Now everyone understood why Funina was obsessed with the trial and why Fontaine never missed every trial.

Because Funina didn't know when the trial Fukalos mentioned would come.

However, this brief conversation still did not tell them why Fukalos wanted to play the role of the Water Goddess.

What exactly is Fukalos trying to hide?

Before anyone could ask questions, the video changed scenes again.

This time it was not Funina who appeared, but the real Fukalos.

Sharing the screen with him is the supreme judge of Fontaine, Navilette.

【Genshin Impact Leosley: What about Villette? Did this guy know from the beginning?】

【Genshin Shegwen: Could it be that Master Villette knew the identity of Lady Funina from the beginning and protected her for five hundred years?】

【Genshin Impact: Skirmisher: It turns out that there are people maintaining it. No wonder a mere human being can survive five hundred years. That’s not a big deal, right?】

【Genshin Impact Navilet: No! I don't know what happened. It's only today that I learned that Ms. Funina is a human being. I’m afraid this is also the tip of the iceberg in the future]

Now that Villette has no need to hide it, it’s true that he didn’t know about it.

Even Navilette, her closest relationship, didn’t know that Funina had really been responsible for five hundred years on her own.

【Original God Funina, I am guilty, I am guilty, and I am willing to accept any trial at the Opera House afterwards.】

【Genshin Impact: I really deserve to die. Really, we misunderstood Lady Funina.】

【Genshin Impact: The Iron-Breaking World Blade is right, if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price】

【Genshin Impact is so noisy, can you Fontaine people stop going crazy on the barrage, go do something for Funina, and stop bbing on the barrage all the time]

In the video, it is hanging above Fukalos’ head. A sharp sword.

At this time, people did not know its function and only regarded it as decoration.

I have to say that the blue anchor-shaped chandelier that day was quite beautiful.

Fontaine is a country of water. Where there is water, there are boats. Fontaine people like boats and everything about boats.

The anchor-shaped decoration on Fukalos' head is like the most beautiful work of art in the world to the people of Fontaine.

But now they are not in the mood to pay attention to these, the real demon god Fukalos and the supreme judge Navilet.

The conversation between the two of them will definitely reveal more information


Navilette in the video was a little hesitant. The person opposite who looked like Fu Nina but was not Fu Nina confused him.

"Hahahaha...I'm sorry, I just like your surprised expression, and I laughed out loud without knowing it."

"You are not Funina, who are you?"

With Fu Nina's face, her temperament is absolutely different. That is a temperament that Fu Nina cannot portray no matter how she plays.

"Seeing that you are so surprised means that I have successfully deceived you. Obviously, I am the demon god Fukalos?"

【Genshin Impact Seno: Villette didn't lie. He did not know that Funina was not the Water Goddess.】

【Bengtie·Xie'er: The video didn't last for even one second, and the dissatisfaction with the Fontaine people grew even more]

Especially now that Baisong Town Time has not happened, and there is no sign of the prophecy happening.

The people from Fontaine couldn't even come up with a decent excuse.

【Honsan·Alicia: Cute human, let me hug you】

【Genshin Impact Funina: No, I want to be quiet]

Funina didn’t have anything to say, and she didn’t say what she wanted to complain about.

Five hundred years have been enough complaining, and the tears have been shed.

Just like the ending in the original work, Funina just wants to be quiet, and it is best that no one disturbs her for a few years.

"Demon God Fukalos, why did you lie to us?"

Let a little girl endure alone on the throne for hundreds of years, Fukalos, why are you doing this?

The relationship between Villette and Funina is even deeper than Hutao and Zhongli.

When you understand that Funina is just a As a little girl, Villette could understand what kind of pain it was

"Oh, of course, my purpose is certainly not to deceive you. What I really want to deceive... is the laws of heaven."

"deceive the law of heaven……"

"It's just that prophecy. It's very troublesome, right? Everyone will dissolve and Fontaine will be flooded."

It's a prophecy again. Funina's role as the water god is indeed related to the prophecy.

Is the truth of the prophecy finally coming to light?

Everyone stared with bated breath, waiting for Fukalos' follow-up explanation. Even the barrage only had a few sporadic lines.

"When my previous water god, Egolia, entrusted me with this prophecy, I also thought... Isn't this too tricky?"

"She obviously knew very well that the predicted scene would definitely happen again."

【Genshin even the real Master Fukalos said this, is our Fontaine really hopeless?】

【Original God: Damn it, I don’t want to die. If I really want to die, I would rather die under the judgment of Lady Funina than die under the inexplicable prophecy.】

【The original god and even the real water god can't stop the coming of the prophecy, then what hope does Fontaine have?】

【Genshinori Tinari: Really tricky, not even the real demon can do anything about it】

【Genshen Coral Palace Xinhai: At this point, we can only ask all countries for assistance】

【Original God Azar: What stupid words are you talking about? Didn’t you hear? The prophecy will definitely come true. No matter what you do, the Fontaine people will definitely die.】

【Original God Azar: It’s not like we Xumi were implicated by the prophecy for harboring criminals. There are many ancient books in Xumi City. If they were damaged by water, it would be a loss for all mankind.] For a time, the entire Fontaine was depressed and immersed in the thought of death. In fear.

The prophecy will definitely come true, and the Fontainebleau people will definitely dissolve.

You, me, and everyone present will die, just as the prophecy predicted, except the water god crying alone on his throne.

The rescue of the six countries, how many countries in the six countries are willing to save people, and how many can be saved.

There was so much lifelessness that even though everyone in the country was alive, it seemed as if they were dead.

Yes, a country without hope and a future is dead.

Seeing this scene, Funina suddenly felt that her duties were not over yet and she should do something.

She mustered up the courage to stand up again and bring hope to the country, just like before

"My people, why should you lose hope?"

"Don’t be sad, don’t give up, don’t belittle yourself, remember? The demon god Fukalos is still trying desperately to save you, and the people of the Six Nations are lending a helping hand to you."

"It will all end in a great, dramatic judgment at which everyone will be saved."

Like the rain after a long drought, the people of Fontaine are igniting hope again.

The familiar voice is guiding them forward, just like the past five hundred years.

Suddenly, the people of Fontaine think of a question Zhongli mentioned before, what is the fate of the gods? What is it?

Strength, authority, faith...

They didn't understand it in the past, but now they understand that people like Lady Funina - they are gods.



PS: Thank you for the reward, Brother Style Delicious. You don’t have to spend any money to reward me. Your free flowers and tickets are the greatest support for me.

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