Hearing the rustling of other candidates' pens and straw papers, Feng Long also began to prepare for the exam.

"After the exam, I must avenge what happened in the classroom that day!"

This year's college entrance examination questions are more difficult than in previous years.

But these questions seem very simple to Ling Yun. In less than half an hour, all the questions were completed.

Ling Yun murmured in a low voice, "If I wasn't writing slowly, I could have gone faster."

Looking at the clock hanging in front of him, Ling Yun was bored.

One hundred and twenty minutes.

Ling Yun finished all the questions in less than a quarter of the time.

One is boredom, and the other is to prevent accidents.

Ling Yun checked the test paper several times again.

After making sure there was nothing missing, Ling Yun memorized the answer sheet.

After tidying up the desk.

Ling Yun lay on the table and fell asleep.

Although his learning speed is as fast as a cheat after learning proficiency, Ling Yun will get tired after a long time.

Ling Yun hasn't slept well recently.

Even when he was sleeping and dreaming, he dreamed that he was studying.

Seeing Ling Yun sleeping on the table, Feng Long felt that he was hopeless.

The invigilator found something unusual.

Ling Yun answered the questions very quickly and wrote them regularly, not like he was writing randomly.

After Ling Yun fell asleep, the invigilator picked up Ling Yun's answer sheet.

After reading it, the invigilator's pupils shrank sharply, and he was in awe of Ling Yun who was sleeping on the table.

No wonder he could sleep so soundly.

Because he couldn't find any faults in the test paper Ling Yun answered, and what he wrote was simply a textbook answer.

Ling Yun calculated the time very accurately.

After waking up, there was still one minute to hand in the paper.

After handing in the paper, Ling Yun didn't hesitate and rushed out of the examination room directly.

The door was full of anxiously waiting parents and reporters who couldn't wait to interview.

11.30 is the end time.

11.00 is the time when the test papers can be handed in.

Ling Yun ran out of the school gate at 11.01.

Seeing Ling Yun running out, reporters swarmed over.

"Classmate, did you run out so quickly because the questions were too difficult or because you finished them all? It is said that the questions this year are particularly difficult!"

Ling Yun only wanted to run out to eat, and did not pay much attention to the reporters, and said a few words casually.

"Are these questions difficult?"

"I finished the paper in less than half an hour, and I didn't think it was difficult, but I was hungry waiting for the paper to be handed in."

"It would be great if I could hand in the paper after answering it, so that I could eat earlier."

Without waiting for the reporters to continue the interview, Ling Yun left with a chic back.

Ling Yun did the same for all the following subjects.

The reporters and Ling Yun were even familiar with each other, because Ling Yun was always the first one to run out.

Ling Yun instantly became popular in the market.

In the next few days, Ling Yun was the headline of the market every day.

#Crazy college entrance examination candidate, always submits the paper early##Crazy candidate said the questions were too simple, and finished the paper in less than half an hour##Crazy candidate suspected to be a 10th high school candidate, the last in the class# Ling Yun didn't care about these things. After the college entrance examination, Ling Yun was already waiting for the admission notice.

Ling Yun carefully checked every test paper.

There was no mistake.

During the period of waiting for the admission notice, Ling Yun ran around.

What is different from others is.

On the day the results came out, Ling Yun directly received the admission notice.

There are very few people like Ling Yun.

Only a few people with particularly good grades who are highly valued by the school will receive the admission notice on the same day.

It is difficult for the University of Science and Technology of China not to pay attention to his full score of 750 points.

After checking the results this time.

Basically everyone has a crying face.

Because the difficulty of this college entrance examination is too high, everyone's score is much lower than expected.

When others are crying there,

Ling Yun was already on his way to the physical examination, preparing for entering the University of Science and Technology of China.

The physical examination was completed quickly, and Ling Yun passed all the tests.

Ling Yun's parents grew up in a mountain village, started from scratch, and did business with conscience.

The political review was also quickly completed.

A week later.

The class monitor called everyone together to hold a class reunion.

For Ling Yun, the class reunion was meaningless.

Because he couldn't get along with all his classmates.

He was not well-liked on weekdays.

Now that he had graduated, he would be asking for trouble if he went.

If Zhang Wei hadn't insisted on dragging Ling Yun with him.

Ling Yun didn't want to attend the class reunion at all.

The location of the class reunion was set at a better hotel in the city, starting at 10:30 in the morning.

Zhang Wei went downstairs early to find Ling Yun.

Seeing Ling Yun's grandparentsJust as he was going downstairs to go out for a walk, Zhang Wei greeted him warmly.

"Hello, uncle, hello, aunt."

Ling Yun's grandparents smiled kindly, "Hey, Xiao Wei is here to see Xiao Yun. What university did you apply for? Did you get in?"

"Today is a class reunion, let's go together."

Zhang Wei patted his chest, "I'm lucky. I studied hard and got into a crappy undergraduate program!"

The two elders nodded and said with a smile, "Although my Xiao Yun's grades are not very good, he said he got into college."

"It seems to be called something like the University of Science and Technology of China."

"I remember it, it seems to be called the University of Science and Technology of China. We don't know if that university is good or not. Xiao Yun said that going to that university will save money and it's pretty good."

"On the day the results came out, someone came to give our Xiao Yun an admission letter."

Zhang Wei: "???"

Shocked, Zhang Wei called Ling Yun and asked him to come downstairs.

With Ling Yun's results.

Zhang Wei just thought Ling Yun had made a fake admission letter.

Ling Yun had already packed his luggage and was ready to go out.

Looking at the clothes in the closet, it was hard for Ling Yun to keep a low profile.

Even if he wore the most low-key clothes, the total price was over 10,000.

Seeing Zhang Wei and seeing his shocked look.

Ling Yun knew that he had learned that he was admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China.

The two walked straight to the garage.

Relying on the relationship between his parents' wide network of contacts, Ling Yun got a driver's license not long after he turned 18.

His parents also bought Ling Yun a donkey worth hundreds of thousands of yuan to drive.

When they arrived outside the hotel, it was already 10:29.

In the box, Feng Long was surrounded by his classmates, looking very proud.

Although he was not a good person, his academic performance was obvious to all.

He received an admission letter a few days after the results came out, and successfully entered his first choice, a very good university.

Looking at the time, Feng Long looked at the door again.

"Some people always want to be special."

"You are ranked behind in academic performance, but I didn't expect that you are the same as a person, and you like to be ranked behind."

"The party is about to start, and only Ling Yun and Zhang Wei haven't arrived."

Feng Long's words are unpleasant to hear, but the classmates in the class didn't object.

Because they later learned what Ling Yun's three wishes were.

Under the guidance of the waiter.

Ling Yun and Zhang Wei came to the private room.

Feng Long came back to get revenge, and deliberately stood at the door of the private room.

"Oh, you are finally here."

"Ling Yun, did you get into Tsinghua or Peking University, or did you get into the University of Science and Technology of China?"

Ling Yun glanced at Feng Long and said lightly, "The University of Science and Technology of China."

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