The inventory reward is: Correct the World Tree and remove the existence and influence of forbidden knowledge.

And... resurrection of the Great Ci Tree King

【Tip: Daci Shuwang joins the live broadcast room】

【Damn Beng San! Really alive】

【The victory over iron collapse is a victory for mankind】

【Broken iron? What are you talking about, what victory?]

Some people are happy and some are confused.

Most people are in a state of confusion.

First, most people on the barrage said wildly that the Great Mercy Tree King could not be resurrected, and Aha refused to resurrect the Great Mercy Tree King in order to gain more emotional points.

Various explanations, various speculations, various emphasis.

Just when I thought this group of people was going to be slapped in the face, unexpectedly, this group of people started to get excited.

Why, I feel so happy to be slapped in the face.

Are you all M?

【Beng Tieshang: It’s over, it’s over, I can’t understand it anymore. It is said that Chang Le Tianjun did not want to resurrect the Great Ci Tree King, but isn’t he alive now?】

【Genshin Impact Seno: I can only say that I understand everything I know, and I won’t say more about what I don’t understand. This matter is quite complicated and it’s hard for me to explain it to you.】

【Genshin Impact: All in all, all you need to know is that this is a great rescue.】

【Beng Tieshang: Oh? oh oh! 】

Although I didn’t understand it, it felt so awesome.

【Beng Tiesuchang: So that’s how it is, I completely understand it]

I don’t understand it at all

【Beng San Tesla: You know nothing, he obviously didn’t say anything】

【Genshin Impact Arataki Ito: So who can tell me what happened?】

【Genshin Impact Skirmishers: It’s nothing, just a group of people who thought they had deceived the gods and had 23 orgasms in their skulls.】

【Beng Tie Jingyuan: How should I put it, everyone got what they wanted]

The key to the problem is not to deceive Chang Le Tianjun, but to let him get more emotional value.

Aha gets what He wants and naturally gives people what they want.

It's that simple.

As for whether Aha was really deceived?

Haha, is that important?

For people in the original god world, as long as the Great Merciful Tree King is resurrected, that will be enough

【The original god, the Great Merciful Tree King: Hello everyone]

The live broadcast room lit up again, and the camera showed the Great Merciful Tree King.

Well...if it weren't for the fact that there was a Nasida locked behind her.

People really thought that King Daci Shu was Nasida.

"Hello everyone, before that, thank you very much for everything you have done for me."

She knew everything that happened before through the World Tree.

It was really heartwarming. Xumi and everyone in other worlds didn't do much for her.

【Original God Elhaysen: We didn’t do anything, after all, we don’t have the ability to resurrect]

Victory is victory, but they still haven’t forgotten whose credit it was to resurrect the Great Ci Tree King.

【Genshin Rai Movie: Long time no see】

【The original god, the Great Merciful Tree King: Long time no see, the last time we met was five hundred years ago]

At that time, the God of Thunder was still the God of Thunder, and the God of Water was still Egolia

【Original God Fukalos: The legendary Great Merciful Tree King, whose name I have admired for a long time】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Long time no see】

【Original God Wendy: Is this the legendary Great Mercy Tree King? I finally met him in person】

【Beng Tie Xing: I'm sorry to interrupt your greetings, but I want to remind you that the live broadcast room will be closed soon.】

【The original god, the Great Merciful Tree King:...I understand, after all, the current Grass God is Nasida】

【Original God Nasida: If it’s you, it’s okay】

【Beng Tie Xing: Okay, without further ado, Seno!】

【Genshin Impact Seno: I've arrived]

The footage in the live broadcast room appropriately shows Seno.

The confinement at this moment has been lifted, and Azar collapsed helplessly at Seno's feet.

If there weren't any wounds on his body, they would have thought that Sano secretly rewarded Hazard.

【Genshin Impact Tinari: So fast】

"Well, before the live broadcast started, I came to report to Hazard."

Seno nodded and lifted Azar up.

But because of his height, he couldn't lift Azar's feet off the ground.

"Minors are asked to block the following scenes."

【Genshin Impact: Alas! Hey, can you hear me? Why is there no picture or sound? Captain Qin, is the live broadcast room broken?】

【Original God Yaoyao: Alas? I can't watch it either】

【Iron Hook: Damn it, why can’t children watch and teach the big bad guy a lesson?】

【Bengtiebailu: Are you serious? Why don't you let me see it?】

【Genshin Arataki Ito: Why is it so dark?】

【Genshin Kuki:……】

【Original God Dadalia: Hahahaha, I’m laughing so hard】

【Bengsan Kiana: Wait, tell me Mei, you are also black, right? 】

She has never experienced anything, why can’t she see it?

【Bengtie March 7: Are there any masters?】

【Genshin Arataki Yidou: Huh? The picture appears again. It is indeed a malfunction. How can I be considered a child?】

【Bengsanqiana: That’s right】

"Okay, then I'm going to start."

Seno nodded and began to greet the great sage. He handled it gently, touched his cheeks, touched his limbs...

After doing this, people's understanding of Seno went to a higher level.

The live broadcast room ended with laughter, People are looking forward to the arrival of the next inventory


"It’s over. If the next inventory is taken, it’s no surprise that it’s our world."

Putting his hands on the table, Qingque fiddled with his hair in boredom.

After the inventory, he was so bored that he could only chat with his colleagues about gossip, playing cards, going to the toilet with pay, etc.

Work? What kind of work? Why can't it be postponed until the last day? You have to finish it in advance.

Do you think you don’t live enough?

"What kind of world with no corners will it be? It can’t be our fairy boat."

The universe is so big, the probability of it happening to be an immortal boat is too low.

"What are you thinking about? It has nothing to do with you, right?"

"What are you thinking about, of course. I've been thinking about it for a long time. I put it off until get off work and don't have to do any work today!"

"Oh, really, then you have to think about it slowly"


Qingque suddenly realized something was wrong.

Had she heard this voice somewhere before?

It seems like... (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Qingque turned his head sharply and said something bad in his heart.

It’s over, my life is over!

"Qingque, you stay and work overtime tonight, and then write an article on the possibility that Chang Le Tianjun’s next inventory will be the collapse of the iron universe, no less than 10,000 words."

"ah? You'd better fire me"


"The Great Merciful Tree King! Are you...really you?"

Walking out of the cage, Nacida hugged her excitedly.

She held on tightly.

This time, she would not let go again.

"You know, I really want to see you. Everyone in Xumi misses you."

Tears flowed from her eyes. At this time, Nasida was like a child who had found her mother.

She hugged her mother tightly and vowed never to separate.

"Nasida, I understand how you feel, but now is not the time to cry."

"The Azar's Order has collapsed, and everyone in Xumi is still waiting for you to preside over Xumi."

King Daci Shu gave him kind words and advice.[]

Azar fell, and a large number of his followers and members of the Order were implicated.

If Nasida and her hadn't come forward at this time, there would have been turmoil in Sumeru City.


Nasida reluctantly let go of King Daci Shu,"You are right, Xumi needs me now.""

Suddenly, Nasida thought of something

"Azar has fallen, and Elhaysen is not willing to be a great sage. How about you, King Daci Shu, come and be a great sage for me?"

"Pfft... Let's forget about this kind of thing and let Alhaysen act as the temporary agent. What's the point of letting me be the great sage?"

What do you think about letting the Supreme Emperor be your prime minister?

"……Let's go out."

Realizing that she had said something stupid when she was excited, Nasida changed the subject in embarrassment.

"Although a lot of things about the future have been exposed, the me now is still not as good as the me in the future in many details."

"Therefore, I still need you, the Great Merciful Tree King, to take charge of Sumeru together with me."

Somewhere in Sumeru

"snort! The experimental results are out, and it’s time to recycle the experimental equipment."

The plan was exposed, and the fools also lost a few cards.

If you want to get the God's Heart of the Grass God, you will have to pay an extra price, and this time the loss will be big.

But before you can get the God's Heart of the Grass God, you must first Go to the little mouse to recover Thor's God's Heart.

Ina Wife


The moment Ying reappeared, Paimon hugged him excitedly.

"Are you OK"

"I'm fine. From now on, Dao's wife will be fine too. Ying looked at Lei Xingxue, who was in control of his body again,"right, General?""

Glancing at Yingying, Lei Movie declared with full majesty.

"From now on, the eye hunting order and the national lockdown order promulgated by Inazuma will be lifted with immediate effect."


Although the live broadcast room did not say it clearly, the fact that she and Ying can appear in Xumi must be because Inazuma's matter has been resolved.

Now that he has heard with his own ears that General Raiden lifted the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order, Paimon is still very excited.

The soldiers of the resistance army were even more excited.

That was the God of Thunder, they actually did it.

The general took back his life

"Great, Ying, how did you do it?"

How she did it, of course she defeated the Thunder God.

Haha, just kidding.

Without the help of everyone's wishes, how could she defeat the Thunder God?

"It's not me, it's us... we did it"

"Son of God, did I really do something wrong?"

In the Pure Land of Yixin, Lei Qian's consciousness returned here again.

"Time, time will tell everything"

"You also know that Suo Guo and Yan Shou are not truly eternal."



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