Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 189 Hell, the car will run by itself! 【Subscription】

At the wedding banquet in the village, the whole village will be invited to eat together.

It was lively, and the door was also full of tables.

The whole village, men and women, young and old, drink and drink together and talk about the world.

Luo Hu was more sullen, and basically listened.

The banquet is in full swing.


There was a piercing whistle.

Everyone looked up and saw a bright black Mercedes-Benz parked beside the banquet.

"Quick, quick, get out of the way, get out of the way."

The driver honked his horn impatiently.

People in the village have seen little of the world, and they are more secular and materialistic.

Whoever has money is more powerful.

If you have a Mercedes-Benz, then you are an uncle.

Sitting on the Mercedes-Benz is the old king of the mine.

There is no culture, and when he was young, he ran away from home and went out to make a fortune, and he really made his name.

Back in a Mercedes-Benz, and a private driver, everyone in the village respects him.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Daben, you can't afford to pay if you break it, hurry up and let it go. 99

The driver urged a few more times.

Pharaoh enjoys this feeling of being in awe, he just likes that everyone is afraid of him.

after all,

Lao Tzu is running wild.

The people at the feast didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly dragged the table to move to make way for Pharaoh's Mercedes-Benz.

The driver started the Mercedes-Benz with satisfaction,

In the crowd, in front of almost everyone, "Zero Sansan" drove past slowly.

Unexpectedly, there was a puddle in front, and the driver made an emergency stop for fear of soiling the boss's car.

As soon as the steering wheel was turned, the front of the car headed towards the Red Rabbit Rover beside the puddle.

Fortunately, he has been driving for many years and has quite a lot of experience, so he stopped the car in time.

"Whose SUV is this, move it.

He babbled again, "Let it stand here, it's like a mountain, who will pay if it hits? 35

"Is no one looking down on Daben, or what is the situation, come and move around.

Luo Hu sat quietly by the side, eating on his own.

Mengzi said to him in a low voice, "Brother Hu, if you don't go to the car..."

"I know, leave him alone, eat." Luo Hu interrupted Mengzi's words and continued to eat.

Like this kind of local snake, Luo Hu is not used to it.

Mad, if you have the ability, you can hit it.

What the hell is going on?

If you drive a Mercedes-Benz yourself, you will have five people and six people, and use chicken feathers as arrows.

Take ignorance as personality, and incompetence as free and easy.

Dressed in a dignified manner, his mouth was not clean.

Without the slightest contribution to the society, you know that dogs fight against people.

If you have the ability, you will bump into it and see if I will sue you?

Luo Hu held a sullen breath, gave full play to the level of a literate person, and greeted the other party harshly.

"No one is there?"

The driver slammed the accelerator on purpose and was about to slam into it.

Old Wang was startled and gave him a slap.

"What are you doing? Don't you know how expensive this car is?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, boss, I'm scaring them. 35 The driver nodded and bowed.

at this time,

The Red Rabbit Wanderer actually lit up with double flashes while everyone was watching.


Slowly move to the side.

When Lao Wang saw that the SUV understood, he signaled the driver to leave quickly.

When passing by the SUV, he deliberately glanced.

Obviously no one got in the car, could it be someone in the car?


It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, I almost didn't scare my eyes out.

Nobody in the car?

It's a hell of a day, how could this car run on its own?

Pharaoh hurriedly signaled the driver to stop, and ran down to confirm it again.

There really is no one.

The villagers also gathered around curiously.

A group of illiterate people who don't know what self-driving is, just keep praising them.

"This car is awesome, not everyone can drive it, it's not cheap."

"Whose car is this, it's really not easy, boy."

Pharaoh was also very curious, so he asked in the crowd: "Whose car is this?"

"Mine." Luo Hu stood up.

At this moment,

The eyes of the villagers looking at him changed.

It's like watching the promising children in the village return home, and their eyes are full of envy.

"It turned out to be Ronaldinho's, no wonder, this kid can make money.

"Sure enough, there are still children who go to the city to work hard. I think the Luo family's child is smart.

"Xiaobao, you have to learn more from Brother Luo in the future, and you have to be as promising as him, you know?"


Luo Hu's vanity got a small satisfaction.


Lao Wang's tone also became much calmer.

He took out a pack of cigarettes and handed it to Luo Hu with a smile.

"Brother, I want to ask you something? Where did you buy this car?"

"It looks really advanced, man, I want to get one too.

Look at Lao Wang's smirking face.

Luo Hu didn't say much, just said "This car is called the Red Rabbit Rover"


"Okay, thank you brother. 99

Pharaoh put the cigarette into Luo Hu's hand, called the driver and left.


Luo Hu felt that this old man wasn't really that annoying, he was just uneducated and liked to pretend.

What really hates is his driver.

in the car,

Pharaoh kicked the Mercedes Benz fiercely, and the driver felt distressed when he saw it.

"What rubbish, it's not as good as the Red Rabbit Rover, look at the car, it can run by itself.

"Tomorrow, I'll exchange your trash for Chitu.

The driver felt that the boss was scolding Sang and scolding Huai. You made a pun for this, I'm afraid I would have to change it more.

He was right.

In Pharaoh's eyes, a driver plus a Mercedes-Benz is equal to the Red Rabbit Wanderer, isn't it?

After the banquet in the afternoon, Luo Hu was in a good mood.

He didn't expect this new Red Rabbit Rover to give him such a long face.

Originally, I regret not buying a sedan, but now I should be glad I bought an SUV.

According to Little Rabbit's instructions, Red Rabbit Rover also has many interesting features.

What Luo Hu was most interested in was the shock-enhancing function.

In order to verify it, at night, he simply called his wife.

The two drove the car to the outskirts and felt it.


Mainly for the more wonderful life in the car.

I have been in love with my wife for many years,

Family affection has long surpassed love, and now it is more about respecting each other.

But this time, Luo Hu experienced a different satisfaction.

late at night,

On the way back, Luo Hu's wife's words were much gentler.

"Husband, you are a tough guy today.

She gave a thumbs up, leaned back, and stuck her head over.

He kissed Luo Hu's face.

"Little Rabbit reminds you that when the vehicle is driving, please do not make too many large movements. 99

Suddenly, the little rabbit said indifferently.

"Harmony between husband and wife is important, but life safety is more important. 99

"Little Rabbit suggests that you go back to your seat and fasten your seat belt."

The two were stunned for a while, then looked at each other and smiled.

Luo Hu parked the car aside and fastened his seat belt for his wife thoughtfully.

His wife took the opportunity to kiss him again.

Luo Hu's face flushed, and he suddenly felt,

Afterwards, life was a little more fulfilling.


An ordinary life requires passion, and the red rabbit roamer is the best regulator...

With the delivery of the first batch of Chitu SUVs, many driving experiences have also appeared on the Internet.

Some car review websites also exhibited for the first time to evaluate the Chitu SUV.

without exception,

The conclusion is that in the 200,000 or so SUVs, Chitu hangs everything.

To have speed, to have speed.

To have performance, have performance.

To continue, to continue.


In the forum of Wuling app, many people also posted their car.

The message is basically a lemon party.

Interestingly, there is a post called "How to evaluate the latest Chitu suv? 35, which rushed to the most popular.

Car friends have left messages.

"To be honest, the Chitu SUV is really not that good. I advise you all to retire, so that I don't have to wait in line."

"You believe me, the Chitu SUV is really not good. Buying it will only add to the pain. If you return the order, let me bear the pain alone."5

"It is expected that I will get the car in the next year. I came from the future. The Chitu SUV is really not good. I beg you all to leave. I really don't want to wait any longer.

"I'm kneeling here today, I beg you, Chitu really can't do it, I'll send four, and by the way, is there anyone willing to transfer the car to me? Increase the price by 50,000.

"Evaluation? Chitu is like that. I bought three or two. I, my wife, and my son each have one, and I won't buy more."

"The app stopped for a while, and my order ranking went up by dozens. Are you the devil? This car can't work, so return it. 95


It was originally just a serious evaluation post, but it was occupied by a group of people who couldn't buy a car.

The post became a large-scale persuasion scene.

A group of people said that the grapes were sour when they couldn't eat them, and they tried their best to persuade people to give up buying a car.

I just want to be able to queue less.

Almost every day, people come to the post to leave a message.

In their words, if one person can be persuaded away, it is one.

these two days,

Ye Qiu gets off work early.

After get off work, he drove the Red Rabbit Pioneer around Zhongyun.


When no one was on the road, he drove the car to maximum horsepower.

For nothing else, as a boss, he also has to experience it for himself.

If you can find that there is something wrong with 0.8 feet, it is better to correct it in time.

Zhongyun has a wide area, and at night in the suburbs, there are basically no people.

There is a small mountain road ahead,

waiting for the traffic lights,

Ye Qiu remembered the first time he drove Wuling Hongguang and took Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran out.

I also walked a mountain road that day, and Qin Mengyao said that it would be great if she could meet "Tras".

The result really met.


Truss was beaten by Ye Qiu's Wuling Hongguang.

"It's really boring to run a sports car alone, it's still a feeling of racing.

Ye Qiu put the pestle on the steering wheel, watching the red flickering for a while.

"It would be great if a car came at this time, preferably someone who likes to drive fast, just like Bibi."

"Heh, why am I the same as Yaoyao? 35 Ye Qiu laughed.

coax one

coax --

It was such a coincidence.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Qiu heard the roar of the engine beside him.

Listening to the sound, the other party is constantly pressing the accelerator.

Ye Qiu is really excited, isn't it better?

So he also banged the throttle.

Ps: Dear readers, I have really corrected the banned chapter, and it has really been unreviewed.

It's so frustrating to keep everyone waiting for a long time. Kneeling!!!orz.

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