No matter how much he thought about it.

In the end, there was only one way, which was to open the valve.

If the valve was not opened, the dam would collapse, which would cause a great disaster.

"No matter what, we can only find a way to open the valve. If we can't open the valve, the dam can't hold on for long."

"The control system has failed..."

Although the plan has not been discussed yet.

But the major has begun to order all officers and soldiers to stand up and continue to act.

"Everyone! Gather!"

"There is a problem with the dam valve. The valve cannot be opened in a short time. The command center is now discussing countermeasures!"

"Before that, continue to build a new line of defense. The water level will rise slower!"

As soon as the voice fell.

All the officers and soldiers who fell to the ground suddenly felt their hearts collapse.

If they had not rested just now and continued to carry sandbags, they could have held on for another hour.

But now their muscles have been completely relaxed.

Standing up again is already a problem.

What's more, they still have to move sandbags.

Everyone couldn't help but fall into despair.

But their responsibility told them that they had to act now.

The major informed the headquarters of the news.

Everyone who learned the news was like an ant on a hot pot.

At the same time.

Ling Yun also learned the news, and the command center also wanted to ask Ling Yun if he had any ideas.

After all, Ling Yun is always a master who is good at creating miracles.

What if Ling Yun can come up with a solution in this place?

After learning the details.

No matter what.

Ling Yun and others drove the car and drove straight to the dam.

The biggest problem now is how to open the valve.

On the way, Ling Yun also asked the system in his mind.

But the skills given to Ling Yun by the system can only be auxiliary skills after all.

It's not like Ling Yun has superpowers after learning a skill, and can rub out a few large energy balls with bare hands to blow up the valve.

Even if there is a system, it can't do anything about this valve.

Now we can only wait for the technicians of the dam to discuss countermeasures.

There are many ways to release floodwater.

But now, no matter how many ways there are to release floodwater, it is useless.

Because no valve can be opened, the water cannot be discharged.

Until Ling Yun arrived at the temporary command room, everyone still had not discussed countermeasures.

On the way here, Ling Yun had already thought of a relatively simple and crude solution in advance.

With a period of silence among the crowd.

Ling Yun said his countermeasures and said: "Since the valve cannot be controlled from above, what about from below?"

"Can I go down and manually turn the valve open?"

These words made everyone even more silent.

The valve can indeed be turned open.

But how much strength does it take to turn the valve underwater?

Even if the strength is enough.

After the valve is opened, it is basically a life-and-death struggle.

The major immediately refused and said, "No."

"Although it works in theory, just open the valve, but do you know what the consequences of opening the valve are?"

"Opening the valve is basically a dead end!"

"At the moment the valve is opened, the rushing water will wash away the person who opened the valve. No matter how good the water is, it is impossible to swim up."

"Once you are washed down, your life or death is uncertain."

But the major's words did not discourage Ling Yun. Instead, Ling Yun directly said to the technician in charge of the dam: "It is only the control system that failed, but the mechanical structure of the valve did not fail. That's right. Right?"

The technician said ashamedly: "Because the control system has not been maintained for too long, and the solutions are all relatively old, it will cause failure... If it is a new system, the control system will not fail."

"Under normal circumstances, it will not fail, but today's situation is too special."

"But the valve below is normal. If it can be turned, the valve can indeed be opened."

Hearing that the valve can be opened, Ling Yun has made a decision in his heart and said firmly: "I will turn the valve."

After the voice fell, everyone in the temporary command room was stunned.

"What did you say? !"

"Ling Yun, are you crazy? This is too risky! It can almost be said that there is no chance of survival!"

"Absolutely can't do this, there must be other ways!"

"And if you want to turn the valve manually, you need to turn it many times, not just a few times!"

Everyone directly denied Ling Yun's crazy idea.

But Ling Yun asked back: "How long can the dam last now?"

The technician said: "ProbablyIt can hold for more than 40 minutes. The dam is now gradually showing cracks..."

Ling Yun nodded slightly, then turned his head and looked at everyone.

"Besides my method, do you have any better methods?"

"If there is no better method, there is only this one method."

After the voice fell, everyone could not help but fall silent.

Now there is really only the method Ling Yun said.

The control system failed, but the mechanical structure of the valve is still good.

Although it is not possible to open all valves at the same time to quickly release the flood.

But anyway, as long as one valve is opened.

The pressure on the dam will be much smaller.

Slowly, the excess water can also be released.

Without waiting for everyone to speak.

Ling Yun turned around and walked out.

The people in the command room panicked instantly, fearing that Ling Yun would really do something stupid and dive underwater to manually open the valve to release the flood.

But when they came out.

Ling Yun had Suddenly he jumped into the reservoir.

Everyone at the scene was shocked by Ling Yun's decisive jump.

Because they were not in the command room just now, they didn't know what Ling Yun was going to do.

Although they didn't know what Ling Yun was going to do.

But their hearts were also lifted.

The dam was at risk of collapse at any time, and Ling Yun suddenly jumped into the water, which was too risky.

Zhang Wei and others subconsciously rushed to the shore.

At the same time, everyone in the command room also rushed to the shore.

Seeing everyone so panicked.

Zhang Wei ran to them and shouted: "What happened?! Why did Ling Yun suddenly jump into the reservoir?"

"The dam is about to fail, what is Ling Yun going to do by doing this!"

Reporters also came forward.

The major said anxiously: "The control system of the dam has been damaged, but the mechanical structure of the valve has not been damaged."

"This means that if someone can turn the valve open, the flood discharge can be completed! ”

“When all of us were at a loss, Ling Yun took the lead in proposing this idea. We couldn’t think of a better way, so Ling Yun decided to take a risk!”

“Now Ling Yun wants to go over and manually turn on the valve to release the flood!”

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