Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 133 I'm not in love, I'm broken in love! 【Subscription】

"So soon? Great!

When receiving the call from the 4S store, Yu Yijia was so excited that he didn't know what to do.

Growing up so big, he bought such an expensive car for the first time.

A car worth 1.5 million.

"Brothers, my tank is here, haha, go pick it up tomorrow."

Excited, he immediately shared his joy in the tank group.

At this time, the group of tank owners has been reduced from a large group of 2,000 people to less than 400 people now.

these people,

All are diehard fans of Thunder Tank.

And there is a feature.

That is,

All are rich.

Joining this group was an accident.

After Yu Yijia ordered a car, he went out and met an elder brother. The two squatted on the side of the road and smoked. While chatting, the elder brother said that he had formed a group of lightning tanks.

As long as the person who booked the car can enter after passing the review.

It's a circle.

After all, you can afford more than 1 million tanks.

That's a lot of money.

The car owner group is a carrier and can meet many people.

In the future, organize a few more gatherings, and after you are familiar with it, you can extend it to reality.

The society is like this, one more friend, one more road.

As a novelist, Yu Yijia is a standard otaku, and he doesn't even have many friends. How can there be so many circles.


After being invited by his eldest brother, he immediately joined the group.

For a month, everyone chatted and spanked in the group, and they were basically familiar with each other.

this is not,

When Yu Yijia posted the news that his Thunder Tank was about to pick up the car.

The other people in the group were all sour.

"Why, why can Lao Yu pick up the car before me, my order number is 901!! It's one less than his order number!!

A man named Earthworm Potato made a furious expression.

Yu Yijia's order number is exactly the order number 900.

As for the ground silkworm potatoes, it is 901.

But Yu Yijia received the news of picking up the car, but he did not receive it.

That's obvious.

The number of the first batch of Jilei tanks delivered is only 900,

next batch,

One more month to wait.

"Haha, thanks to my quick action, I got ahead of the potatoes and got the order No. 900."

Yu Yijia was very proud.

With these words, he gnashed his teeth furiously.

"Xiao Yu, brother is so envious of you, I can pick up the car so early, I have to wait another four months for my order number.

970 "I have to wait five months!!"

"Damn, your order numbers are too early, mine is the last batch, and I have to wait 8 months!!99

"Thinking about it now, I regretted that I had hesitated at first. It would have been better if I had started earlier. 35

"Put it down, Lao Yu ordered the car on the first day of the auto show.

"Haha, as the group owner, I'm honored to inform you that we are going to pick up the car. Lao Yu and I went to the auto show to order the car."

The group owner eldest brother, like Yu Yijia, is a car specially ordered at the auto show.

So the serial number is very advanced.

In the whole group, only these two people received the first call to pick up the car.

The rest are envious to death.

the next day,

Yu Yijia got up early in the morning, then brought his bank card, ID card, driver's license and other information, and took a taxi to the local Jilei 4S store.

Coming to the 4S store, Yu Yijia, who got off the car, was stunned.

It was the first time for him to come to the 4S store of Jilei brand.

The huge storefront, as well as the building body of the overall pure steel and glass structure, looks similar to the design style of Mercedes-Benz's 4S store.

one word.


two words.

Full of momentum!

"Sir, welcome to the Jilei 4S store, are you looking at the car, or are you here to pick up the car?

When Yu Yijia was shocked by the momentum of the store.

A tall, sweet-looking salesman came over.

That sweet smile, that beautiful face.

Yu Yijia suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, I'll pick up the car."

"Okay, please come in first, may I ask what your surname is, Mr.

The sales lady saw that Yu Yijia was a little shy, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Smile sweeter.

"My surname is Yu.""

Yu Yijia coughed dryly, killing the little sister's smile, a little bit unbearable.

His heart beat a little faster.

"Are you Mr. Yu Yijia? Hee hee... It's so fateful, I was the one who called you yesterday. 35

When I heard Yu Yijia's surname was Yu.

The sales lady remembered it immediately.

One of the first customers to pick up the car in the store was his surname Yu.

And yesterday, this young lady notified the other party.

"Hello, my name is Xu Meng, Mr. Yu, you can call me Mengmeng, please come with me, and I will take you to pick up the car."

Xu Meng took Yu Yijia into the store.

Then started to go through the formalities of picking up the car for him.

Sign contracts, insurance, get licensed (cfah), etc.

the whole process,

Yu Yijia finally felt it for himself.

According to legend, how good is Wuling's service.

how to say,

The service attitude of other people's 4S store made Yu Yijia basically have no unpleasant emotions since entering the store.

Transparent charges, even in-store insurance, and how much the insurance company rebates to the 4S store, Xu Meng clearly explained to Yu Yijia.

If you don't have insurance at the store, you can do it yourself.

If it's in-store, then we earn some insurance rebates.

The same goes for the cards.

300 yuan to get it.

In the whole process, there is nothing forcing you to consume, or even any consumption experience that you do not understand.

Miss Xu Meng speaks softly and nicely.

Yu Yijia was reluctant to take out insurance by himself.

Spending more than a few thousand yuan in the store is regarded as supporting Mengmeng.

Seeing Xu Meng, Yu Yijia found that he seemed to have a feeling of love.

It was a kind of heartbeat as if seeing a first love girlfriend.

"That... miss, do you have a boyfriend?"


After completing the formalities, Yu Yijia summoned the courage to ask.

Xu Meng was stunned, but then smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, I'm sorry, I'm already married, haha.


He also raised his right hand at Yu Yijia, the ring on the ring finger was so dazzling.

"Cough cough... I'm sorry, I'm sorry.""


Not in love, but in love.

"This is the Patek Philippe watch you bought, and this is Tiffany's diamond ring, Mr. Yu, don't be embarrassed, although I am married, there are still many unmarried young ladies in our store.

"Would you like me to introduce it to you, or you can't wear a Tiffany diamond ring worth 150,000 by yourself?"

The other sales ladies, though all are pretty.


Yu Yijia didn't like it.

Xu Meng is the type he likes, just like his first love, beautiful.

"No, I'm sorry for being abrupt, if there is really no suitable person for this ring, I can only wear it myself.

In his hand is a Tiffany diamond ring worth 150,000, which is the smart key of the Thunder Tank.

on the wrist,

I have already brought the Patek Philippe watch worth 300,000.

this watch,

The shape is very good-looking, and you can't buy it in any other channel except for the Thunder Tank.

If not a lot of money.

Yu Yijia could not wait to choose the Patek Philippe worth 2 million.

That watch is really cool.

All Patek Philippe's most powerful technologies are used, and they are still sold in limited quantities, only 99 pieces.

Yu Yijia still knows a lot about the watch market.

During his college days, one of his roommates had money at home and liked to play with watches.

Roommates always tell him a lot about watches.

He is very clear,

As long as the smart key watch worth 2 million is taken, it will not take long for a single watch to add value.

But unfortunately,

He has no money.

But not bad.

Anyway, what I wear now is a Patek Philippe worth 300,000.

"This is my car!!!

"Mr. Yu, this is a letter written to you personally by President Ye of Wuling, and this is the Wuling LOGO ring designed by President Ye himself. This is the benefit that President Ye gave to Jilei's first car owners. No more after that.”

When Yu Yijia, in the delivery area, saw the black Thunder Tank that he had ordered.

He was completely fascinated by this car.


It's his favorite car color.



Full of momentum.


When he saw the letter, the letter from the boss of Wuling wrote to him personally, with his name on it, and what the boss of Wuling said to him like a family.

It was very warm and touching, which made Yu Yijia suddenly have a strong sense of identity and belonging in the depths of his heart for Wuling.

He regarded the Wuling LOGO ring as a treasure.

After going back,

Yu Yijia was going to brag about it, but if he saw it, this was given to him by Ye Qiu, the boss of Wuling, and a letter he wrote to him himself.

Only the first batch of Thunder Tank owners who picked up the car have it!

Today, Yu Yijia is the first customer to deliver the car.

When he delivered the car, all the sales ladies in the 4S store next to him stood on both sides and applauded him.

"Mr. Yu, let's see what 3D holography technology is like.

"Yeah, although I'm a salesman, I haven't seen it yet.

"The cars in our showroom don't have smart keys from Patek Philippe and Tiffany. I've never seen it."

Surrounded by so many lovely and beautiful ladies and sisters.

to be frank,

Yu Yijia was very happy.

He was very proud in his heart, but on the surface he forced his composure, seemingly casually raising his left wrist, revealing that beautiful Patek Philippe watch.


He pressed a button on the side of the dial.



A sky blue 3D holographic screen appears on the dial.

on the screen,

Can clearly see, lock the car, unlock, whistle, remote start / close four functions.

Although there are only four functions.

But this cool, sci-fi smart key, who can refuse.


Yu Yijia directly pressed the unlock button, and the headlights of the black thunder tank beside him instantly lit up.


He tapped the remote start with his finger.


Boom boom boom!

The Thunder Tank beside him started instantly, and the sound of the in-line six-cylinder engine was so surging and pleasant.

"Wow, so handsome!"

"No, you must go to the boss and ask him to add this function to the show car.

"That's right, the boss is just reluctant to spend the hundreds of thousands, stingy.

"Our boss, that's a famous iron rooster, haha.

"A Tiffany diamond ring worth 150,000 yuan, if anyone gives me a diamond ring of a Thunder Tank, I will marry him immediately."

"Such a car, not only men like it, but I like it too.

I saw the box that Yu Yijia was holding in his hand, the box containing the smart key for the diamond ring.

Several single sales ladies and sisters all looked at him affectionately.

Hope to keep in touch.


Yu Yijia is really handsome.



Those who can afford tanks must be rich.

Such men have always been in demand.

"Mengmeng, thank you."

But Yu Yijia had no idea about these young ladies and sisters.

The only one who has an idea, Xu Meng, is also married.

He drove the car, said goodbye to Xu Meng, left the 4S store, and stepped on the accelerator to the end.

"Boom boom boom!"

The strong horsepower instantly hit the back, which made Yu Yijia feel the joy of adrenaline surge.

The one he bought is a standard 3.0T engine version.

100 km/h in 5.2 seconds.

hard to imagine,

For such a huge hardcore off-road vehicle, its dead weight has just reached 2 tons.

You know, this tank is bigger than the big G size.

Big G are 2.5 tons.

The tank is only about 2 tons.

And its 100-kilometer acceleration is so terrifying.

Kill the big G in seconds.

"Cool, this view, this seat comfort, this sound insulation, it's so cool, this is a luxury car!! 35

Yu Yijia has never driven a luxury car before.

But he sat.

He knows the car very well, and it is very clear that it is a vehicle with a non-load-bearing body with a girder.

How difficult it is to achieve unparalleled comfort.

The tank, this car, gave him the feeling that it was not like driving another hardcore off-road vehicle at all.

It's like driving a luxurious executive sedan.

The tuning of the chassis is not as hard as the traditional hardcore off-road, but soft and moderate.

Can feel the bumps on the road very well and pass it on to the body.

At the same time, it can directly filter those subtle bumps.

Let you sit in the car and drive, without the feeling of being bumped all the time.

Yu Yijia is not a professional car reviewer, he doesn't know what kind of technology needs to be involved.


he knows,

I made the right purchase of this Thunderbolt Tank.

"Compared to tanks, the Mercedes-Benz Big G is nothing. 35

Fortunately, I did not give up tanks like those people.

After he got the car, he finally understood.

How powerful is Wuling's car-making strength.

It's so cool to drive this car.

The black thunder tank, driving on the road, basically has a 100% turnaround rate.

"Fuck, that's a tank! 99

"So handsome! 35

"The real car is much more domineering than it looks in the video. 55

"It's so handsome."

Everyone who saw the Thunder Tank could immediately recognize that it was a Thunder Tank.

Then subconsciously.

Will use this car, compared with the big G of Mercedes-Benz.

After comparison, it was found that

From the appearance and momentum, the tank directly kills the big G.

Yu Yijia was very proud.

A red light appeared in front, and Yu Yijia drove the car and stopped at the red light.

Just at this time,

A new Mercedes-Benz G63 parked beside him.

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