But after the valve was opened.

No one was happy at the scene.

Just now everyone racked their brains to think about how to open the valve.

But now the valve is opened.

They can't be happy at all.

Because the price of opening the valve is likely to be Ling Yun's life.

Everyone's mood is heavy.

Zhang Wei's lips trembled slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but the words never came out of his mouth.

Some people lowered their heads.

Some people stared blankly at the place where Ling Yun was just now.

Those female reporters had red eyes.

Although it was late at night.

But the number of people in each live broadcast room added together, there were millions of people online at the same time.

Millions of people were watching at the same time.

The live broadcast room was full of bullet screens.

But after the valve was opened, the indifference in the live broadcast room was silent.

After a long time.

Only one bullet screen was sent out.

"Will Ling Yun still be alive?"

Everyone was thinking.

In this case, the probability of Ling Yun surviving is very small.

It is almost impossible to survive.

But in the live broadcast room, many people still have hope.

Even if there is only a glimmer.

"Although the probability of survival is very small, it does not mean that Ling Yun cannot survive. Ling Yun is our hero, and he will not die here easily!"

"If Ling Yun dies, even the King of Hell dare not take him! Ling Yun will definitely not die, and there is still hope that he can survive."

Netizens in the live broadcast room are praying for Ling Yun.

I hope Ling Yun will be safe.

It was pitch black under the water, and the people at the scene could only know that the valve was opened and the water was rushing out crazily.

As for Ling Yun?

They could not find any trace of Ling Yun at all.

In competitive sports, in order to protect the personal safety of athletes, a height of 10 meters is the maximum safety height that has been scientifically verified and proven in practice.

Diving from a height of more than 10 meters may cause varying degrees of damage to the human body.

If Ling Yun was washed down by the current.

Then, Ling Yun would fall down from a height of dozens of meters.

Ling Yun had lived two lives and thought that he could be calm and composed no matter what happened.

But the moment the valve was opened.

Ling Yun found that he had thought too much.

Feeling the huge current, Ling Yun panicked immediately, and a fear of death surged into Ling Yun's heart.

No matter how hard he tried.

He had no way to swim up, and could only delay the time of being washed down by the current.

But soon, Ling Yun calmed down again.

If there was only fear, it would be difficult for Ling Yun to survive. Now he had to think calmly, so that there would be a glimmer of hope to survive.

Since he couldn't go up against the current.

Then, Ling Yun could go down against the current.

Falling into the water from a high altitude is likely to be life-threatening.

But it's not certain from water to water.

Ling Yun used the radar skill to sense it, and then turned around and used the bionic swimming skill.

The advantage of jumping off a waterfall is that the water contains a lot of bubbles, which reduces the water density, and the impact of falling down is less than falling on the surface of ordinary water.

Of course.

But the water density is low, and it is very difficult to swim up in such water.

However, Ling Yun, who has intermediate swimming skills, does not worry about these, as long as he can reach the bottom alive.

Ling Yun followed the water flow and dropped rapidly.

When he was less than ten meters away from the water surface.

Ling Yun's panicked heart calmed down, although his body would definitely be impacted.

But no matter what.

He is not going to die now.

But the wounds on his body are now enlarged due to intense exercise, just like the previous battle with drug dealers at the border.

Fortunately, Ling Yun is in the water now.

The blood that just came out of his body was washed away by the water.

Because Ling Yun faints from blood.

If Ling Yun suddenly fainted from blood underwater, he might fall here no matter how great his ability is.

"It's really weird." Ling Yun thought to himself.

In his previous life, he didn't faint at all when he was touched by blood.

But who could have known that he would faint at blood in this life? This feeling is as deep as it is engraved in his DNA.

The density of water is low.

It's very difficult for Ling Yun to float up.

Because Ling Yun fell too fast just now, he is now in a very deep place.

It takes a lot of physical strength to go up.

While consuming a lot of physical strength, Ling Yun's injuries will also be aggravated.

Ling Yun is not a god.

He will get tired, and he is afraid of pain.

Even if his physical fitness is four times that of an ordinary person, he will still get tired.

After all, he has an intermediate level now.'s underwater breathing skill.

Ling Yun can stay underwater for twenty minutes.

Although Ling Yun doesn't know how he did it.

How can the body bear not getting oxygen for twenty minutes?

But turn around and think about it.

The system is an outrageous thing. Now that he has this skill, it is not so outrageous in comparison.

When it is almost twenty minutes.

Ling Yun finally floated to the surface.

After floating to the surface, Ling Yun gasped heavily.

Because the water flow is too turbulent.

Ling Yun swims very fast, and now Ling Yun himself doesn't know where he is.

Anyway, it should be far away from the dam.

Because Ling Yun can no longer use the radar skill to sense Zhang Hao and others.

Moreover, Ling Yun turned his head and couldn't see the dam.


"It seems that this water flow has washed me for a long distance." Ling Yun sighed silently in his heart.

Because of long-term intense exercise.

Ling Yun's physique, which is four times that of an ordinary person, is now somewhat unable to support.

It is true that Ling Yun's physique is stronger than others.

But being stronger than others means that Ling Yun needs to take on greater responsibilities.

He is much more tired than others.

Ling Yun quickly swam to the shore.

With intermediate swimming skills, he can still move easily and freely in such a turbulent water.

After reaching the shore.

Ling Yun took a deep breath, found a tree at random, and rested on the spot.

As for the mobile phone he carried with him.

After being soaked in water for such a long time, it must be broken without a doubt.

At this moment, Ling Yun is already very tired, and the wounds on his body are getting more and more painful.

Not only that.

Ling Yun even felt that he seemed to have a fracture.

Although he was flowing down with the water, the huge impact was not something he could withstand.

If he continues to move now.

This is likely to aggravate Ling Yun's current injuries.

Ling Yun simply planned to take a short rest here to recover some of his strength and improve his injuries.

After resting and recovering his strength, he would go back to look for Zhang Hao and the others.

Otherwise, they would always wonder if they were dead.

At the same time.

Arriving at the dam, the major shouted: "Search along the water flow! We must find Ling Yun!"

"The water flow just now was too turbulent, Ling Yun will definitely be washed downstream, search downstream!"


The soldiers shouted in unison.

At this time, how could they care whether they were tired or not?

What was their tiredness?

Ling Yun had already risked his life, and now his life or death was unknown!

At the call of the major.

All officers searched downstream along the water flow.

Reporters also joined the search team.

Everyone was very energetic in the search.

Although Ling Yun's chance of survival is very small, there is still a chance that Ling Yun survives.

If Ling Yun who survives does not receive timely treatment due to their slow search, they may live with guilt for the rest of their lives.

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