Before departure.

Ling Yun finally confirmed the news.

After all, it is rumored that this person has a very terrifying anti-detection ability.

The location cannot be set in only one place.

In other words, this person is suspicious.

Even if there is no police in this place.

But he will still be suspicious, there will be a lot of response plans, and it is very likely that he will suddenly change his mind.

At this time, everyone has changed into plain clothes.

Ling Yun also put on makeup for them.

The vehicles have been replaced with more ordinary vehicles, the most expensive is only tens of thousands of yuan, and the others are second-hand cars.

It looks more in line with the police officers' outfits after makeup.

In the car.

Ling Yun is holding a notebook and constantly monitoring the real-time situation of the old Buddha.

Now Ling Yun is not only the captain of the first team.

He can also be said to be the captain of the second and third teams. All three teams are commanded by Ling Yun.

Ling Yun picked up the radio and said to the people in other vehicles: "Go around a few more times and arrive later."

"Remember, you must arrive on time. Mr. Foye has always been very cautious."

"Since I intercepted his information, his transaction location has not changed. This is not in line with his style of doing things."

"If he is really so honest, there won't be so many brothers dying in his hands!"

Everyone did what Ling Yun said.

They are now more than 40 minutes away from the border by car.

40 minutes before the transaction.

Ling Yun ordered them to drive to the border from different directions.

Of course.

They can only drive to the vicinity and walk for the rest of the time.

People in this business are not stupid.

If you hear a bunch of cars coming here, no matter who you are, you may be killed with a gun.

Lin Hao followed Zhao Renlong all the way to the prepared location.

Ling Yun tracked and located at all times.

The border guards were also ready.

It was almost half past six.

Everyone's breathing became rapid.

At this time.

A car engine roared in the distance.

Lin Hao stood beside Zhao Renlong and could see it clearly.

Lin Hao's brain was working frantically.

He kept thinking about how to send the information to the outside world now.

If there was really no way.

He was ready to sacrifice now.

Seeing the two groups of people coming out, and seeing the familiar face, Lin Hao.

Captain Shi couldn't hold back and wanted to take action to kill the two people.

Seeing the other party coming.

A fat man with scars on his face got out of the car.

"I've been watching him on the computer for so long, and today I finally see him in person..." Ling Yun thought to himself.

Because Ling Yun is the captain of this operation.

Therefore, Ling Yun has the right to decide whether to take action.

After a week of getting along, everyone has deeply trusted Ling Yun.

Captain Shi couldn't hold back.

All the targets appeared, and the border guards nearby were ready to wipe them out.

But look carefully.

Ling Yun found that the old Buddha who got off the car looked a little strange.

Captain Shi asked Ling Yun to arrest him.

But Ling Yun shook his head and opened the communication channel for everyone.

"Don't expose it!"

"According to our understanding, the old Buddha is extremely meticulous and has strong anti-detection capabilities."

"Since we monitored him, he has only this one trading location. Don't you think this is abnormal?"

"And I have observed that the real old Buddha has a slight scar under the corner of his left eye, but this old Buddha doesn't have it on his face."

"The real old Buddha smokes all year round and his fingernails are relatively yellow, but the old Buddha's fingernails are not that yellow. His yellow seems to be deliberately put on."

"This old Buddha... is very likely fake! He is luring us into the trap!"

After this,

Everyone who was hiding in the dark was stunned.

Ling Yun also immediately contacted the border guards and explained the situation to them.

After careful comparison.

It was found that this old Buddha was indeed a fake old Buddha.

"If he is fake, then... where is the real one?" Ling Yun's forehead could not help but break out in cold sweat.

Ling Yun quickly mobilized the surrounding surveillance.

In the end, Ling Yun found a particularly inconspicuous small car and entered the jungle.

While Ling Yun was investigating clues.

At the scene.

The two groups had already started to meet.

In the gang, almost no one had seen the real face of the old Buddha.

Zhao Renlong had only seen photos and heard people's descriptions, let alone Lin Hao.

He had only heard descriptions and had never seen photos.

Everyone greeted the fake old Buddha very respectfully..

At this time, Lin Hao didn't know that the person in front of him was a fake.

The two groups were ready for the handover.

At this time, Lin Hao was frantically looking for an opportunity.

Captain Shi and the others were so nervous that they were afraid that Lin Hao would reveal his flaws at this time.

They wanted to remind Lin Hao.

But now they had no way to talk to Lin Hao.

When he came here, Lin Hao's mobile phone was also replaced with a keypad function phone, and the mobile phone number was also an unfamiliar mobile phone number.

After Ling Yun's continuous tracking and investigation.

Finally, the real Lao Foye was locked by Ling Yun.

Ling Yun reported the detailed coordinates to the border guards.

The real transaction was going on the other side.

"Sure enough." Ling Yun thought to himself.

Because there was a surveillance blind spot on the way here, it is very likely that this stand-in was the one who transferred the bag in the blind spot.

Just as the border guards were moving to the other side.

Ling Yun suddenly discovered.

At this time, Lin Hao had put his hand in his pocket.

Because Ling Yun has the Eagle Eye skill, Ling Yun can observe what Lin Hao is doing.

Although the action is very subtle.

But Ling Yun knows that Lin Hao is blindly typing and sending text messages.

"Not good!" Ling Yun's heart tightened.

Ling Yun has observed that these mobile phones are the same.

So Ling Yun concluded.

These mobile phones must also have problems.

Ling Yun looked serious, immediately opened the communication, and said to the border guards: "You quickly go to where the real Buddha is!"

"Here, the war may start at any time!"

"Captain Shi, you are ready for battle!"

Hearing Ling Yun's sudden battle preparation, everyone was stunned.

Then came the tension and adrenaline surge.

"Ling Yun, why are you suddenly going to take action?" Captain Shi asked Ling Yun hurriedly.

Ling Yun quickly told them: "Lin Hao didn't know that the man was a fake Lafayette, he was deceived!"

"Lin Hao has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, but now the conditions are limited, it is very difficult to contact the outside world, and his mobile phone is not his own."

"If you want to take out your mobile phone here, you will definitely be suspected, so Lin Hao is now putting his hand in his pocket and typing blindly, trying to send a text message."

"But if you do this, Lin Hao may be discovered at any time, and Lin Hao's mobile phone may also be tampered with!"

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