If you encounter a high bar, you have to jump over it.

If you encounter a low bar, you have to bend down and crawl over it quickly, but there is no rule that you have to crawl over it.

Before reaching the high and low bars, Ling Yun did not hesitate at all.

Under Chen Zijian's gaze.

Ling Yun jumped over the higher iron bar, then immediately bent down, did a sideways roll and passed the lower bar.

Then Ling Yun repeated this action again.

If Ling Yun was replaced by other freshmen, they might not even have jumped over the first high bar now.

But what about Ling Yun?

It was his first time to come into contact with the island landing training, and he knew how to run the subjects without the squad leader teaching him.

That's fine.

He ran so hard!

Chen Zijian compared himself with Ling Yun in his mind.

The final result of the comparison was also obvious.

Chen Zijian had no chance of winning over Ling Yun.

At least in the subjects that Ling Yun ran, he could not win over Ling Yun in any subject.

After passing the high and low horizontal bars, we came to the rope net.

The rope net is also known as the high net.

After reaching the top of the high net, climb over the high net and then land on the ground.

This subject is a great test of the psychological quality of freshmen.

Among many subjects.

The high net can be said to be the most difficult subject.

Although the height of six meters does not sound high.

But when you actually stand on the six-meter height and look down, the feeling is completely different.

And there are no safety protection measures on the high net.

Even people who are not afraid of heights may be afraid of heights when they practice here.

Chen Zijian looked at Ling Yun.

I thought Ling Yun would stop here for some time.

But Ling Yun did not do what Chen Zijian thought, but rushed up directly.

Facing the six-meter high net.

Ling Yun had no fear at all, and climbed quickly like a gecko.

After crossing the high net in one go.

After falling three meters, Ling Yun jumped directly down from a height of three meters, and then rolled to relieve the force.

Chen Zijian was numb.

What else in this world can Ling Yun not do?

"I don't believe that you can do the tire climbing platform?" Chen Zijian looked at Ling Yun with some disbelief.

The difficulty of the tire climbing platform is no different from that of the high net.

The tire climbing platform consists of hanging boards, hanging tires, hemp ropes and soft ladders.

This subject can also exercise the coordination of the freshmen's bodies.

The standard of completion is to quickly pass the hanging board, jump onto the tires one by one, climb to the highest point, and land using hemp ropes or soft ladders.

Once a mistake occurs during training, or the method is improper during climbing.

It is very easy to cause both feet to step on the air and fall off the tire.

When falling.

Sliding down the rope is also likely to cause the palms to be worn.

When training this subject for the first time, almost no freshman can escape.

It is impossible to practice this subject well without getting hurt.

But when he pulled himself out of his mind and looked at Ling Yun again.

Ling Yun was almost passing this subject.

The next subject was much easier.

The swinging platform simulated the swinging of the ship on the water, which could greatly improve the balance.

There were many iron bars standing on the swinging platform.

Although this subject was relatively simple.

But if you hit the iron bars, you would also get bruises.

Ling Yun passed the iron bars very flexibly.

From the beginning to now, no subject could be difficult for Ling Yun.

The next step was to pass the swinging ladder.

The swinging ladder was suspended by two very high iron frames.

Every time it moved, the ladder on the iron frame would swing with it.

But for Ling Yun.

It swung its own way.

Ling Yun passed Ling Yun here.

These swings had no effect on Ling Yun.

As Ling Yun landed easily.

Next, Ling Yun came to the next subject.

This subject is relatively simple.

Crossing the net.

For Ling Yun now.

To cross the net, it is nothing more than raising your legs and feet higher when walking.

Others may trip when they walk to this subject.

But Ling Yun is here, just like taking a walk.

Finally, he arrived at the isolation barrier.

There are hemp ropes and slide bars on the wall, and the wall has protrusions and grooves, which can train freshmen's rock climbing ability.

It is not difficult to pass.

Among so many subjects, climbing this wall is particularly simple.

Facing such a simple subject.

Ling Yun has already conceived a new way to pass in his mind.

Ling Yun accelerated suddenly and suddenly jumped up.

Then, he quickly grabbed the rope hanging on the wall.

At the same time.

The sole of the foot quickly stepped on the groove inside and kicked up.

Because the leg muscles have been strengthened.

The power that Ling Yun burst out is very strongWith the help of this power, Ling Yun jumped over the isolation barrier.

The next subjects were easier.

Deep pits, low walls, Ling Yun was just like crossing flat ground.

As for the suspended iron bars and fixed iron bars.

Ling Yun was as flexible as a monkey and passed quickly.

With the last sprint.

Ling Yun came to Chen Zijian again.

Although Chen Zijian didn't time it just now, based on his three years of experience.

Ling Yun's result just now was definitely within two minutes.

It is very likely that it is one minute and fifty, or even forty-five, or even less.

Ling Yun's result.

It is completely comparable to those senior veterans, and those senior veterans must be excellent.

Most people run this 400 meters in two or three minutes.

For freshmen.

Being able to run for three minutes is already very good.

Because they are not familiar with many subjects yet.

Only after they are familiar with them can they slowly speed up and make themselves run faster.

Chen Zijian calmed down and said, "Lingyun, how do you know how to pass these subjects?"

Before a subject shines.

Lingyun would think of reasons in his mind in advance, so that what he said would be more natural.

He could not say that he was a soldier in his previous life, right?

But looking back at the 400 meters just now.

Lingyun found that there were some differences between the 400 meters practiced in the military academy and the 400 meters in his previous life.

"I met a retired veteran in society before, and he told me about it when we were chatting."

"I have a good learning ability and a good memory. Although it was just a casual meeting, I remember what he said very clearly."

"When I arrived at the scene and saw the various projects, I remembered what he said to me in my mind. Which project should be passed and which project is difficult."

Seeing that Lingyun said it so naturally, Chen Zijian dispelled his doubts.

After all, from the beginning to now.

Lingyun showed that he was strong in all aspects from beginning to end, especially his amazing learning ability.

After watching it once, you will be able to do it. After getting the hang of it, your posture and movements are like those of a veteran.

Very skilled.

Chen Zijian patted Ling Yun on the shoulder and sighed: "Your running speed has surpassed 90% of the people in our school."

But Ling Yun sighed.

"But actually I didn't perform well just now, and I'm very dissatisfied with my results."

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