"Lingyun, I'm so mad!!!!!" Zhang Hao's mind was filled with a thousand idiots.

But the countdown had already begun.

Zhang Hao could no longer care about that and ran directly to the bridge.

The speed of his run was basically the same as that of a 100-meter sprint.

Li Chao and Chen Zijian held their hands in front of their chests.

He nodded slightly and looked at Ling Yun with satisfaction.

"This kid is quite good at leading troops. If the countdown was normal, he wouldn't be able to run so fast."

Sure enough, under Ling Yun's stimulation.

Zhang Hao ran to the soft bridge in two steps. When he got to the soft bridge, Zhang Hao could no longer care about that.

Although Zhang Hao felt that the bridge was shaking a little in the first two steps, which made Zhang Hao lose his balance.

But Zhang Hao knew.

If Ling Yun gave him some "care", the care that Ling Yun gave him would be much more than that given to him by the squad leader.

Under Ling Yun's stimulation.

Even if he was delayed for a few seconds at the beginning.

But Zhang Hao finally passed within fifteen seconds, and the final time was 13 seconds.

After running these fifteen meters.

Zhang Hao felt more nervous and excited than running a hundred meters.

His heart couldn't stop beating.

First, he was afraid that Ling Yun would give him something powerful.

Second, it was the first time to train on a soft bridge. Although two meters is not high.

But standing on the soft bridge and looking down.

Zhang Hao was still a little panicked, and he wasted a few seconds standing on it.

Zhang Hao walked in front of Ling Yun with a pounding heart.

"Passed, twelve seconds." Ling Yun smiled and said, "Oh my god..."

Zhang Hao breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then, he said very proudly: "It's done in twelve seconds? Haha, I said this thing is not difficult."

There are two bridges on this side of the soft bridge training ground, which can accommodate two people to train at the same time.

"Xu Fei, Chang Wei."

"You two." Ling Yun said to the two.

At first they were a little panicked, thinking that if they didn't run well, they would be loved to death by Ling Yun.

But seeing Zhang Hao was stunned for such a long time, he could pass in 12 seconds.

Their self-confidence was overflowing.

But before they walked to the soft bridge, Ling Yun had already pressed the stopwatch button.

"Run." Ling Yun's voice was not loud.

He said it casually, which could also confuse people.

The two were a little confused and didn't react at first.

But seeing the time on the stopwatch in Ling Yun's hand, they panicked.

Xu Fei and Chang Wei didn't hesitate at all.

While running with big strides, they complained loudly about Ling Yun.

"Damn! Old Ling, you are really cheating people!"

"How can you time like this? You just cheated Zhang Hao, and now you cheat us! If you don't finish in fifteen seconds, you can't blame us!"

The two complained loudly while running on the soft bridge.

Under Ling Yun's stimulation.

The two of them finally completed the training in fifteen seconds.

It's just that the time was stuck, fourteen seconds and one.

Under Ling Yun's unexpected timing.

Zhang Hao and his team passed the test on the first try.

Li Chao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Looking at their appearance, it seems that they are more afraid of Ling Yun than of us..."

Chen Zijian also smiled bitterly.

After everyone passed the test, Ling Yun turned around and smiled: "I didn't trick you."

"Didn't you pass the test anyway?"

After saying this.

Everyone thought about it and realized that it was indeed the case.

"You passed the test on the first training. Do you think this subject is easy?" Ling Yun asked Zhang Hao and the other freshmen, all of whom raised their heads and were full of confidence.

"Easy! Just blow and pass!"

"I didn't hesitate at all. It's just a distance of 15 meters. It's easy!"

"Let me run ten more times, and I can pass the test!"

All the freshmen held their heads high.

Even Su Yang, who has always been not very good in physical fitness, was not at all panicked about this subject.

Ling Yun nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, then the passing line next time will be within ten seconds."

"For those who exceed ten seconds, everyone will do 20 push-ups."

"If one person exceeds ten seconds, everyone will do 20. If two people exceed ten seconds, everyone will do 40."

"And so on, the highest number of push-ups can be 140."

Freshmen: "?!"

"Just now it was 15 seconds to pass, but now it is 10 seconds??"

"One person can't finish the run and everyone will be punished??"

"You are saying the cruelest words in the best tone, class monitor, you take care of him!"

Freshmen looked at Li Chao and Chen Zijian anxiously.

Hopefully, the two can make Ling Yun change the rules.

But not only did the two not change the rules, but they still supported Ling Yun's idea.

"Ling Yun is a very competent assistant, not bad!"

"Before, I thought you were just freshmen, and whoever failed to pass the test would be punished individually. But now I think it is no longer necessary.Yes. "

"All future training will adopt Ling Yun's model. If one person makes a mistake, all will be punished, and there is no upper limit to the cumulative punishment!"

The freshmen cried and screamed in an instant, their faces were full of collapse.

The word regret was expressed vividly.

Zhang Hao hurriedly wailed: "Class monitor, can we take back what we just said?"

"All subjects will be trained like this in the future. We will be exhausted to death!"

Li Chao put his hands behind his back and shouted angrily: "Protest is invalid!"

"Whoever dares to continue to protest, the push-ups will be doubled!"

The freshmen were miserable.

All freshmen came for another round of training.

Seven freshmen successfully got 60 push-ups.

Those who passed like Zhang Hao almost turned green.

Obviously passed.

But they still had to do push-ups with them.

What they didn't expect was that Ling Yun was also ready to do push-ups with them.

Ling Yun turned his head and said to Zhang Hao and the others: "Don't be surprised, we are all freshmen. ”

“Since everyone is being punished, I will be punished with you, and it’s double.”

“Count by yourself later, and make louder noises. If anyone tries to cheat and I find out, everyone will be punished twice as much.”

After saying that, Ling Yun lay on the ground and started doing push-ups.

Ling Yun’s push-ups were done in a very standard posture, and at a very fast speed.

Zhang Hao and the others had bitter faces.

They were determined to do these sixty push-ups today.

When Ling Yun finished one hundred and twenty push-ups.

Zhang Hao, who did the fastest push-ups, only did fifty push-ups.

After finishing the push-ups, Ling Yun stood up as if nothing had happened, and he didn’t even breathe a few times.

With Ling Yun’s current physique.

It’s hard to sweat a few drops when doing more than a hundred push-ups.

Standing up, Ling Yun deliberately walked by them, pretending to mutter: “Why are you so weak? I have finished one hundred and twenty push-ups, but you haven’t finished sixty yet. "

Although Ling Yun spoke in a low voice.

But this sentence was heard by everyone.

The freshmen were immediately stimulated by Ling Yun.

Being punished.

And being laughed at.

The freshmen did push-ups faster and shouted at the top of their voices: "Forty-one! Forty-two! Forty-three! Forty-four! Forty-five!"

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