"The live broadcast has started, damn it, at this time."

The Far East Branch is facing a very serious dilemma at the moment.

Bishop Otto, Theresa's grandfather, captured Kiana.

In order to rescue Kiana, Theresa decisively chose to cooperate with Destiny's enemy Anti-Entropy. The Far East Branch has judged Tianming.

After several exchanges of fire, they are about to approach the Tianming headquarters.

But at this time……


Mei Yi's voice trembled, she was afraid

"We...can't seem to move……"


Teresa came to her senses.

Sure enough, not only them, but the entire Hyperion seemed to be suspended.

The only place they can move is their mouths

"It's grandpa... No, it's impossible for Tianming to have such technology."

If Destiny had technology, anti-entropy would have been finished long ago.

Honkai is also impossible, so leave these two aside.

Theresa looked at the mobile phone floating in front of her eyes. It was obvious that something could float on her. In front of you.

Then Aha, His power has become stronger again.

I am afraid that not only them, but the entire Bengsan World has been controlled.

【Genshin Impact Wendy: First, no one is faster than the wind】

【Bronya Bentie: Time flies, I didn’t expect it has been so long】

【Yuanshen Lei Movie: What kind of story will happen this time?】

【Bengsan Cocolia: Damn it! I can't move my body】

【Honkaiju Rosalia: The good news is that the Honkaimon on the opposite side can't move either.】

【Honkaisan Lilia: It’s amazing. This is the first time I’ve observed Honkaimon in detail like this.】

【Tesla crashes: It’s crazy, the whole world is suspended】

【Bengsan Kevin: God from another world, I didn’t expect you to be able to do this]

During the first inventory, Aha’s power could only control Fontaine for one second across the world.

But now, in order to allow people in the collapsed world to watch the live broadcast with peace of mind, He can actually pause the entire world.

【Genshin Impact: What are you talking about? Aha has paused the time in your world.】

【Bengsan Mebius: To be precise, he precisely controls every part of the world. The power of the Star God is fascinating.】

【Walter Bengtie: This is not the power of the Star God, but the power of the live broadcast room]

This is definitely not the power of the Star God. 077 The Star God itself is certainly powerful, but it has not yet reached the effect of controlling people across the world.

【Genshen Ganyu: What is the origin of the live broadcast room? He can actually control a person in the world]

Beng San World, after all, is bigger than Liyue.

In a world, there should be many, many strong people, and they were all controlled by Aha at this moment.

【Teresa Bengsan: I didn’t expect He could do it to this extent】

【Beng Sanjizi: Damn it, I’m not in the mood to watch any live broadcast right now】

【Bengsan Meiyi: Kiana, Kiana, are you okay?】

【Bengsan Bronya: Damn it... at this time】

【Honzo Kiana: Mei...Mei, Teacher Himeko】

【Bengsan Meiyi: Kiana】

【Bengsanqiana: I'm okay, it's strange, this live broadcast room seems to be placed directly in my mind】

【Benzo Otto: Oh, this is really... Go back, Theresa, I will treat you as a traitor this time]

Otto’s plan is all for Kallen, and Theresa is part of his plan to resurrect Kallen. Accessories. , it is said to be an accessory, but if you keep a dog for a few years, you still have feelings for it, let alone a human.

【Teresa Bengsan: If I hadn’t been unable to move now, I would have really wanted to show you my answer right now.】

【Bengtie Aha: Long time no see, I miss you so much. Friends, I am still your old friend. Aha】

【Bengtie Aha: Have you missed me? Have you? Great, in return, Aha brings you the exposure inventory of Bengsan World this time.】

【Bengtie March 7: Yeah! I guessed it right, Dan Heng, please help me take out the trash】

【Beng Tie Danheng: I didn’t want to bet with you at all】

【Beng Tie Xing: There are only three worlds in total, and it’s Beng San’s turn.】

【Genshin Arataki Yidou: Hahahaha, I can’t wait any longer. Please serve it quickly.】

【Bengtie Aha: Of course, as you wish】

"The defensive barriers have been fully contacted, and the Hyperion will soon reach the top of the experiment."

At the beginning, Mei was reporting the situation to Theresa.

People in the other two worlds were still confused, but Theresa and others in Bengsan World already knew what was going to be exposed during the live broadcast.

"This is our trip, no wonder Aha has to go to great lengths to pause our world."

Theresa looked complicated. In this case, she would like to thank Aha for thinking about them.

"I'm sorry, everyone, please don't blame me if this is a misfortune."

Theresa admitted that this time she got the better of her impulse.

"What are you talking about, principal, we are companions, but the Valkyrie has a habit of abandoning her companions."

Although she was controlled, Mei still encouraged Theresa in her own way.

"At least we can advance to the ending, right? Maybe we can get a nice reward."

Ji Zi is quite open-minded.

"Hopefully there will be some Bronya’s highlight moments."

Since you can't resist, just enjoy it silently.

A few people calmed down and looked forward to their future.

In the video, Theresa looked at the Destiny Headquarters in front of her with a solemn expression.

"Something was wrong...the defense suddenly became weak, as if it was intentional."

There must be a demon if you use normalcy. When Theresa realized something was wrong, the Hyperion shook hugely on the spot.

"what happened?"

With Theresa's question, Mei Yi from behind was sucked out on the spot.

"Strong spatial fluctuations were detected...ah! ?"

"Mei!! Theresa exclaimed as she watched Meibi suck it out.

The live broadcast room dimmed and then lit up, and a white-haired girl appeared in front of her.

Everyone who knew the girl opened their eyes in excitement, it was Kiana,Escaped from Tianming Headquarters


Floating in the air, Kiana hugged Mei Yi like a princess.

"Kiana! Are you alright?!"

Mea Yi was also very excited and surprised to see Kiana.

In Mei's imagination, the trip to the Tianming Headquarters was full of misfortunes.

Not to mention going through nine or eighty-one difficulties, there should also be seven or seven forty-nine. Jie.

But now, Kiana is right in front of him, hugging him in a shameful way

"I'm fine, I'm fine……"

Kiana's tone was very calm, not calm like Kiana.

The blue eyes turned golden, and Kiana's voice naturally switched to another one.

"So good...it's almost like I've been given a new lease of life"

"Kiana! ?"

The familiar companion disappeared, replaced by another person who looked similar but gave a completely different impression.

Her voice was cold, and the real Kiana would never have such a voice.

"I'm so happy to have you by my side when I wake up"

"Now, become one with me again, half of me"

【Bengsan Meiyi: Kiana!】

【Teresa Bengsan: The result that you least expected to see has come] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Beng Sanjizi: This day should have happened a long time ago】

【Genshin Impact: What happened? Why did that girl suddenly change?】

【Beng Tie March 7: With that cold tone, she couldn’t be possessed by evil spirits, right?】

【Bengsanqiana: No, that’s not me】

【Otto Bengsan: That’s you, that’s who you really are】[]

The plan may be coming to light, but Otto doesn't care.

The cunning rabbit has three holes, he has already prepared a backup method

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Miss Kiana is the protagonist of this review, right?】

【Genshin Impact Funina: Not necessarily. In the last inventory, there was no so-called (afac) protagonist]

In the inventory on Yalilo 6, there were too many people who could be the protagonists.

I originally thought that Cocolia, who was discussed the most, was the protagonist, but in the final bonus chapter, there was no Cocolia at all.

【Genshin Impact Fukaros: By the way, how is Cocolia?】

【Bengtie Aha: Well...she was treated like a king】

【Genshin Impact Leosley: Huh? She can still be treated like a king】

【Bengtie Aha: King of White Chess Kingdom】

【Beng San Tesla: What kind of hell joke is this?]

As soon as he mentioned White Chess Country, Tesla understood it instantly and excitedly explained the joke to people in other worlds.

【Beng San Tesla: Let me explain to you. The king of the white chess country was eventually beheaded by his people.】

【Broken Iron Bronya:……】

【Genshin Impact Skirmisher: Hahahaha, this joke is quite to my liking. From now on, I will also treat other people as kings.】

【Original God Dardalia: The king of another world corresponds to a god. I remember that a certain guy has always been quite a god.】

【Genshin Impact Skirmisher:...If you can’t speak, sew your mouth shut]

How dare you laugh at a mere moron who knows three-legged cat kung fu?

【Bengsanqiana: Damn it, what will happen in the future]

Damn it, she can't do anything when she's trapped in the camp.

In the video, Mei's body was awakened by the Herrscher of Thunder.

She shook the Herrscher of the Sky away with one strike of her sword, even though she was the same Herrscher as the Herrscher of the Sky.

But this doesn't mean that the Herrscher of Thunder is willing to be swallowed by her

"We are late, she has been controlled by Honkai!"

"She is in danger now."

The meaning of the Herrscher of Thunder's words told Mei Yi to run quickly. The current Mei Yi is definitely no match for the Herrscher of the Sky.

But Mei Yi rejected the Herrscher of Thunder's proposal.

"No, it is precisely because he is in danger now that I absolutely cannot let her go."

"Hmm...okay. Since the enemy is the Herrscher, we must use the power of the Herrscher to solve it."

"Don't let me down."

For a short time, she and Mei Yi became one. Strengthened by the power of the Herrscher of Thunder, Mei Yi's confidence greatly increased.

"Kiana! I will never abandon you... just like you have never abandoned me!"

However, there is a gap between the Herrscher and the Herrscher.

The Herrscher of Thunder is just one of the four gems of the Herrscher of the Sky. How can it beat the Herrscher of the Sky itself?

What's more, Mei Yi can exert it. How much power.

After a few rounds, Mei Yi was choked by the Herrscher of the Sky.

【Beng San Meiyi: Damn it, I am still too weak after all]

The moment she saw her defeat, Meiyi really regretted her own weakness.

【Genshin Kaia: Is this still weak? ]

Kaiya was shocked. It would be understandable if people in the iron-colliding world were strong. After all, it was a world with cosmic concepts.

But if the three worlds collapse, it will be the surface world like them.

Who is Mei? I found out from past barrages that she is a B-level Valkyrie.

What is the concept of a B-level Valkyrie? A Valkyrie who can barely go on the battlefield.

But after watching the fight between Herrscher of the Sky and Mei Yi, Kaia's whole body became numb.

With this kind of strength, you can barely fight Honkai. What the hell is Honkai?

"That child is in a special situation, have you noticed? She has the same power as the Herrscher of the Sky, and she also has the power of the Herrscher."

Diluc glanced at Kaia and expressed his opinion on this

"It scared me to death. I thought I could only become a Valkyrie by fighting the Herrscher."

As early as the first inventory, the people of Beng San World had mentioned the concept of Herrschers.

In their description, they were a group of things more terrifying than demon gods.

Although Kaiya did not believe it, how could every person There has been something that can rival the Seven Gods since the beginning of this world.

If anything could rival the Seven Gods, then wouldn’t Teyvat be the world with the lowest combat power?

There are people on the barrage saying that Honkai is omnipotent and that Elemental Power Dogs No need.

Haha, people who have never used elemental power certainly don’t know how useful this thing is.

In the video, Mei Yi, who was strangled by the neck, was still worried about Kiana’s comfort.

She stroked Kiana’s face with great effort Trying to wake her up, and it was her move that made Kiana wake up.

Although it was only for a second.

The golden pupils turned back to blue, and Kiana's will began to compete with Konglu for control of her body..

But how could an ordinary little girl defeat the famous Herrscher of the Sky with willpower?

Just a few seconds later, the Herrscher of the Sky successfully suppressed Kiana's will.

In Mei's worry In her eyes, she sneered. She laughed at Kiana's overestimation and celebrated her return.

The power of Honkai unfolded, and countless Honkai beasts were summoned by the Herrscher of the Sky.

They came to protect themselves. Queen...

Under the indifferent eyes of the Herrscher of the Sky, Mei flew out.

She stood up with difficulty, but the Honkai Beast had already appeared behind her.

The Honkai Beast stabbed down without mercy, and the three worlds The people all exclaimed.

Could it be that Meiyi was about to disappear in front of them? Damn it, they couldn't do anything.

In the surprised eyes of the people, Honkaimon stopped.

It was not because Honkaimon was soft-hearted, but It wasn't the Herrscher of the Sky who showed mercy, but the Anti-Entropy.

A mecha belonging to the Anti-Entropy slowly appeared, and it was he who stopped the Honkai Beast.

One, two... more and more Anti-Entropy The mechas came to support, and they struggled with the Honkai Beast.

The situation on the scene was reversed.

Countless mechas came to support, and the people in the three worlds watched with excitement.

No one can refuse the torrent of steel, no one



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