Ling Yun nodded and said, "I understand everything."

Teacher Li nodded slightly and did not ask any more questions.

At first glance.

This scene seems to be nothing wrong.

But think about it carefully.

This scene is so fucking wrong!

Who is Ling Yun?

Ling Yun is a student of the University of Science and Technology of China!

Everyone knows Ling Yun's major.

On the Internet, a lot of information about Ling Yun is public. University of Science and Technology of China, Army Command Major.

It is precisely because Ling Yun is in this major.

The number of students in the Army Command Major of the University of Science and Technology of China is full this year, so students who apply for the major late can only change to other majors.

As a person majoring in Army Command.

How could Ling Yun learn these things?

Seeing the incredible eyes of the students, Teacher Li said: "Student Ling Yun has a strong learning ability."

"When he was at the University of Science and Technology of China, he had already learned relevant knowledge, and now his progress may be faster than all of you."

"Faster than us?!" Some students exclaimed subconsciously.

Ling Yun is just a sophomore now.

Freshman training takes a long time, and there is little time to study except for winter and summer vacations.

Under such circumstances.

Ling Yun can actually learn these knowledge, and learn better than them?

At first, the students were a little unconvinced.

But when Teacher Li asked the students a few questions.

None of the students could answer.

Teacher Li looked at Ling Yun again and said, "Can you answer the question just now?"

Ling Yun stood up and quickly answered the teacher's question just now.

The answer was neither fast nor slow, and it was very standard, as accurate as reading a manuscript.

The students turned to the back of the textbook.

After comparing, they found that Ling Yun was simply reading out what was in the book.

In an instant, the students were not calm.

Ling Yun had just arrived here, and he had opened up such a big gap with them.

No one could stand it if it was anyone else.

The students took this class very seriously.

Everyone was very alert, and the students were stimulated and their learning progress was very fast.

It should have taken two classes, but Teacher Li finished it in one class.

After the lecture, the students asked questions and remembered almost everything.

The effect was the same as a normal class.

After the class, Teacher Li couldn't help but sigh.

If these students can study at this level every day, why should they worry about slow progress?

After the class.

Teacher Li contacted the person in charge.

If the theory passed the test.

The next day, Ling Yun could do various preparatory training before going to the computer.

Teacher Li took Ling Yun back to the office and asked Ling Yun, "Ling Yun, how long do you think it will take to finish this book?"

"After finishing this book and passing the theoretical test, you will be able to go to the computer."

Ling Yun replied directly: "It has been completed now."

Teacher Li's mouth twitched.

This is no longer a top student, this is simply a god.

"Hmm." Teacher Li hummed softly.

Then, he took out a test paper from the table.

The test paper was given by Teacher Li for the students.

The test paper will be used as their theoretical assessment paper in two months.

As long as Ling Yun can get more than 80 points on this test paper, he will pass.

"Then try to do this test paper now." Teacher Li said.

Ling Yun nodded.

Then, he took the test directly in the office.

The other teachers in the office saw this scene and were confused.

They couldn't think of it.

Ling Yun was about to start the theoretical test now.

Because Ling Yun was in the office now, and Teacher Li was next to Ling Yun.

Teacher Li didn't have to worry about Ling Yun cheating at all.

Ling Yun wrote while Teacher Li watched.

After writing a question, Teacher Li could judge it on the spot.

Test papers like theirs were not like ordinary test papers.

Ordinary test papers may have choices, judgments, or fill-in-the-blanks.

Moreover, on one test paper, there are probably two identical knowledge points. Once the two knowledge points are combined, the answer may come out. But for a test paper like the one given by Teacher Li, there is absolutely no such element of luck. If you know the questions, you know them, and if you don’t know the questions, you don’t know them, and you can’t answer them no matter how hard you try. Under Teacher Li’s gaze, Ling Yun has almost finished writing half of the test paper. After all, the test paper was given by Teacher Li himself, and Teacher Li knows the answer to each question very well. The answer written by Ling Yun even makes Teacher Li feel that Ling Yun is reading his memory and writing down the answer in his memory.Like this.

Twenty minutes later.

The test paper was filled with answers written by Ling Yun.

The answers to each question can be said to be textbook-level answers.

"Teacher, I'm done." Ling Yun said to Teacher Li.

I thought Teacher Li would check it again.

But Teacher Li said: "You have passed all the theories, and I have nothing to teach you."

"When you were writing just now, I was checking, and your paper score is full."

The voice fell.

The office was quiet.

The other teachers were already very shocked that Ling Yun had finished the test paper so early.

Now they heard Teacher Li say that Ling Yun's paper score was full.

Everyone was stunned.

Ling Yun directly answered Teacher Li's paper score?

Having worked with Teacher Li for so many years.

They naturally knew what kind of personality Teacher Li had.

Basically no one got full marks on the test paper he issued, and passing was already a very good result.

Because the test papers given by Teacher Li were too difficult.

There were even cases where many students did not finish the test papers until the end.

Moreover, their standard test time was a full 180 minutes.

That is, three hours.

Ling Yun finished the test in just over 20 minutes.

No one would dare to believe it if it were anyone else.

Teacher Li picked up the phone and said to Ling Yun: "I will contact the person in charge now."

Hearing the news that Ling Yun passed the theoretical test.

The person in charge on the other end of the phone could not calm down for a long time.

Except the word monster.

The person in charge no longer knew what words to use to describe Ling Yun.

These tests were just a formality in front of Ling Yun.

After a moment of silence, the person in charge said on the other end of the phone: "Then let Ling Yun go to train with Instructor Wu."


Teacher Li hung up the phone.

Then, he conveyed the words of the person in charge to Ling Yun.

Because Ling Yun had just arrived here and was not familiar with this place.

The place where Instructor Wu and his team trained was different from the place where Ling Yun and his team trained.

So Teacher Li took Ling Yun to the training ground.

At this time, Instructor Wu also received news from the person in charge.

After the two of them briefly handed over, Teacher Li left.

Instructor Wu took Ling Yun to the training ground.

"Stop for a moment!"

"Introduce our new members!"

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