Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

: Forty-first battle: Lund Kingdom Rescue Battle

   "I believe that everyone here knows that the two small countries in the western part of our Britannia Empire, the Lund Kingdom and the Carolingian Kingdom, broke out a month ago."

   Ilsa’s father, Gail continued to speak loudly.

"The Lund Kingdom is a vassal state of our Britannia Empire, and the Carolingian Kingdom is a vassal state of our mortal enemy, the Frank Empire, just like the relationship between our Britannia Empire and the Frank Empire. The Kingdom of Lund, which is our vassal, is also at odds with the Carolingian Kingdom, which is a vassal of the Frank Empire, so it’s not surprising that war broke out between the two countries."

"The Lund Kingdom and the Carolingian Kingdom have the same national strength and military strength. Therefore, the 90,000 army of the Lund Kingdom and the 80,000 army of the Carolingian Kingdom started a confrontation. It stands to reason that evenly matched, they are not so fast to win. Negative."

"However, just a week ago, the confrontation between the two countries was broken! The Frankish Empire secretly sent their general-'steel bone' Alan Jones to help the Carolingian Kingdom, so the army of the Carolingian Kingdom The commander was secretly replaced by the "steel bone" Allen. Under Allen's command, the 90,000 troops of the Lund Kingdom were wiped out, the main forces of the Lund Kingdom were completely destroyed, and the capital is now under the command of Allen. The Wanga Lorraine Kingdom Army is under siege."

"The Kingdom of Lund has now issued a cry for help to our Britannia Empire. The matter of whether to rescue the Kingdom of Lund must not be simply handled! If this matter is not handled properly, it will greatly harm our Breton. The prestige of the Tannia Empire among the nations! It is precisely because this matter is so important that I deliberately rushed back to Pendragon yesterday. So, now I would like to ask you all to talk about your views, it is to save the Kingdom of Lund , Still can't save."

  Gail's voice just fell, and the conference hall of the University of Nuovo became noisy again, but the Cavaliers' side was much quieter than the Wenchen side who was discussing enthusiastically.

   However, this is also normal. Whether this war should be launched is what the civil servants should think about, and how the war should be fought is what the knights should think about.

Therefore, the knights are extremely quiet. Basically, no one is talking or discussing. Many knights are holding their arms, watching the show, silently waiting for the results of the discussions from the ministers, and even the knights have begun to fight. It's a nap, or "the soul is flying beyond the sky".

Su Cheng belongs to the kind of knight who has been "soul flying beyond the sky". This kind of political issue shouldn't be a knight should participate in, and he is just the lowest-ranking new knight, so he is not qualified to be involved in this kind of political issue. Speak up.

   Su Cheng has made preparations to be a little transparent in this chamber, and then stand until the end of the meeting.

   Soon, a middle-aged man walked out of the line of ministers.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty. In my opinion, we must come to rescue the Lund Kingdom!" the middle-aged man said in a firm tone, "The Lund Kingdom is a vassal state of our Britannia Empire. If protection is not good, isn't our Britannia empire going to be looked down upon by other countries?"

However, as soon as the middle-aged man's voice fell, an old man with white beard and hair walked out of the line of ministers and said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty. From my point of view, this Lund Kingdom is not saved! For us, saving them means neither money nor land. It's just gaining some face and fame. Compared with the cost of sending out the army, it is really not worth the loss!"

"Hmph, you said that, it would be too short-sighted!" At this time, the third person came out from the civil servants' queue and said, "Although rescue the Lund Kingdom, for our Britannia Empire, it will not What kind of material income can be obtained, but if the Lund Kingdom can be successfully saved, the prestige of our Britannia Empire among the countries will be greatly increased! And prestige is something that money cannot buy!"

   At this time, more and more people came out of the civil servants' queue.

"But if we want to increase the prestige of our Britannia Empire, we must first defeat the 80,000 army of the Carolingian Kingdom and break the siege of the capital of the Lund Kingdom! Don’t forget, now Gallo Who is commanding the 80,000 army of the Lin Kingdom! Now commanding the 80,000 army of the Carolingian Kingdom, but the "steel bone" Allen of the Frank Empire! Our Britannia Empire and the Frank Empire are deadly enemies. I don’t know how many wars have erupted between us, how terrible Alan is, I believe you all know?"

   "Allen is very strong, but he is not invincible! In the many battles that broke out in our Britannia and Frank empires, this Allen also suffered a lot of defeats!"

   "But even if it is to rescue, our army is halfway through, and the kingdom of Lund Kingdom is broken, what should we do? Will Lund Kingdom support our army?"


   The discussion among the civil servants became more intense, but Su Cheng could still hear from their discussion that it was the "main salvation faction" who had the upper hand.

   At this moment, Emperor Ge Zewen suddenly raised his hand and pressed it in the air.

   After seeing the emperor's gesture, Wen Chen quickly closed his mouth, and then returned to his original position in the queue.

   The huge chamber became quiet again.

   Ge Zewen turned his head and looked at Jacob standing on his left.

   "Jacob, what do you think? Is it saved or not?"

   Jacob squinted his eyes slightly, his face appeared thinking.

   Soon, Jacob said solemnly:

   "Save! Failure to save the vassal country will greatly undermine the prestige of our Britannia Empire."

   After hearing Jacob's answer, Gozewen nodded slightly, and then moved his gaze to his bottom.

   "Issel, what do you think? Is it to be saved or not?"

   Ge Zewen just finished speaking, everyone in the chamber moved their eyes to the front side of the knight queue.

   moved to the body of Ithel Hill, the strongest knight of the Britannia Empire and the only unified knight at present.

Issel, like Jacob, thought about the meeting for a while, and then said: "My point of view is the same as Mr. Jacob, the Kingdom of Lund must be saved! This is related to the face of our Britannia empire. Just now I After listening carefully to the discussions of the ministers, I found that many people are afraid of Alan Jones. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of Alan Jones! He is just my defeat, and I can hardly count it. How many times has he been defeated by me."

   After listening to Issel's words, the people in the chamber laughed, and Su Cheng couldn't help but laugh.

   After hearing Ithel’s answer, Gozewen nodded slightly, and then said:

"Last night, Gayle had already discussed this issue with me. I have the same views as Gayle—you must be saved! Just now I also paid attention to the views of your ministers, and I just paid special attention to it. After that, the people who supported the rescue accounted for an absolute majority, and then the first ministers and first knights of our Britannia Empire also supported the rescue, so it seems that the result is already obvious."

   Ge Zewen stood up slowly, and then said loudly:

   "I announce! Start the Lund Kingdom rescue battle! Rescue the Lund Kingdom! Solve the siege of the capital of the Lund Kingdom!"

   Su Cheng stood at the back of the knight queue, unable to see the expressions of the knights standing in front of him, but he believed that most knights were absolutely excited.

  Because a new war has started, it means that there is a chance to go to war and military merits can be obtained.

   After Ge Zewen finished speaking, he sat back on the throne, while Gail took out a piece of paper from his pocket and spread it out.

"Last night, my father and Mr. Jacob had already guessed that the'rescue to the Kingdom of Lund' resolution has a high probability of being passed. So last night, we planned the rescue operation. Staffing."

   After hearing what Gail said, the spirits of the knights became vigorous, and even Su Cheng pricked up his ears, preparing to sound it seriously.

"In this rescue, we decided to dispatch the Gabriel Knights! The Gabriel Knights now have a total of 300,000 troops. This time the enemy is 80,000 troops. Even if the enemy's commander is Alan, let the Gabriel Knights all If the regiment attacked, it was a bit too exaggerated, so we decided to dispatch only one-third of the Gabriel Knights’ forces, that is, the 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 7th Army of the Gabriel Knights. The army and the 10th army, a total of 5 armies, a total of 100,000 troops, are going to carry out this rescue operation."

   "After discussion with my father and Mr. Jacob, it was decided to appoint the deputy commander of the Gabriel Knights-Nicholas Alva, the Four Royal Knights, to be the commander-in-chief of this rescue operation!"

   "Oh oh!"

As soon as Gail's voice fell, some people in the knights lined up with a small cheer, and then a middle-aged man with white temples walked out of the knights lineup, walked to the middle of the chamber, and then one knee Kneeling down and said: "Yes."

   Su Cheng thought to himself: This middle-aged man must be the deputy commander of the Gabriel Knights-Nicholas Alva.

The name of Nicolas Alva, he has also heard of Su Cheng. Nicolas Alva is the deputy commander of the Gabriel Knights. Experienced veteran.

   "The commander of the 1st Army is served by Fanlan Knight William Andy," Gale continued. "The deputy commander of the 1st Army is served by the Double Oak Knight John Carr..."

  Gail began to announce the commanders and deputy commanders of this expedition in turn. A total of 5 armies were dispatched for this rescue, which means that there are 5 commanders and 5 deputy commanders in total.

   According to the system of the Britannia Empire, each of the three knights of the empire will not have a fixed commander and deputy commander.

   The commanders and deputy commanders of each army will only be decided before the war begins.

   Every time Gal said a person's name, a person walked out of the knight queue and knelt in the middle of the chamber on one knee, and then shouted "Yes".

   This is also the practice of the Britannia Empire. When there is an appointment for you, you have to walk to the middle of the chamber, then kneel down on one knee, and then shout "Yes."

   Soon, Gal began to announce the last army, the commander and deputy commander of the 10th Army.

"The commander of the 10th Army, who was appointed by the Double Oak Knight Alisa Hill, when Gale was reciting names, he always thought of appointments in a non-emotional tone. When Alyssa's name was read, his tone was hard to bring a touch of emotion.

   After hearing Gail read his name, Alyssa was taken aback for a moment, and then a beam of joy appeared on her face. She walked quickly to the middle of the chamber, then knelt down on one knee and shouted "Yes!".

  Gail gave Alyssa a meaningful look, and Su Cheng's meaningful look was also keenly caught by Gail's eyes.

Reminiscent of Eliza’s face of fear before, Su Cheng felt that there must be some story between Gale and Eliza, otherwise Eliza would not have her face when she saw Gal enter the chamber. The color of fear is more serious.

   Soon, Gail retracted the meaningful gaze that was looking at Alisha, and moved his gaze back to the paper in his hand.

   "The deputy commander of the 10th Corps, by—"

   The knights who had not been called by their names all looked eagerly at Gail, hoping that the last spot was him, and hoping to hear his name next.

   "Xin Gui knight Su Cheng served."

   Su Cheng instantly opened his eyes.

   I will serve as deputy commander of the 10th Corps?

  Although he was shocked in his heart, Su Cheng quickly reacted, and quickly walked to the middle of the chamber, came next to Alisha, then knelt down on one knee and shouted "Yes."

   After arriving in the middle of the chamber, Su Cheng felt a lot of different sentimental sights on him.

   There are jealous sights, admiration sights, and envy sights.

   Alissa, who was kneeling on one knee beside Su Cheng, also looked at Su Cheng in surprise.

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