"It seems that this trial has come to an end."

"After Ms. Navia's accusation was established, the accusation against Mr. Dadalia was also dismissed."

Hearing Villette's verdict, Dadalia waved his hands and didn't care. Anyway, he didn't lose anything.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I was a little disappointed at first, but now I'm in a good mood after watching a wonderful debate."

Next, the police team reviewed the case of the serial disappearance of the girls.

During another underwater exploration, Vinier accidentally came into contact with the water of the primitive sea of ​​​​fetus and dissolved in front of Vashe.

After understanding the water of the primitive sea of ​​​​fetus, Vashe After existing, he began to kidnap young girls for experiments in order to recover Vinier.

In order to hide his identity, he used the pseudonym Marcelle to do business in Baisong Town.

In later research, he found that the water of the original fetal sea can make people excited and began to make and Selling Les.

There was a conflict with the Rose of Thorns Society and assassinated Navia's father, President Carres.

As a result, an accident occurred and the assailant killed someone else, so Vashe dissolved the assailant and framed Carres. Si.

As the role of the water of the original womb sea was revealed, he was exposed and accused, and the truth came out.

【Genshin Impact Navia: So that’s it, my father saw the murderer dissolving in front of him but couldn’t explain himself]

Before that, who would have believed that people can dissolve in water?

"Miss, you did a great job in the video."

Myles praised

"Mr. Carres’ case was finally vindicated"

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: Everyone is happy, this way, I don’t have to go to jail in the video】

【Original God Gan Yu: That’s a pity, even this punishment for you is not enough.]

After releasing Osel, Liyue asked Zhidong for a lot of compensation.

But Liyue will never forgive Dadalia in her lifetime.

【Original God Dadalia: I said that was not my intention, do you believe it?

It’s all with your emperor’s acquiescence, okay? I’m just a tool.

In the end, I didn’t get the heart of God, and I even got into trouble.

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: I'm really sorry that I couldn't go to jail. I really wanted to be found guilty and have a fight with Miss Clolinde.】

"Well, it was a wonderful show. The real murderer was caught, the injustice was redressed, and everyone was happy.……"

In the video, Dadalia shakes off the dust on his body and prepares to leave

"If you can enjoy such a good show, I won't blame you for arresting the wrong person. I have something to do here, so I will leave first."

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Dadalia."

Navilet stopped Dadalia and must wait for the decree to rule on the cardinal's decision. This is the rule.

No matter who you are or what status you have.

In Fontaine, you must abide by Fontaine's rules.

"oh? What's wrong? I thought it was none of my business here."

"According to the trial process, this trial started because of you, and in the end you need to be convicted of a crime."

Hearing this answer, Dadalia complained dissatisfiedly.

"Hey, hey, is this necessary? The real murderer has been caught. Isn’t it time for a supporting character like me to retire?"

"Please also respect the laws of Fontaine, this has always been the rule."

There is no need to explain. When you arrive in Fontaine, you must abide by the laws of Fontaine.

The arm cannot twist the thigh. It is only a matter of time anyway, and Dadalia is too lazy to do anything.

"Okay, okay, it's really troublesome, I just stand on that stage, right? What do you want to do please hurry up"

"According to the public trial process of this case, Mr. Dadalia is not directly related to the serial disappearance of the girl."

"There is another person who committed the crime, so Mr. Dadalya should be innocent."

On the high platform, Navilette announced the final result.

"Finally, it is left to the oracle cardinal to make the final decision."

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: Your rules in Fontaine are really troublesome. I hope it won’t be so troublesome when I go there in real China.】

【Original God Funina: That’s for sure, as long as you don’t commit any crime】

【Genshin Impact Navilet: Thank you Mr. Dadalia for your understanding, rules are rules】

【Bengtie·Xing: Rules are meant to be broken. Galaxy Bat Man, start!】

【Bengtie·March 7: Sorry, Xing went crazy again, I will drag him away right now】

【Collapse of Iron·March 7: It can be said that this thing will run for hundreds of years without any problems, right?】

【Original God Dadalia: How is it possible, haha, please find me guilty】

"Well...according to the verdict given by the cardinal in the oracle, Mr. Dadalia……"



Dadalia's eyes widened when she heard Yu's answer.

Not only was Dadalya confused in the video, but Dadaliya outside the video was also full of questions.

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: What?】

【Original God Funina:? ? ?】

【Bengtie·Xier: It seems that your stuff is not very accurate.】

【Beng Tie·Bai Lu: No way, I slapped you in the face as soon as I said that】

【Bengtie·Xing: I understand, March 7th is a prophet】

【Genshin Diluc: It’s okay, the Fools and Executives, putting them outside is also harmful, I have no objection】

【Genshin Shino: But... this violates the fairness and justice of the law] The reason why the law is believed by people is its fairness.

No matter who is treated equally, rules are only rules if they are followed, otherwise it is a piece of waste paper

【What the original god Aha wants to tell us is that the oracle ruling cardinal is not accurate】

【Genshin Impact: How is this possible? This is Lord Fukalos' miracle. During the conversation with Mr. Villette, she also said that this thing is very useful.】

【The cardinal of the original god, Oracle, has huge energy, and a small part of it acts on Fontaine... I think this thing won't be damaged by too much energy, right?】

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: Are you kidding me?】

【Ms. Genshin Impact: Someone just said he wouldn’t be imprisoned, and then he got in】

【Genshin Impact: Skirmisher: A waste who fails to succeed but fails to succeed.】

"Hey Hey hey! Such a joke is not funny... You just said clearly that I should be innocent."

Dadalia said he couldn't accept it. He would be guilty if he did anything.

"What is the result now? Is your machine malfunctioning?"

He is only nineteen years old. He didn't even have sperm twenty years ago. He participated in the serial disappearance of girls by pranking tadpoles? What a joke.

He will not accept such a result.

"ah? This is really rare. The oracle machine is different from the judgment of the Supreme Judge."

"The executive of the Fools must be a man of many evil deeds. The oracle machine must have seen through his other crimes, so he must enforce justice, right?"

"But what is being tried now is the serial disappearance of girls. If it had nothing to do with this matter, there should not be such a verdict."



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