"Wait, wait a minute! This is different from saying yes. She clearly said she wanted to invite us to discuss important matters together.……"

Isn't this right? It was fine yesterday, but why is it so bad today?

Also, what the hell is the intention to subvert Bello Borg?

"……This was a planned betrayal, no doubt about it."

The iron guards all around are surrounding me. It's difficult to run away directly."

"I am about to become a prisoner again... I find that this happens once every three worlds."

【Genshin Ying: Every time I go to a country, I will be hunted less once, once in three worlds, you can just have fun secretly】

"That's because you always act on the spur of the moment without any plan."

"I will grow too! Now I just want to plan... plan... plan... I have it!"

"Xing, Danheng, look at the alleyway over there!"

March 7th conspired loudly, completely ignoring the silver-maned iron guard beside him.

"That place was sealed off due to the erosion of the Rift - I knew it was indeed a feasible plan."

Dan Heng also plotted loudly and even began to think about the feasibility of the plan.

"Star, March, be ready to escape"

"Hey, is it really possible? I just said it casually……"

【Original God D'Adalia: Isn't that right? Are all the Silver-maned Iron Guards deaf? They're plotting loudly right there, and you don't care.】

【Bengtie Pella: There are people from the Iron Guard all around. Where can they go? This is Beloberg. How can three outsiders know the streets better than the locals?】

【Bengtie Pella: Besides, it’s a rift. It’s true that the ignorant are fearless.】

【Genshin Elhaysen: But the fact is that the three of them are now appearing in the lower area】

【Beng San Tesla: He also took Bronya away. Isn’t that the daughter of Cocolia Lande in your world, who didn’t even get her back?】

【Bentie Pella: That’s not because... Damn it, Sambokoski, don’t let me see you again】

【Iron-Beng Sambo:? ? ? 】

Damn, this can also be tied to my head

"There are three views——"

In the video, Dan Heng begins to chant the mantra for escape.


Why are you still pronouncing the idiom? Now is not the time to do this, right?

"Shh! This is the old secret code of the train group. When the count reaches one, you run with us!"

"Your destiny is the same——"

"Hey, what are you muttering about? Come with me!"

"——Borrow one from the city!"

After counting to one, Dan Heng pressed March Qi's head and began to run away in many planned directions, as if he had cooperated countless times.

663xing turned around and took out his bat and hit an iron guard hard.

Three The people suddenly burst out, and the surrounding guards were alerted.

It seemed that the three people dared to resist, and they acted in a panic. The two of them just gave Dan Heng a chance.

The spear was swiped at the ground, and the surrounding guards were tripped one after another..

These tripped iron guards formed another barrier, making it difficult for the iron guards behind to move forward.

The three ran away, and the angry iron guards holding the guns raised their guns to shoot, but found that no bullets could be fired from the muzzles..

It’s six-phase ice, and the muzzle of the gun was frozen by March 7th.

"slightly! I respect you all by running first!"

【Bengtie Jingyuan: This unique slogan】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: There are three in Guanyu, which means to draw inferences from one instance and learn more about one thing. Your orders are the same, and this matter cannot be changed or disobeyed. Take advantage of the city and finally give it a try】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: A person’s talents are often revealed inadvertently】

【Genshin Impact Wendy: Why do I feel like you are bragging, old man?】

【Bengtie March 7: It turns out that there are so many things to say in that slogan. I thought it was just to prevent the enemy from hearing what we wanted to do.】

【Original God Leosley: This is indeed the case. The Silver Mane Iron Guard is as if they are deaf.】

"They rushed in."

This is so crazy. Do they know what it means to break the boundary?

There are not enough Iron Guards to suppress the formation, even Jeppard rushes in recklessly.

In Pera's view, the Trail Blazers team is already in danger.

"……He actually rushed into the cracked world, and he didn't know whether he was overconfident or self-destructive. It seems that mother's judgment is correct……"

"To report that they are missing or dead?"

Three people enter the split world, what's the difference between that and seeking death?"


Although it was true to say so, it was impossible and I still refused.

"No, the Great Guardian's order is to capture the prisoners, and they cannot refuse to pursue them just because they escaped into the blocked area. No matter life or death, I have to witness it with my own eyes!"


"What I can still do now... is to kill Belo Borg's villains."

Bronya saw the fatigue of Cocolia's mother, and she knew that she could not help much.

So, at least in other places, she could not let her mother continue to worry.

The scene changed, and the three pioneers fled frantically. , and when they ran to the designated exit, Bronya blocked their way.


The three people braked suddenly, and the bullet hit them right in front of them.

If they had reacted slower, they might have had several big holes in their bodies.

"He really came after me!"

There are silver-maned iron guards everywhere on the streets and on the high walls.

They are surrounded. There is really no way to escape now."

"snort! Being underestimated"

"Even if it is eroded by the Rift, this place will always be a part of Belo Borg and our former home. The Iron Guard knows this place well."

"The escape game is over. Put down your weapons and come back with me."

"You are really stalking me... You can't figure out what we have committed, so you have been chasing us all the way here without giving up."

This is a divided world. Bellobogg's expression changed when he talked about it.

March 7 was speechless. I thought that if I ran here, I wouldn't be chased.

"The order I received is to arrest you. As for the detailed culpability, the referee will explain it to you."

"You met us yesterday, remember?"

You can't run away," Dan Heng tried to reason.

After all, they are here to solve the problem, not to fight.

You can't use that guy's power just because it's a big deal, and Dan Heng doesn't want to use his power.

"At that time we were treated as guests of the Cocolia Lady."

"It is difficult for us to accept the earth-shaking changes overnight."

"……The Lord Guardian investigated your background. She summoned me yesterday night and said that you had deceived her; your identity and purpose were all forged, intended to undermine the Builder's control of Belo Borg."

【Beng Tie Xi'er: One thing in front of others and another in hindsight. This is the great guardian of Bellobog.】

【Bentie Jeppard: Now it seems that the three outsiders are indeed people from outside the world. So how did the Great Guardian investigate?】

【Bronya the Iron Breaker: Enough Jeppard, that's just rhetoric. The Great Guardian must have her reasons.】

【Original God Diluc: Cocolia must be planning something, but whether it is the second Funina remains to be seen.】

"Hehehehehehe, yes! That's it, Funina Second."

Seeing that most of the people support this statement, Aha is very satisfied.

What can best collect people's emotions on a large scale, does he take stock of Aha's exposure?

No, it is the contrast, the contrast in people's hearts, a kind of insufficiency Contrast of people's psychological expectations.

You think Funina is a false water goddess, a liar, and a clown who deceives the world and steals her reputation.

No, she is a hero, she is hope, she is the savior who has shouldered Fontaine's five hundred years alone. (Watch it! For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Do you think Cocolia is Funina? Behind her, there is also Fukalos who advises Bello Borg.

No, she is a liar, a buffoon, and a protector. Traitor.

Look, the great guardian of Belo Bog uses the power to corrode Belo Bog to wield the butcher knife at her people, while the unknown stranger from outside uses the power of protection to fight for the residents of Belo Bog. Stay safe.

Look, this is so much fun, isn't it?


"Ah, how come this old witch does one thing to others!"

In the video, March 7th complained dissatisfiedly about what Cocolia did, but this stepped on Bronya's fault.

Bronya's face changed when she heard an outsider insulting her most admired mother. uglier

"(cifd) Publicly insulting the Great Guardian will only make you more guilty. Put down your weapons and surrender!"

"There is no point in talking, March, at least one thing is clear: We must not be arrested now"

"Since there is no way to escape, let them see the power of the train crew!"

Kokolia is not trustworthy. They come from outside the world. Where did Cocolia go to investigate their backgrounds?

This is an unfounded crime.

The three resisted vigorously, and dozens of silver-maned iron guards could not enter them.

The alley was narrow, The large army cannot be mobilized, so Bronya can only go into battle in person.

After all, she is still the commander of the Silver-maned Iron Guard, and the practitioners of destiny are strong.

Unless more powerful forces are used, it will never be possible to defeat her in a short time beat

"This kid... is a little too powerful. Hey, Dan Heng, use your hidden power quickly!"

"……You go first"

"cut! Not interesting"

"Take it easy, intruder! I will make sure you get a fair trial."

You really dare to say a fair trial.

The reasons for arresting people are all false. How can the trial be fair?"

"Uh, I didn’t mean to ruin the atmosphere~"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Smoke enveloped the area, and the surrounding visibility dropped to less than one meter.

What’s even more frightening is that the smoke seems to have a dizzying effect.


Bronya covered her mouth and nose to prevent herself from inhaling some smoke, but it was in vain.

"……Choking to death...cough cough……"

At the last second of their coma, they saw Sambo's appearance.

"I just want to say that Sambo will never let our friends who have helped us suffer."

"Look, I, Sambo, keep my word!"

【Bengtieqingque: I almost forgot about this person. I didn’t expect him to appear here.】

【Genshin Impact Skirmishers: With just this little strength, you are not very strong after being knocked unconscious by mere smoke.】

【Bengtie Sangbo: This is me, Sangbo. I will help my friends when they are in trouble. Do you want to make friends with Sangbo?】

【Bengtie March 7: I don’t want to】

【Bangtie Sambo: Friend, don’t make trouble, we saved you after all.]

In the video, the scene changed again, but this time it was not the Trail Blazers team, but Cocolia. young cocolia

"……They will suffer, they will sacrifice, they will die because of my orders"

"It is not death that greets them... they will be wrapped in the swaddling clothes of a new world"

"What about the people in the lower districts? They will lose the protection of the builders, and they will see me as... a tyrant"

"You've seen...the world we promised"

"The short-term, in exchange for eternal prosperity"

"It's up to you, we respect it"

"……I see."

It's also a short paragraph, and the amount of information is amazing.

The short conversation directly caused the barrage to explode into pieces.

【Natasha Bentie: It was that voice again, it was the one that made Cocolia abandon the lower area.】

【Iron Breaker Jeppard: Temporary no solution, eternal prosperity... Lord Cocolia is indeed doing the same thing as Funina】

【Original God Leosley: It’s not death, but the infancy of a new world. Couldn’t that voice be the star core?】

【Beng Tie March 7: If you look at it, it's the star core causing trouble. That old witch was bewitched. What a new world, bah, how can there be such good things in this world?】

【Kokolia the Iron Breaker: Shut up! You simply don’t understand the world it promises. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’ve seen that world.】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: How do you tell it’s not a false shadow?】

【Kokolia: How did Funina judge Fukalos at that time? ]

Cocolia retorted back, and Funina also believed Fukalos' words without knowing anything.

Then why couldn't she believe what Xinghe said.

The wish of Fukalos is illusory, but the promise of Star Core is really visible.

You don't understand anything

【Bentie Cocolia: Keep reading. When everything is exposed, you will understand my painstaking efforts.】

【Genshin Impact Paimon: She looks so confident in her vows that I don’t even know who to believe.】

【Beng Tie Xing: Maybe she has already deceived herself. If she wants to deceive others, she must first deceive herself.】

【Bengsan Tesla: Is it possible that Cocolia is telling the truth, but it’s all from her perspective]

Isn’t it the same with Cocolia in their world, doing experiments that are outrageous but thinks they are saving mankind?

In order to achieve his own goals, he will not even let his daughter go. This is Cocolia


After the brief conversation disappeared, the camera showed the Trail Blazers team again.

At this time, he was already in the lower area

"Hello! Look, who is that!"

"Is that Bronya?"

"It looks like I'm in some kind of trouble.……"

"Ladies and buddies, don’t just sit back and watch! You must not make this matter a big deal.……"

Bronya is a member of the upper class and a silver-maned iron guard.

During this sensitive period when there are many conflicts between the upper and lower classes, if they had a conflict, things would not end well.

"When you say that, I feel like I'm watching you suffer. March

7 said jokingly, she has been unhappy with Sang Bo for a long time. She just tricked Dan Heng into boxing in an underground boxing ring, and she made a lot of money, right?

"We'd better not draw too much attention to it, but we can't leave the kid alone either."

"Ah Qi is right, let's go back and rest."

Hearing this, Dan Heng and March Qi both widened their eyes.

"Uh, we're just joking, don't listen to me on everything."

"Actually I agree with Dan Heng on one thing, we can't watch cute girls being bullied, right?"



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