Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 170 Take the car and go to Kyoto! 【Subscription】

Comfort, luxury, ballistic resistance, power.

no matter what.

This Hongqi L5 has already achieved what Ye Qiu wanted.

After the test drive, go back to the door of the factory.

Everyone was waiting for Ye Qiu's attitude.

this car,

Whether it works well or not, and whether it can get the approval of the boss, is the most important thing.

If the boss does not approve, then they need to re-adjust and make.

For a car that sells for more than 5 million, excellence can no longer be described.



This is what Hongqi's design and engineering teams pursue.

If even the boss, Ye Qiu, is not satisfied, how can the customer be satisfied?


The team responsible for the research and development of Hongqi L5 has nearly 100 people.

At this time, everyone was waiting for Ye Qiu's attitude.


To this,

Ye Qiu said to these design teams: "Well done, work hard.

"This month, your team will be paid for four months."

Been busy for so long.

A team is dedicated to the development of a car.

This is the most correct way for car companies to develop.

As long as the design language is determined.

That would separate all the models and hand them over to different teams.

Between internal competition, there will be progress.

What's more, Ye Qiu handed over such an important Hongqi L5 model to their team.

Qin Mengyao leads the entire R&D department, but she doesn't know how to clone herself, so she definitely can't take care of every model in person.


It can only be Qin Mengyao who sets the tone, and then on this tone, the team develops it independently, and finally, after discussion, selection, the final plan is determined.

Ye Qiu's words are equivalent to approving the Hongqi L5.

Four months' salary in a single month, this is a huge bonus.

To know,

As R&D personnel, their salaries themselves are high enough.

The annual salary is one million, basically a lot.

"Long live President Ye!

"Mr. Ye, I love you!!"

"Haha...Thank you, Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye...

People from other departments are very envious.

But they know that this is the honor and reward that the Hongqi L5 team deserves.

"Okay, there is no problem with the car. Next, we will produce it first, at least 12 units, and produce them in the fastest time."

Ye Qiu waved his hand and asked Xu Dabao to arrange production tasks as soon as possible.

With the independence of Hongqi, now the second factory of Wuling has been officially renamed as Hongqi Automobile Factory.

In the Hongqi factory, not only the car production line, but also the engine and gearbox, Ye Qiu has all been included in the Hongqi.

in order,

It is to increase the technology of the Hongqi brand.

Of all the brands of Wuling, only Hongqi can use large-displacement engines and gearboxes.

Therefore, only the engine and gearbox can be placed in the Hongqi car.

"Mr. Ye, there is one more thing... Look at the factory area, it is not enough now, and the sales volume of our Hongqi is gradually increasing. A separate production line will definitely not meet the future production needs."

"A few days ago, I communicated with the official people of Zhongyun, and they were willing to sell all the land next to it to Hongqi as the land for future expansion of the factory area. Luo

"I think I can buy it first.

Xu Dabao found Ye Qiu and talked about the expansion of the Hongqi factory.

After the independence of the red flag,

Ye Qiu didn't need to worry about this kind of thing.

Basically, all the operations were decided by Xu Dabao.

Whether buying land, building workshops, or buying production lines.

But no matter what, Xu Dabao would never forget his identity. What he should tell Ye Qiu must be reported.

"You can handle this matter. Hongqi's account has been separated. I only look at the financial report and year-end profits. 35

Ye Qiu waved his hand and let Xu Dabao figure it out.

He only looks at quarterly or year-end financial reports.


The development of things, Ye Qiu can now let go.

Hongqi is already on the right track. Next, it only needs to release new cars step by step and enrich the product line as soon as possible.

"By the way, Yaoyao, about the new car, let those teams hurry up, it will be October, gold nine silver ten, we have to take advantage of the peak period of car buying to launch SUV models. 99

The peak period of domestic car buying.

Gold nine silver ten.

One is before the new year.

Especially in luxury cars.

After a busy year and earning enough money, as long as people who are capable, they want to buy a luxury car and drive back to their hometown...

Drive back to the village.

Let those people know that they are doing well.

Have a good life and be rich.

Competitive heart,

No matter where it is or what era it is, it will never change.

"The development of new cars can't be rushed. What we want is product quality and user experience. Now this speed is the fastest among car companies in the world. 99

"But don't worry, the new model will definitely be available in October.

The three new SUV models have actually been developed.

In another month, after the test, it can be listed.

Ye Qiu nodded when he heard the words.

Indeed, as Qin Mengyao said, it's not good if it's too fast.

This kind of thing can't be rushed.

because of itself,

Wuling's research and development speed is already the fastest among all car companies in the world.

none of them.

Now Liji is the only one who can compete with Wuling in R&D speed.

Liji now has the Lynk & Co brand.

The speed of new cars is basically three or four a year.

But compared with Wuling.

That is the brother.

"Now that the new car is ready, a press conference will be held. This time, it will be held on a grand scale, specifically for the Hongqi L5."5

"The issue of pricing has been determined before."

Hongqi L5 two versions, what price do they sell?

It has been determined before.

Now that the new car is made, the next step for 0.8 is publicity.

Unlike other models.

The L5 is a blockbuster model for Hongqi to enter the top luxury car market.

Can you grab the market share of Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Maybach?

Just look at this car.

Ye Qiu has full confidence.

When the Hongqi L5 is released, it will definitely cause a stir.


It may be questioned by many people.

After all, Rolls-Royce is expensive because there are a lot of import duties.

However, Hongqi L5 does not have so many tariffs.

But still so expensive.

It is estimated that there are not many people who can accept it.


at this time,

It needs a strong presence to advertise this car.

This is also the most important thing Ye Qiu needs to do next.

with the car.

go to Kyoto.

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