As he spoke, Ling Yun took out his laptop.

Because the screen is small.

Ling Yun held the laptop closer.

There were several files on the laptop.

One of them was the gun Ling Yun mentioned.

The others were helmets, bulletproof vests, and individual rocket launchers.

Although the rocket launcher was very powerful.

But it also belonged to the category of light weapons.

At this time.

How could everyone care about eating.

The drawings in the computer were like food to them.

After introducing the traditional rifles.

Ling Yun introduced helmets, bulletproof vests, and an individual rocket launcher with a higher cost.

Rocket launchers can be combined with micro drones and unmanned combat vehicles. Everyone couldn't help but wonder, "How can this rocket launcher be combined with drones or unmanned combat vehicles?"

Ling Yun flipped down.

The picture introduced the preliminary combat concept in great detail.

"Not only can it be combined with these two, but all of them can be combined. As long as they are connected to my combat system, all devices can be combined."

"The rocket launcher is not the point. The point is the rockets that are launched. The rockets can be automatically tracked according to the coordinates sent by the micro-UAV or other devices."

"In short, it is A-shoot and B-guide."

The cafeteria was quiet again.

A-shoot and B-guide is very common.

But is it too outrageous to put a guided rocket on the rocket launcher?

Ling Yun continued to introduce: "In fact, the rocket launcher is just a carrier for launching rockets. As long as the rocket can be thrown out, the rocket can achieve A-shoot and B-guide."

"For example, we can make more types of rockets based on the technology of rockets."

"Of course, the cost is a little higher."

Everyone carefully read Ling Yun's drawings.

Finally, they tested repeatedly.

After confirming that Ling Yun's plans are all feasible.

He threatened to start full-line construction directly.

Director Lin patted Ling Yun on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Ling, remember one thing."

"In our line of work, the least feared thing is the cost. As long as the weapons are strong, the amount of money doesn't matter!"

"If we don't use this money to improve ourselves, do we have to pay the enemy as compensation in the war?"

After listening to Director Lin's words.

Ling Yun nodded deeply, and then continued, "If the cost is not taken into account, I can still upgrade them all."

Lin Hua: "?!"

With everyone shocked.

Ling Yun returned to the dormitory and continued to work.

Since the cost is no longer taken into account.

Ling Yun can completely get all the things in his mind.

After all, it is a thing given by the system.

Technology must be far beyond the present.

But because of various restrictions.

There are many things that Ling Yun can't do.

But what can be made now is already very powerful now.

Ling Yun said that he came here for internship and further study.

In fact, Ling Yun just wanted to use the people and resources here to realize the things in the almighty project.

Ling Yun set himself a two-month internship period.

Two months later, it was just in time for the holiday.

In the next two months.

Ling Yun helped him with all his heart. As long as he knew it, Ling Yun would teach him everything.

With the blessing of artistic conception control skills.

Everyone's digestion speed was ridiculously fast.

Although there were a lot of things to teach.

But in fact, it was not even 5% of the almighty engineering skills.

But for them at the current stage, it was enough.

Even after Ling Yun left.

Without Ling Yun, they could solve many problems by themselves.

It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish.

After Ling Yun's plan was submitted.

The headquarters attached great importance to Ling Yun.

Their First Light Weapons Research Institute also had simple production capabilities.

But what they produced was just a sample.

The real production needed to be handed over to the military factory.

Rifle and bulletproof vest samples were produced first.

Like helmets and guided rocket launchers, this is more complicated.

Because the rifle is simple in design and low in cost, it is produced the fastest.

After repeated tests, the gun designed by Ling Yun is several times better than the current rifles.

As the designer of the rifle.

Ling Yun naturally has the right to name it.

At first, Ling Yun wanted to name this rifle Cute Kitten.

Although it is very funny.

But on the battlefield, killing the enemy with a cute kitty cat rifle will more or less cause a certain psychological blow to the enemy.

It's just Ling Yun's idea.

The rifle was finally named 01 rifle.

In LingWhen Yun was about to leave the institute.

This rifle has been deployed in small numbers to local troops.

For example, those more mysterious cutting-edge special forces have not used Ling Yun's gun yet.

Because the guns they use are far better than the ones designed by Ling Yun.

The guns they use do not consider the cost at all.

The accuracy and performance are far superior to the rifle designed by Ling Yun.

But after all, Director Lin had told Ling Yun before that he could ignore the cost, so Ling Yun also designed rifles, sniper rifles, pistols and the like with higher costs and better performance.

What Ling Yun left for the First Institute.

If nothing unexpected happens, it will be enough for them to research and manufacture for several years.

Two months is just like a blink of an eye.

Xiao Zhao has driven the military vehicle over.

All the researchers in the institute came out to see Ling Yun off.

During these two months.

Ling Yun got along very well with these researchers.

Even though there was a difference of more than ten years, or even twenty or thirty years between them.

But the relationship between everyone was really good.

Because during Ling Yun's internship, Ling Yun was not like an intern, but more like their mentor.

At the time of parting.

Everyone was reluctant to let Ling Yun go, and they all wanted Ling Yun to stay here.

Director Lin also stepped forward and said to Ling Yun: "Xiao Ling, if you graduate in the future, come directly to our First Research Institute, okay?"

"Researching weapons is also part of strengthening the entire army and strengthening the national strength."

Other researchers also stepped forward to agree.

Ling Yun smiled bitterly.

"Director Lin, you have known me well in the past two months. My ideal is to fight on the front line, not in the laboratory."

"This is just my hobby. Of course, if you have any questions, you can call me at any time."

Lin Hua was full of regret, but still patted Ling Yun on the shoulder and said: "We can't change your decision. Have a good trip."

After leaving the contact information.

Ling Yun got into Xiao Zhao's car and embarked on the journey home.

Long Weiguo even took time out to see Ling Yun off.

Ling Yun wanted to take the high-speed train home.

After all, the high-speed train is convenient, fast, and cheap.

But Long Weiguo refused directly, saying, "Xiao Ling, you have to pay attention to your current identity."

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