Sun Renlong answered loudly: "Report to the company commander! My name is Sun Renlong!"

Ling Yun looked Sun Renlong up and down.

He looked like a thorn in the side.

In the next month.

This soldier named Sun Renlong should not think about having an easy life.

"The shouting is quite loud, it doesn't look like he has no physical strength."

Hearing this.

Sun Renlong said seriously: "Report to the company commander, answer the company commander's words, the voice must be loud! Be like a soldier!"

After that, Sun Renlong gasped heavily again, pretending to be very tired.

If Ling Yun didn't have the system.

Otherwise, Ling Yun might really be fooled by Sun Renlong's acting skills.

Many people say.

What the army lacks the least is talent.

This sentence is not false.

For example, this Sun Renlong.

If he didn't come to join the army, he might have become a famous actor now.

With this acting skill, it would be a pity not to give him a little golden man.

Looking at Sun Renlong who was pretending to be so serious, Ling Yun said calmly: "Run to the front of the team within 20 seconds, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

Sun Renlong was stunned.

He had already pretended to be so tired, and he was asked to run to the front of the team?

And he had to run to the front of the team within 20 seconds, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

Seeing Ling Yun's moody look just now.

Sun Renlong gritted his teeth and ran forward quickly, not knowing what Ling Yun would punish him for.

Ling Yun followed Sun Renlong all the way to the front.

While running.

Sun Renlong was very fast, so why would he need 20 seconds? He ran to the front of the team in just over 10 seconds.

Ling Yun nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good."

Hearing this, Sun Renlong was also relieved.

"You can add one more round trip. After the others have run 7 round trips, I will supervise you to run one round trip alone."


Sun Renlong sprayed directly.

I did everything you said, and you still want me to run back and forth again?

I acted so tired just now, can't you see it?

"Captain, but I just..."

Before Sun Renlong finished speaking.

Ling Yun directly held back Sun Renlong's words and said coldly: "Being clever in front of me is the stupidest behavior."

"If you want to defend yourself any more, add another round."

Now, Sun Renlong was honest, dared not say another word, lowered his head and ran silently.

After all, these soldiers had received some training during the new training.

After two kilometers, many soldiers were able to hold on and continue running.

There were also some soldiers running at the back.

After Ling Yun pointed out several soldiers who pretended to be tired, no one pretended to be tired anymore.

The rest of the soldiers who were running behind were really unable to run, so Ling Yun did not bother with them.

After running the fifth lap.

The soldiers behind really couldn't run anymore.

But Ling Yun could feel that they still wanted to grit their teeth and persevere.

The reason they persisted was not to break their own limits.

But they simply didn't want to be punished by Ling Yun.

But no matter what the starting point was.

As long as they could keep running, it was good.

When they were about to reach their physical limit, Ling Yun came to them and whispered: "Rest."

"You have reached the limit of your body, take care of your body, don't tire yourself out."

Facing Ling Yun's sudden concern.

These soldiers were suddenly stunned.

And suddenly felt that their new company commander didn't seem so bad.

They knew how tired they were now.

But if Ling Yun asked them to continue running and punished them if they didn't run, they would have no choice.

They could only continue.

After all, they didn't want to be punished for so many more laps.

The soldiers standing at the back slowly stopped and rested in place, with gratitude in their eyes.

This new company commander still values ​​their health.

He knows their physical fitness and is afraid that they will tire themselves out.

"Thank you, company commander!" These exhausted soldiers said gratefully.

Ling Yun nodded slightly.

He continued: "Go back and correct it. If you are exhausted today, you will not be able to keep up with the training tomorrow."

"Try to tire yourself out tomorrow."

Soldiers: "???"

They were a little touched just now, but their hearts have been cold.

They thought Ling Yun was concerned about their health.

But who would have thought.

It turned out that Ling Yun was afraid that they were not in good health today and delayed tomorrow's training.

Inside and outside.

Ling Yun just wantedLet their bodies be ruined by training later!

The seventh lap is over.

Most of the soldiers barely finished it, and the remaining soldiers are like Sun Renlong.

Seeing those who can't run at the back, the instructor will call them down to rest in advance, and there will be no punishment.

So there are many braver soldiers behind, and they all want to pretend that they are also tired and can't run.

But in the end, they were all seen through by Ling Yun.

Under Ling Yun's leadership.

In the end, Sun Renlong and other soldiers who pretended to be tired all ran the eighth round.

After the eighth lap.

Ling Yun gathered all the soldiers.

At this time, the soldiers of the seventh company were so tired that they could hardly stand up straight.

But after all, it was the first time they met.

The formal training will start tomorrow.

So Ling Yun didn't want to care so much today, and said directly: "Everyone, disband!"

"Gather at six o'clock tomorrow morning, latecomers will bear the consequences!"

Hearing the word disband.

All the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they were close to the dormitory, right at the door.

Otherwise, they felt that it would be a problem whether they could return to the dormitory now.

Especially soldiers like Sun Renlong who had run eight times back and forth were so tired that their legs were shaking.

The deputy company commander saw the effect of such training.

He couldn't help but admire it from the bottom of his heart.

It's not that no company commander had done this before, but I don't know why these soldiers were so obedient when they came to Ling Yun.

After the disbandment, Ling Yun said to the deputy company commander: "Deputy company commander, please help me call the platoon leader of the third platoon."

The deputy company commander did not ask Ling Yun why, but did it directly according to what Ling Yun said.

The duty of a soldier is to obey orders.

Whatever Ling Yun asked him to do, the first thing to think about was to execute it, rather than thinking here why Ling Yun asked him to do it and what the purpose was.

In less than two minutes.

The deputy company commander brought Li Chao over.

Li Chao was a little confused.

After all, he was not familiar with the new company commander, and the new company commander had a fickle temper. What good could come of looking for him?

"Company commander!" Li Chao saluted Ling Yun in a standard military salute.

Ling Yun also returned the salute.

And he said to Li Chao in his usual voice: "Hello, squad leader!"

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