"At a distance of 100 meters, the bullet will not be affected at all, and the error is very small."

"And our University of Science and Technology of China's equipment is relatively good. Within 100 meters, the bullet will hit wherever you aim."

"You don't have to aim at the center of the bull's eye for the first few bullets. Put the bullet on the target first and find the feel of the gun first."

"With your talent, it should be easy to hit the target, right?"

Zhang Hao and others nodded.

Then, they did as Ling Yun said.

The most important thing in live-fire shooting is the feel of the gun.

The reason why they can keep such good results with pistols is because they keep a good feel of the gun.

If the feel of the gun is maintained well, the results will naturally be good.

As the whistle sounded.

The first live-fire shooting of rifles officially began.

Everyone lay on the ground and aimed at the target 100 meters away.

It was less than a second before the whistle fell.

A gunshot was heard instantly.

At first, Zhu Wen thought someone had accidentally fired because of nervousness.

Zhu Wen looked in the direction where the gunshots came from.

Immediately after the first gunshot, several more gunshots were heard.





Ling Yun fired very frequently.

After all, with the support of shooting auxiliary skills, a rifle's 100-meter target is simply easy.

These are not difficult for Ling Yun at all.

Ling Yun is still the same as when shooting with a pistol.

One second, two shots.

The bullets were quickly used up, and Ling Yun stood up and walked to the back to wait.

It was Ling Yun who saw that the gun was fired so quickly.

This was beyond his expectations, but also not beyond his expectations.

Ling Yun's performance in the pistol training before was so dazzling.

It was barely normal for a rifle to perform so dazzlingly...

Zhu Wen put his hands behind his back and walked close to Ling Yun.

This time Zhu Wen did not ask directly, but said: "Ling Yun, are you sure?"

"Full ring." Ling Yun said calmly.

Whether it was the tone or the emotion.

Ling Yun was so calm.

It seemed that a full ring was as easy as blinking an eye for Ling Yun.

"It's just that there may be some unexpected things when the final score is assessed later." Ling Yun continued.

Zhu Wen raised his eyebrows.

"What unexpected things?"

Ling Yun pointed to the target in the distance and said, "Because I shot all four bullets at the same point, when the score is assessed next, I may be judged as 60 rings."

"The way I shot it looks a bit like four bullets missed the target."

Zhu Wen's mouth twitched.

If the person in front of him was a special forces soldier, there would be nothing wrong with this sentence.

But the person standing in front of him was a freshman.

And it was his first time to come into contact with live-fire shooting training.

Is it a bit too incredible to get such a score?

Zhu Wen swallowed his saliva.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

Ling Yun answered truthfully, "Captain, I never joke. Especially about things like this."

Seeing Ling Yun's serious expression.

Zhu Wen knew.

What Ling Yun said was very likely true.

Zhang Hao and others also finished shooting one after another, and they all did what Ling Yun said.

Sure enough, after firing a few bullets, they found the gun feeling very smoothly.

The remaining bullets basically hit the center of the bull's eye.

Although it was the first time to shoot live ammunition with a rifle, they could also feel that their results would not be bad this time.

It didn't take long for all the freshmen in the first squadron to finish shooting.

The results were quickly counted.

When he got the transcript, Zhu Wen quickly found Ling Yun's score.

It was the same as Ling Yun said.

On the transcript, Ling Yun's score was only 60.

Zhu Wen called the staff member who was in charge of statistics just now.

"Bring Ling Yun's target paper here, I want to check it myself."

The staff also felt that Ling Yun should not have this score.

He has been in charge of the statistics.

He is very familiar with Ling Yun's results, he is a real genius.

The score of 60 rings is obviously not in line with Ling Yun's strength.

The staff turned around quickly and went back to get Ling Yun's target paper.

Seeing that Zhu Wen did not announce the results immediately.

The freshmen and class leaders of each class below were a little puzzled.

They did not see anger or dissatisfaction on Zhu Wen's face.

On the contrary.

They only saw confusion on Zhu Wen's face.

But after all, Zhu Wen stood in front of the freshmen, and they did not dare to discuss privately.

If the whispered discussion was discovered by the squadron leader, a five-kilometer test would be inevitable.

The staff quickly took Ling Yun's target paper and walked back.

"Xiao Liu, did you check the target paper carefully just now?" Zhu Wen asked Xiao Liu.Xiao Liu replied: "Captain, there is really nothing to check on the target paper. If the bullet hits it, it will definitely leave a mark."

"But Ling Yun's result is indeed a bit incredible. Six bullets hit the center of the target accurately, but the other four missed."

Zhu Wen thought of Ling Yun's words just now that the bullets all hit the same point, which would look like 4 missed the target.

Zhu Wen simply called Ling Yun up.

Zhu Wen shouted to Ling Yun who was standing in the queue: "Ling Yun, get out of the line!"


Ling Yun responded and ran towards Zhu Wen in small steps.

Looking at the target paper that was brought over.

Ling Yun naturally knew what it meant.

"Although I shot several bullets at the same position, you can still see the difference if you look closely."

Ling Yun squatted down and pointed at the bullet hole in the center of the target paper and said, "From a distance, this bullet hole is normal."

"But if you bend down and look carefully, you will find that the circle of this bullet hole is irregular. In fact, my rifle accuracy is not that accurate, and it needs to be improved."

"So when the bullets hit the same point, there will be some errors."

Zhu Wen and Xiao Liu carefully observed the target paper.

Sure enough, it was just as Ling Yun said.

In fact, Ling Yun's rifle score was also 100 rings.

Xiao Liu's face turned red.

He has been counting targets for so many years, but he didn't expect such a serious mistake today.

It should have been 100 rings, but he counted it as 60 rings.

"It's my fault." Xiao Liu said with his head down.

But Zhu Wen didn't blame him.

Instead, Zhu Wen laughed and said, "It's normal for you to fail in your duty when you encounter a monster like Ling Yun."

"After all, which recruit can do this?"

"There are recruits who can score 100 points in their first rifle live-fire shooting, but they are geniuses among geniuses. You may not meet such a person in ten years."

"It's normal for you not to think that the bullets hit the same spot when you suddenly encounter a monster like Ling Yun this year."

"Go back and correct Ling Yun's score."

Xiao Liu nodded and ran back to correct the score.

Zhu Wen signaled Ling Yun to return to the team.

Then, Zhu Wen picked up the report card and began to announce the results.

"The results of the first district team, the first squadron, and the first class will be announced below!"

"Ling Yun: 100 points!"

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