Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 112 Touch porcelain, we are professional! 【Subscription】

[We are very surprised by the results of this test of Chitu Lightning. Wuling's plasma battery, which is known to never spontaneously ignite, actually spontaneously ignited 48 hours after the vehicle crashed. 】

[And Wuling has always advertised the safety of new materials used in vehicles, but in the vehicle crash test, it was so vulnerable. 】

[As a professional car media, understanding the car brother is to let consumers see the true face of each car. 】

【Do not easily believe the words of any car manufacturer. Through today's test, we regret to say that domestic cars still have a long way to go in terms of quality and safety. 】

After the test results were announced, people who knew the car were very insidious and guided the direction of the fishing reel to the safety performance of Wuling Motors.

The purpose of this is to counter the second advertisement of the Thunder Tank that was shot by Wuling.

That is the advertisement of the black Mercedes-Benz big G.

Although everyone knows it, it's true.

But even if it is true, Mercedes-Benz will never make Wuling better.

Don't you touch porcelain marketing?

Don't you want to step on the Mercedes-Benz to take the top position?


Then everyone will hurt each other.

Chelsea gave tens of millions of recharge fees to the younger brother who knew the car.

This rich car media company directly took out the most disgusting and insidious strategy, directly starting from Wuling's most popular Chitu brand model.

for the results of this test.

Many people don't know the truth.

Because in the impression of the public, the influence of understanding the car brother is very large.

The three major domestic automobile media websites.

car home.

Easy car.

Understand the car brother.

Knowing Chedi, as a brand-new automobile media force that rose later, expanded its influence to surpass the previous two big brothers and predecessors in less than two years.

It has become the most influential automotive media in China.

They deeply know what consumers like to see.

And deeply understand how to use their own advantages, let the car manufacturers recharge themselves.

more clearly,

After recharging, how to lick the gold owners without a trace, and by the way, madly black domestic car companies that have not recharged.

The crash test of this car by Wuling Chitu Lightning exhausted the brain cells for those who understand the car.

Because in the beginning, they didn't do anything on the body structure.

The safety shown by this car has simply refreshed their cognition.

The Mercedes-Benz S-Class of the same level collided with the top model of the Red Rabbit Lightning, and the Mercedes-Benz was directly destroyed.

But the Red Rabbit Lightning is basically nothing.


To solve this problem.

Anyone who understands the car brother will go crazy.

They thought of many ways, and finally came up with the most difficult and disgusting way.

Cut the body of the Red Rabbit Lightning, then cut into sections on the main crash frame, and then gently weld these frames together with electric welding.


The body as a whole has fallen apart.

Just spliced ​​together with electric welding.

Even for the sake of insurance, countless small holes are punched on the front beam of the vehicle to further reduce the compression resistance of the body.

After the paint is done and the cut at the break is treated.

For Mercedes-Benz vehicles used for collision, substantial reinforcement is carried out in the place of collision.

The super-strong aluminum alloy reinforcements are welded to the hidden places of the body.

The results of the test are naturally satisfactory to them.

The Chitu car fell apart immediately after the collision.

The Mercedes-Benz, but the lights are broken.

After the collision is over.

People who know the car brother used the vehicle self-ignition device installed on the Chitu Lightning in advance to directly cause the Chitu Lightning, 48 hours after the vehicle crash test.

Spontaneous fire.

"I know that there are absolutely no good cars in domestic cars, and the quality of Chitu Lightning is so rubbish, how dare you to be a luxury brand, Wuling"?"

"Haha, fortunately I didn't buy this garbage truck. Domestic cars are a joke. Comparing Wuling with Mercedes-Benz is to bully people.

"I don't know who gave Wuling the courage, but I want to rely on the black Mercedes-Benz to get the upper hand, please have some face, compared with Mercedes-Benz, do you match Wuling?"

"The media that understands Che's conscience, it's long overdue to expose Wuling's hypocritical mask.

"What kind of plasma battery, what kind of technology that subverts the times, at the press conference, I swore that there would never be spontaneous combustion, and now I am slapped in the face.

"Haha... The reason why Wuling is so arrogant is that it was licked out by those idiots, giving a garbage truck company an inexplicable confidence.

"Whoever buys Wuling Red Rabbit and Wuling's Rapid Thunder Tank is an idiot and idiot. 99

"In my life, I will never buy Wuling.

After understanding the test results released by Chedi, the most excited are those trolls.

Can be used as a sprayer.

All meet the following requirements.

First: poor!

Second: lazy!

Third: Jealousy!

Fourth: no culture!

People who meet the above four points are basically 100% trolls on the Internet.

And it's a standard foreigner.

These people are illiterate, do not understand the world, and sometimes it is a problem for the poor to eat.

Thinking about getting something for nothing all day long, jealous of those who are better off than them.

Thus forming a morbid heart, hatred of the whole society.

Instead, relying on the little knowledge he has, the idea imprinted in his heart is.

Compared with domestic, foreign countries are people's paradise.

Domestic products can never be better than foreign products.

Understand the crash test of the car brother, as well as the carnival remarks of those trolls on the Internet.

Many people who don't know the truth are full of confusion.

Is the quality of Wuling really so bad?

No way.

It's interesting to know the timing of the car brother's choice.

I chose these two days before the start of the Rongcheng Auto Show.

its purpose,

It is to make consumers doubt and distrust Wuling's high-end brand, Jilei, through this Black Red Rabbit Lightning.


at this time,

At Wuling Headquarters, Ye Qiu quickly saw this crash test from Chedi.

"Mr. Ye, the data transmitted from the vehicle shows that people who understand the car have removed the main chip of the Red Rabbit Lightning and all the vehicle sensors before the crash test."

"But they can only remove the sensor on the car, the sensor inside the plasma battery, but there is no way to start."

"Now the data is recorded, the plasma battery mounted on this car has not burned, and all the data are normal.

Yu Yang is the manager of the public relations department.

He had to deal with this kind of damage to Wuling's image as soon as possible.

In the first moment after understanding the car brother's release test (Nuo Hao Zhao), Yu Yang went to the R&D department to retrieve the information of the vehicle.

Then came and found Ye Qiu.

"Mr. Ye, do we want to play with a big one and let this guy who knows the car play directly?"

"This car media's reputation in the industry is as disgusting as shit.

"There is a touch of porcelain marketing everywhere, forcing manufacturers to recharge them, and the asking price is tens of millions to start.""

For the company that understands the car brother.

As a car manufacturer, I know it too well.

Their usual method is to inform you that we are going to take a video of your car test.

I hope you know what to do, hurry up and recharge.

if not,

Do it at your own risk.

Domestic car manufacturers did not take him seriously at first.

What are you.

If you want me to recharge you, it will cost you tens of millions.

The money you take as my car manufacturer comes from the strong wind.

very beginning,

Many domestic and even foreign car manufacturers are too lazy to pay attention to him.

So make,

Knowing the car brother started his own performance.

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