After the fusion.

Ling Yun, who had already reached his limit, did not even breathe heavily.

Only the clothes soaked with sweat could prove that he had just sprinted ten kilometers in one breath.

Apart from that, Ling Yun did not show any signs of being tired.

"Huh..." Ling Yun breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although it was only a 0.1 improvement in physical fitness, the effect was really significant.

Ling Yun turned his head.

After seeing Zhao Zhongxiang and Zhu Wen not far away from him, he trotted over.

Ling Yun stood at attention and saluted, "District Captain! Squadron Captain!"

The two could not believe their eyes.

They would definitely not be wrong, Ling Yun had just reached his limit.

But what was going on with Ling Yun's current state?

It was as if nothing had happened.

Zhao Zhongxiang coughed twice and said, "Very good, keep up the good work."

"Excellent soldiers are not only talented, they also have efforts that others do not have."

Zhao Zhongxiang and Zhu Wen praised Ling Yun fiercely.

They chatted until the end.

They also asked about Ling Yun's physique.

Ling Yun's almost abnormal physique was incredible even to himself.

But he couldn't tell others that he had a system blessing, right?

Ling Yun quickly made up a reason in his mind.

"I have been eating and drinking well since I was a child, so my physique is naturally much better than that of ordinary children."

"Although I don't exercise much outside, I exercise on the treadmill every day at home. Over time, running has become a habit of mine."

"It may also be that I have some talent in long-distance running. For me, 10 kilometers is not a difficult task."

Listening to Ling Yun's explanation.

Zhao Zhongxiang and the others nodded, with amazement on their faces.

After chatting for a few more words, Ling Yun returned to the dormitory.

Seeing Ling Yun who had just returned to the dormitory.

Zhang Hao and others almost dropped their jaws in shock.

"Wo...Wo grass!"

"Did you go swimming? Why are your clothes so wet?"

With Zhang Hao's exclamation.

Everyone in the dormitory focused their attention on Ling Yun.

Ling Yun's clothes were very wet.

Looking at the clothes, it felt like water could be squeezed out if you wrung them.

Ling Yun smiled and said, "The weather is too hot, and I started sweating not long after training."

Everyone: "???"

"You call this sweat?"

"We thought you went swimming!"

After a simple tidying up.

It was time for afternoon training again.

The intensity of the afternoon training was very high, and we made up for what we didn't train in the morning.

When we returned to the dormitory in the evening, the corridor was still filled with the roars of the class leaders.

The class leaders of each class took good care of their housekeeping.

This continued for another week.

During the second week of the mobile red flag evaluation, the housekeeping of each class had obviously improved a lot.

Zhu Wen's face was not as gloomy as it was the first time.

In general, all classes have made great progress.

Of course, the final red flag still fell to Class 1.

For two consecutive weeks, Class 1 scored full marks in housekeeping.

As the saying goes, "A red man is red when he is near a red man, and a black man is black when he is near a black man."

It was precisely because Class 1 had Ling Yun that he alone led the entire class.

Students from other classes also sought advice from Ling Yun privately.

Because they got the red flag again.

In the evening, the two squad leaders were in a particularly good mood.

Li Chao waved his hand and signaled the students who were reciting the housekeeping regulations to stop.

"Squad leader, do you have anything to announce?" Zhang Hao asked curiously.

The dormitory is not like the outside.

After spending a long time together, there are not so many rules.

Every freshman gets along well with the squad leader, of course, except when the squad leader loses his temper.

Li Chao nodded, and Chen Zijian smiled mysteriously beside him.

Seeing the two of them pretending to be mysterious.

Zhang Hao and the others gradually became itchy in their hearts, curious about what they were going to say.

When the two squad leaders were still playing tricks.

A voice suddenly came from behind, and this voice was Ling Yun's voice.

"Are we going to have shooting training?"

"Shooting training?!" The freshmen said in surprise.

Then, the freshmen looked at the squad leader.

The physical training, queue training, and housekeeping training in the first two weeks made them almost forget that there would be shooting training during the new training.

Speaking of shooting training, their spirits soared up.

Li Chao laughed dryly a few times.

"You really can't hide anything from you kid."

As soon as the voice fell.

The dormitory was boiling.

Li Chao's words undoubtedly proved that Ling Yun was right.

That means that they can touch the real thing starting tomorrow.

"Oh yeah! I can finally touch the gun!"

"Long live the squad leader!"

"If the squad leader hadn't mentioned it today, I would have almost forgotten that there was shooting training in the new training."

Just as the freshmen were celebrating in the dormitory.

Ling Yun's voice came from behind again, pouring cold water on them.

"Of course, it's just that you can touch it."

"If you want to conduct formal shooting training, you must first understand this gun, understand everything about this gun, and also understand the shooting action."

"I believe that after graduating from high school, you all learned to drive for a short time, right?"

"If you want to drive, you have to pass the theory of Section 1, and then pass the theory to have the field practice of Section 2, and then go on the road of Section 3..."


After saying this, Zhang Hao and his enthusiasm was dispersed again.

"I thought I could do live-fire shooting after I got the gun, but it's so troublesome to want to shoot." Zhang Hao said sadly.

Li Chao laughed and scolded: "Do you think the real thing is the same as a toy gun."

"Hurry up, you can do live-fire shooting in about a week. But if the progress is slow, it is possible that it will take more than a month. "

Although they cannot conduct live-fire shooting immediately.

But they are still very excited to think that they will receive their own guns tomorrow.

The next day.

The squadron leader called everyone to conduct a gun-granting ceremony.

Although the freshmen standing in line had no expression on their faces.

But from their eyes, you can see how excited they are at the moment.


Every day they were either doing physical training or queues, and there were also housekeeping when they returned to the dormitory.

Behind Zhu Wen, there were dark guns.

Today, I can finally touch the real thing.

Although I can't shoot, I am really excited.

The squadron leader coughed a few times, his expression solemn.

"The gun-granting ceremony officially begins!"

"In common terms, after half a month of training, you are now qualified to receive guns!"

The freshmen applauded excitedly, and the applause was like thunder.

Zhu Wen waved his hand, and the freshmen quieted down.

"We grew up in a harmonious, gun-free society. So what does a gun mean to you?"

"No need to shout report, everyone can speak their mind."

Ling Yun shouted loudly: "Report!"

Zhu Wen was not surprised that Ling Yun would answer.

"The gun represents the responsibility of the soldiers to defend the country!"

"On the battlefield, the gun is also our second life!"

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