"I've heard a lot of songs, but I've never heard of this song."

I heard the song was called Lone Warrior.

The other freshmen also shook their heads, saying they had never heard of it.

Ling Yun switched several softwares.

Finally, he searched on the browser again.

After finding that there was indeed no song called Lone Warrior in this life.

Ling Yun had already made a decision.

This evening party would sing Lone Warrior.

"No one has ever heard of this song." Ling Yun said with a smile.

This made Zhang Hao and the others a little unresponsive.

"A song that no one has ever heard of, so why do you know the name of it?"

Ling Yun smiled mysteriously.

This made Zhang Hao and the others even more curious.

They couldn't rehearse a song that no one could find any information about on the Internet, could they?

They couldn't find any relevant information, and they didn't know how to sing the song, so why did they rehearse?

Could this song be written by Ling Yun?

Ling Yun took out a pen and paper.

After mastering the skills, Ling Yun can call up all his memories at will.

Including the memories of his previous life.

Ling Yun quickly wrote down the lyrics of The Lone Brave on paper.

In his mind, he could also think of every tune of The Lone Brave.

Although Ling Yun could sing.

But it was not an easy task to make the accompaniment.

Seeing the lyrics written by Ling Yun.

Zhang Hao and the others read them out subconsciously.

"I have never heard of this song before. The lyrics are completely unfamiliar."

"All are brave. The wound on your forehead, your differences, the mistakes you made. All, do not need to be hidden. Your shabby doll, your mask, your self."

The good lyrics were made like poetry recitation by Zhang Hao and the others.

Seeing the lyrics at the end.

Zhang Hao and the others could not help but sigh at the artistic conception of the lyrics.

After reading the lyrics.

They could not help but think of a similar sentence in their hearts.

"Unknown hero."

"Brother Ling, the lyrics are really good, and they fit our party very well."

"But you can't find this song on the Internet. How did you get the lyrics?"

The freshmen all looked at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun smiled mysteriously and said, "You can't find it on the Internet, but I know the name of the song and the lyrics. How do you think I know?"

The freshmen were stunned for a moment.

Then they reacted.

"This song... is... written by you?!"

Chen Zijian was also attracted by the movement on their side.

Ling Yun nodded.

After all, this song has not appeared in this life.

Now he wrote this song.

How can the copying of intellectuals be called copying?

This is called reference.


"Brother Ling, is there anything you can't do? Can you write songs?"

"Why didn't I know you had this talent before?"

"Oh my god, Brother Ling, how do you sing this song?"

Chen Zijian also set his sights on Ling Yun.

In the dormitory, everyone was looking at Ling Yun.

"There is no accompaniment yet, I will sing it to you first, and we will sing this song together at the party." Ling Yun said.

Zhang Hao and the others nodded like stirring garlic.

As long as this song is not so bad.

Singing it at the party will definitely be face-saving.

After all, this is a song he created.

As he said.

Ling Yun began to sing softly.

On weekdays, Ling Yun's voice is relatively ordinary and popular.

But when Ling Yun opened his mouth now.

The freshmen were immediately intoxicated by Ling Yun's singing.

"All of you are brave.

The wound on your forehead, your differences, the mistakes you made.

All of you don't have to hide.

Your worn-out doll, your mask, your self."

The whole song was finished.

Ling Yun's voice fell.

But Zhang Hao and the others were still immersed in Ling Yun's singing.

In fact, after singing, Ling Yun himself was also a little shocked.

He himself didn't expect it.

The song he sang would be so beautiful.

The sound came from the door first.

Ling Yun looked outside the door.

It was Li Chao who was clapping there, and he held the list with his arm.

Li Chao came back to count what songs they were going to sing.

Hearing Li Chao's applause, the freshmen came back to their senses and applauded Ling Yun.

Zhang Hao immediately praised Ling Yun, "Brother Ling, your singing is so awesome!"

"What else can't you do? You sing much better than those superstars!"

"Brother Ling, come on, sign for me!"

Zhang Hao joined in the cheering.

The other freshmen in the dormitory also followed suit, and after a while, they finally calmed down.

Li Chao walked up to Ling Yun, patted Ling Yun on the shoulder and said, "You, boy, can sing so well even in a cappella.

"What's the name of this song?"

Zhang Hao answered for Ling Yun: "It's called Lonely Brave Man."

"Lonely, brave, brave, brave."

Li Chao wrote down the name of the song.

He immediately reported the song that their class was going to sing.

On the way back after reporting.

Entering the dormitory building, Li Chao took out his mobile phone and opened the handsome dog software to search for the song Lonely Brave Man.

Ling Yun's singing was really too good.

Generally, such songs should be very popular.

But he had never heard of it.

Opening the search box, Li Chao entered the three words "Lonely Brave Man".

But no matter how he searched, he couldn't find the song.

Later, Li Chao changed many softwares, but couldn't find it.

Finally, he couldn't find it in the browser.

Li Chao thought he remembered the song name wrong, so he quickened his pace back to the dormitory, opened the door and said directly: "Ling Yun, what is the name of the song you want to sing? ”

“The song title I just wrote down on the report sheet cannot be found in any software. It is the three words "Lonely Hero", right? ”

Ling Yun nodded and said, "Yes."

Getting Ling Yun's affirmation.

Li Chao was even more puzzled.

Since the lyrics and the name are correct.

Then why can't he find any relevant information on the Internet?

Xu Fei smiled and said, "Squad leader, the reason why you can't find it is because this song was composed by Ling Yun."

"Now this song doesn't even have accompaniment, just lyrics and basic melody."

Li Chao: "??? ?"

"Did you compose this song yourself?"

Ling Yun nodded and said, "Yes. "

Shocked for a long time.

Li Chao calmed down.

They all have a pair of eyes, a pair of ears, a mouth and a nose.

Their brains are also developed normally, and their intelligence is not a problem.

But why is the gap between them and Ling Yun so big?

After thinking for a long time, Ling Yun still couldn't figure out how to express the accompaniment.

Finally, with the help of the system, Ling Yun gained the mastery of composition.

After obtaining this skill.

Ling Yun directly understood how to express the accompaniment.

As long as there is a synthesizer.

Although the sound quality will not be very good, the accompaniment can be made anyway.

After saying hello to Li Chao, Ling Yun walked towards Zhu Wen's office.

After stating his request, Zhu Wen looked at Ling Yun in surprise and said, "You want a computer?"

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