After the explosion.

Ling Yun felt deeply that death was actually very close to him.

Even though his physique was many times superior to that of ordinary people.

But no matter how superior he was to ordinary people, he was still a human being, not a god.

After being blown up.

If he didn't die, he would be crippled.

But Ling Yun was not scared at all, and his speed became faster.

After reaching the second floor.

Ling Yun immediately ran to Xiao Li's side.

"Don't be afraid! I'm coming!" Ling Yun shouted to the two of them.

Hearing someone coming.

The squad leader's eyes suddenly lit up.

But seeing that only one person came, the squad leader's eyes dimmed again.

Ling Yun quickly ran to Xiao Li and said to the squad leader: "You hold the other end, and I hold this end! I'll count to three, two, and one to lift it up!"

Although there was only one more person.

But the squad leader still had hope.

As it turned out, his hope was right.

Although Ling Yun could get hurt and die, his physique was much stronger than that of a normal person.

The firefighter squad leader couldn't lift something no matter what.

Ling Yun lifted it up in a flash.

Although it was two people who lifted it.

But the squad leader felt that he didn't use any strength at all.

After lifting a large piece of concrete.

Xiao Li recovered a lot immediately. The piece just now must have weighed at least several hundred pounds.

With the help of Ling Yun.

The countless pieces of cracked concrete wall were lifted away.

Ling Yun used radar skills to carefully scan Xiao Li.

As long as he was treated in time, Xiao Li would definitely not be in danger of life.

"Don't worry, as long as he is treated in time, he will not be in danger."

"Hurry up and send him outside, I will go to save others, many people were injured in the explosion."

The squad leader's eyes were red, and he said with gratitude: "Okay! If it weren't for you, Xiao Li might really have no hope!"

"I'm here to thank you on behalf of Xiao Li!"

"We are all family, you're welcome!"

After that, Ling Yun ran quickly to other places.

Looking at Ling Yun's back, the squad leader shouted loudly: "By the way, comrade, which fire brigade are you from? You are so strong?"

"I'm not a firefighter, I'm Ling Yun!"

"Ling Yun?!"

The squad leader looked at the direction where Ling Yun ran in a daze.

Just blinked.

Ling Yun had disappeared from his sight.

A slight explosion brought the confused squad leader back to reality.

Without thinking, the squad leader carried Xiao Li and ran out.

The outside is now full of ambulances.

After running outside

Xiao Li was immediately carried to the ambulance and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

When the squad leader sent Xiao Li to the ambulance.

Ling Yun had rescued another slightly injured firefighter.

At this time.

The fire in the chemical plant has been spread all over the Internet.

It has already gained a high popularity on the Internet.

After all, there is Ling Yun's blessing.

Even if it is a small matter, as long as it is related to Ling Yun, the popularity will be very high.

Now Ling Yun is the top traffic on the Internet.

Especially the reports inside the incident.

The major local TV stations are competing to report this incident.

The communities close to the chemical plant are also starting to evacuate urgently to prevent any accidents.

Not long after the incident happened.

Ling Yun's parents saw the push on their mobile phones.

There are already a lot of people in the circle of friends who forwarded the live video, and many people came to care about Ling Yun's parents.

They learned that Ling Yun was in such a dangerous chemical plant.

Ling Yun's parents were shocked.

They had prepared a whole table of food, waiting for Ling Yun to come home.

After all, there had been no news for more than two months.

It was impossible to say that they didn't miss Ling Yun.

If nothing had happened.

Now their family should be enjoying the reunion happily.

But the fact is that an accident happened.

Their family was not reunited.

Ling Yun was in an extremely dangerous chemical plant.

An explosion could happen in a chemical plant at any minute. No matter how powerful Ling Yun was, he was still a mortal.

The only thing Ling Yun's parents could do was to let Ling Yun's grandparents know later.

If the grandparents knew.

They would have to worry about it here again.

But just when they thought they could keep it a secret for a while, Ling Yun's grandparents turned on the TV.

As soon as they turned on the TV, the local TV station was on.

Originally, the programs on this TV station were just boring TV dramas, which the old couple liked to watch.

Now it's time to watch a TV show.

The old couple turned on the TV.

But there was no TV show on TV.TV series, but urgently inserted news.

"According to our reporter, a well-known chemical plant in our city caught fire due to non-compliance with safety standards, which led to very serious explosions."

"The fire was so intense that it was frightening, but the good news is that there is no record of death at present."

"All fire brigades in the city have been dispatched for emergency rescue. The fire has now been initially controlled, but the danger has not been eliminated."

"According to the latest news from the front line, Ling Yun participated in this rescue, and the number of rescuers has reached dozens, leaving a lot of room for rescue operations."


Hearing the report on TV.

The grandparents who were sitting on the sofa suddenly trembled in their hearts.

Just now I wanted to call Ling Yun.

Ask Ling Yun why he hasn't come home so late.

After watching TV.

The two of them immediately understood why Ling Yun didn't come home.

The family of four fell silent.

Now they can only pray silently in their hearts, hoping that Ling Yun is okay.

"Alas... it would be great if Ling Yun could be a little more selfish." Ling Yun's mother sighed.

Ling Dongsheng also sighed constantly.

In the living room, he paced back and forth.

After all, they are parents.

They don't want Ling Yun to be a hero or not, they just want their child to be well.

This is also the only selfishness of them as parents.

Time passes quickly on weekdays.

At this time, it passes so long.

Everyone in the fire scene is terrified every second.

Not only do they have to concentrate and put out the fire under high temperature, they also have to pay attention to whether there are any dangerous objects exploding around them.

These people don't have any skills.

When Ling Yun encounters danger, his mind will directly give Ling Yun a prompt to let Ling Yun avoid it in advance.

If he encounters danger normally, how can there be a prompt in his mind.

The only possibility.

Is to be injured by the explosion.

More than 180 firefighters have been dispatched now.

Now, there are more than 20 people injured.

The fire was too big, and the explosion was completely unpredictable.

Injured here.

Basically, if you are hit, you will be seriously injured, and there are very few minor injuries.

People are emotional, but explosions are ruthless.

Just when Ling Yun wanted to set off again.

Behind him, the familiar voice came again.

"Ling Yun!"

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