Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 137 Red Flag Red Flag! 【Subscription】

Ye Qiu frowned, and his heart lifted instantly.

Big bosses want to see themselves?

From Qin Wan's words, he is not a big boss.

But many.

"Uh...can you tell me what's going on?"

to be frank,

At this moment, Ye Qiu was still a little cowardly.

He is not in the novel, the protagonist has no scruples, and even the country has to lick the protagonist.

This is the real world.

Who dares to pretend in front of the country.

Dare to act in front of the big bosses.

I'm afraid I don't know how fast it will die.

some time ago,

Ali's old horse, because he was too high-profile, thought he was in control of everything, so he established a West Lake University and announced publicly that he wanted to rob a traditional bank.


Now he has voluntarily resigned the head of Ali's board of directors.

Behind the scenes.

Westlake University was also disbanded.

The listing of ants has also failed.

Ali was also fined tens of billions of dollars for the anti-monopoly law.

This is the end of being too high-profile. If you shouldn't say it, don't say it.

Learn from other people's penguins and horses, how low-key.

Ye Qiu's principle has always been that you can't be high-profile if you can.

But despite this,

He didn't expect that the big bosses still paid attention to him.

"Speaking of which, Li Guangyi's bastard is to blame for all this.

Li Guangyi, the marketing manager, has taken over Xu Dabao's position since he was promoted to vice president. (In the previous chapter, the author cannot change it, please forgive me.)

In the previous announcement of Wuling, it was announced that Wuling could produce 14nm chips by itself, which attracted the attention of the big bosses.

Although later,

Ye Qiu earned 5 billion by relying on the lithography machine modified by Lin Xiuxiu.


As far as the matter is concerned, Li Guangyi, this bastard, should be played.

If it wasn't for him taking the initiative and leaking about the Wuling lithography machine, Ye Qiu would not have been noticed by the big bosses so quickly.

Ye Qiu was deeply aware of countless facts.

In the country, I want to expand the business and be invincible.

Then you need to be humble.

Especially as a boss, Ali Lao Ma's high profile will not have good results.

"Brother, hurry up and come to Kyoto now, I will send someone to pick you up when you get to the airport, the bosses want to invite you to dinner together at night, haha. 99

After Qin Wan finished speaking, he did not give Ye Qiu any chance to ask questions.

Just hung up the phone.

The time now is 2:00 pm.

"Really, book me the nearest flight to Kyoto immediately."

"Good boss. 35

This kind of thing cannot be delayed.

Ye Qiu didn't prepare, let alone time to prepare.

Everything is in a hurry.

He couldn't figure out in his heart what the big bosses were looking for.

But Qin Wan said it was a good thing.

Ye Qiu knew he wouldn't be his own.

"Boss, the ticket has been booked. We will take off from Zhongyun Airport at 3:38 for the first class in Kyoto. You need to go to the airport now."


Although it was first class.

But first class on domestic short-haul planes is, to be honest, very uncomfortable.

"Looks like it's time to buy a private jet."

Ye Qiu doesn't have many chances to travel by himself.

But it also has to fly to the whole country and even the world several times a month.

Having a private jet makes the journey even more enjoyable.


He is going to travel around the world with a few women, which makes a private jet even more necessary.

Besides, even if you don't usually use it.

It can also be used by company executives who need to go abroad or go to other places in an urgent matter.

what is this called.

It's called a deck!

But it's not urgent.

A private jet costs hundreds of millions.

For now, it's a small amount of money.

"Ye Qiu, are you going out?"

As soon as he went out, Ye Qiu saw Yan Ran holding a pile of materials, obviously planning to come to find him.

"If I have anything to do, I'll tell you when I get back, I'm going to Kyoto".

Ye Qiu said while walking.

"Why are you going to Kyoto at this time? Did something happen?"

Yan Ran frowned, feeling that Ye Qiu was a little flustered, as if something had happened.

She suddenly felt nervous and worried for Ye Qiu.

"It's okay, it's just that someone wants to see me suddenly, I have to go immediately, don't worry."

As if seeing her worry, Ye Qiu smiled softly.

"Can I ask, who is it?"

Yan Ran was not the kind of person who liked to ask questions, but it was the first time she saw Ye Qiu in such a hurry.


Ye Qiu pointed to the sky.

The smart Yan Ran understood in an instant.

Then automatically brain fills, why do you want to see Ye Qiu above?

" you do something against the interests of the country?"

I go.

Eldest sister, with your thoughts, you can't read me well.

"While I stayed, if I did this kind of thing, I didn't go by myself, but was taken by someone.


Angrily, she pinched Yan Ran's tender and shatterable face.

Ye Qiu laughed and left.

in situ,

Only Yan Ran, whose eyes were blank and his face flushed instantly, was left.


for a long time,

Yan Ran just let out a secret spit, and turned away with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Arrived at the airport and got on the plane.

Ye Qiu was seated in the first class cabin on the way to Kyoto.

Simply uncomfortable.

Airbus A320 medium-sized airliner.

And the Boeing 737 midsize airliner.

It is the main type of domestic short-haul passenger aircraft.

The passenger capacity of the two aircraft is about 150 people.

It is a single-aisle narrow-body airliner.

There are six seats in a row, with an aisle in the middle.

The width of each seat is only 45 cm.

There is no comfort whatsoever in this airliner seat.

In order to load as many passengers as possible, when designing the seats, all the available space was utilized.

But the Airbus A320 is relatively wider than the 737.

The China Southern Airlines flight Ye Qiu was on was a Boeing 737.

Even the first-class seats have two sofa-like seats in a row.

Its leg room is only similar to the space in the rear of a B-class car.

It wasn't even comparable to Ye Qiu's own extended version of the Red Rabbit Lightning, which had a spacious rear.

Not to mention the seats in the regular cabin.

But fortunately,

The flight time is only an hour and a half.

"When there are opportunities in the future, we must change these air travel methods. I am really fed up with this narrow plane."

Ye Qiu didn't dare to think about this kind of thing before.

Change your current air travel method?

Isn't this a mess.

There are only two companies in the world that can manufacture flying passenger planes.

America's Boeing Company.

Airbus in Europe.

This is the top of the two technologies, but also the loneliest competitor.

No company can compete with both of them.


The standard and price of the aircraft are always customized by these two companies.

An A320 airliner costs about $60 million.

Converted to RMB, it is about 400 million.

Among them, the unit price of the two engines of the passenger plane has reached 100 million, and the two are 200 million.

Boeing 737 and Airbus are about the same price.

Do you make money selling airplanes?

Too much money.

In the Ye Qiu system, there is a special aviation classified store, where all kinds of aviation technology and equipment can be purchased.


For the time being, his system points are far from enough.

"In the future, Wuling will become the third aircraft manufacturer in the world.

After two hours.

Ye Qiu got out of Kyoto Daxing Airport.

As soon as he left the airport gate, Qin Wan was already waiting for him outside.

"I'm really ashamed to have to trouble Brother Qin to pick me up in person."

Ye Qiu was taken aback,

Unexpectedly, Qin Wan came to pick him up in person.

"Brother Ye, we don't need to say more about this scene between the two of us.

Qin Wan patted him on the shoulder, then took Ye Qiu to a very inconspicuous Audi A8 on the side of the road.

Why can't you say it.

Because this Audi A8 model is very old, it belongs to the one from 2003.


Even so,

With the license plate on this car, the security guard at the airport and the police patrolling on the road did not dare to come and ask when it stopped there.

Because they know very well which department's car this is.

Ye Qiu sat in the co-pilot.

Qin Wan drove the car himself.

The two were chatting on the road.


Qin Wan said something to Ye Qiu that made him want to laugh.

"Brother, you are really a big hole. SMIC spent 5 billion to buy a lithography machine from you. After going back and researching it, I found out that it can't be mass-produced at all."

"It is said that the boss of SMIC is going to be mad. He has called the boss many times and said he will kill you, haha."

The lithography machine that SMIC bought back.

It was handcrafted by Lin Xiuxiu with black technology equipment.

Of course they can't mass produce it.

At first Ye Qiu didn't want to sell it, but people forced him to sell it.

no way.

Ye Qiu could only earn five billion with tears.

"You can't blame me for this, I have said it all, not to sell it, they have to buy it themselves, brother, you have to tell the boss when you come back.

"It can't be up to me.

Ye Qiu smirked in his heart, but his face was innocent.

"Okay, the boss has pressed you down. Otherwise, if you thought you could be so stable recently, those guys would have gone to find you for a long time. 99

"" "By the way, Brother Qin, can't you give me some news?"

In the end, big bosses, what are you looking for yourself?

Ye Qiu was very puzzled.

"You'll know when you arrive..."

Qin Wan shook his head, not because he didn't want to say it, but because he couldn't.

"All right.""

an hour later.

Qin Wan drove into the yard next to the Forbidden City, which Ye Qiu dreamed of.

After an unknown number of interrogations.

He finally entered a building.

"Go ahead and fight for yourself.

Qin Wan pointed to the room and said something meaningful to Ye Qiu.


this moment,

Ye Qiu was a little panicked, even if it was a traveler.

His heart beat faster and he entered the house.

until more than 3 hours later.

Ye Qiu finally looked happy, but came out solemnly.

"How's it going?"

Qin Wan had been waiting outside, saw Ye Qiu come out, and asked with a smile.

"Uh... I didn't fight for it, but the new boss said that as long as I do well, let me make a condition.

"Any conditions will do.""


Hearing this, Qin Wan looked at Ye Qiu in surprise. To be honest, he was jealous.

What kind of temper is the new boss.

Who doesn't know, let him speak and allow you to make a condition.

Any conditions will do.

I have to like you so much to be so good to you.

"Brother, you will develop in the future, don't forget about me, brother.

In ancient terms.

Ye Qiu This is Jian Zai Di Xin.

But that is not practiced now.

This is called being cared for by leaders.

"Bring it down, Brother Qin, although the bosses are very kind to me, they also put forward conditions for me."5

Ye Qiu smiled bitterly.

This trip to Kyoto really surprised him.

"What conditions?"

Qin Wan was very curious.

Ye Qiu sighed, and then said in the tone of a new boss: "It's good for young people to keep a low profile, but now our country's traditional (Nuo Zhao's) manufacturing industry is sluggish, and we need someone to take the lead in charging, just like an old beautiful horse SK, known all over the world.39

"You have to work hard in the future, and strive to make the next generation of the country invest more in basic manufacturing instead of indulging in finance and the Internet.

This is the original words of the new boss.

What's the meaning?


It is to let Ye Qiu not keep a low profile in the future, but to stand up and act as a guide, so that more young people of the next generation will recognize, recognize, and be willing to invest in traditional manufacturing.

rather than as it is now,

All want to be a star, become an internet celebrity, engage in finance, and engage in the Internet.

Basic manufacturing is the foundation of a country.

Although he didn't want to be high-profile, Ye Qiu knew that he had to be high-profile.


What excites Ye Qiu is that the boss wants to separate the Hongqi brand from FAW and hand it over to Wuling for operation.

Originally, the boss meant that Wuling and FAW jointly held 50% of the shares.

But after Ye Qiu persevered, refused to give in, and argued with reason, the boss couldn't stand his shamelessness.

The final result is that,

Wuling occupies 69% of the shares and the State Council occupies 31%, completely separating Hongqi and FAW.

And the state only takes dividends, and does not interfere with the operation of the red flag and everything.

This news,

For Ye Qiu, it was the best news he had ever heard in his life.

none of them.

What brand is that red flag?

That is the pride of the Xia people, a national pride brand engraved in the bones.

It is the exclusive car brand of the big bosses.

just the lungs,

It has been abandoned by FAW for so many years.

"The resurgence of the red flag, well done, allows you to make a request.

This is what the new boss told Ye Qiu.

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