Everyone, including Ying, looked ugly. Everything they did was to avoid the prophecy.

The reality is that they have advanced the prophecy. At this moment, they are thinking, if they had done nothing at the beginning, would the prophecy still happen?

【Broken Iron Kafka: Unchangeable and irreversible. Haha, I don't think so. People call Elio a slave to fate, but she found the best one among the countless fates in the universe.】

【Bentie Jizi: Best for whom?】

【Kafka: Is it important? Importantly, our universe has more than one destiny】

【Genshin Elhaysen: From the moment the prophecy appeared, everyone familiar with the matter said that the prophecy would definitely happen and must happen.】

【Genshin Kamisato Ayato: Does it have to happen, or does everyone in the know want it to happen?

If"One-Fifty" doesn't happen, the guy named Tenri will wake up if it doesn't happen.

No one wants to see Heaven wake up, so the prophecy must happen

【Genshin Impact Paimon: Having said that, this feeling of being pushed away by others, and the feeling of powerlessness that everything you do is useless.】

【Since nothing Beng Tie can do is of no use, why don’t we all go home and take a nap together?】

【It's useless to break the iron. People don't think exactly the same. There are always people who think differently from you who will promote these things by chance.】

【If you don't do it, someone will do it, and if everyone doesn't do it, it will lead to more serious consequences.】

【The original god of heaven, what is it? He can be higher than the gods]

Gods are omnipotent, and the water god Fukalos is a member of the seven rulers of the world.

Even she has to kneel down and apologize. What kind of existence is that day?

【Genshin Impact, I thought I only needed to watch the good drama of Fontainebleau, but I didn’t expect that I would also be in the drama.】

【Genshin Impact, are you and I people watching the show or people in the show? Haha, several PVs are like prophecies from another world]

In the video, Navilette once again corrected Ying's last mistake.

The outbreak of primitive fetal sea water in Merlo Petersburg can only be regarded as a small sign, and the real culprit is someone else.

Whales in the sea are both a dream and a reality.

Truth, original sin, judgment, and... the source of disaster.

The Inquisition began to shake and the prophecies began.

The crowd around them fled frantically, and Funina was proven to be not a god. There was no omnipotent god here to protect them.

The space on the floor shattered, and the sky-swallowing whale jumped out.

Just like its name, the Sky-Swallowing Whale is surprisingly large, and its huge mouth of the abyss seems to be able to swallow everything.

The moment the Sky-Swallowing Whale appeared, Navilette strode forward, gathered the water elements in his hands, and hit the Sky-Swallowing Whale firmly.

The sky-swallowing whale remained unmoved, still looking greedily at the surroundings.

Finally, it locked onto Navilette's body, and the long thorns on its head collided with Navilette's body.

Villette was defeated and retreated. In the final analysis, he was just a water dragon king with insufficient power, while the Sky-Swallowing Whale's body was filled with the power of the water of the original womb sea.

He is full and I am exhausted, and Villette retreats temporarily.

The sky-swallowing whale pressed forward step by step, seizing the opportunity to rush towards the crowd.

It longs for the water of the original womb sea, and the Fontaine people who have the water of the original womb sea in their bodies are its targets.

It’s over!

The bottomless mouth was like an abyss, and a big word"death" appeared in the eyes of the Fontaine man who was about to be swallowed.

At this moment, the young master Dadalia, who had disappeared in Merlo Petersburg, suddenly appeared and stabbed the sky-swallowing whale in the back.

Then a fierce battle broke out with him.

Collapsing, plucking, pressing, covering, stripping, pricking, stabbing, at this moment the young master is like a savior saving the Fontaine people present.

Navilette followed closely behind, accumulating strength and transforming into a turret to support behind him.

The Sky-Swallowing Whale was severely injured. It screamed miserably and plunged into the broken space again.

After the war, Dadalia was exhausted, and he looked down at Navilet below. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although they had just cooperated, when thinking that this guy had declared himself guilty, Dadalia couldn't help but make a friendly gesture of jewelry to him, and then together fall into space

【Original God Dadalia: Did you see it? Did you see it? This is my highlight moment. I didn’t expect that I would be able to fight as well as that whale later on.】

【Ms. Genshin Impact: No matter how exhausted you are after being beaten, you don’t even have the strength to mock others.]

The mocking ghost mocked, but Dadalia’s progress should not be underestimated........

The lady couldn't help but compare herself with the sky-swallowing whale, and came to the conclusion that she couldn't take it down either.[]

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: I think this is the reason why Fukalos pronounced me guilty. She needs me to deal with the whale. That's right, no one is more suitable than me, Dadalia, who is getting stronger every second.】

【Original God Dardalia: In this way, I can be considered half of Fontaine’s savior.】

【Original God Funina: Thank you very much Mr. Dadalia for saving the Fontaine people in the future】

【Original God Dardalia: Oh oh oh, did you see that even Fontaine’s honorary Water God recognized it? Rosalin is envious.】

【Ms. Genshin Impact: Idiot!】

【Genshin Impact Lisa: Rosalind, a very familiar name】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Congratulations】

【Beng Sanqianjie: I don’t know, is this enough to make you cheer?】

【Alicia Honsan: Don’t say that, they are great, aren’t they?】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: What on earth is that monster? Even Villette……】

Navilette, one of the Seven Dragon Kings.

Such a being was actually beaten back.

【Natasha Bengtie: Although there was a sudden lack of preparation for the incident, it was enough to prove the terror of the whale.】

【Genshin Impact Navilet: That whale absorbed too much of the water of the primitive sea of ​​​​wombs, and I didn’t dare to go all out for 3.6 moves]

In the live video, I didn’t know what Fukalos was going to do, so I rashly killed the whale. Death will only cause the original fetal sea water in the body to explode, making the prophecy come early.

【Genshin Azar: Let me just say that not accepting the Fontaine people is the right choice. That big whale will hunt down and devour the last Fontaine person.】

【Original God Azar: Who knows what it will eat when it devours the Fontaine people. Xumi’s collection of books is very precious.】

【Bengsan Bronya: She has a good idea of ​​adding insult to injury. It’s really hateful.】

【Genshin Impact Elhaysen: Is there anything extra you want to expose? If not, let’s get to the point.】

【Bengtie Aha: Of course, all the conditions are complete, let’s take the live video back to the previous topic】



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