"Of course it's advanced. My requirements for you are very simple."

"This is just a demonstration for you. Otherwise, I can be faster. You just need to reach this level in the future."

"It's not difficult to reach my level. You can reach it as long as you practice more."

But no one believed Ling Yun's explanation.

Ling Yun was just like a gecko.

Ling Yun climbed to the top of the six-meter-high rope net in a few steps.

Normal training?

They may not be able to reach this height even after training for a year!

Seeing that Zhang Hao and others didn't believe it, Ling Yun said to Li Chao and Chen Zijian standing next to him: "It's very simple to climb over the rope net in the way I just did. Our squad leader and deputy squad leader can do it."

Li Chao: "..."

Chen Zijian: "..."

The corners of their mouths twitched.

You are awesome, but can you not take us with you?

We can indeed climb over it faster, but how can we be as perverted as you?

The eyes of the freshmen flashed with admiration.

"Oh my god, can the monitor and deputy monitor do it?"

"Do you even need to ask that? They have so much experience, they must be able to run very fast."

"Then we may also be able to reach this level in the future? It turns out that it is really not that difficult?"

The freshmen talked to each other.

Ling Yun also said at this time: "Let the monitor and deputy monitor show you once, and you will believe it."

After that, Ling Yun stood beside the high net and smiled at Li Chao and Chen Zijian.

The freshmen also focused their eyes on Li Chao and Chen Zijian.

The two have been pushed onto the platform now.

Go up? They may not pass that quickly.

But if they go up by the way.

Wouldn't that make the freshmen laugh at them for the rest of their lives?

"Damn it, let's fight!" Li Chao secretly encouraged himself in his heart.

Walked to the rope net.

Li Chao turned his head and said: "I'll show you once."

After that, Ling Yun also nodded to Li Chao.

Take out the stopwatch.

Ling Yun starts the countdown, "Three, two, one, go!"

The squad leader is still the squad leader after all.

The power that Li Chao suddenly burst out should not be underestimated.

Although it is slower than Ling Yun.

But the visual effect is still very impressive.

After crossing the rope net.

Li Chao is still a little distance away from the ground, and he jumps on the ground and rolls to relieve the force like Ling Yun.

On the surface, Li Chao is fine.

But in fact.

Li Chao's ankle can't help but feel pain.

But he still gritted his teeth and pretended to be relaxed, and smiled: "I haven't practiced this for a while, and my strength has declined a bit."

In fact, he didn't jump well when he got off the ground just now, and he sprained his ankle directly.

Fortunately, the sprain was not serious.

Otherwise, he would lose face as a squad leader.

There was a beep.

Ling Yun pressed the stop button.

The time on the stopwatch stopped at a little more than ten seconds.

This result is very good.

But this excellent result is still far behind Ling Yun's.

The passing score is controlled within 25 seconds.

Ling Yun's results just now were all stable within seven seconds, or even six seconds.

Chen Zijian, who had seen Ling Yun run across the high net at full speed.

He knew that Ling Yun, this monster, could actually be even faster.

Others climbed over.

Ling Yun threw himself over.

"So, in fact, this rope net only looks high, but it is actually very simple."

"I will show you another difficult move."

Hearing Ling Yun say that he was going to demonstrate a more difficult move, Chen Zijian, who had not yet stepped forward, breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Yun went up, so he didn't have to go up to demonstrate again.

Seeing Li Chao returning to his side.

Chen Zijian secretly rejoiced.

Others didn't see it, but he might have seen that Li Chao had just sprained his ankle.

It wasn't Li Chao who just climbed up, if it was him.

Now he might be the one who sprained his ankle.

Ling Yun walked to the rope net and said to Zhang Hao and the others: "Don't be too stubborn."

"Climbing the rope net does not require the traditional way. If you think about it from another angle, climbing the rope net will become easier."

"It's just that this method requires you to have a certain amount of strength. You need excellent arm strength and core strength."

"Normal climbing of the rope net should also require these strengths, right?" The freshmen asked in confusion.

Ling Yun nodded.

"But the arm strength and core strength required for normal climbing of the rope net are not worth mentioning at all."

The voice fell.

Walked forward a few steps, turned around and looked at the rope net.

After leaving some running distance.

Ling Yun leaned down and prepared to sprint.

"Watch how I run next. If any of you have some talent in the future, you can also do like me."

"LikeIf I run like this, my speed will be significantly improved. "

Zhang Hao and others all looked at Ling Yun.

The next second.

Ling Yun kicked the ground fiercely.

The sound was like a muffled thunder.

After two steps.

Another kicking sound came.

Ling Yun jumped up from the ground like a rocket.

Zhang Hao and others were shocked.

Chen Zijian, who was standing next to Li Chao, was also shocked.

Damn, Ling Yun is jumping higher than before???

Ling Yun only jumped once and was about to jump to the top of the rope net.


It was Chen Zijian's familiar operation.

Ling Yun used his arms to throw himself out.

When he passed the top of the rope net.

Ling Yun's movements The action is like a high jumper.

Then, Ling Yun grabbed the rope net on the other side with his hands.

There is still a very high altitude from the ground.

Ling Yun decisively jumped to the ground, and after buffering, Ling Yun stood up easily.

Ling Yun's operation just now was smooth and flowing.

The action seems complicated, but in fact, the time Ling Yun took was extremely short.

The whole process is not to mention ten seconds.

It may not even take five seconds.

This rope net is like a hurdle, and Ling Yun is the hurdler.

Ling Yun patted the dust on his body and said very easily: "As long as you learn this action in the future, your performance in the 400-meter obstacle course on the island will be greatly improved."

"In the future, it may be difficult to improve by one second. But if you master this technique, you are likely to improve by four or five seconds, or more. "

Zhang Hao and others twitched their lips.

Zhu Wen, who had been standing by and watching silently, fell into a long contemplation.

He had been the squadron leader for such a long time.

He had led countless classes of students.

But it was the first time he had seen someone as perverted as Ling Yun.

All the students who could be admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China were academic masters. Those who could make achievements in learning were not bad in other aspects.

There were many people who were gifted in physical fitness.

Zhu Wen thought he had seen many geniuses.

But the appearance of Ling Yun made Zhu Wen change his mind directly.

How could those people before be called geniuses?

In front of Ling Yun, they were just ordinary people with slightly better grades.

After a long silence.

Zhang Hao stuttered and said, "Ling... Brother Ling, are you sure we can learn it? ? "

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