"It doesn't seem so cold anymore."

After entering the city, March 7 not only sighed.

Even though he was still outdoors, he could clearly feel the increase in temperature.

"Because you are in Belo Borg, the last bastion of humanity."

"The last bastion?"


Jeppard was speechless, and even Bellobog didn't know. It seemed that they really came from outside the world.

Forget it, let’s explain the history of Belo Borg to them.

"Seven hundred years ago, monsters from outer space set the planet on fire. At that time, the earth became scorched earth, and there were burning molten fire and boiling black smoke everywhere."

"At the moment of life and death, a cold wave suddenly came - the sweeping winds came without warning, the invading legions were buried in the blizzard, and only Belo Borg remained.——"

"Determined builders built the city. Under the protection of the protector Clipper, Belo Borg is always warm despite being battered by wind and snow."

"He talks so strangely."

On March 7, he secretly complained to Dan Heng.

"That was not his previous tone. He should have lost by quoting a certain passage from the classics."

"Oh, then why is he telling us this?"

"Because you asked."

Geppard's straightforward answer


It's quite embarrassing to say something in secret and be overheard.

Jeppard didn't care too much and led the three of them to Clipper Castle.

This is the heart of Bellobog. It is not only located in the center of the city, but also the place where all government orders are issued.

Jeppard told a lot about the history of Split World and Belo Borg, including the origin of Belo Borg and some information about the builders of the city.

After everything was ready, he took March 73 and three people into Clipper Castle

"……However, such a sacrifice is meaningless, you cannot——"

"You can leave, Bronya, the visitors have arrived."

Before their arrival, people seemed to be arguing about something.

But with their arrival, the conversation between Cocolia and Bronya could only be temporarily terminated.

"Yes, Mother."

Bronya had no choice but to retreat. The family scandal must not be made public, and Bellobog's conflicts must not be exposed to outsiders.

"Lord Guardian - I brought three outsiders here to see you."

"The messenger has informed me of the situation. Well done, Jeppard, you can quit now."

【Genshin Impact Arataki Ito: Why do you Bellobog women wear two golden melons on your ears? Isn’t it heavy?】

【Genshin Kuki: I'm sorry, boss, he doesn't mean any harm, he just... has a bad mind. Stupid boss, where else can Jin Gua come from other than Dao Wife?

Who would wear Jin Gua on their ears? They are obviously some kind of earrings.

【Beng San Tesla: It’s amazing, Cocolia, you’re doing pretty well in that world.】

【Honsan Cocolia: She is doing the same thing as me, fighting for humanity, isn’t it?】

【Kokolia the Iron Breaker: Yes, the so-called great guardian of Belo Bog is ultimately for the people of Belo Bog.】

【Natasha Bengtie: So in your eyes, the people in the lower district are not the people of Bellobog.】

【Oleg the Iron Man: Humph! In her eyes, our lower-class people are not human beings.]

For the sake of the people of Bellobog, I felt sick hearing this.

Pooh! Disgusting, disgusting! nausea!

【Bengsan Cocolia: They won’t understand. Sometimes, that is a necessary sacrifice.】

【Bengtie March 7: Cocolia is as bad as ever no matter which world it is in.】

【Beng Tie Dan Heng: Looking at the attitudes of people in their world, Cocolia in that world is also not popular.】

【Beng Tie Xing: He looks like a nice person, but secretly he is bad.

He promised well at the beginning to help them find the star core and survive the star core crisis.

As a result, they turned around and arrested them.

Fortunately, they were careful and ran away, otherwise they would still be squatting in Bellobog's prison.

"Cocolia must know something, Shiluva said, Cocolia suspended research on star cores."

Kokolia must not have wanted to arrest them at the beginning, otherwise there would be no need to meet them and just go to jail.

But what was it that made Cocolia's attitude change overnight?

Suddenly, Xing thought of what he was doing That faint sound I heard in my sleep

"What did you think of?"

Sensing the abnormality of Xing, Dan Heng asked

"Nothing special, just a dream."

We know too little information now. Telling it will only mislead our companions."

【Beng Tie March 7: Let’s see what Cocolia’s plans are.】

"Welcome, visitors from beyond the cold wave... no, from beyond the sky, right?"

"I am Cocolialand, the guardian of Belo Borg. Listen here to hear your intentions"

"Don't you doubt our identity?"

Xing observed that Belo Borg's level of civilization was not high, and their origins were too unimaginable for Belo Borg.

I thought it would take a lot of effort, but in fact, both Jeppard and Cocolia believed it easily. Their identities were revealed.

The progress was too smooth, too smooth to be true.

"Do you really want me to doubt it? Are you so unsure of your identity? No, I don't doubt it, I can see that you are not from this world."

Cokolia is the great guardian of Belo Bog. She knows very well what the citizens of Belo Bog are like.

"Only by keeping history in mind can the builders of the city be firm; I know that in the distant past, before the cold wave came and before the legion invaded, this world was extremely prosperous."

It's not like they, Belo Borg, have never left the surface civilization outside the planet. They were just harmed by the Legion and the cold wave.

Don't look down on people too much. Who's ancestors haven't been rich?

"The Star God connected our planet to other worlds, and we learned about the countless possibilities in the vast galaxy, and also heard about the Amber King Creeper - under his watchful eye, we began to build the city wall"

"……So, don't be surprised. Although the city builders have never received news from the stars in the past seven hundred years, I know your existence. Tell me what you mean, and I will listen."

"We are here to colonize this planet"

"Who knows this?"

In the end, Dan Heng still has to come up with useful information.

"We are here for something called a star core……"

Dan Heng began to educate Cocolia about science. No one knew where the star core came from, only that it would bring disaster.

Cold waves and world rifts are disasters brought about by the star core.

The disasters in each world are different, but every world where a star core is planted will give birth to a rift.

【Original God Wendy: What a terrible thing. If the world hadn't been different, I would have thought that the disaster on Teyvat was also caused by the star core. The manifestations of the disaster are different, but they all have cracks, and cracks will erode and give birth to monsters. Sounds a bit like an abyss

"Maybe it was something like that. Diluc made a guess,"

Is it possible that Tivat is also targeted by some kind of force?""

"Not possible."

Wendy waved her hand,"Even if it is an abyss, it and the star core represent two different things."

The power from outside the world has been seeping into Teyvat, but it is definitely not the star core in the Bengtie universe.

"It doesn't matter whether the star is a star or not, I care more about the power of that world called Destiny"

"Indeed, compared to elemental power, the power of destiny seems to be more powerful."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The barrage is quite evil. What can destroy countless continents of Teyvat? Aha can tear apart the galaxy with just a smile.

And that world, in the picture The Belo Borg Iron Collapsing Universe is admittedly backward, but it still seems to be more advanced than Mondstadt.

As for the train running on a fixed track, it would definitely be a happy event if it could appear on the Teyvat continent.


In the video, Dan Heng revealed all their reasons for coming and the reason why they saved Belo Borg.[]

If they don't seal the star core, they won't be able to leave the planet.

In the final analysis, everyone's interests are the same.

For a good reason, Cocolia accepted and promised to help the Pioneer team find the star core.

Up until this point, the relationship between Cocolia and the Trail Blazers team was relatively harmonious.

In other words, it was too harmonious, Cocolia's attitude was very sincere.

This makes some people wonder whether it was really something the Blazers team did that caused Cocolia to have a completely opposite attitude.

【Beng Tie, I am not optimistic about Cocolia, but so far, there is nothing to say about her attitude.】

【Beng Tie was vigilant where he should be vigilant, and reasonable where he should be reasonable. When he heard about the star core, he immediately promised to help find it.】

【Beng Tie, let me just say that Lord Cocolia is the second to Funina. If you still don’t believe it, those outsiders must have offended Lord Cocolia.】

【Compared with Bengtie and outsiders, I trust Lord Cocolia more.】

【It is human nature, we all trust people we are familiar with more than strangers】

【Beng San, keep watching, we'll find out soon】

【According to what outsiders said, Beng San was flooded on the very next day. What happened during this period?

Under the gaze of everyone, behind and to the left of the three people, Cocolia was mumbling something in the corner.

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

There is no one in the corner, but Cocolia is plausibly speaking.

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: She is a ghost】

【Bengsan Kiana: It is said that Cocolia is the second of Funina. It can’t be that there is also a Fukalos in Bellobog. Cocolia is talking to Fukalos, right?】

【Bengtie Bailu: This is too ridiculous. Why would Chang Letianjun play the exact same plot?】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: Can't you just ask the person involved directly?】

【Genshin Laila: Yes, just ask the person involved directly.】

【Bentie Cocolia: Now that everyone has guessed it, I am not satisfied either.]

Borrowing the donkey from the slope, Cocolia was making a final struggle before the matter was revealed.

However, compared to Funina, Cocolia's performance was much more natural, which also gave her more convincing.

【Collapse of Iron Cocolia: There is indeed a being in Bellobog similar to Fukalos who is planning something, and it is his intention to concentrate his power in the upper area]

This is not a lie, the reality is indeed the case, Cocolia It's just a processing of the truth.

Moreover, Cocolia was already bewitched by the Star Core at this time. To her, the truth was this, and she didn't lie.

Cocolia has replaced herself with Funina, and the star core is Fukalos.

They have a plan, a plan to bring Belo Borg into the New World.

For this plan, they are going to fool everyone.

Look how similar they are.

They all use deceptive methods, there is always one person making suggestions behind the scenes, and there is always one person playing dumb at the front desk.

It’s all about...saving one’s own country

【Collapse of Iron Cocolia: As for its secrets, just like the story of Miss Funina, it is not the time to expose it yet.】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: I've already gone to the live broadcast room, what else can't be said?】

【Collapse of Iron and Cocolia: Causes and Consequences. It is impossible for me to explain clearly the cause and effect in a short period of time】817

【Bentie Cocolia: Leave everything to the live broadcast room, you will believe my good intentions】

"Pooh! I don’t believe it if you say it’s the same as Funina’s story."

Xier didn't believe Cocolia's words. There is definitely something wrong with that old witch.

"I believe my mother."

Based on Fontaine's lessons learned and Bronya's own belief in Cocolia, Bronya believed Cocolia's words

"ha? You really believed what the old witch said... Huh, yes, you are the daughter of the old witch and the great guardian of the future."

Xie'er wanted to say something sarcastic, but looked at Bronya's face.

She couldn't say anything too sarcastic. Xi'er was inexplicably irritable, so she could only transfer the fire to Cocolia.


In the video, the Trail Blazers team still doesn't know that this is all Cocolia's delaying strategy.

They were still chatting with Geppard, telling them how reasonable Cocolia was.

The pioneering journey went so smoothly that they still had time to ask Jeppard to recommend places to visit.

During the recommendation, Jeppard specifically warned not to get close to the alleys eroded by the rift.

This also makes people in the three worlds more aware of how serious the core crisis of Bello Borg is.

Since they were all eroded into Belobog City, this can also explain why they allowed the monsters outside the city to roam.

If you can't even take care of the inside of the city, how can you have the energy to take care of the outside of the city.

After bidding farewell to Jeppard, the three of them traveled around the city in the name of pioneering.

After all, traveling is part of pioneering.

The scene turned and they came to the mechanical house.

"The Perpetual Mechanical House has arrived - well, didn't Jeppard say there would be a show here?"

"His original words were that occasionally there would be a performance, but you blocked the two most critical words."

He asked why March 7 was so anxious. It turned out that he didn't hear Jeppard's original words clearly.

"Damn, I'm so interested.……"

【Genshin Impact Fukalos: Miss March Seven is so cute, she looks like Funina】

【Original God Funina: How does it look like?】

【Original God Clolind: Same... restless?】

【Original God Navia: Hahaha, Lady Funina is just like Miss March 7th. Sometimes she seems unreliable, but sometimes she is very reliable.】

【Bengtie March 7: What does it mean to be unreliable sometimes? This girl has always been reliable.】

【Beng Tie Xing: You mean smashing holes in the stadium?】

【Bengtie March 7: Don’t dismantle me in front of the three worlds.】

【Beng Tie Xing: But everyone has known about this for a long time, right?】



PS: I want to speed up the progress. Skip unnecessary steps and fast forward directly to Flame Spear Charge. Also, please give me your vote.

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