Now they can only go to the destination, check the clues step by step, and first get some people out and arrest them.

Then, get clues from these people bit by bit.

There can be many drug dealers.

But there can only be one largest gang, and they will monopolize all local drug transactions.

So as long as they catch any drug dealer.

They can follow the clues.

But it depends on how good their skills are.

The leader of this drug trafficking gang is called Lao Foye.

He is fat and big-eared, with scars all over his body and one eye blind.

He can live to this day.

Not only because he is ruthless, but also because he is very smart.

He has found the drug enforcement police undercover around him countless times.

Now the drug enforcement police who go undercover in this gang have no way to get close to him, and can only follow his men to make various transactions.

The place and method of the transaction are very secretive.

It is very difficult for drug enforcement police to obtain specific information, and they have to risk their lives every day.

It is also very difficult to contact the headquarters on weekdays.

Because in the gang, you need to apply to make a phone call.

If you don't apply, you will be treated as an undercover agent, and your death will be very ugly.

Although the information is difficult to obtain.

But the drug enforcement police who are undercover in the gang just got some important information from his boss today.

Recently, some bosses in the gang are more active and have not been seen for a long time.

Lin Hao, who is undercover here, has a very good relationship with his boss and has gained the trust of the boss.

His boss is not very old, only in his thirties, and his name is Zhao Renlong.

He is called Brother Long and is ruthless.

"Xiao Lin, you have performed well recently! Go out with Brother Long in a few days, and you will definitely get benefits when you come back."

Lin Hao's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Brother Long, where are we going?"

Just finished speaking

Lin Hao suddenly covered his mouth again and apologized quickly, saying, "Brother Long, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked too much!"

Seeing Lin Hao's expression, Zhao Renlong couldn't help but laugh a few times.

There were only two of them in the room.

Zhao Renlong trusted Lin Hao very much and said, "You can't ask this outside, but you kid, I trust you very much, and it's okay to tell you this now."

"Oh?" Lin Hao said as if relieved, and there was some excitement in his tone.

Zhao Renlong walked to the door of the room and looked outside.

After confirming that there was no one around.

Zhao Renlong came to Lin Hao and whispered in Lin Hao's ear: "Xiao Lin, you can be said to be my most proud general in these years."

"Now I might as well tell you what we are going to do next. Next, we are going to do a big order abroad."

"If you do this well, I guess you will be in my position in the future, and I will go to a higher position."

"The boss attaches great importance to this deal. Those who can go to this deal are all people who are highly valued by the boss, including me."

"We can also bring people we value, but the premise is that these people need to be absolutely trusted! Xiao Lin, you blocked a knife for me to save me before, and I will always remember this."

"I trust you."

Lin Hao's eyes were grateful and excited, and he said: "Thank you, Brother Long, for your trust!"

After so many years of undercover work.

Lin Hao's acting skills are impeccable, but from beginning to end, Lin Hao clearly knows his mission.


It's time for him to complete his mission.

He has been undercover for so many years, and this is the opportunity he has been waiting for.

A transaction of this scale.

As long as he seizes the opportunity, he is likely to wipe out the gang.

After all, this transaction will involve the old Buddha.

If the leader falls, the others will be headless flies.

But the biggest problem this time is.

How can he get in touch with the outside world.

It is almost impossible to make a phone call secretly.

There is a signal jammer where they are, and the mobile phone has no signal at all, so it is almost impossible to contact the outside world.

As for wifi, it is even more impossible.

It is extremely difficult to contact the outside world.

If it comes to a last resort... Lin Hao will risk his life to get in touch with the outside world.

Opportunities like this are very rare.

After this opportunity, it will be difficult to have the next opportunity.

And Lin Hao can't guarantee.

Will he be exposed before the next opportunity.

The time for this transaction is set in seven days.

Although Lin Hao wants to get in touch with the outside world.

But Lin Hao was very honest during these seven days, and there was nothing unusual.

Even if they contacted, Lin Hao could only say that there was this transaction.But Lin Hao definitely didn't know where the transaction was.

Even his boss, Zhao Renlong, didn't know where the transaction was.

The only one who knew the transaction was Lao Foye.

These seven days.

It was the longest time for Lin Hao, and every day seemed to be slowed down.

After today.

It was time to set off and make a transaction.

At the same time, in these seven days, with the assistance of Ling Yun, the police had destroyed many small dens.

After hearing the news.

Lao Foye frowned slightly, but he didn't care about the destruction of these small dens.

After this business.

His activity was not only in this city, he would slowly spread to the whole country, and finally even abroad.

During this period.

Because of Ling Yun's help, the whole case handling process was very smooth.

Before the police dog found the place by following the smell, Ling Yun had already found the place.

Moreover, Ling Yun also had very exquisite makeup skills.

These policemen suddenly became ordinary men or even women in society.

After constantly destroying small dens.

Through various clues, Ling Yun finally locked the source.

In the information room of the police station.

Ling Yun sat in front of the computer. Behind Ling Yun stood the director, deputy director, and Captain Shi.

At this time, Ling Yun had successfully intercepted the information.

Wherever there was a camera, it was monitored by Ling Yun.

"Yes, it's this person!" Director Wang Haichuan said with some excitement.

When the other police officers standing behind Ling Yun saw the appearance of the old Buddha, their eyes couldn't help but become bloodshot.

Ling Yun's hands operated on the keyboard again.

In the end, the time and place of the transaction were fully mastered by Ling Yun and his team.

Because this transaction was a cross-border smuggling transaction.

So the transaction location was at the border line.

While checking the information, Ling Yun said to everyone: "They have been scouting here for a long time on the southernmost border."

"They chose a place where border guards don't often appear. The entire transaction and delivery time will be completed within an hour. The total number of drugs is 1,000 kilograms!"

"The transaction... will be carried out at 6:30 tomorrow night and will be completed before 7:30!"

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