"A more important mission……?"

Bronya doesn't quite understand, is there anything more important than being the Great Guardian leading the people of Belo Bog?

"It's too early, Bronya...it's too early. One day you will understand."

Xing continued to move forward. This time, what appeared in front of her was not a false shadow, but a... child?

She read it right, the person who appeared in this universe was a child.

"The city is crying...the power of preservation is fading."

The figure said so. It was very sad. Seven hundred years of hard work were finally ruined.

"In the end... we still can't resist the will of the star core."

The will of the protector, although the figure did not introduce itself grandly, Xing still knew what it was.

"Cocolia gave up its protection."

Xing said truthfully

"Yes...but we have no right to blame"

"For the past seven hundred years, the Rift has continued to expand every minute. What we leave to our successors...is no faith or wealth, only boundless despair."

The will of the guardian is the remnant of the great guardians of the past. They are sad for the death of Belo Borg, but they have no right to criticize Cocolia. In the eyes of outsiders, they are great guardians with strong will. In their own eyes, they are strong-willed guardians.

Come on, they are losers who have not left a firm belief to future generations.

Seven hundred years of despair have been long enough.

If destruction is the only way out for Belo Borg, then they understand, let go, and respect

"Watching the home you were sworn to protect slowly fade away... was torture. Plus that lingering, inflammatory whisper……"

"No matter how firm you are, you will inevitably waver. This day is bound to come. His protection...is destined to leave us"

"Then let others take care of it."

If Cocolia isn't good enough, then someone else can come up. There will always be someone who won't waver."


The will of the protector slowly turned around.

This is the first time it has heard a different voice since the first generation of Great Guardian Alisaland.

The great guardians of the past dynasties have been hesitating between whether to waver, and the greater the guardians behind them, the more wavering they are.

28 Until now, it has regarded giving up protection as something that could happen at any time.

But an outsider told it an answer that had been hidden for a long time.

An answer that no one will ever think about if no one says it

"A passer-by, but determined to shoulder the fate of the entire world……"

"That's fine. What’s left to lose…what’s left to try?"

You can even try this ridiculous choice of joining the star core, so what if you hand over the power of protection to outsiders.

Belo Borg's ending has long been doomed. In this case, why can't you give it a try?

【Genshin Impact Qingqing: I still have the same evaluation. If it doesn’t work, find someone else who does. If you don’t have diamonds, don’t take the porcelain job.】

【Servant of the Original God: I think this is just a matter of two choices. Cocolia chose the star core, and Bronya and the guardian's will chose outsiders.】

【Dr. Genshin Impact: The difference is whether you choose something you are familiar with or something you don’t know. Oh, yes, from Cocolia's point of view, that is a new life】

【Natasha Bengtie: That is the will protected by Belo Borg, and it has become so weak that it looks like a child.】

【Bengtie Huanhu: Why struggle so hard? Even if Cocolia is not crazy, the next generation and the next generation will also be crazy.】

【Teresa Bengsan: It is undeniable that Cocolia has accelerated this process】

【Beng San Tesla: People are bound to die, why don’t you die now?】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: Cocolia said that she should cast her sights on the stars, but she is indeed the one who keeps her head down and stands still.]

The universe has never been just a corner of Belo Borg. Beyond Yalilo 6, there is also a sea of ​​stars.

They will influence each other and intersect with each other.

Qingque actually admires Fu Xuan. She works day and night to protect the fairy boat.

In a card game where there are only losers in the universe, she chooses to keep struggling just to let Rofodo sail forward for one second.

【Iron-Banging Qingque: The energy of the universe is like an ongoing Emperor Huan Qiongyu card. The outcome of who wins and who loses has already been decided, but even if you lose, you have to lose with dignity.】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: This is the romance that belongs to human beings】

"Qing Que really has a lot of tricks up his sleeve."

Fu Xuan secretly peeked at the screen, paying attention to Qingque's every word.

The discoverer boy can always say very reasonable things inadvertently.

"When I become General Luofu, I will make you a fortune teller... When will that guy Jing Yuan abdicate?"

【Genshin Yagami: Let me guess, the next plot is that Starburst, who has obtained the power of protection, beats Cocolia】

【Bengtie March 7: Great! Accept the will of preservation and then fight Cocolia for 300 rounds.】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: Wait, is there music?]

In the video, the protector's will finally chose to lend his power to the outsider, Xing.

The star core will only drag Belo Borg into destruction. Cocolia chooses to make a desperate move. They can also give it a try.

"Touch the light of amber, pioneer. See if the will to protect within you is strong enough...strong enough to attract His gaze."

Xing strode forward and grabbed the amber gun cleanly.

The gun was resisting, and it felt the destructive power of its mortal enemy. The aftermath shook Xing away, but she was not to be outdone, and held on tightly again.

It seemed that she felt With the huge protective power in Xing's body, the amber spear no longer rejected her.

The frozen flame spear rekindled the flame, and the protective will cast its gaze on her.

Xing suddenly opened her eyes and found that she had returned to reality.

The one below The companions arrived, and they didn't know what had just happened.

But they saw that Xing was not only fine, but also picked up Cocolia's weapon.

Xing looked back and smiled, and raised the flame spear at Cocolia.

As if to tell her... …In the name of preservation, the second round can now be started.

"This is impossible……"

Cocolia is the great guardian of Belo Borg, and she certainly leads what it means for the Amber Spear to be rekindled.

The protector's will gave up on her and chose the yellow-haired girl in front of her.

Why, when embracing the star core is the only way out for Belo Borg, why should he give up on her?

Do you even want to give up on her, the only will that can understand each other?

"The will to protect has already made its choice……"

The ignited spear is the proof. The Amber King once again looked at Bellobog.

"You have no idea of ​​the plight of this world...no idea of ​​the outcome that awaits it!"

Bronya:"Even if we are destined to perish, we will hold hands and bravely walk into the darkness.——"

March 7:"No, as long as we are here, that kind of solution will never happen!"

Damn it, one or two people are trying to stop my plan.

The people rebelled against their relatives and separated from each other, which is what Cocolia was talking about at this time.

The upper zone, the lower zone, close friends, the only beloved daughter, the will of the protector...

When Cocolia chose the star core, her friends left her one by one. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then let the person with the big fist speak. Even if he gets the attention of King Amber, he is still not a brat after all.

Cocolia controlled the Creation Engine, but this time, the iron fist of the Creation Engine fell hard on Cocolia.

【Genshin Arataki Yidou: Damn it! That big robot betrayed】

【Beng Tie March 7: What does it mean to rebel? Then abandon the darkness and turn to the light.】

【Beng San Meiyi: Is it my imagination? I always feel that the power of the Creation Engine is stronger.】

【Benttie Topa: Who gave her the courage to use the power of protection to destroy? What's more, how can the power of a mere star core compare to the Amber King?】

【Broken Iron Jeppard: The Creation Engine represents the will of preservation. Since Cocolia gave up on preservation, the Creation Engine also gave up on her.】

【Honsan Alicia: No matter what the price, human beings...will definitely defeat the star core]

With the destruction of Cocolia's last reliance, the battle also reached its climax.

The war song sounded, and Cocolia showed its final madness

"The power of the star core is with me……"

"You... are just the dying struggle before the collapse of the old world!"

"I will create with my own hands...a great new world!"

The star that covered the sky appeared in Cocolia's hands, and the sense of oppression was overwhelming. The three worlds he saw made the hearts of those below the level tremble.

But how can the power of the star core compete with the star god? After several rounds.With the charge of the flame spear, Cocolia's armor was shattered on the spot, and her figure began to dissipate.

"No! Don't take her away!"

Bronya wanted to step forward and hug Cocolia, but Xi'er held her tightly.

She couldn't let Bronya die.

"Star Core...promises the future!"[]

"It will...devour everything!"

Forcibly integrated the star core into his body, and what Cocolia got was the backlash of the star core.

"Mother, stop it!"

Bronya cried, but it was too late.

Not everyone has a special physique like the stars that the Black Tower wants to study. Cocolia failed to integrate with the stars, but turned into powder.

Dongfang. The aurora appeared in the weather, which was the hope of life.

Bronya knelt down weakly, symbolizing the destruction of the old era and the beginning of the new era.

"it's over……"

Xi'er sighed, and at the same time she also understood that it was a new beginning.

"Mother... have you ever... woken up from your dream?"

She saw it and knew that at the last moment Cocolia still tried to use the power of the star core to resist.

"Wow, this time of pioneering... it's really not easy. Dan Heng, Xing - we succeeded! Uh, but what to do with the star core? Uncle Yang used to handle it……"

Dan Heng:"I have notified Ji Zi and Mr. Walter, and I will leave the star core to them to seal it.""

"Great! Now, the crisis in this world has been resolved, right?"

"……The wind and snow are fierce and it is difficult to stop suddenly"

"After the star core is sealed, the cold wave will slowly subside. The rifts in this world will no longer expand violently, but they will not disappear out of thin air either. Yalilo 6 gets a chance to come back to life, but it will take time……"

"These all depend on their own efforts."

【The iron collapse is over, this is... the future of another world】

【I always feel like there's more to come after Bengtie, but that's no longer important.】

【It no longer matters whether the truth about Bengtie is true or not. If we can’t even trust the Great Guardian, then who can we trust?】

【Maybe you can try to get the Blazers to stay】

【Beng Tie has a great idea. How about letting the pioneer who is being watched by the Amber King serve as the great guardian?】

【She is a protector of broken iron, has leadership skills, and is a female. She is the great guardian of course.】

【Beng Tie March 7: Calm down 623, it is impossible for Xing to serve as the great guardian……】

【Collapse Iron Star: Belo Borg’s great guardian, sounds pretty cool.】

【Bengtie March 7: Huh?】

【Beng Tie Xing: Just kidding, I am not being watched in this world. And, what do you think of Bronya?】

【Original God Funina: I think it’s good. Haven’t you seen it? It’s not that the Great Guardian is untrustworthy, but that Cocolia is untrustworthy.】

【Original God Leosli: Bronya’s behavior still cannot be recognized by you Belobog people]

Originally, letting outsiders be the great guardian was just an angry statement, but now someone mentioned that letting Bronya As a great guardian, the Belo Borg people really lowered their heads and thought about the feasibility of it.

It is said that when a person is vulnerable, it is the best time to get close to him.

For the Belobog people, today is their most vulnerable time.

Cocolia's plan was exposed. She wanted to throw everyone into the rift, and she also wanted to join the star core.

The faith of almost all the Berobog people has collapsed. If Xing really intends to take advantage of this situation and serve as the great guardian, it is not impossible.

Unfortunately, Xing did not have this idea and chose to let Bronya take the lead.

In addition to Bronya, Natasha is also a good choice.

But like Star, Natasha has no interest in the position of Grand Guardian.

【Compared with Cocolia, Bentie’s daughter Bronya can indeed】

【Before she was adopted, Bronya Bentie was from our lower district, right? If she becomes the leader, will our life in the lower district be easier?】

【I think Beng Tie is fine. Her performance in the live video is very reliable and she is also very approachable in daily life.】

【Bengtie’s live broadcast room will not lie, she will expose a person’s true face】

【No matter what, Bentie is still better than Cocolia.】

【Beng Tie lets her try it first. If our lives don’t improve significantly, we will replace her at that time.】

【Beng Tie has a good saying, if she can't do it, then find someone else to take over.]

Like Feng Dan's prophecy, the star core crisis is not inaccessible.

Since there is still a glimmer of hope, why give up?

It's just not enough... In reality, everyone looked at Cocolia with despair.

Maybe the live broadcast of some people's remarks is right, and Cocolia is just making another choice.

But...if it's wrong, it's wrong.

Because of what Cocolia did, their families and their friends died.

Could it be that in the end, just a light apology from Cocolia could solve the problem?

They will never allow it, never!



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