Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 205 My car will take the west longitude! 【Subscription】


The two girls looked at each other, turned back and smiled embarrassingly at the waiter.

"Forgot, I'm sorry. 35

As soon as the bill was settled, the two girls ran out like thieves.

The two of them hid in a corner, secretly watching the belly to move the car.

"Why doesn't this fat man get in the car?"

The two looked suspiciously at the belly and walked to the parking space, and said something to the watch.


The belly waved at the parking space, and the white Red Rabbit Pioneer automatically drove towards the parking space.

The waiter who was standing on the side had never seen this scene before and almost dropped his jaw.

The two girls in the corner were also shocked.

Satisfied with the waiter's expression, the big belly smiled inwardly, but returned to the restaurant with a calm expression on his face.

"This car is so handsome, it's entirely based on my aesthetics."

"Go back and ask my boyfriend to buy this car, and it just so happens that he wants to buy a car too."

"Can your boyfriend afford it? How about this car for more than two million?"

"I don't care. If he doesn't buy it, he will break up. Even this request can't meet me, and he still wants to learn from other people to pick up girls?"

"Yes, I support you...

in the corner,

The two whispered quietly.

When I look at the big belly again, the feeling is not unacceptable.

had lunch,

The big belly went out for a walk with chili.

"Nannan, look, that dress is beautiful.

in the car,

Chili pepper's sight never left the passers-by.

"My best friend also has a pair of those shoes. The heels are so high that they are not too tiring to wear."5

The chili pepper looked at the street through the polarized screen car window,

A woman wears a pair of high heels studded with crystals.

The system uses eye tracking and algorithms to immediately capture the woman's high heels.

The pair of high-heeled shoes were cut out and zoomed in to Chili's eyes.


It was a series of messages that appeared next to the high heels.

High heels: Dafuli autumn season

Heel Height: 8.18cm

Specifications: ordinary

Price: 1388 yuan


see here,

Pepper just laughed.

"Haha, it's only less than 1,400 yuan.

"She also told me that the shoes cost 20,000 yuan, and I knew that this woman was lying and was uneasy and kind.

Chili felt more comfortable.


When girlfriend 25 took out the shoes, she was envious.

But this time,

That feeling is completely gone, I just want to laugh.

"Wait for the next meeting of girlfriends and see if I don't expose her, you little bitch. 55

Chili is in a good mood.

Continue to pass through the polarizing screen, and taste the clothes of passers-by.

"Look at that woman, the shoes are all fake.

"That woman, put up all over her body, is more expensive than a shoe of mine. 35

"This woman is wearing two pairs of plastic shoes for ten yuan, my God. 35

when she was happy,

I saw a woman on the side of the road wearing the exact same cheongsam as her.

As the saying goes,

Zhuangshan is not terrible, whoever is ugly is embarrassed.

Widening and thickening the body with peppers is naturally incomparable with others.

Since you can't compare your figure, you can compare your outfit.


Through the collected information, she directly broke the defense.

ink color cheongsam

Price: 3288 yuan


This is not right.

Chili was puzzled.

This cheongsam was given to her by her big belly on her birthday two months ago.


When it was opened, the label clearly stated that the price was 53,288 yuan.

How did you get here, it became 3288 yuan?

Just took the head off for me.

the only possibility,


"Wow, Nannan, how dare you lie to me. 35

All the good mood of Chili was gone in an instant.

"Little Pepper, how did I lie to you, didn't I take you out to play?"

Sweat dripped down the belly's forehead, secretly swallowing saliva.

at this time,

The car was heading for the suburbs, and there was gradually no one on the side of the road.

The big belly also wants to experience the feeling of being integrated into nature, as well as the fascinating life in the car.

"Tell me honestly, how much is this dress on me?

Pepper grabbed him.

"How much for what? Wasn't it all written on the label at that time?" The big belly felt like it was going to be exposed.

the first two months,

Just in time for my wife's birthday.

He asked someone to order such a large cheongsam.

Then let someone modify the price on the label and add 50,000 yuan.

Afraid that the peppers can't be seen, I want to make the label bigger.


After the clothes were given to Chili, she felt distressed immediately.

"Nannan, how did you buy these clothes so expensive?

"It's okay, I use the installment payment, and you give me a little extra pocket money every month, which will be enough for me to pay off.

When speaking, the big belly deliberately showed distressed appearance.

Chili was soft-hearted and reimbursed him.

The big belly shied away on the surface, not to mention the joy in my heart.

Wife has a birthday and earns 50,000 pocket money for nothing.

Because of his guilty conscience, when Chili wore this outfit to go out, he was afraid of revealing his secrets, so he couldn't help accusing her.

no idea,

Instead of being exposed, it was exposed by a car.

If I had known it earlier, I would not have bought the Chitu Trailblazer, but would have bought a Cadillac and become the "Bath Emperor".

Dozing off Nan's heart is bitter.

"You still don't want to tell the truth. If I don't teach you a lesson, even the old lady dares to lie."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll never dare again.

"Do you still want to have a future? I think you don't care about the old lady at all. 55

"No, I'm driving, don't hit it..."

Before reaching the field, a fierce battle broke out in the car.

"An interference has been detected and the auto-cruise driving mode has been turned on for you. 99

The intelligent bunny's voice sounded out of time.

"Nima... is she really that smart?"

Magic City.

After the exposition, Huang Yuan also got the Red Rabbit Trailblazer as he wished.

In the past few days, he has not stopped for a day.

drive out every night to show off,

The location is not a bar, a club, or a bath center.


He also invited his friends to play billiards together.

The location is the negative first floor of a high-end club, where drinks are always available.

in the hallway,

Back and forth, all kinds of girls walked around.

The men held billiard cues, or sat on the sofa beside them, whistling to the girls they liked.

girls who can come here,

You don't have to think about it, you just want to catch a rich Kai I son, and one day he will fly to the branches and become a phoenix.

The man who came here...

That's where they came to look for the Cannon I shelf.

Huang Yuan took the car quite well and followed the waiter to the first floor.

The basement billiard room is very spacious,

But it is also smoky, basically everyone has it.

"Huang Shao, here?"

in the corner,

Four crooked melons and cracked dates waved to Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan took out a large bill from his wallet, sent the waiter away, and went over by himself.

"Come, come, Huang Shao, sit down, sit down. 39

The young man at the farthest greeted Huang Yuan kindly and handed over a glass of red wine.

His name is Liuzi.

After Huang Yuan took it, he drank it all.

"light and spacious.

Several people also drank the wine in their hands.


Huang Yuan greeted the bartender to serve wine, but also high-end wine.

What they were waiting for was Huang Yuan to pay the bill.

Huang Yuan doesn't care,

Since he is called Huang Shao, he should not be stingy when spending money.

"Huang Shao, I heard that you changed your car again?"

Six sons mentioned it at the right time.

"That's it." Huang Yuan shook the watch on his wrist, "Car key, handsome, right?"

"Fuck, Chitu.""

It is impossible for them not to know such a famous car.

"Punk or Lightning?"

The paper towel with thief eyebrows and mouse eyes asked.

Liu Hu next to him slapped him immediately.

"Who is Huang Shao? That's naturally the top-notch Lightning, so why don't you ask?"

"Yes yes yes. 35 others fit.

Huang Yuan shook his head.


Liu Hu was puzzled.

Could it be punk?

It shouldn't be, according to Huang Shao's character, it is impossible to buy a low-quality one.

"It's okay, Shao Huang, wait for the pocket money next month to buy the top match." Liu Hu turned his head and comforted.

"What punk lightning, I have never seen the world, I am the pioneer of Chitu.

Huang Yuan put away his watch.

"Is that the new SUV?

At this moment,

Six sons turned out to be the most understanding.

"I heard that the configuration is very high?

"It's so high, it's all top-notch, and it's not a problem to kill all the luxury cars out there."

Huang Yuan tapped the ground with his thumb and said with a look of contempt.

"real or fake?

Paper towels are a little unbelievable.

Others are also skeptical.

Check the results,

Immediately convinced.

"Damn it, really, and such an awesome car only sells for two million."

"I said why Huang Shao suddenly remembered driving an SUV, so this is the real reason. 35

In the circle of friends, Huang Yuan is also a well-known son.

Spending a lot of money, changing cars is more diligent than changing girlfriends.

But one thing,

Huang Yuan only looked at the car, thinking that only a car can embody the romance of a man.

But his iron law was broken one after another in front of Wuling.

at the earliest,

Liu Zi also saw him drive the Wuling Hongguang mini, and now he drives the Red Rabbit Trailblazer.

Set a small goal first,

At the end of the year, I will build a Wuling car... Liuzi thought to himself.

"Huang Shao, tell me, how do you feel?"

I can't wait to hear about Huang Yuan's driving experience.

"One word, absolutely.

It is extremely difficult to have a car so that Huang Yuan has such a high evaluation.

"Does it feel good?" Tissue asked curiously.

"How should I put it, it feels like when we were young, we passed a field of rapeseed flowers, and we happened to have a very good-looking rattan in our hands."5

"Wherever he went, all the rapeseed flowers were decapitated, not a single one remained.

Huang Yuan gestured, "Does that feel good?"

Several people looked at Huang Yuan and did not understand his beautiful metaphor.


Huang Yuan has a feeling of playing the qin to the cow.

Chatting with these old sperm bugs can't be too literary.

"In other words, it's like..."

Huang Yuan thought for a while, "It's like you just took off your pants, and a beautiful host came up to meet you.

"When you're done, open your eyes.

"Fuck, it turned out to be a dream... But when you turn around, the beauty is lying next to you."

"Does it feel good?"

Now they understood, and a few of them showed the smirk like an old driver.

"Shuang, that's really cool. His mother put Shuang on the grave - Shuang died.""

"Why don't you talk about it more specifically?" Tissue was still curious.

"Come on, let me tell you about some of its awesome functions.

Brothers get together.

Huang Yuan talked about the advanced functions of the Red Rabbit Trailblazer.


For artificial intelligence, polarizing screens, autonomous driving, sapphire glass...

These few old sperm worms are not interested.

"Then tell you a bullshit."

"What the hell?"

"The smart bunny in the car speaks like Sister Zhiling, it's called a numb."5

Huang Yuan touched his conscience, "Just listening to her talk, I can eat three bowls of rice."


Having said that, a few guys got excited.

"Come on, talk more.

Your sister, if you say this, you will be excited.

Huang Yuan felt injustice for Ye Qiu in his heart.

People have worked hard to build such a high-end car.

These guys really only pay attention to the voice of the smart rabbit.

"If you want me to say, the most comfortable part of this car is its stability. You can shake it any way you want, it's fine."

Huang Yuan said again.

"It's really okay to shake it?" Liu Zi's eyes lit up.

Huang Yuan knew that these guys were thinking crooked again.


It doesn't seem to be a problem, the Red Rabbit Trailblazer can really shake it any way.

"That's natural, it's written in the manual." Huang Yuan assured.

"That's because I haven't practiced it yet." Liu Zi was not convinced.

Get a kick out of it.

"You can't trust me, can you?"

Huang Yuan couldn't eat the most aggressive tactics.

As it happens,

033 A woman holding a wine glass walked past them with her waist dangling.

The woman was wearing a long dress, dark lipstick, and eye shadow.

Looks with makeup, can have an eighth.

Mainly to get fit.

Six children's eyes are straight.

Huang Yuan also turned his head and suddenly had a new goal.

"Brothers wait, I will go to verify it for you, and I will know if I have lied to you."


Huang Yuan brought himself a glass of wine and walked towards the woman in the long skirt.

come to this place,

It's all about having fun and being a one-night couple.

what you want,

If you meet someone who wants to last a long time, you will earn it.

did not meet...

Then replace it with another one.

"Beauty. 35 Huang Yuan raises a glass toast, "Are you interested in having a drink together and chatting about life? 99

"Life?" The woman shook her head, "I may not have that much time.

Facing the rich and handsome like Huang Yuan,

It's not that she can't accept it, but she can't accept it casually.

To play hard to catch.

"Since it's impossible to move your heart, you can move to other positions. 35

Huang Yuan leaned against the table, trying his best to look unrestrained.

"If you don't mind, where do you go?

The woman stretched out her fingers on his, and her long nails drew a circle around his waist.

"Go here?"

"Hmph—" Huang Yuan dismissed, "Then you may be defeated in a mess.

"That's hard to say." The woman put on a seductive attitude, "Don't look at me too first. 35

"Show you something good.

Huang Yuan rolled up his sleeves, revealing Chitu's watch and car keys.

He put it on the woman's shoulder smoothly, wrapped it around her neck, and flashed the watch in front of her.

The six sons in the distance widened their eyes.

It's only a few minutes,

Just got it?

Huang Shao is worthy of being Huang Shao.

"My car, kills people without blinking an eye, and even takes the west longitude. 55

Huang Yuan said.

This is a stalk passed down from the Magic City Expo.

After the bald-headed man incident, the media rushed over after sniffing the news.

Not only interviewed bald men, but also interviewed many tourists.

this thread,

It also spread.

Now in the car circle, whenever someone talks about whose car will learn from the experience, it means that he bought a Chitu Trailblazer.

Huang Yuan added: "Want to go together? It is said that the car is stable, no matter how much it shakes, it will be fine, but I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either. There is already a desire in the woman's eyes.

"Come on, let's debunk it.

"It sounds interesting.


In the envious eyes of the six sons.

Huang Yuan took the woman and left without turning his head.

With his other hand behind them, he gave them a "yeah" and shook it a few times.


"It's nice to have money." Tissue sighed.



Liu Hu exclaimed.

"You're going to die, make a fuss. 35

"Huang Shao forgot to pay the bill.

"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!"

"You talk, I have left beforehand."


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