Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 2 Chapter 57: Battle of Irun Ferry (2)

Fuhe, the largest river in the Kingdom of Lund, is a large river that runs northeast-southwest. The land in the basin is fertile, with spring flowers and summer green. The most notable feature of Fuhe is its full water volume and rapid flow. .

   It is precisely because of the overfilling of the Fuhe River and the too rapid currents, so there is only one place suitable for crossing the river in the huge Fuhe River.

   That is-Irun Ferry!

   If you want to go to Heron, the capital of the Kingdom of Lund, you must cross the Fuhe River. As long as you cross the Fuhe, you will be greeted by the plains of Pingchuan, and you can directly reach the city of Heron, the capital of the Kingdom of Lund.

  In other words, Fuhe is the last line of defense for Herron City.

   In the 289th year of the Britannia Empire, a battle of nearly 200,000 people is about to start at the Irun Ferry!


   Afternoon, November 4, 289, in the Imperial Calendar of the Britannia Empire.

   Within the Kingdom of Lund, 5 miles west of the Fuhe Irun Ferry, a winding, huge army is slowly moving.

   is moving towards Irun Ferry.

   The 100,000 rescue army of the Britannia Empire finally entered the territory of Lunde Kingdom after more than ten days of trekking. There is no straight line in Lunde Kingdom, so the speed of the army slowed down on the whole.

  According to the original plan, it arrived at Irun Ferry in the two days from November 2 to November 3. However, it was only on November 4 that it was about to arrive at Irun Ferry.

   It was a bit slower than the original plan, but it was a little bit slower and it was harmless, and it was still within an acceptable range.

   The commander-in-chief of the army, Nicholas, is now riding on the horse, without a word, his face is solemn.

   He has sent a sentry to check whether there are enemy troops guarding the Irun Ferry.

   If there are enemy troops guarding, then the place of decisive battle is at Irun Ferry! If there is no enemy guarding it, it means that Allen has given up the Irun Ferry and wants to fight them through the field.

   Nicholas actually hoped that Allen would give up the natural danger of Irun Ferry and Fuhe. If Allen gave up guarding Irun Ferry, then this battle would be a lot easier.

   However, this is unlikely. How could a star like Allen give up this excellent geographical advantage?

   Suddenly, Nicholas heard the sound of horse hooves approaching him, accompanied by the sound of horse hooves, there was a shout:

   "Head coach! Head coach!"

   It's the whistle ride back!

   "How's the situation?" Nicholas asked in a deep voice toward the whistle.

   "Go back to the coach! The east bank of the Yilun Ferry is now flying! A cursory glance shows that tens of thousands of troops are guarding the Yilun Ferry!"

   After listening to the report of the whistle rider, Nicholas snorted in his heart:

   Have you chosen to defend the Irun Ferry? Alan!

   However, although Nicholas was disappointed by Allen's decision to defend the Irun Ferry, Nicholas still looked the same, saying:

   "Well, I see, continue to check the enemy's movements! If the enemy forces at Irun Ferry have any new movements, report to me immediately!"


   Listening to the hooves of the whistle rider's gradual departure, Nicholas raised his head and looked at the sun settling down.

   It’s now November, and the weather has slowly begun to cool down, but no matter what season and climate it is, the sun is still so warm.

   Bathed in the warmth sprinkled on his face, Nicholas felt refreshed and the pressure in his heart reduced.

   Nicholas is in his fifties this year. Despite his decades of military career, he is one of the few four-roman knights in the empire. The Britannia Empire now has fewer four-roman knights than his hands. It can be said that in terms of combat experience and command experience, he can be regarded as the top in the Britannia Empire!

   However, even after so many years of military career, with such a wealth of experience in commanding the army, Nicholas still feels very nervous when he is commanding this 100,000 army! There seemed to be a big rock pressing in my heart, my heartbeat speed became much faster, and the sound of my heartbeat became much louder.

   Especially when he thought that his opponent this time was Alan Jones, the "steel bone" who brought them a lot of trouble to the Britannia Empire, Nicholas felt the pressure in his heart even greater!

   However, Nicholas does not hate such tension and pressure. As the highest commander of the army, every decision he makes will determine the life and death of this army, so he must think twice when making every decision!

   In situations of tension and pressure, he will be forced to review every decision he is about to make more carefully, that is to say, tension and pressure can make him more cautious and cautious.

   Nicholas had vaguely felt that his decisive battle with Allen was about to begin.

Allen’s army worked on an expedition, and Nicholas’s army had to rush to save Heron before all the people in Heron starved to death, so neither side would choose to fight a protracted battle at Irun’s Ferry, that is to say, The two armies will be in a very short period of time-the winner!


   At this time, the east bank of Fuhe.

   The camp of the army of the Carolingian Kingdom.

   Alan and Er walked slowly in tandem.

   Neither of them wore armors, just a set of ordinary cloths.

   Along the way, I met a lot of Carolingian Kingdom officers. When these officers saw Alan and Er, they all respectfully stepped aside and greeted Alan and Er.

   Regarding the greetings from the officers of the Carolingian Kingdom Army, Alan and Er just nodded at them blankly.

   Soon, the two arrived at their destination-the garrison of 4000 armored Paladins!

  As soon as they entered the garrison of the 4000 armored Paladins, many soldiers recognized Alan and Er, and immediately greeted them with a smile on their faces.

   "Good coach Allen!"

   "Hello General!"

   "Hello, General Allen!"

   "General Er!"


   The greetings of the armored Paladins kept coming and going.

   Facing the greetings from the armored paladins, Ellen and Er nodded their heads blankly as they had faced the officer of the Carolingian Kingdom Army.

   The faces of the two were filled with smiles at this time.

   "How are you guys!" Allen laughed, "It's been a long time since I came to see you. How about the food provided by the Carolingian Kingdom?"

Although the Frankish Empire sent Alan and Er and 4000 iron-clad Paladins to help the Carolingian Kingdom, the Frankish Empire only planned to "send troops" and did not intend to "send food". Therefore, the 4000 came to assist the Carolingian Kingdom. All the food and grass of the armored Paladins, the Frank Empire let the Carolingian Kingdom provide.

   "General, don't say it." A soldier said with disgust, "The food provided by the Carolingian Kingdom is terrible! It can't compare with the food provided by the Frankish Empire!"

   "Just be content with you." Another soldier sneered, "This Carolingian kingdom is just a vassal state of our Frankish Empire! How high-level food can a country so weak provide us?"

   Looking at the very energetic lads in front of him, Alan smiled.

   "Boss Allen," a soldier said suddenly, "Why do you have time to see us today?"

   "Yes, yes! General Allen usually handles military affairs in the big account. Why do you have time to see us today?"

   "That's it!"

   After hearing the questions from the Paladins, Allen laughed and said, "I don't actually have a lot of time I just want to come and see you all of a sudden."

"After all--" Allen said as he raised his hands on the shoulders of the people beside him, "The powerful soldiers gave the coach the confidence to win. As long as I look at you, the infinite confidence will come from me. As it came out of my body, the more confident I would be to win the upcoming battle with the Britannia Empire's rescue army!"

   After that, Allen suddenly raised his right fist.

   "Everyone! The Britannia Army is coming! Are you ready for a big fight?!"

   As soon as Allen's voice fell, the holy cavalry in the circle surrounding Allen shouted:

   "I can't wait long ago!"

   "Sure enough, you still have to fight with the Britannias to be more exciting! The army of the tens of thousands of Lund kingdoms last time is really bad! The fight is not exciting at all!"

   "Come on! Britannia!"

   "Since I learned that the Britannias were coming over, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep well every day! I wish the Britannias would come and fight us right away!"

   "Boss Allen! This time he will lead us to win the Britannia!"


   Looking at the armored Paladins in front of him with high morale, Alan's mouth was slightly tilted, revealing a confident smile.

   "A strong general gives the soldiers confidence in victory, and a strong soldier also gives the general confidence in victory"-this sentence is a sentence that Allen particularly likes and agrees with.

   Looking at the energetic young faces in front of him, Allen felt that he was full of confidence in the **** battle that was about to start at Irun Ferry!

   "Come on... Britannia," Allen murmured in a low voice, "I can't help but make a big fuss."

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