Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 147 Chen Mengna: I will be a big sister in the future! 【Subscription】

the other side,

Volkswagen also received the news and frantically began to clear the inventory.

no way.

The luxury car lineup plays a price war, and that affects Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, such ordinary car companies.

Ye Qiu also informed Lao Wei of the Great Wall.

After informing the other party, I was ready to start disrupting the market.

After Lao Wei heard his plan, he wanted to cry without tears.

"Eldest nephew, you're killing me on the Great Wall. Forget it, my V brand is half dead. Even if you play a price war, it won't affect the Haval brand much."

The V brand of Great Wall is a high-end brand launched by Lao Wei.

But it failed.

This time, Ye Qiu was going to play a big game, and he informed him in advance that the V brand, which sells for 150,000-200,000, has the biggest impact.

As for the Haval brand below 150,000, it does not have much impact.

"Uncle Wei, why don't you consider adding your V brand to Wuling? I will invest and let's make the V brand into the next Toyota and Volkswagen?"

Ye Qiu thought for a while, he was not going to make ordinary brands by himself.

But investing in the Great Wall is a good idea.

The V brand will be built into a brand of the same level as Volkswagen and Toyota, so that domestic cars can truly go to the world.

This is what Ye Qiu hopes.


The premise is that Lao Wei agrees.

As everyone knows,

Old Wei was eager to let Ye Qiu take a stake in the V brand.

"Cough cough... Since you have this idea, Uncle Wei, I can't refute your face, so let's take time to visit Baoding and let's talk about the details."

Old Wei tried his best to make his voice less excited.

"Okay, I'll go after I've been busy for a while. 95

Ye Qiu did not expect that Lao Wei agreed so easily.

I was also happy, so I agreed to go to him to discuss the specific details when I was free.

hang up the phone.

Old Wei was in a good mood on this day.

The Great Wall executives were all surprised.

Mr. Wei, who has always been unsmiling and very serious, why does he laugh at everyone today?

When you see someone, you get cold and warm?

This is nothing like Mr. Wei's style.


Isn't Mr. Wei going to lay off staff?

So there is such a shameless smile of capitalists?


A wave of panic spread among Great Wall's executives.

They were all very frightened, Old Wei's smile must be choosing an unlucky ghost to operate.


Everyone panicked, for fear that they would become the unlucky ghost.


At work, everyone was more cautious, for fear that if any detail went wrong, Lao Wei would open the operation.

Old Wei found,

Since this day, the attitude and enthusiasm of the executives have undergone tremendous changes.

Everyone's face was full of energy.

"This is what a company should look like."

Old Wei smiled more and more happily.

this day,

After the nationals waited more than three months.


On this day, Wuling Motors issued a notice that shocked the people of the whole country.

【Seven days later, on March 18th, the Hongqi brand will hold a Hongqi new car launch event in the Kyoto City Hall. Please look forward to the arrival of Hongqi's recovery! 】

As soon as the news came out.

Shocked countless people.

Hongqi brand new car launch?

After waiting for so long, it's finally here!!


The most shocking thing is that Hongqi's brand conference was actually held in the Kyoto City Hall.

where is that?

That is the highest-level assembly hall in the country.

Wuling does not want to be so arrogant in the end.

"Fuck, Wuling is so fucking awesome, you are the first to hold a new car launch conference in the Kyoto City Hall!

"It's not just the first one, I guess it's the last one, and only Hongqi can be worthy of holding a press conference there."

"Brilliant, this is Wuling, this is the face of the red flag.

"It's too cruel, why wait for seven days, I can't wait to see Hongqi's new car. 35

"Me too, in order to wait for the red flag, I endured it for three months, even if Audi greatly reduced the price and sold the car with broken bones, I didn't buy it.

"Audi has gone crazy recently, and all models are sold at a broken price."

"Compared with Audi, Mercedes-Benz's 30,000 discount is a joke.

"I heard that Audi was in such a hurry to clear the inventory because of some kind of wind."

"Could it be related to the red flag?"


Wuling will hold a new car launch conference for the Hongqi brand in the Kyoto City Hall.

It wasn't Ye Qiu's decision.

But when the boss learned that Hongqi's new car was going to be launched, he told him directly.

Go there for a conference.


This conference, the boss has a request.

That was Ye Qiu himself to host, forcing him to come to the stage from behind.

To be honest, Ye Qiu was reluctant.

Because he's not the kind of person who likes to show his face.

But the above has spoken.

He couldn't refuse either.


After Ye Qiu made arrangements for the factory, he took Lin Xiuxiu, Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran, Xu Feifei, Xu Xiaoman and other executives directly to Kyoto.

Just arrived in Kyoto.

Ye Qiu received a call from someone.

"Hee hee... Ye Qiu, I heard that you are going to personally host the red flag conference in the Great Hall of Kyoto, I came back from Africa to cheer you on, I am not moved! 95

good guy.

It turned out that Chen Mengna came back.

She heard Ye Qiu say that she was going to host the Hongqi press conference in person, so she came back from South Africa overnight.

Ye Qiu hadn't seen Chen Mengna for more than half a year.

Although the two have to chat via WeChat video every day.

Even the relationship between the two was only about to pierce that layer of window paper.

But this time Chen Mengna came back, which really surprised Ye Qiu.


When Chen Mengna saw herself at the hotel.

There are already four women in Ye Qiu's presidential suite.

Except for his sister Xu Xiaoman.

Lin Xiuxiu, Qin Mengyao, and Yan Ran are three.

When Xu Feifei was away, she was in charge of the on-site layout and preparations for the press conference.

Chen Mengna gave Ye Qiu a surprise attack.

Originally, Ye Qiu thought that when she saw Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran, she should be angry.

But surprisingly,

Chen Mengna was just startled for a moment, then she glanced at Ye Qiu with a very strange expression.

"Ahem...Nana, let me introduce to you, this is Qin Mengyao, the design director of Wuling, and this is Yan Ran, the chief engineer of Wuling. 99

"This is my cousin Xu Xiaoman, my uncle's daughter.

"This is Chen Mengna, you all know it.

As for Chen Mengna, Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran certainly knew.

Not only know.

also know.

This is the top eldest lady in the country, the daughter of Haohan Group.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran naturally knew about her and Ye Qiu's affairs.

After the three women met, there was no tit-for-tat, or aggressive, secret confrontation as Ye Qiu thought.


After the three met, they chatted very well, and soon became good sisters who talked about everything.


If it weren't for the fact that Chen Mengna used her beautiful big eyes from time to time, she glanced at Ye Qiu resentfully.

Ye Qiu felt like he was dreaming.

In Ye Qiu's extreme embarrassment, Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran, and Xu Xiaoman finally went to rest.

And Chen Mengna, after waiting for the three to leave, stared at Ye Qiu.

When he looked at him, he was at a loss.

"..." Cough...Nana, I'll be shy when you look at me like this. "

Ye Qiu couldn't stand Chen Mengna's gaze.

I want to find something to talk about.

Divert Chen Mengna's gaze.

"You are such a jerk, why would I fall in love with a scumbag like you, hum!


Chen Mengna's words completely penetrated Ye Qiu's heart.

I haven't seen you for half a year,

She really misses Ye Qiu so much.


What else could Ye Qiu say? He gently took her into his arms and said, "If you really can't accept it, I won't force you either."

Emotional things, you love me.

Ye Qiu didn't want to force Chen Mengna to accept her passion.

Although there is no confirmed relationship with Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran.

But there is still Lin Xiuxiu.

Chen Mengna couldn't accept it, this is normal.

"Why, you want to abandon me? You bastard, I, Chen Mengna, will follow you for the rest of my life, don't try to get rid of me.

Chen Mengna came out of his arms, held Ye Qiu's face in her hands, looked at him very seriously, and said, "Ye Qiu, no matter how many women you provoke in the future, remember, I am the eldest sister!

It is not acceptable not to accept.

Chen Mengna really loved Ye Qiu, which she couldn't deny in her heart.

Born into a large family.

She knows very well that there are many powerful men and women.

How many women Ye Qiu has, she is very open.

As long as the status of his wife is kept, that is enough.

In her identity as the eldest lady of the Chen family, marrying Ye Qiu is considered a marriage.

"Nana, thank you."

Ye Qiu was very moved by Chen Mengna's reasonableness.

The two hugged each other and enjoyed the warmth after the confession in disguise.

The window paper has been punctured.

Then there is no need to suppress feelings.

Perhaps it was because Ye Qiu wanted to understand his heart, the first intimacy between the two was actually initiated by Chen Mengna.

Ye Qiu was passive at first.

But Chen Mengna herself is a young child and doesn't understand anything.

So later,

Of course, Ye Qiu took the initiative to guide her.

Except that the last step has not been done yet, mainly because Ye Qiu is distressed for Chen Mengna, she is a very traditional woman and needs a process of getting used to it slowly.

Basically, there are no secrets between the two.

Next door to Ye Qiu's presidential suite.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran slept together.

"Cousin, are you asleep?


this night,

Both fell asleep,

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