"After all, what you do involves not only yourself, but also your family and even your friends."

"I know."

Ling Yun said, "I will seek advice from my family."

Since Ling Yun has already said so.

Zhou Hongwei couldn't say anything more.

In front of Zhou Hongwei, Ling Yun took out his mobile phone and called home.

The first number he dialed was his parents.

Because at this time, Ling Yun's grandparents didn't know about Ling Yun's previous affairs.

After the call was connected.

Ling Yun told his parents what he thought.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time.

Ling Yun was also ready to be rejected.

What's more, he was actually worried about his parents and grandparents being retaliated against.

If his parents didn't want to, or his grandparents didn't want to.

Ling Yun would choose not to make it public.

After a long time.

Ling Dongsheng's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xiao Ling, your parents are very proud of you for doing this." Ling Dongsheng's tone was very gratified.

Ling Yun's parents' answer.

Surprised Zhou Hongwei.

What kind of parents can teach what kind of people.

The reason why Ling Yun can have such an idea is that Ling Yun also has parents who take the overall situation into consideration and think about everyone.

But what Zhou Hongwei doesn't know is.

Although Ling Yun's parents love him very much.

But from childhood to adulthood, Ling Yun's growth has almost no participation from his parents.

During the winter vacation.

After Ling Yun's parents returned home, the family relationship between him and his parents gradually warmed up.

Ling Yun wanted to call his grandparents again.

But Ling Yun's father refused, saying: "When we go home at noon, we will go back and talk to your grandparents. Your grandparents don't know what happened before, it will be better if we tell them."

"I believe your grandparents will support you to do this."

Ling Yun nodded softly.

After hanging up the phone, Ling Yun's parents continued to be busy.

If all Ling Yun's family members are willing to take this risk.

Ling Yun can also make it public.

Even if Zhou Hongwei knows that it will have a very good positive social impact after making it public.

But Zhou Hongwei didn't want Ling Yun to make it public.

After all, it involves not only Ling Yun himself, but also his family.

Ling Yun walked out of the office.

Zhou Hongwei silently looked at Ling Yun's back.

At this time, Ling Yun's back was so tall and majestic.

After Ling Yun's grandparents learned about this.

There was basically no hesitation, and they directly let Ling Yun boldly make it public.

"We are all old, what are we afraid of! If you are willing to support Xiao Ling, we are more willing to support him!"

"It's great to be able to contribute to this society!"

At noon.

Ling Yun also called Zhang Wei.

After learning the news.

Zhang Wei didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Oh my god, what do you think of me?"

"Would I be afraid of these things? You can make it public as you want!"

"If someone really comes to retaliate against me, you can see whether I will beat him up or not, and I tell you, I don't plan to be a lawyer in the future."

Ling Yun smiled and said: "You change so fast, what do you want to be in the future?"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Wei laughed.

"In the future, I plan to be a drug enforcement police!"

Before Ling Yun could speak, Zhang Wei continued: "Brother, I'm not making trouble with you. You are a soldier, so I will be a policeman, it's a good match!"

Ling Yun couldn't help but be amused by Zhang Wei's words.

"So what's the point of revenge? If they come, I'll deal with them or not!"

Seeing Zhang Wei say this, Ling Yun was relieved and said with a smile: "Sometimes I think it's not bad to have so many friends around me. Even if those people want to take revenge, they can only find you."

He continued to chat for a few more words.

Ling Yun hung up the phone.

Came to the principal's office again.

Since Ling Yun's family and people around him had no objection.

Zhou Hongwei could only say helplessly: "Then I will help you contact the people in the military propaganda department."

Ling Yun stood at attention and saluted, saying: "Thank you, principal!"

When the people in the military propaganda department heard Zhou Hongwei's request, their faces were full of disbelief and shock.

After that, they were full of admiration for Ling Yun.

Since Ling Yun had already asked, his family also supported Ling Yun.

The military propaganda department has made sufficient preparations.

It is necessary to do the best in this publicity.

Zhou Hongwei was not idle either.

Although Ling Yun said he wanted to make it public, his family was not afraid.

But Zhou Hongwei still has to consider his family.

After much thought,Finally, Zhou Hongwei suddenly thought of the military compound.

As the name suggests.

In the military compound, only soldiers can live in it, and outsiders are not allowed to enter under normal circumstances.

In the military compound, Ling Yun's parents, grandparents, are absolutely safe.

The military compound is actually similar to a normal community, and can even be comparable to a high-end community.

Of course, it is far from where Ling Yun's family lives now.

But the military compound is not bad at all.

Supermarkets, gyms, express delivery stations, and basic facilities are all available.

And the atmosphere in the military compound is also very harmonious.

Because it is not easy to enter the military compound. If you want to apply, you need a certain official position.

If ordinary soldiers want to apply, they need a certain period of service.

Therefore, people who can enter the military compound are usually very qualified and have no neighborhood disputes at all.

Although Ling Yun is not qualified to apply in any way.

But with Ling Yun's first-class merit, and his initiative to make it public, and his family willing to take the risk.

Ling Yun still has a great hope of making an exception and entering the military compound.

After all, rules are dead, but people are alive.

On the same day, the military propaganda department sent people to interview Ling Yun and record the whole incident.

As for the award ceremony for Ling Yun's first-class merit, Ling Yun refused.

Ling Yun did this not for his own glorious first-class merit award ceremony.

As long as other people can know about this matter, and Ling Yun can bring positive influence to society.

His goal has been achieved.

Captain Shi and others received the notice and were interviewed one after another, but they did not show their faces and their voices were specially processed.

Everyone in the police station was shocked and admired Ling Yun's full disclosure.

It didn't take long for the video to be recorded.

The people in the military propaganda department rushed to process the video in the final stage.

One day later.

The official account of the Southern Theater Military Propaganda Department released a video.

By releasing Lingyun.

The official account has attracted millions of fans in recent days.

After seeing the title.

Everyone couldn't help but click on it out of curiosity.

"In the darkness, countless people have sacrificed their lives to protect you!"

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