Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 208 The arrogant Wuling is back! 【Subscription】

Although it is said,

In fact, it is to separate the functions of the two, the computer is responsible for data, and the glasses are responsible for AR.

This is why Queen glasses can only be used in front of a polarizing screen.

at this point,

It seems to be very restrictive, but in fact the effect is very unbelievable.

The premise is,

When everything around is a polarizing screen.

That's how it is in the hive.

When Ye Qiu sent Chen Mengna away and came to the laboratory.

The little cutie Lin Xiuxiu couldn't wait to show Ye Qiu the results.

"Boss, for you, this is fun.

"What is so mysterious.

Ye Qiu took the glasses from Lin Xiuxiu,

After wearing it,

The entire laboratory changed in an instant.

The originally empty laboratory was filled with all kinds of black technology products.

The Queen glasses also carry distance-sensing computing, as well as eye tracking.

That is,

No matter where Ye Qiu looks,

As long as the polarizing screen appears in the field of view, a 3D image is simulated.


Because of the powerful computing power of the Red Queen, the running speed of the glasses is directly doubled.

really did it,

According to your mind, process data with your bare hands.

"It's interesting, it's a good thing.

Ye Qiu nodded and was having a good time.

"This thing can be used in future models, future cars, maybe all have a steering wheel and shifter, etc., as long as a screen and a pair of glasses will do."

This is the real future... Ye Qiu thought to himself.


If this idea is to be realized,

It may take at least a decade or more of development.

For now,

Wuling should still do a good job of gasoline and electric vehicles.

"You said, with this pair of glasses, isn't it possible to simulate 3D from any picture?"

Ye Qiu suddenly had a bold idea.

"Yes, Darling.

Lin Xueruo came over and said, "As long as the data is sufficient, it can be completely simulated."

"So amazing?" Ye Qiu almost laughed.

Then if it's Chen Mengna and Xiaokai's private I room photos...


Ye Qiu touched his chin and his expression became serious.

He simply commanded: "I'm going to the database, and some problems need to be solved as soon as possible."

Passing by Lin Xueruo, Ye Qiu added another sentence.

"It's urgent, don't disturb me, wait for me to come out if there is anything else.


Ye Qiu hurried up the third floor.

before going upstairs,

Don't forget to look both ways.

that look,

It's like a middle school sophomore who secretly went back to his room to watch a small movie, for fear of being discovered by his family.

Simply the same.

third floor.

The database is the most important location of the hive,

Usually, except Ye Qiu, everyone else needs permission to enter.

Ye Qiu moved all Wuling's data here, relying on the Red Queen to encrypt the data.

Unlike all the supercomputers in the world,

The core of the Red Queen belongs to the etheric level.


In the latest physics, it includes dark matter and dark energy.

In other words, it is the complete opposite of reality.

The way the Red Queen operates is also contrary to the current supercomputers in the scientific community.

She can connect to the world network,

But her firewall system is like a black hole.

All malicious visits to the Red Queen will be directly swallowed up and will become unresponsive.

In layman's terms,

No one in the world can break the current Red Queen's encryption system.

As long as hackers use ordinary computers at this stage, they will never be able to crack the Red Queen.


They are also using an ether-level supercomputer, so it is possible to skip the permission and access the Red Queen.


We have to wait until an ether-level supercomputer is developed,

The scientific community may have passed hundreds, even millennia.

That is,

The current Red Queen is absolutely invincible.

And Wuling's data is absolutely safe.


After Ye Qiu saw Qin Chen Mengna's private room,

Resolutely decided to hand over those cool photos to the Red Queen for safekeeping.

after all,

Data security is always a concern these days.

Even if data protection is as strong as Apple, there will be data breaches.


After Ye Qiu uploaded all the photos,

He also asked the Red Queen to clear the traces on Qin Mengya's mobile phone.

"In the future, this kind of thing will be handed over to the Red Queen for storage." Ye Qiu urged.

"I know, dear." Chen Mengna pouted.

It is clear,

Ye Qiu did this with selfish intentions.

That is,

He can go through the Red Queen at any time to see all the pictures.

Even if Chen Mengna or Lin Xiuxiu had new photos, he would know it as soon as possible.

Is this a peek, you ask?

Can it be called a peek when it comes to your own woman?

Serious people, who still peeks?


That is to appreciate openly.

The layout of the honeycomb database is not like the traditional computer room.

At first glance,

Just an ordinary empty room with nothing in it.

But once the Red Queen is awakened here, all the screens in the scene will light up.

And the whole room, all the walls, including the floor, are composed of screens.

the whole space,

Fully implement voice control,

Ye Qiu commanding the Red Queen here is as easy as talking to a normal red-haired woman.

"Red Queen." Ye Qiu shouted into the air.

"Hello sir. 35

A gentle female voice came.


Screens all over the space light up,

Ye Qiu's gaze pointed, as long as it was the screen he saw,

The appearance of the Red Queen reappeared.

Eye tracking technology.


This time is different.

When Ye Qiu put on the queen glasses,


A tall figure appeared in front of him.

Fiery red hair, slender body, perfect curves.

what is interesting,

After a while, she changed into a suit.

A cheongsam for a while, an evening dress for a while, and a flight attendant outfit for another.

Subtle and elegant.

"The Red Queen, bring me a photo of Chen Mengna's private room.

"Okay, I'm fetching photos of Chen Mengna's private room for you, please wait..."

In a short sentence,

The Red Queen changed two more outfits.

Within two seconds,

A folder appeared in front of Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu stretched out his hand, and the folder could be opened directly.

Inside is a cool photo.


Most of them, Ye Qiu has already read them.

He picked up an unseen picture from inside,

Zoom in, then throw it on the ground, and the 3D simulation comes out.

When the Red Queen sets permissions for everyone,

Their physical data will be obtained through scanning, which will be used for future verification and comparison.

These data will also be updated from time to time.

Every time you pass through the hive, it will refresh again.


If you want to know the body data of Chen Mengna, Little Cutie, and Lin Xueruo,

Just one command from Ye Qiu,

Simply not too simple.

These women are all three-dimensional against the sky, and their comprehensive scores are close to full marks.

Ye Qiu rotated the 3D image in a circle and enjoyed it slowly.

in front of you,

Chen Mengna, who was covered in dead pool water, sat beside the pool with her hands on her knees, her mouth pouting.

hard to imagine,

A group strong woman like her, she is usually a woman who is resolute and full of self-confidence.


Also does such a kawaii move.

look at another one,

This time, it's a school uniform, white shirt, blue bow tie, and black pleated skirt.

The student-wearing Chen Mengna put her left hand on her hips and her right index finger on her chin.

Xu lie on his body, or pouted.

"It's quite warped." Ye Qiu walked to the back and commented.

"Is that possible..."

Ye Qiu had a whim, and moved his index finger, "I can really lift it up."

After watching Chen Mengna for a long time, then look at the little cutie.

less cute photos,

Most of the walks are cute and abstinence.

She likes to compare love with her hands, and her beauty is not much better than that of Chen Mengna.

"In the future, let Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran and Lin Xueruo also take some pictures."

Ye Qiu murmured, "It's a pity that such a good time is not recorded.


Such a happy decision.

Ye Qiu was in a good mood and left the database humming a little song.

Back to the laboratory on the second floor,

Several daughters are still busy.

Assembly of the Leviathan is in the final stages, and the first car is expected to roll off the assembly line in the next few days.

In order not to disturb their work, Ye Qiu left quietly.

over at Meriken,

A vote by the organizers of the North American Auto Show caused a lot of heat.

The only regret is that,

Wuling, which the sunspots are most concerned about, did not appear.


Wuling has been quiet recently.

Logically speaking,

An event as important as the North American Auto Show,

All participating car companies will not forget to advertise themselves.

Ford official has been active recently, like a marketing account.

Chevrolet is not willing to be lonely, and the two sides are like jealous, tit for tat.

At the same time as Gang,

Don't forget to diss Wuling.

Who made Wuling so arrogant before, and even won against Terras.

Now being trampled underfoot, dare not squeak,

It would naturally take two more steps.

This made netizens very upset and very embarrassed.

"Don't even have a pickup truck, what North American auto show? Go home.

Faced with such ridicule, netizens wanted to refute, but were unable to start.

the most annoying thing in life,


They mock you with the truth.


Some netizens couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm really surprised, a broken pickup truck can last a lifetime, haven't these foreigners seen other cars?

"Pickup truck every day, pickup truck, I'm really convinced, do you have to have a pickup truck to participate in your shitty car show?

"It's better not to go to this kind of spicy chicken car show!"

"For a car company like Ford that doesn't want to make progress, Ye Qiu only dared to hide in his own country and build a car behind closed doors, and he really planned to eat a pickup truck for the rest of his life.

"People are guarding their own market, and they don't even dare to make big moves. Wuling went to an auto show and scared them, hehe.

"I'm used to a comfortable life, and when I see strong winds and waves, I'll just play tricks."

"I support Wuling to go to the North American Auto Show to kill them, just pull a car over, it will kill the audience in seconds.

"Although that is said, the markets on both sides are really different.

"Yeah, Wuling's current models are considered treasures, but I don't think they will be pleasing there."

"Never mind, kill him, I really can't stand it anymore."

"Wuling, @wuling, Mr. Ye, kill it."9


Netizens were outraged.

But in the eyes of foreigners, it is nothing but incompetent rage.

The two sides quarreled more and more fiercely,

Some people simply wrote a pinned thread directly in the forum.

"Uncomfortable! Why doesn't Wuling have a pickup?

Below the post,

It accommodates disheartened netizens who have come back from YouTube.

"I used to think that Wuling was invincible, and I never lost any confrontation. Now... I lost..."

"The rise of domestic cars still has a long way to go.

"I don't know if Wuling can bring the light of domestic production to the world. I hope to see the glory of Wuling. 35

"I miss Wuling when he was arrogant and shouted domineeringly, 'I want to fight ten', 'You are all spicy chickens'

"Who said we don't have pickups, our pickups kill the world in seconds. It comes from Wuling officials."

"Huh? Something terrible got mixed in in the comments?"

"Fuck, is it really the official Wuling?

"Brother, why are you only replying now, we are almost finished being ridiculed.


just a few minutes ago,

Wuling's propaganda department also saw this post.

After learning about the difficulties of netizens,

Li Guangyi immediately went to ask Ye Qiu.

"Mr. Ye, these people are too arrogant, so we don't care? 35

"Isn't this your business? Just go back, I have never been angry with Wuling. Ye Qiu said casually.

"Then let's make Leviathan...

·Seeking flowers 0. "Publicly." Okay. "With Ye Qiu's permission, Li Guangyi untied the shackles. Wuling's comment was quickly picked up by the riders and a new post was created. "I'm not mistaken, Wuling really wants to Build a pickup?" the rider asked. "That's right. "9 Wuling's reply was concise and to the point. "Fuck, the official Wuling replied in person, this is really a big face. "I don't know if I can ask a question, what is the performance of our pickup truck? Wuling replied: Killing those outdated goods in seconds, there is no pressure at all. Netizens asked: Has Wuling pickup truck passed Wuling Hongguang? Wuling replied: If people If you can stack Arhats, there is no problem at all. Netizens asked: Is this a legend, you have to look at your efforts, and then amaze the world? Wuling replied: You have been amazing the world, why do you need to work hard. Netizens asked: "Haha, yes The internal taste is gone, and the Wuling that I am familiar with is finally back. "I said what did Wuling go to these days, it turned out to be hiding at home and secretly making pickup trucks. "Haha, there's no way, Wuling is putting too much pressure on the major car companies. If this is a bigger move, I'm afraid they will be frightened." 5 "No wonder Wuling wants to buy a piece of land to build a new base in Zhongyun. The laboratory." "I also saw it, it seems to be called a beehive, which has been built for a while. 39 "I have pictures, just from the outside, it is full of technology. 35 "You didn't go in for a visit?" No identity, no permission, I guess it contains the latest black technology of Wuling. "There is no shadow of modern architecture at all. Which big designer is this? It looks so sci-fi." "Just the AI ​​at the door has amazed me for a whole year." "How do you say it?" "It's so beautiful, Just like the real person, I blushed and couldn’t speak properly at that time.” “Mom, such a good place, I must go see it.” “Party, visit the hive together, staff 1/100. 0.. "Count me in. "+10"966.99 The confidence of netizens here has greatly increased. As a result, the netizens on the American side are not confident. In their eyes, Wuling is still very powerful. After all, according to past practice, every time Wuling makes its debut, it really amazes the audience. Every time at the station, as long as Wuling does not appear, other cars have their own merits. Once Wuling debuted, it became the focus of the audience, and all other car companies became a foil. Most exaggeratedly,

At the Xiaguo Hangcheng Auto Show a few months ago, other cars didn't even have the chance to become a foil.

What kind of cars are those?

Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Toyota, Honda...

There is also the pillar of the electric car industry, Tesla.


Not anymore.

at this time,

Reasonable Mei Lijian netizens can naturally still see some ways.

"Wuling may really have something new, and their research and development speed is really amazing.


There will be ridicule soon.

"In less than half a year, the new car came out? Is the boss of Wuling Tony Stark?"

"Crossing from a sedan to a pickup is that simple?

"It's not that easy, I don't believe it anyway.

"The appearance of Chitu really surprised me once. If Wuling can still surprise me this time, I will no longer despise any Xia Guo car in the future. 99

"Sorry, impossible, I swear by the rifle in my pants. 35


have to say,

Netizens all over the world are connected.

They both like to look at random promises, and be firm about things they don't think about.

The fun continues.

Chevrolet Headquarters,

Durant also saw the magnitude of the problem.

"Would Wuling really show a pickup at the North American Auto Show?

"I still don't quite believe that a car company without any experience in making pickup trucks suddenly announced that it would debut a pickup truck at an auto show, which seems a bit too unreasonable.

"We haven't even heard that Wuling has consulted with other car companies."

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible. 99

Although it is said that,

Durant still kept his mind.

He had been preparing for this auto show for a long time.

in order,

It's time to beat Ford in one fell swoop.

To accomplish this goal,

He decided to perform a stunt for the visitors at the auto show, so that everyone could see the strength of Silverado.

"As long as I do it this time, I can get a 12 percent equity incentive from the board.

"At that time, my worth will climb to tens of billions of dollars."

Thinking of this, Durant couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha……

Ford over there,

Henry is much easier than Durant.

Mainly thanks to Ford's dominance for many years, he has lost his sense of crisis.

What Chevrolet, what Dodge Ram,

It can only run behind Ford and compete for second place.

As for Wuling?

"Don't even think about it, I want to see what kind of pickups your Wuling can make?"

"If I want to enter the American market, I said Ford is not allowed, that is not allowed."5

Henry still looked disdainful.

"Tesla, with its autonomous driving, and battery technology, has not been able to take Ford's throne."

"You are a small car company that has left the protection of the state, why?

at the same time,

Wuling, Hive Lab.

The first Leviathan has been rolled off the assembly line and will enter the testing phase immediately.

Ye Qiu and related engineers went to the hive together.

"Wow, it's this big guy, cool." Everyone exclaimed.

tourist area,

I saw a domineering mid-size pickup appear impressively,

It stood there quietly, with a majestic appearance and full of aggression.

Ps: Bosses, it's my fault, it's really wrong, I entered the dark room in the last chapter. But I swear, I'm not really into color, really. Kneeling, bosses!!! orz, in order to compensate everyone, I will add another chapter to the bosses tomorrow, please forgive me!!! Eight,

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