Before the summer vacation.

Ling Yun once again produced the blueprints of a medium-sized UAV and the flight control, and did all the work that needed to be done.

This UAV looks like a helicopter.

But it is much smaller and more exquisite than those real armed helicopters.

Although small, it has all the necessary functions.

UAVs basically have all the capabilities that armed helicopters should have.

Reconnaissance, bombing, everything.

Of course, the power will definitely be much smaller.

The UAV also adopts a modular design, which can be temporarily changed according to the battlefield situation.

At the same time.

Ling Yun also came up with the design of an unmanned intelligent combat vehicle.

Seeing the various designs and ideas that kept erupting in Ling Yun's mind.

The people in the laboratory were shocked.

Because what Ling Yun designed was not just a fantasy, all of them were based on facts and had practical value.

Moreover, Ling Yun designed not just a single thing.

He designed a system.

They have endless admiration for Ling Yun. In the laboratory, no matter they are in their thirties or even fifties.

Older people have devoted almost their entire lives to scientific research and are experts in their fields.

But even such people are used to calling Ling Yun a senior.

This makes Ling Yun feel a little embarrassed.

After all, he can only achieve such success by relying on the system, and he really can't bear the respect of these old seniors.

Every day in the laboratory, the most common words Ling Yun says are: "Everyone call me Xiao Ling or Xiao Yun."

Top talents like Ling Yun are the apple of the eye of the headquarters.

If it weren't for Ling Yun's strong refusal.

The headquarters wanted to equip Ling Yun with a few plainclothes bodyguards, fearing that Ling Yun would be harmed.

When he first learned that the headquarters wanted to equip him with bodyguards.

Ling Yun was also at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

Those bodyguards might not be as good as Ling Yun.

If he really met someone.

Who is protecting whom?

It is very likely that Ling Yun is protecting the bodyguard.

What's more, Ling Yun now has various skills, and he can detect the enemy in advance before he gets close.

In the reluctant eyes of the researchers.

Ling Yun left the laboratory and welcomed his summer vacation.

After all, Ling Yun is also a human being.

He will also be tired.

Assuming the position of "teacher", Ling Yun has never stopped talking every day.

Ling Yun does not have the enthusiasm of those researchers.

It is true that he is motivated, but compared with those researchers, it can only be said that there is a world of difference.

Ling Yun also admires those people.

Since coming here, they have hardly rested.

As long as Ling Yun can teach them new knowledge, lead them to do scientific research, and do new projects.

Their spirit is full.

Especially before Ling Yun left, he designed a medium-sized drone and an unmanned combat vehicle, which made many researchers completely crazy.

I wish I could devote 24 hours to work every day.

In the office.

Zhou Hongwei couldn't help but sigh.

This laboratory of their University of Science and Technology of China was originally for teachers and students to use simply, and they didn't expect to produce anything earth-shattering.

But now it seems.

With the current trend.

This laboratory of their University of Science and Technology of China is likely to develop into a well-known research institute in the country in the future.

Most people in the laboratory have basically been taught by Ling Yun.

Hand over the project to them.

Ling Yun naturally wouldn't worry about anything.

Before booking the ticket home this time, Zhang Wei contacted Ling Yun specifically.

The two were in the same carriage again.

But this time there was one more person, Su Yang.

On the way home.

The three talked and laughed all the way.

Ling Yun couldn't help but joked: "Zhang Wei, do you have a girlfriend again?"

Zhang Wei shook his head decisively.

"Later, I dated two more, but I found out that they were after my money, not my person."

"Now, women only affect my speed of drawing my sword!"

Ling Yun looked Zhang Wei up and down, sighing, "I didn't expect it... It's only been a semester, and I've dated two more."

Getting closer and closer to home.

The three of them picked up their phones and reported to their families how long it would take to get home.

Nothing unexpected.

Ling Yun, Zhang Wei, Su Yang.

All the parents called or video-called.

The three of them answered the phone.

Ling Yun's parents video-called Ling Yun.

Now they were having lunch with Ling Yun's grandparents.

Seeing the new home in the video.

Ling Yun shook his head secretly.The head laughed.

If I go home again this time, I will not be familiar with the road for a short time.

Ling Yun's mother came to the screen and said with concern: "My eldest son, don't go back to the previous home this time. There is no one in the previous home."

"Do you know how to get to the military compound here? If you don't know, your father and I will pick you up."

Ling Yun smiled bitterly: "Dad, Mom, I am so old, I don't need you to pick me up."

"Although I don't know where it is, I can just take a taxi."

Arrived at the station.

The three of them said goodbye briefly and agreed to meet again when they have time.

Groups of taxi drivers stood outside the station, greeting the pedestrians coming out of the exit.

"Brother, do you have a car?"

"Just get in the car and go, no picking up, no carpooling!"

"Brother, come and I will help you with your luggage, where are you going?"

The scene was a mess.

Every time this happens, there are always a few unlucky and introverted people whose luggage is dragged into the taxi by the taxi driver.

This kind of thing is very common.

As soon as Ling Yun walked out of the station, several taxi drivers ran to Ling Yun.

Taxi drivers generally prefer people who look like college students.

After all, they are young people.

They are easy to rip off with more money.

For the same distance, locals in their thirties or forties may charge 15 yuan.

But if they look like college students, the price will be raised to 30 yuan in a minute.

This also led to Ling Yun's not very good impression of these taxi drivers.

Usually, online taxi drivers have better service attitudes and more affordable prices.

Ling Yun wanted to call an online taxi.

But now he has been surrounded.

Looking at the rush of these taxi drivers.

Ling Yun smiled bitterly in his heart.

In the eyes of these people, Ling Yun is like a fat lamb.

Usually, you can get more than ten yuan from college students.

But Ling Yun wanted to take a taxi.

As long as the money was right, he would take any regular taxi.

Ling Yun had just done a quick check.

It was only 12 or 13 yuan from his place to the military compound.

Ling Yun just got in a taxi.

He didn't have any luggage, so he put his backpack on the back seat.

"Brother, is the college student just having a holiday?"

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