Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 160 Ye Qiu is really a ruthless man! 【Subscription】

In recent times, Musk has been deaf.

Concentrate on doing technology in the lab.

As a technical madman, his pursuit of these aspects is extremely strict, even abnormal.

Musk held a sigh of relief in his heart, a mouthful of anger.

Just waiting, to regain the pure electric vehicle market that Ye Qiu took away.

So during this time,

In addition to developing liquid batteries, he has been working on another thing.

Reduce the production cost of Tesla.

The price of the two Chitu cars, the lowest is 199,000.

What Musk has to do is to make the price of Edamame 3 lower than 19.9.

Then it is matched with the newly developed semi-liquid battery.

Tesla's cruising range can be about twice as high as before.

Although the cruising range of Chitu is less than a few hundred kilometers.


Musk believes that with his own Tesla's brand appeal, coupled with a lower price than Chitu.

Definitely able to fight back for market share.


Musk's big move is more than this.

He also prepared a generous gift for Ye Qiu.

L8 level autonomous driving.

At present, the mainstream autonomous driving function "017" in the world can only reach the L4 level at most.

this level,

It is semi-automatic, and it completely uses the lidar of the body to detect road information, and then rely on the computer to calculate and use.

There are not many functions that can be done.

It can only follow the car for a short time on the high speed, keep the lane, give a departure warning, and cannot actively overtake, change the route, etc.

Tesla's original autonomous driving storage technology has reached the L6 level.

It has not been used because Musk has been reducing the price of the vehicle.

want to lower the price,

It is necessary to reduce the configuration on the car. Of course, such an expensive thing as lidar should be reduced.

So now on Tesla cars, the L4 level uses automatic driving.

It relies on millimeter wave radar sensing.

Of course, the speed and accuracy of its sensing cannot be compared with lidar.

But that's it,

Tesla's self-driving technology is already at the top level in the world.

surpasses all car companies.

It can be limited to the sensing speed of millimeter-wave radar, and Tesla's automatic driving is still prone to accidents.

For so many years,

There are a lot of people who use autonomous driving and have car accidents and direct car crashes.

How could Musk not know.

But the deaths of those people, in his view, were all self-inflicted.

Because those people know very well that Tesla's autonomous driving is not fully automatic.

Can only be used as an auxiliary.

But those people don't take it seriously and use it directly as a real autonomous driving.

The final consequence is to play eggs.

To deal with this situation.

In addition to developing batteries during this time, Musk has also united several major laser semiconductor companies in America.

Specifically for Tesla's autonomous driving, a dedicated lidar has been developed.


is to reduce costs.

The technology of lidar is very mature. To reduce costs, it is nothing more than work on materials and design.

After half-man's research, Tesla's dedicated lidar was finally produced.

And this price is much cheaper than the previous millimeter wave radar.

There is also the level of autonomous driving, which has also completed a breakthrough. With the support of lidar, it can achieve the L8 level.

It can be said that 90% of the L8 level of autonomous driving has fully reached the level of autonomous driving.

As long as the car owner sets the route, then sitting in the driver's seat, he can completely release his hands and let the vehicle control itself.


the only downside,

There are some flaws in the identification of traffic signs and traffic lights.

After all, it is not fully autonomous driving.

But that's it,

Musk can also proudly announce that Tesla's autonomous driving is currently the safest in the world.

none of them.

Volvo, which claims to be absolutely safe, is a younger brother in front of Tesla.

"BOSS, the experimental test of the battery has ended, and the stability is very good."

"And the cost of new batteries can be lower than that of ternary lithium batteries, which is definitely good news.


Musk laughed like crazy when he heard the news.

Liquid batteries, since Wuling's plasma batteries came out.

It has become a new research and development direction for batteries around the world.

It has opened a new door for all battery industries in the world.

The battery experts that Musk had brought in before broke their heads and did not understand how the traditional solid-state battery components were converted into liquid.

To solve this problem, battery experts studied for four months.

But still no clue.


I don't know if Musk was lucky, or if he was lucky.

Once when he was doing an experiment with a battery expert, he accidentally threw a complete solid-state battery into an ionizer.

There is a strong current in the ionizer.

I thought I was going to lose a cheap ionizer.

But what happened next made Musk and battery experts stunned.


The solid-state battery that fell into it was liquefied at a slow speed.

Although the speed is very slow, although it does not reach full liquid state in the end.


It's already liquid.

Musk and those battery experts had an epiphany at that time and thought of a possibility.

The liquid conversion of the plasma battery is definitely caused by the use of a huge electric shock.


Musk immediately found a huge ionizer device and began to develop it in this area.


The fuel conversion problem that had plagued them for four months was resolved.

The solid-state battery was successfully converted into a semi-liquid battery material.

After conversion,

Modeled on the plasma battery, the battery pack is made using one-piece molding technology.


They found that, damn... the battery is so successful, the capacity density is doubled, and the power storage capacity has been improved a lot.

"God is on my side, Ye Qiu, what qualifications do you have to fight with me!"


Crazy Musk, this moment is very proud.

Carrying a brand new battery, brand new self-driving technology, and even more frenzied cost savings, let Tesla cut prices...  

Three great weapons.

Musk didn't believe that this time, he couldn't fight with Ye Qiu's Chitu, the front was hard steel.

"I haven't paid attention to Xia Guo for a long time, my friend Ye Qiu, what are you doing recently? 99

He hasn't had time to focus on other things lately.

Even his own rocket company has not been there for a long time.

I don't even know what happened to Xia Guo.

"Boss, let me tell you a very interesting thing, Xia Guo's gasoline vehicle market was completely messed up by Ye Qiu. 99

The assistant is very clear about things over there.

Wuling has made a big move recently.

Relying on the brand of Hongqi, the market price of Xiaguo cars has completely collapsed.

Almost all car companies in Xiaguo have reduced their prices.


Some models are even cheaper than in Meriken.

Like the Mercedes-Benz E-Class.

Before Xia Guo sold 450,000 minimum matching.

But now after the price cut, it has reached 290,000.

A full reduction of 160,000.

Audi and BMW are also the same. The starting prices of their mainstream C-class cars have all dropped below 300,000.

Toyota, Volkswagen, Honda, these brands of cars, the price of the main hot-selling models, used to be more than 200,000.

But now,

have dropped below 200,000.

This leads to a problem.

In the automobile market of Xiaguo, the crazy price reduction of fuel vehicles has caused a great blow to the new energy models.

"Wei Lai, Ideal, and Xiao Peng, these three car companies are about to close down. They haven't sold a single car for several months in a row, and they have suffered serious losses. 39

Tesla's previous domestic competitor.

only two,

Bia Di and Xiao Peng.

As for Weilai and Ideal, they are not the competitors of Edamame 3.

The pricing of these two companies is very arrogant. Weilai's cars take the high-end route and carry out service standards.

That is, NIO built its own power station and exchanged services for its high price.

But ideally, in Musk's view, all 0.8 is a fool and a brain.

Use the extended-range engine that other car companies despise to use the demographic dividend to reap benefits in Xia.

It's just that broken thing, but I'm too embarrassed to sell more than 300,000 units?

Musk has never regarded the two as rivals.

He didn't even care about Bia Di and Xiao Peng.

What Musk wants to kill most is not a new energy car company.

It's Toyota.

What he wants to kill is the Toyota Corolla.

Musk's feud with Toyota can definitely write a book.

He was so crazy to cut the price of Edamame 3 before, in order to kill Toyota's Corolla model.

Because this car is the pride of Toyota.

As long as their pride is killed, it is equivalent to smashing Toyota's dream.

Prove to those at Toyota that pure electric power is the mainstream and the only choice in the future.


Before he could kill Corolla, a Wuling came out.


His own Tras was almost killed by Wuling.

Now I heard the assistant talk about what happened in Xia Guo in recent months.

Musk was simply stunned.

"Fake... Ye Qiu is really a ruthless person!",

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