After bidding farewell to Elhaysen, the two found Disiya and Dina Zedei.

Dina Zedei recovered well, just like Kelai.

After the Molin disease disappeared, Dina Zedai was like a wild horse running wild.

He wakes up earlier than a chicken and goes to bed later than a dog.

I went out for a run late at night, and the receptionist who delivered the letter at the inn couldn't even see anyone from Dina Zedai.

Not to mention sending the invitation to the banquet to the two of them.

Disiya will leave Sumeru City after the banquet. Mercenaries are supposed to be free, so it is an accident that they come to serve as bodyguards for Dinazedai.

After a few words of teasing, Ying and Paimon felt excited about Aru Village again.

I heard that Sai Nuo haunted here, and the two planned to try their luck here.

After all, this celebration banquet was nominally for Sano.

A banquet in the name of Sano would not be called a banquet to celebrate the reinstatement of Sano without Sano.

Here they met an"837" who knew each other, but the other party did not recognize their old friend.

That is Setare.

She gave up being a scholar in the Order.

The previous words were not said against one's will out of fear, they were all true feelings.

Setare plans to return to the desert area and carry out educational work here.

One person's power cannot cover the entire desert, so Setare plans to give the knowledge to Rahman's Gilded Brigade first.

Then the members of the Gilded Brigade would bloom all over the desert, radiating knowledge.

The Gilded Brigade studied hard and then taught as teachers.

It's interesting when I think about it

"The people of Chizi are suffering from the wind and sand, the suffering of displacement and the suffering of ignorance. We welcome Miss Setare very much. Her arrival is like the night star appearing in the desert."

"The night star has always guided caravans, thieves, warriors and travelers lost in the night out of trouble and back to safety."

Rahman spoke highly of this.

The cultural level of the desert people is low. That is because the original fatwa blocked the right to education in the desert.

In fact, these children from the desert are more eager for knowledge than anyone else.

"It is good news for many people that Setare has this idea."

Seno is also from the desert. It is good news for him that the children in his hometown can study.

Ying listened patiently. This time he traveled everywhere to deliver news of the banquet.

But it was also to observe the fall of the Order. After that, the various places in Sumeru looked like.

She had left footprints in these places, and her friends were here.

The world has become a better place because of her, and this is one of the meanings of her traveling here.

"At first I thought it would fail... You know, the Order does not allow scholars to go to the desert to teach without permission"

"As you know, knowledge is controlled, and few Desert People are as lucky as me.……"

"But those are the words I heard, and they are always swirling in my heart, whipping my heart like lightning"

"Now you feel like you're in quicksand, even if you close your eyes……"

"Setare, why don't you go home? The desert that belongs to you is not here."

Isn't this what I just made up carelessly?

Ying thought silently.

I didn't expect that the words I made up casually could bring such a change to the desert.

"These words woke me up. I know that when I go home, I will bring something to the people there."

"I plucked up the courage to look for the Great Sage, but found that he was no longer in the Order House. Mr. Saino told me that Azar no longer belongs there"

"Hazard has received the punishment he deserves, even a little too lightly... You should have heard that"

【Genshin Sano:, Azar will not be punished too lightly】

【Genshin Impact Candice: I’m looking forward to sharing my experience with Gale Discipline Officer on entertaining Azar and others.】

【Beng Tie Xing: You guys keep talking about the guy named Azar, you must be very nice to him, right?】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: Of course, that’s a good thing to do with your heart and lungs] (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Genshin Atractylodes: To dig out the heart and lungs in a physical sense (scare)】

"Mr. Sainuo obtained the qualification for me to leave the Order and go to the desert area, and accompanied me here to discuss cooperation matters with everyone in the Gilded Brigade."

"After this incident, Sano and I still have other business to discuss."

Speaking of these, Rahman was happy.

The Lord Grass God has not forgotten the desert, and this vote is worth it.

It is not in vain that he took the brothers of the Gilded Brigade and risked their heads to fight against the Order.

"Mr. Little Lucky Grass King has allocated a lot of resources for the construction of the desert area. I have done some things for her, some of which require the assistance of the Gilded Brigade."

"I applied for several batches of supplies from the Teaching Council and gave them to several tribes in the desert according to the instructions of Mr. Xiao Jixiang Grass King. I believe the people there will need them."

"Can't get it."

Great, the more the merrier.....

The desert is lacking everything now, and Rahman can’t wait to move the entire city of Sumeru to the desert.

"Physical books and other related supplies... If it weren't for Sano and Little Lucky Grass King, we probably wouldn't be able to get these."

"In addition, the Holy Order is also recruiting scholars who are willing to go to the desert area. I will inform Rahman and Setare as soon as there is news."

"We have to stick to these things, maintain this resource, and make it stable in the long term."

A century-old plan, education comes first[]

Education in the desert cannot be done on a whim. They must normalize, universalize, and make education in desert areas permanent.

"For the first time in hundreds of years, we have been waiting for hope. I think... this is the turning point of the desert."

"Remember that sentence? Here lies our loyal priest, Cassale. His wisdom is like a miracle among people, and he is worthy of praise and praise"

"……I hope that among the people of the desert there will be another wise man comparable to that priest. I hope we can once again see the wisdom and glory that once shocked the world"

【The original god is so good, Little Lucky Grass King declares】

【There is hope for the Genshin Desert. As expected, it is all the fault of the Order Academy.】

【The original god imprisoned Mr. Little Jixiang Grass King for five hundred years, and now it’s time to pay him back】

【Original God Miss Candice, you must never let them go.】

【The original God Grass God has indeed not forgotten the desert]

Seeing that Nasida immediately provided supplies and knowledge to the desert area after taking office, the entire desert area cheered. 4.6

The demands of the people are that simple. They just want to live a stable life.

Just a little bit of supplies, a little bit of knowledge, and a little bit of hope.

Voices praising the little Lucky Grass King kept coming and going.

If they were not still imprisoned, the desert people might not all have set off to make a pilgrimage to Xumi City.

【Bengtie Danheng: The useless successor of King Daci Shu tries to escape from the prison of the Order Academy】

【Collapse of Iron March 7: The successor of King Daci Shu finds some ridiculous accomplices】

【Bengtie Jizi: The unknown grass god was so scared by fools that he closed himself off】

【Walter Bent: Nasida is fighting against the false gods of the Order】

【Bengtiexing: The great little auspicious Grass King will return to rule over her loyal Sumeru!】

【Bengtie Pam: That’s it】



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