Just when Xiao Zhao was talking.

Long Weiguo just picked up the water cup.

After hearing what Xiao Zhao said, Long Weiguo just drank half of the water and sprayed it out.

Now, Ling Yun is not only Long Weiguo's favorite.

He is also the favorite of the five major war zones.

He is also the favorite of the headquarters.

Ling Yun's outstanding performance in the military academy has attracted the attention of the headquarters before.

After the development of micro drones and the current development of firearms, the headquarters now regards Ling Yun very seriously.

Long Weiguo has lived for half of his life.

He naturally knows what the consequences of a fire in a chemical plant will be.

If it was just an ordinary fire, he would not be as worried as he is now.

But this fire happened in a chemical plant.

A fire in a chemical plant may cause an explosion at any time, and the intensity of the explosion is only high.

If Ling Yun had an accident here, he would have no way to explain to the headquarters.

The headquarters personally ordered today.

They had to ask the security forces of the Central Theater to go and protect Ling Yun.

An order was given today, and an accident happened today.

What kind of thing is this!

Long Weiguo picked up the phone and established communication with the four security guards directly.

"You four, go to the fire scene as quickly as possible!"

"Ling Yun has already rushed to the fire scene for rescue! Lives may be in danger at any time!"

At this time, the four people were already on their way to the fire scene.

Although they did not see the news.

But their intuition told them.

Ling Yun would never sit idly by.

"Chief, we are already on the way!"

Only then did Long Weiguo nod, and his anxious heart was relieved a little.

Rush to the staff dormitory.

Ling Yun immediately turned on the radar scanning skill.

The radar scanning skill instantly covered the entire staff dormitory.

Although the staff dormitory is very close to the chemical plant.

But they did not evacuate in time.

Because when the fire first broke out in the chemical plant, the location of the fire was far away from their staff dormitory.

So they did not know it at the first time.

When they knew.

The fire was out of control and the staff dormitory was also affected.

It was difficult to evacuate.

Most of the people who came to the chemical plant to work were ordinary workers, their family conditions were not so good, and their wages were not very high.

The reason why they can stay here all the time.

It is because of the welfare policy given by the chemical plant.

After working for a few years, you can have a place to stay here.

Although the staff dormitory is relatively old, it is very good overall.

Many people bring their families here to live.

The elderly at home are also brought here to live, where they can make money and take care of the elderly.

They never thought that such a big accident would happen here one day.

There are four buildings in the staff dormitory.

In the building at the edge, everyone has evacuated.

The building closest to the chemical plant is completely different.

Feeling the dense figures displayed on the radar skill.

There must be at least thirty people.

Many of these people are elderly, and the rest are women or children.

Although there are firefighters here to rescue.

But compared to the chemical plant, there are very few firefighters here.

In a room.

I saw a little girl of three or four years old crying while hugging her mother.

The woman was full of sorrow.

After adjusting her mood, the woman squatted on the ground, hugged the little girl and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, Xiaobao, these things outside are all things to prepare when playing games."

"We are playing games now. The game is to avoid fire and wait for the rescue of the firefighter uncle here."

"Mom will get water to wet the quilt in a while. Xiaobao can hide in it and wait for the victory of the game."

Under the constant comfort of the woman.

The little girl's emotions were calmed down.

While the tap water can still be used, the woman quickly wet the quilt with tap water, let the little girl hide in the room, and cover the wet quilt.

The old man sitting in the living room sighed continuously, with tears flashing in the corners of his eyes.

They had tried many times to run outside.

But they were trapped by the thick smoke and fire outside.

After all, they were closest to the chemical plant, so the fire was the most serious.


"I'm going to be buried soon. It's okay if I die. The most important thing is the child..."

"The child is still young. I don't know how the child's father is doing in the factory..."

The woman was sitting in the living room, secretly wiping away tears.

Just when the two were desperate.

The door suddenly opened, and the man who made them all familiar appeared at the door.



The woman and the old man exclaimed at the same time.

This man was the worker who had just rushed into the staff dormitory despite the obstruction.

But at this time, he no longer had any rescue ability.

Because he rushed up forcefully.

He was already burned.

Seeing that his wife and father were fine, he let go of the worry that had been hanging in his heart.

"Wife, where is the child?" the worker asked quickly.

The woman took the worker to the room.

Seeing that the child was safe and sound.

He was completely relieved.

Seeing her father coming back, the little girl said happily: "Dad, you are back! "

As he said this, he came out of the wet quilt and hugged the worker.

The joy of reunion is always short-lived.

After the joy, there is despair.

When he came up.

The worker had been burned in many places on his body, and it was almost impossible to go down.

The reason why it was difficult to go down the corridor.

It was also because there were a lot of things piled up in the corridor.

The toxic smoke in the corridor was very large, and it was difficult to run down again.

Besides, their floor was on the fourth floor.

It was very difficult to take the whole family down.

"We...really have no other way?" The old man said to the young worker.

The worker nodded.

His eyes were pale.

"The fire in the chemical plant is difficult to control, and most of their focus is on the chemical plant."

"After all, the chemical plant is the most important part. If there is any accident in the chemical plant, it will not only affect our staff dormitory here, but also all the residents around. "

"If the fire cannot be controlled, the toxic fuels in the chemical plant will be burned into gas, and the surrounding area will suffer serious toxic gas hazards."

"Now the city's fire brigade is coming here to support, but even so, the manpower is still not enough, not to mention our ordinary staff dormitory."

The next time was desperate.

Desperately waiting for death to come.

After more than ten minutes.

In the room, everyone's mood became extremely solemn and desperate.


The door was knocked.

Then, the door was opened directly.

Because of the floor.

Ling Yun took the lead in rescuing the trapped people on the lower floor.

Now, Ling Yun has rescued to the fourth floor.

"Don't be afraid! You are saved!"

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