The sharp knight sword in Su Cheng's hand easily pierced George's throat. With his pupils gradually expanding, George struggled to raise his hand and stroked his throat.

   Su Cheng squeezed the knight sword in his hand, and then with a little effort, he pulled the knight sword in his hand from George's throat.

When the knight sword was pulled out of George’s throat, George’s pupils finally spread, and the hand that was touching his throat fell weakly, and the body that was originally sitting on the ground also leaned back. , Facing the sky, fell on the dark stone platform.

   Scarlet blood continuously flowed from his pierced throat, making the stones under him darker.

   tick, tick, tick...

   Drop after drop of blood dripped from the blade of the knight's sword in Su Cheng's hand to the ground, making a crisp ticking sound.

   This was originally a very clear and sweet voice, but to Enli and the 400 recruits underneath, it was extremely shocking and terrifying.

   Su Cheng raised the knight sword high, and then slammed it towards the lower right side.

   Under the action of centrifugal force, all the blood attached to the blade was thrown off, and the falling blood was sprinkled on the ground, forming a beautiful arc on the ground.

   Then, Su Cheng put the tip of the knight sword back into the sheath and retracted the knight sword into the sheath.

   After Su Cheng retracted the knight sword into the scabbard, the 400 recruits underneath finally recovered from the state of astonishment, shock, and surprise.

   "Ah ah ah ah!!!"

   "It's killing! It's killing!"

   "I've heard people say that these two adults are the children of two great nobles! How dare he kill the nobles!"

   "He actually killed the nobles!"


   The 400 recruits suddenly panicked. Some screamed, some started to vomit after seeing the death of George and Donny, and some fell to the ground with fright.

   And Enli, who had always been standing behind Su Cheng and planned to watch his jokes, rushed to Su Cheng's front.

   "Are you crazy? Do you know who George and Duny are?"

   "I know." Su Cheng responded indifferently.

   "When I saw them at first glance, I knew who the two of them were. The two of them were ‘young master soldiers’, gilded children of aristocrats who were thrown into the army by the elders of the clan."

  Enli looked unbelievable, he felt a breath of breath in her chest, he couldn't exhale the breath in his chest, and his cheeks became red from the breath in his chest.

   "You know they are'Young Master Soldiers', you still kill them? You killed the nobles?! What are you thinking?!"

   "What about the nobility?"

   Su Cheng glanced at Enli coldly, and was swept by Su Cheng's icy eyes, Enli couldn't help feeling a little bit cold, and her body couldn't help but shudder slightly.

"I only know that I have issued four orders. The general's order is very clear and clear, but the order is not well communicated to the soldiers below. That is the officer is neglecting the military order. Kill the officer who neglected the military order. Is there anything wrong?"


  Enli originally wanted to refute, but he didn't know where to start the refutation.

  Because what Su Cheng said is indeed correct. This is the same in all countries in the world. The officer neglected the general's order. Regardless of the reason, the general has the right to kill the officer directly.

  On the ever-changing battlefield, the officer must execute the command issued by the general as soon as possible, and there can be no slights of negligence, otherwise the slightest negligence of yours may cause the army to enter the abyss of defeat.

Su Cheng didn't pay attention to Enli anymore, he wiped off the blood splashed on his face, then turned around and walked a few steps forward, and came to the edge of the platform, looked at the messed up recruits below, and frowned. .

   "All recruits follow the order!" Su Cheng shouted, "The whole team! How did you stand before, how do you stand now!"

   After hearing Su Cheng's order, all 400 recruits were taken aback.

   Then, the recruit who was frightened to the ground struggled to get up from the ground, and the recruit who was vomiting quickly wiped his mouth clean.

   400 recruits, all completed the whole team at a very fast speed, and returned to the previous two neatly organized teams. If you look closely, you will find that the queue stands even more neatly than before.

   Every soldier held the gun tightly and stood upright, and everyone’s eyes were full of panic.

   There is only one thought left in every recruit's mind at this time-this person on the platform, even the nobles dared to kill, wouldn't it be more burdenless for us civilians to kill him? If we don’t listen to his orders...

   Thinking of this, the recruits couldn't help but shudder.

Su Cheng looked at the recruits who had completed the formation, nodded in satisfaction, then stretched out his finger to point to a person standing at the front of the queue on the left, and then pointed to the person standing at the top of the queue on the right. The one in front.

   "You two, please come up."

   The two people pointed to by Su Cheng pointed to themselves in surprise, and then hesitantly looked at the people around them.

   "That's the two of you! Come up for me!" Su Cheng shouted impatiently when he saw the two people who had been late to come up.


   The two were startled by Su Cheng's shout, and then immediately rushed up the stairs at their fastest speed and came to Su Cheng's front.

"I just noticed you two. You two went well a few times before. This time I appoint you two as temporary officers and captains of a new recruit queue. You two help me pass orders to the following. Soldiers."

   "Are we two?"

   "Yes, why? Don't you want to be?"

   The two looked at the knight sword Su Cheng hung on his left waist, swallowed, and then hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes! Yes!"

   "Very good. Then I will tell you two general orders now, and you two have memorized them. Later, the military orders will be passed to the soldiers below. Make sure that every soldier knows the military orders, and then act according to the military orders."

   The two swallowed again: "Understood!"

"When I beat the snare drum once, let the soldiers step their left foot, beat the snare drum again, let the soldiers step their right foot, beat the snare drum again, then step their left foot again, and so on, do you understand? "

   After listening to Su Cheng's words, the two looked at each other with hesitation.

   "If you didn't understand the command of the general, just say loudly to the general'Report to the general! We didn't understand'! Don't pretend to understand and then pass the wrong military order to the soldiers below!" Su Cheng shouted.

   The two immediately shouted in unison: "Report to the general! We did not understand!"

   "Very good! If you don't understand the military order, you should tell the general directly! Never fail to pretend to understand, I will talk about the military order again, and you will hear it clearly!"

And Enli is now stunned behind Su Cheng. He originally only wanted to take this training to see Su Cheng's embarrassment, but he didn't expect that the development of things now has exceeded his expectations. He I don't know what to do now.


   After Su Cheng talked to the two temporary officers three times, they finally understood the military order, and then immediately went back downstairs to explain the military order to the recruits in their respective recruit queues.

   Su Cheng saw that the recruits below were all ready, so he beat the snare drum hard.

   Just as the army drum sounded, two recruits lined up, a total of 400 recruits took their left foot quickly and almost simultaneously.

   Then Su Cheng hit the snare drum again.

   The 400 recruits again quickly and almost simultaneously stepped their right foot, moving neatly and uniformly, looking quite imposing.

   Enli opened his mouth slightly, his expression became a little stiff, and he looked at the 400 recruits underneath in shock, and muttered, "This is... the action of the recruits?"

   Su Cheng gradually accelerated the speed of striking the snare drum, and the recruits all resorted to listening carefully to Su Cheng's snare drum, for fear that they had stepped the wrong foot and took the wrong step.

One of the recruits walked away a bit, stepped wrong foot, and was suddenly in cold sweat. He quickly retracted the wrong foot and stepped the correct foot. Then he raised his head and looked at Su Cheng on the terrace while sweating. After seeing that Su Cheng didn't rush down with the sword, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   Soon, 400 recruits walked neatly to the stage where Su Cheng and Enli were located under Su Cheng’s drumming. They couldn’t go any further.

   "Good! Good walk!" Su Cheng smiled and praised loudly.

   "Then, I want to add a new military order! Two officers, please come forward!"



   Su Cheng raised a big flag high at this time-this is a flag specially used to convey information and commands.

   The 400 recruits in the two recruit queues under the stairs are now very scattered among each other, and are no longer arranged as closely as before.

   Every soldier held the spear in his hand with a serious face. The tip of the gun was pointed directly in front of him, and his eyes were straight in front of him. No one dared to look away from him.

  Because the captain just now, the two officers who replaced the "Young Master Soldiers" who were killed, said: The general has ordered! When stab training, look straight ahead! Don't let your eyes float around!

   Therefore, the recruits who were extremely afraid of the generals carrying their swords down and chopped people, all held their guns and looked straight ahead intently.

   There were only two people who didn't look straight ahead. They were two temporary officers. Both of them looked at the flag that Su Cheng was holding on the platform.

   Su Cheng watched as the recruits and the two officers were ready, so he suddenly waved down the flag in his hand!

   After seeing the flag waving down, the two temporary officers suddenly shouted, "Assassination!!"

   After hearing the order, 400 recruits immediately used their The power was transferred to the waist, and then to both hands, driving the long spear in the hand to stab forward!

   At the same time as the stabbing, the recruits would yell "Ha!".

   Every shout of the 400 recruits used all their strength, because the officer said just now: the general has ordered, the shout must be loud during the assassination, and it is best to use all your strength.

   The recruits who were extremely afraid of the sword on Su Cheng's waist naturally obeyed this order well, and everyone exhausted all they could when they shouted.

   The shouts of 400 people at the same time with all their strength are gathered together, what kind of momentum would it be?

Enli can clearly feel that the momentum and atmosphere of the 400 recruits underneath is completely different from the previous one. The 400 recruits just now have no momentum. At first glance, they are fragile mobs, but now these 400 recruits. There is already a little momentum, although it is still far behind the elite troops, but there is no doubt that the 400 people underneath are already worthy of useable fighters!





   The soldiers stopped after 10 stabbings, because the officer said just now that 10 stabbings are enough.

   Enli on the platform was shocked and watched the recruits whose movements were neat and uniform, and there was already an aura between their actions, and couldn't help but mutter again:

   "Is this... still a recruit?"

   Then, Enli looked at Su Cheng with a complicated expression.


   Standing in front of Enli, Su Cheng exhaled heavily, then turned away with a smile, and said:

   "Mr. Enli, these 400 recruits should already be on the battlefield. Would Mr. Enli want to review it?"

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