"There is a secret door in a place like this? There is also a basement inside! You can really hide it"

"Don’t forget what Merlot Petersburg is."

The three of them went down to the basement, but there was still nothing.

Just when Paimon felt strange, Leosley asked the two of them to stand on the disk in the middle.

The disk slowly moved downwards, and the scene suddenly became clear.

"This is a restricted area, it's so hidden, there's nothing special about it when you come in."

"That is……"

In front of the three people is a huge gate.

Although I don’t know what is behind it, it must not be something good.

The things in the restricted area can't be Leosley's frozen seafood.

Leosley introduced to the two of them that there are three gates to the penalty area.

As the name suggests, it is a restricted area that no one can approach except Leosley himself.

The three gates were raised, the three people walked in, and the camera also shifted to where people were looking.

【Honzo Kiana: It’s so empty. The thing in the restricted area couldn’t be a monster. It ran out.】

【Beng San·Tesla: Look at the expression on that Duke's face, it doesn't look like he ran out. There was nothing inside.】

【Bentie Cocolia: Maybe you just didn’t notice it.】

【Beng San·Tesla: Cocolia? No, it’s Cocolia from the iron-collapse world, so what do you have in mind?】

【Bentie Cocolia: No, it’s just that when things go wrong, there must be monsters. Maybe we have seen something.】

【Genshin Impact Leosley: It’s that gate-like thing in that room】

【Genshin Impact Paimon: There is a Gate]

What is inside? Not only does it need to be protected by the gate, but there are also three protective doors.

This security level is much higher than that of Beiguo Bank's warehouse.

【Bengtie·Jackdaw: Like a seal】

【Bentie Sambo: Let old Sambo guess, it’s Fukalos】

【Genshin Impact Wendy: It’s impossible no matter how you think about it]

Before everyone could discuss the reason, Leosley announced the answer during the live broadcast

"After taking over Merlot Petersburg I have been wondering what is behind this door. It's unwise to open it rashly, but without exploring what's behind it, you're also letting hidden dangers go."

"Since I accepted Merlot Petersburg, the dashboard on the gate has not changed, but in the past year, its needle has been turning quietly, and I am afraid that some of the data on it has changed a little bit."

【Genshin Impact: Arataki Idou: Water pressure? temperature?】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: I think this has something to do with the water of the original womb sea】

【Beng San·Einstein: Below this... is the water of the original womb sea?】

【Genshin Impact Leosley: Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward】

"I am absolutely certain that that is the concentration of the water in the original womb sea."

"concentration? But this is the bottom of the sea"

"The problem is here, we are at the bottom of the sea, and the seawater has deteriorated, the seawater is mixed in, and the concentration is still rising."

The problem is that even Navilette doesn't know where the water of the original tire sea is. They have no countermeasures and can only wait to die. The dashboard is red, and although the gate is still there, it won't last long.

The original tire The water of the sea has seeped into the sea, and it won't be long before this place is lost.

By then... Fontaine will be finished.

Leosli told the history of Merlot Petersburg, which seemed to confirm all this.

"Now, let's change places"


"Your Excellency, the expected riot did not occur, and everyone's emotions are stable."

"Well... luckily, I specially invited Miss Clolind here."

Leosli and are relieved that there was no chaos when the disaster struck. It seems that the people of Fontaine have really grown up.

"Maybe it's because you locked up those bastards."

The bastards Clolinde refers to are naturally the prisoners who rhythmically insulted Lady Funina. Since they were knocked unconscious and locked up, the barrage from Fontaine has become much clearer.

"It’s not that there’s no cure"

【Original God Funina: The water of the original womb sea is just below Merlo Petersburg】

【Genshin Impact: Arataki Idou: Since it’s below, why don’t we reinforce it?】

【Bengtie·Fuxuan: Has he always been so naive?】

【Original God Mona: It’s useless, it will definitely happen, it will definitely happen. If reinforcement is effective, Fu Nina will not play the role of the water god for five hundred years.] Mona once again heard Fu Nina playing the five hundred year old god. Regarding the matter of the Water God, everyone was silent again.

This time, they no longer thought about how to stop the prophecy, but how to save the Fontaine people.

【Beng San·Tesla: There is too little usable information to analyze at all. There must be something else that Aha has not released.】

【Beng San·Einstein: What is the method to determine the fulfillment of the prophecy]

In the Beng San world, Tesla and Einstein racked their brains to think of ways to save the Fontainebleau people.

Logically speaking, this is a matter of the original God world and has nothing to do with them.

But the original intention of creating Anti-Entropy was to fight against Honkai, and fighting against Honkai was also to save mankind.

Since I can’t do anything else now, why not study how to save people in another world?

"There was too little information available to find a way to break the situation."

The water of the primitive sea of ​​​​fetus was suppressed in Merlo Petersburg. What is the big whale?

I gave you a shot, it won't be of any use.

Or is the big whale related to the water of the primitive sea of ​​​​womb?

"Could it be that the whale lived in the waters of the primordial womb sea and Dadalia awakened it?"

"The water of the original womb sea is contained in a container. The bigger the whale is, the fuller the container becomes until it gushes out."

"Chances are, Tesla, you're really smart"

"But then, you don’t have to look at who I am."

Tesla released his guess, and everyone who listened nodded repeatedly.

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: The analysis is quite similar, so you can’t blame me completely.] As long as the whale still exists, it will definitely wake up and the prophecy will happen.

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: In the end, you, Fontaine, still have to thank me. Anyway, it will happen sooner or later, so it is better to happen sooner. The sooner it happens, the sooner Fu Nina can be freed.】

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: If it takes another few hundred years, Funina might collapse early】

【Genshin Impact: It’s over, I’m convinced, what he said makes sense】

【Genshin Impact: There is a reason for doing good things with bad intentions... It can’t be said to be bad intentions, it’s just an unintentional act anyway. If it’s bad, he’ll pat his ass and leave, but if it’s good, he’ll come and take credit.】

【Genshin Impact: So here comes the question, how to solve the problem of the whale and where is it?】

【Genshin Impact Mero Petersburg? No, it's just water there】

【The original God's prophecy will definitely come true. As long as that whale exists, there is no point in killing it. The water of the original womb sea cannot go back unharmed. We are finished.】

【Genshin Impact: Calm down, Aha definitely didn’t post the video to let us know the date of death in advance.】

【Genshin Impact, what are we doing? In the end, we still have to rely on others. Lady Funina, Lady Fukalos, and now Aha, who still has to rely on others in another world, isn't he announcing our death date in advance?】



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