"You are dead now, do what dead people should do."

"Everyone lie down, don't make any noise, don't lie down for too long, you should be discovered by others."

After all, they are all special forces.

They still stick to this principle.

Although the members of Group B wanted to ask who Ling Yun was, they still held back.

Under the gaze of ten people.

Ling Yun slowly opened the tent and walked out of the tent.

The whole action.

There was almost no sound.

At first, everyone thought it was nothing.

But think about it carefully.

They thought they had encountered a ghost.

Because how can a normal person walk without making any noise?

"Is this a human or a ghost..." One of the special forces felt a little cold on his back.

After all, the whole tent is full of dead people.

Talking to each other will not affect anything.

The other special forces also followed you and whispered to discuss, and the more they talked, the more scary it became, and they scared the special forces.

After all, they really couldn't figure out who could be so perverted.

Finally, the captain of Group B said helplessly: "What the hell is a ghost? That person is very likely Ling Yun."

"Ling Yun?" The other nine people turned their heads and looked at the captain.

The captain continued: "Just now when he went out, I saw his rank, one bar, private."

"Only military academy students can have such a rank. Among military academy students, I can't think of anyone else who is so powerful except Ling Yun."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Then, they felt that they didn't lose so thoroughly. After all, they now understand their loss.

Being eliminated by Ling Yun is not a shameful thing.

After all, they have heard that Ling Yun has broken various military records and is very powerful.

After solving these ten people.

The voice of the system also sounded.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, reward: intermediate tactical evasion skills"

When Ling Yun returned to the cave again.

The ten people from Group B of the Night Wolf First Squadron who were eliminated were discovered.

At the beginning.

The special forces soldier who came to ask them to take over called them several times in a row, but they did not respond, just opened their eyes and gestured to them.

The special forces soldier thought they did not want to take over.

Until the end, a special forces soldier from Group B saw that he could not explain it clearly without speaking, so he spoke quickly: "We are dead now! How can dead people take over?"

"Dead???" The special forces soldier standing in front of the tent curtain was stunned.

He was a member of the third squadron.

After all, they were all in the same special forces.

There were not many people in the special forces, so everyone was familiar with each other.

So he also knew that the people in Group B were not lying to them.

Although it was a bit outrageous.

But the special forces soldier still reacted quickly, ran outside and immediately found his squadron leader and said: "Squadron leader! Something big happened!"

The squadron leader of the third squadron frowned and said: "What happened? Could it be that the guys in Group B don't want to come on duty?"

The special forces soldier sighed again and again, and he was so anxious.

"Even if they want to, they can't come to take over, because they are all eliminated!"

"What?!" The squadron leader exclaimed subconsciously.

"Just now when I went over to ask them to take over, they didn't reply for a long time, and they didn't get up. I thought they were making trouble with me at first..."

"Although it's a bit unbelievable, the fact is that they were secretly eliminated!"

"The people on the red side have crossed our layers of defense and come here again! They didn't go far, on the contrary, they are nearby!"

The captain of the third squadron went to see Group B of the first squadron in person.

After confirming that Group B was really wiped out.

The captain immediately ordered to report to the headquarters and request to increase the search in the surrounding area.

After learning that Group B was solved quietly, Zhao Zhongshan could no longer remain calm. "The enemy has been hiding right under our noses, but you didn't find it? How many people were sent to your location? How many drones and armed helicopters were dispatched?" "Is the meaning of your existence to eat free meals and die!" After Zhao Zhongshan's angry criticism, everyone did not sleep in the second half of the night and conducted a carpet search nearby. Of course, the result of the search was that nothing was found. After running around all night, Lingyun gradually approached the hinterland of the Blue Army. At the same time, the system also issued a new round of tasks. "Detecting that the host is about to approach the hinterland of the Blue Army, the final task is automatically triggered!" "Task 1: Capture the northern"The commander of the war zone!"

"Task 2: Don't let the blue side use tactical nuclear weapons in advance!"

"Note: Please do not be discovered when capturing the commander of the northern war zone alive, otherwise it will be considered a mission failure, and the reward will be determined by the host's completion."

Ling Yun: "???"

Seeing the task detected by the system.

Ling Yun was stunned.

Although there is no time limit, what the hell is it to capture the enemy commander alive?

And you can't be discovered by the enemy during the operation.

No matter how much the blue side is the offensive side, no matter how weak the defense is.

But no matter what, this is the enemy's lair.

It's harder than climbing to the sky to sneak in.

Even if you get in.

It's very difficult for Ling Yun to find an opportunity to capture Zhao Zhongshan alive.

Even if Zhao Zhongshan is successfully captured, the task will not be completed.

If Zhao Zhongshan does not return to the headquarters for a long time, others will definitely find out at the first time.

Maybe you won't be able to see your commander.

The blue team just threw out a tactical nuclear weapon.

Once the tactical nuclear weapon is thrown out, the red team is basically finished.

"This mission doesn't look like something that humans can complete..." Ling Yun cursed in his heart.

But the system has already issued the mission.

Ling Yun must prepare corresponding countermeasures, just in case there is a glimmer of hope for success?

Usually the higher the difficulty of the mission, the richer the reward.

So Ling Yun is still looking forward to it.

After walking along the map for a while.

Ling Yun gradually approached the blue team's headquarters.

The headquarters has everything.

Small runways, aprons, tanks, armored vehicles, and various weapons and equipment.

Radar skills cover all blue army headquarters.

Soon, Ling Yun found the launch room of tactical nuclear weapons.

To complete this mission.

You have to complete the second mission first.

After getting rid of those people in the launch room and preventing the launch of strategic nuclear weapons, you can go to kidnap Zhao Zhongshan with peace of mind.

There is an airstrip near the headquarters.

Ling Yun can intercept a two-seat fighter in a minute, put the leader in the back seat, start the fighter, and take the leader back to the red team directly.

Thinking of this, Ling Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Blue team leader, this can't be blamed on me, blame the system if you want to blame it."

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