"Oh, what's your tone?"

"You look down on me, you know what? I'm not the same person I used to be. I've learned a lot."

Seeing Zhang Wei boasting like this.

Ling Yun sighed in his heart and said, "If you help others with lawsuits in the future."

"He was originally sentenced to one year. If you help, he will be sentenced to at least three years?"

Zhang Wei stretched out his hand and shook his finger.

"We have a professional team."

Ling Yun's face was full of disbelief.

What kind of professional team can he have?

Zhang Wei's family spent a lot of money and relied on a lot of connections to go to this university.

This is how they could barely send him to that university.

Zhang Wei is a real poor student.

After going to university, it is already very good to be able to keep up with normal classes.

"I've already thought of the name of my law firm in the future."

"I'm telling you, I've already made the logo, come and take a look, old Ling."

As he spoke, Zhang Wei took out his phone from his pocket.

After clicking a few times.

Zhang Wei took out a picture.

In the picture, Zhang Wei stood in the middle, holding out a hand.

There were a few students standing beside him who also looked like freshmen.

Ling Yun took the phone, looked at the picture, and couldn't help but chuckled.

"Great Law Firm... chuckle..."

"In general, the name is good, quite great."

Zhang Wei: "???"

"What great law firm."

After taking the phone, Zhang Wei realized that the picture was enlarged when he took the phone just now.

After shrinking the picture.

Ling Yun saw the full picture of the picture.

The name also changed from the Great Law Firm just now to the current Zhang Wei Law Firm.

Seeing this, Ling Yun was almost out of breath with laughter.

I have to say that Zhang Wei is a really imaginative guy.

This reminds Ling Yun of the TV series he watched in his previous life.

In that TV series, there is also a person named Zhang Wei, who is also a lawyer.

Ling Yun couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "What kind of world have I traveled to?"

If Zhang Wei didn't look completely different from the characters in the TV series in his previous life.

Otherwise, Ling Yun really thought that he had traveled to the world in the TV series.

Zhang Wei's parents are very worried about Zhang Wei.

Originally, they wanted to pick up Zhang Wei at the high-speed rail station, but Zhang Wei told his family that he met Ling Yun on the way home, so they were relieved.

After all, the child can have a companion.

Along the way, the two chatted a lot.

When talking about the topic of dating, Zhang Wei proudly took out his mobile phone and showed off his girlfriend to Ling Yun.

The girl in the photo has dyed yellow hair and is very heavily made up.

Plus the effect of beauty.

She looks a bit pretty, but not very pretty.

Ling Yun looked at Zhang Wei.

Although Zhang Wei is not ugly, he is not good-looking either.

To be able to date a girl like this.

Either the girl is blind, or she is attracted by Zhang Wei's money.

After all, Zhang Wei is a spendthrift, and his cars are all worth millions.

If they were to date.

They would definitely spend a lot of money.

Looking at Zhang Wei's innocent look, Ling Yun asked, "How much money have you spent on her since you got together?"

Zhang Wei touched his chin and thought for a moment.

Then he said, "It's not much, it seems to be more than 20,000, my monthly pocket money."

"We haven't been together for that long, and I haven't planned to announce our relationship to my family, so I didn't ask for money from my family, and my life was a little restrained."

Ling Yun's mouth twitched.

In college life, with more than 20,000 pocket money a month, how can life be restrained?

In his previous life, Ling Yun was not particularly poor, nor was he particularly rich, he was considered to be of average standard.

During college.

His pocket money was only 1500 yuan.

But think about it carefully.

In this life, Ling Yun's family conditions are not that bad. He spent a lot in high school and easily spent tens of thousands a month.

But now Ling Yun is not as wasteful as before.

Especially after entering the University of Science and Technology of China, there is basically no place to spend money in the University of Science and Technology of China.

Ling Yun asked again: "How long do you mean you haven't been together for a long time?"

Zhang Wei scratched his head.

He smiled awkwardly and said: "In fact, we have been together for more than half a month."

"Although we have been together for a short time, I tell you, she confessed to me first."

Ling Yun: "..."

Zhang Wei really has money.

He has intelligence and money.

This woman's intentions are so obvious, but Zhang Wei can still take the bait.

"She just likes the money, not the people around you."

Zhang Wei obviously doesn't believe it.

Just when he was about to refute Ling Yun, his mobile phoneThe screen suddenly lit up, showing three messages.

The name of the note was "Dear Baby".

"Honey, I'm home. I'm going out to eat with my friends later, but they insisted that I pay!"

"That restaurant is so expensive!"

The girl made another pitiful expression.

Zhang Wei didn't even think about it and wanted to transfer money to her.

Ling Yun was completely speechless this time.

"You think the money came from the wind?"

"I said that this girl is dating you for your money, but you still don't believe it."

Zhang Wei still denied it at this time and said, "No, she must have been attracted by my talent and appearance!"

Ling Yun was speechless.

Although Zhang Wei's grades were not very good since he was a child.

But Zhang Wei is still quite smart.

Why do you become so stupid when you fall in love?

"Then if you don't transfer money to her, will she be angry with you? If you don't give her money today, and don't give her money in the future, and don't spend more than one thousand yuan on her a month, will she still be with you?"

Although Ling Yun's words were straightforward.

But Ling Yun was really doing good for Zhang Wei.

After all, no one's money comes from the wind. If all the money is spent on this gold digger, it is really not worth it.

In order to prove that his girlfriend is not after his money.

Zhang Wei did not transfer money to her.

Later, Zhang Wei's girlfriend hinted and made it clear, but Zhang Wei still did not transfer money to her.

Not long after.

The high-speed train received the arrival information.

It was just on a journey home.

Zhang Wei lost his love.

The reason for the final breakup was.

The girl said that Zhang Wei didn't love her anymore and didn't even give her money.

"Woo woo woo, it turns out that she is after my money, she doesn't love me at all." Zhang Wei complained to Ling Yun like a fool.

Ling Yun also looked at Zhang Wei as if he were a fool.

"You should be thankful. Why don't you do something with this money? You can do charity work and help those in need."

"Instead of wasting money on these gold-digging women."

After leaving the house, the two took a taxi and went home.

Both of them lived in the same community.

After arriving at the community, the two went their separate ways.

Zhang Wei even said sadly, "Old Ling, come out for a drink later."

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