Seeing the veterans coming in from the door, Ling Yun took the initiative to introduce.

"Hello veterans, my name is Ling Yun."

"Ling Yun?"

The veterans were a little confused.

They had never heard of this name.

Because there is a high threshold to enter the fighting club, there are not many people in the fighting club.

Each club member is very familiar with each other.

While the veterans were still confused, some people came in from outside.

One of the thinner people said from the back: "He is a student who was temporarily inserted into our fighting club by the school."

"He mainly came here to study."

When the others heard this voice, they turned their heads and said loudly: "Hello, Minister!"

The minister nodded.

Through the crowd, Ling Yun also saw the minister.

The minister was not as tall and strong as Ling Yun imagined.

The minister had darker skin.

He was about 1.7 meters tall, and looked like an ordinary person from the outside.

But the more such people are, the more terrifying their strength is.

If you don't have some strength in the fighting club, you definitely can't be the director.

Ling Yun also stood up and said, "Hello, director!"

But the director obviously didn't like Ling Yun very much.

This morning, the director received a sudden notice from the school, saying that they would insert someone into the fighting club.

For such a person.

The director was very unhappy.

But it was the arrangement of the school, and he had to accept it.

"Let me introduce myself to everyone." The director said a little casually.

Seeing the director's tone.

Ling Yun also knew it in his heart, after all, he was suddenly inserted into the fighting club.

"My name is Ling Yun, majoring in army command, and I am a freshman this year."

"I came here mainly for more in-depth fighting exchanges and learning. I hope you will give me more advice in the future."

Hearing Ling Yun's introduction, everyone was stunned.

No wonder the person in front of them was so unfamiliar.

After talking for a long time, it turned out that the person in front of them was actually a freshman?

A senior veteran couldn't help but say, "Shouldn't the freshmen still be in the training period?"

"During the training period, we have to do physical training, housekeeping, shooting and other exercises every day. How do you have time to come here?"

Ling Yun explained, "Because I got full marks in all the subjects during the training period, I won't learn anything if I continue to follow the training process."

"The squad leader took me to find the squadron leader, and the squadron leader found the district leader. Finally, after the approval of the school, I came here."

Ling Yun's tone was very calm.

It was as if he was talking about something very ordinary.

But the veterans were not calm in their hearts.

The training will not end for another month, and Ling Yun has already learned all the subjects of the training, and still got full marks?

Is he making a fuss?

The minister raised his eyebrows.

I thought Ling Yun had used some connections.

But listening to Ling Yun's introduction, Ling Yun seemed to have some skills.

The school naturally knew the threshold of their fighting club.

Fighting clubs are not open to everyone who wants to join.

If Ling Yun is not particularly good in some aspects.

The school will not approve the application.

The minister walked up to Ling Yun and said, "Before you enter our fighting club, I want you to know something about our fighting club."

"We are a military school, and military schools are troops. No matter what you do, you must abide by the rules."

"There is an instrument for testing strength there. You can make an exception for the school to insert you into our fighting club during the new training period to prove that you have some strength."

"My requirements for you are not high. As long as you can punch 200 kilograms, you can stay."

"If you don't reach 200 kilograms, I can't teach you. I will apply to the school again to let you continue the new training."

The veterans also looked at Ling Yun.

In such a place, strength is king.

Ling Yun didn't say much. It's best to prove yourself with strength.

And Ling Yun doesn't know how many kilograms he can punch now.

Walk to the instrument for testing strength.

Ling Yun did not stretch his arms to warm up, but punched the equipment directly.


A huge dull sound came.

The club members present were a little unresponsive.

This freshman is still a hot-tempered one.

Hitting like this will not test the real strength, it is just like hitting it casually.

The sound is just louder.

The veterans did not take it seriously and looked at the screen as if it didn't matter.

But the value on the screen made them dumbfounded.

The value has already exceeded two hundred.

Now the value hasIt has reached 300, and the value is still rising now, with no intention of stopping.

"This... How much can this guy hit?"

The veterans stared at the value displayed on the screen.

In the end, the value stopped at 412.

The most violent punch.

It is also the most ordinary punch.

But Ling Yun directly hit 412 kilograms.

What does this mean?

If Ling Yun hits well again, the score will only be higher, not lower.

The minister was also shocked by the sudden burst of power from Ling Yun.

After all, the first strength record in the whole school is only more than 500 kilograms.

Ling Yun hit 400 kilograms in his first fight.

It is just around the corner to break the school record.

This time, the troops have to take Ling Yun seriously.

The minister did not intend to introduce himself to Ling Yun, but with the strength that Ling Yun showed now, the minister still made a formal self-introduction.

Because Ling Yun is now fully able to meet the standard.

The minister walked up to Ling Yun, stretched out his hand and said, "My name is Tan Fei, and I'm your junior."

"From today on, I will be responsible for your fighting."

Ling Yun shook hands with Tan Fei and said, "Please take good care of me."

At Tan Fei's call.

Other veterans also walked over to Ling Yun and greeted Ling Yun.

In such a place.

Strength is always supreme. Only when you are strong will more people admire you and obey you.

If you are weak, even if you are the highest official, no one will obey you.

With Ling Yun's strong strength.

Soon, Ling Yun was recognized in the fighting club and received a lot of attention.

Tan Fei also took good care of Ling Yun.

On that day alone, Tan Fei taught Ling Yun all the fighting skills he knew.

With Ling Yun's learning ability, plus Ling Yun was a soldier in his previous life, his learning speed couldn't be faster.

Ling Yun also discovered.

Since he came to the fighting club, every member of the fighting club has come here on time every day, never absent.

Ling Yun couldn't help but be a little curious and asked Tan Fei, "Minister, do the people in our fighting club have to come here regularly to train every day?"

Tan Fei smiled and said, "Not really."

"It's just that a civil war is about to start recently."

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