards in his hand to exchange for two hearts of gods.】



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