At this time, Ling Yun's understanding of himself was still stuck in the past life when he was a scout.

After all, after obtaining the system.

Ling Yun had never participated in a real battle.

The only time he could be called a real battle was to fight with those drug dealers.

But who were those drug dealers, and who was he facing.

This time he had to face the well-equipped and well-trained Blue Army.

On the first day, he might have to run for several hours before he could reach the Blue Army's activity range.

It was uncertain whether he could meet anyone.

"Task completion reward: Advanced camouflage skill experience card * seven days"

"After the exercise is successful, the skill will change from a limited time to permanent"

"Advanced camouflage skill?" Ling Yun's eyes lit up.

Seeing that there were advanced skills for completing the task, Ling Yun felt that the system's task did not seem excessive.

Asking him to eliminate fifty people is not asking him to eliminate a hundred people.

This is still worth a try.

After all, he only has intermediate skills now.

Ling Yun can spend points to unlock the intermediate mall in advance.

But the advanced mall is different.

Even if Ling Yun has more points, he cannot unlock the advanced mall in advance.

With the strength of these advanced skills, it must not be an easy task to unlock them.

Ling Yun can't even touch the edge of the advanced skills.

This is the only way for him to obtain advanced skills now.

Thinking about it, Ling Yun didn't think this task was difficult, and his steps became faster and faster.

Ling Yun ran for several hours.

These several hours.

Ling Yun's speed is not slow, not like the kind of jogging, but has been running at a very fast speed.

But for Ling Yun.

This speed is considered his slow running.

In the combat command room of the University of Science and Technology of China.

Zhou Hongwei was still shocked when he saw Ling Yun's physical fitness.

Tan Guochuan liked Ling Yun no matter how he looked at him.

In his mind, he was thinking about how to keep Ling Yun in their southern theater.

The reason why Tan Guochuan didn't think about the exercise.

Because after all, they are the red side, that is, the defending side.

Now they only need to do a good job of defense, traps, and wait for the arrival of the enemy.

They can't take the initiative to attack.

The attacking side also thinks so.

Because the red side is the defending side, they rush to the red side openly, and don't care whether they are discovered or not.

Another period of time passed.

Ling Yun searched for a ten-man reconnaissance team in the distance in his mind.

Because Ling Yun's radar skill is an advanced skill.

So the coverage range is very wide.

Even at a considerable distance, Ling Yun can detect and track at all times.

In electronic games, Ling Yun's skill is almost the same as cheating.

But both sides can only see the location of their own soldiers.

Therefore, both sides don't know that Ling Yun is about to encounter a reconnaissance team of the blue side.

All the members of this reconnaissance team are special forces soldiers with rich combat experience. They are a more experienced reconnaissance team.

One of the special forces soldiers who is tall and thin joked: "Guess when we will meet the red team this time?"

"Whoever is eliminated less will go back to wash the smelly socks of the other."

Another special forces soldier said, "If you want to wash our smelly socks, just say it directly. There is no need to find so many reasons and excuses."

The team members laughed.

But the captain's face was always stern.

"We have walked a distance, be careful that the enemy sends people here."

Listening to the captain's words.

The team members actually didn't believe it.

After all, the red team is defending, how could they send people here.

They haven't even left their own half of the blue team.

It would be strange if the red team could appear here.

"Better safe than sorry." The captain said in a serious tone.

The captain is the captain after all.

What he said should be listened to.

Although they were reluctant to believe that there would be people here, they still needed to be alert.

After all, in a real battlefield, no one knows what will happen in the next second, so it is always better to be alert.

At this time.

Ling Yun was heading straight towards the reconnaissance team.

After all, he now has the task of eliminating 50 people.

What's more, the task has a time limit.

Within 24 hours.

As long as any blue soldier appears in Ling Yun's field of vision.

Ling Yun can guarantee that within an hour, this soldier will definitely be eliminated.

It didn't take long for Ling Yun to approach the 500-meter range of these special forces.

After all.

Ling Yun was also a relatively good scout in his previous life.

Ling Yun is still very good at camouflage.

With radar skills andWith the help of the Eagle Eye skill, ten people were exposed to Ling Yun's vision without reservation.

When they were moving forward.

Little did they know that they had been targeted by the dark barrels.

Facing these ten people.

Ling Yun did not intend to deal with them, but directly confronted them.

When they reached the sniper range.

Ling Yun did not hesitate at all and pulled the trigger directly.


The huge sound of the sniper rifle echoed in the jungle.

But after all, it was in the jungle, and the jungle was very dense, and the dense jungle could absorb sound.

It sounded that the gunshot would come from a farther distance.

"Be careful! There is an ambush!" The captain of the reconnaissance team shouted immediately.

But when he shouted.

He also suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of impact, followed by pain.


He felt white smoke coming out of his body.

Special forces are special forces after all.

Even though they were ambushed by Ling Yun, they did not panic, but handled it very calmly.

After firing two shots.

Ling Yun put away his sniper rifle and evacuated quickly.

Because Ling Yun had just scanned the physiques of these people.

These people were not normal soldiers, their physiques were much better than normal soldiers.

And looking at their reactions.

Ling Yun judged that these people were very likely special forces.

If these people were special forces, if Ling Yun fired another shot, he would be directly exposed to the observer or sniper's vision.

Because Ling Yun moved very fast.

So, when the team's observer looked at Ling Yun's position, Ling Yun had already disappeared.

Just when the remaining eight people were on high alert.

Suddenly, another gunshot was heard from behind.

Ling Yun pulled the trigger very quickly.

After the first gunshot, the second gunshot followed.

Two streams of white smoke came out again at the scene.

Ling Yun quickly moved again.

Fire two shots, move once, and finally, move once for each shot.

In less than ten minutes.

There were only three people left in the ten-man reconnaissance team.

They had no room for resistance at all.

Because they felt that there were enemies everywhere.

"Quick! Contact the headquarters for support! We are surrounded!"

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