Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 215 Time is running out, Ye Qiu is the team leader! 【Subscription】

The expedition team lined up in a neat line and moved forward along the planned route.

Xiaoyu holds the camera,

Take a picture of Gu Yuwei for a while, and take a picture of the scenery outside the car window for a while.

Gu Yuwei's Red Rabbit Rover,

It is equipped with a polarizing screen for the front window.

But Gu Yuwei didn't dare to open it. In order to save power for the Chitu rover, she didn't even open many functions.

Entering the Gobi Desert, not to mention charging stations, not even gas stations.

Not to mention the gas station, there is not even a place for people to refuel.


Everyone brought enough dry food and water to ensure at least three days of living needs.

"Hey, hey, here's the lead car. 99

The team leader's walkie-talkie sounded, "We are about to enter the desert ahead, there is an uphill road, everyone pay attention to quicksand to avoid the car from slipping.

"Can Gu Yuwei hear it? Be sure to keep up with the team and don't fall behind."

"It's dangerous to be left behind in the desert, and I don't agree with you driving an electric car here."

"The road behind is even more difficult to walk. You should be careful yourself. It's really not good. Hurry back and return before you go far."

The team leader grumbled.

Everyone in the team has their own unique understanding of the car.

Before the no-man's-land challenge, everyone chose the car they thought was the best.

The team leader thought he was the most car-savvy among the group.

Except for Gu Yuwei,

No one believes that there are people who are stupid enough to use an electric car to go to the Gobi Desert.


He dared to criticize Gu Yuwei without hesitation.

But criticism is criticized, and he will not really drive Gu Yuwei away.

after all,

A boring expedition, if you can be accompanied by beautiful women, the atmosphere in the team will be much more harmonious.

not to mention,

Gu Yuwei is still a top-notch beauty.

"Got it."" Gu Yuwei pouted and grimaced at the walkie-talkie.

before the ramp,

Relying on the smooth performance of the Audi q7 and his superb technology, the team leader easily rushed forward.


He waited on it, waiting for the cars behind to follow.

forty-eight vehicles,

One after another rushed up, the scene was spectacular.

But something went wrong in the middle. A car slipped its tires midway up the slope and got caught in quicksand.

at last,

The cars were all pulled up by ropes from the car in front.

After going up,

Several riders bowed their heads in embarrassment.

Only Gu Yuwei's Red Rabbit Wanderer did not go up,

The leader took the walkie-talkie and shouted to her: "Gu Yuwei, just wait below, we will use the rope to pull you up."

His tone was light, as if he didn't think Gu Yuwei could come up.

"It was looked down upon.

Gu Yuwei put down the walkie-talkie and laughed softly.

She turned her head and told Xiaoyu, "Sit firmly, Xiaoyu, I'm going to climb the slope."

Xiaoyu 25 tightened her seat belt nervously, Gu Yuwei took a deep breath, and stepped on the accelerator.


The Red Rabbit Wanderer went up easily.

It's like walking on the highway, not to mention the tires slipping.

At this moment,

The leader turned around holding the rope, and saw that Gu Yuwei was already in front of him.

The corner of his mouth crooked, a little embarrassed.


"Keep going.""

Before getting in the car,

He couldn't help but glance at Gu Yuwei's Red Rabbit Wanderer.

This car!

The team continues to move forward according to the established route.

The sun has gone down,

The temperature in the Gobi Desert has dropped.

They had already walked a section of quicksand road, and a steep cliff gradually appeared on the road ahead.

"Look, it's a camel." Xiaoyu looked out the window and said in surprise.


She turned the camera on the camel for a long shot.

"Not only camels, there are wolves here at night." Gu Yuwei joked.

"Sister Wei, don't scare me.""

Xiaoyu is very timid, she and Gu Yuwei are best friends, and usually do not dare to sleep at home alone.

"It's okay, Sister Wei will protect you." Gu Yuwei patted the belly proudly.

"Be my woman, what a wolf is, the world is yours.

"Sister Wei-"

Xiaoyu's big eyes lit up with star eyes.


The walkie-talkie rang again.

"After the previous Gobi, we will rest here tonight.

"Everyone pay attention to adjust the chassis to the highest level, you have to cross the gravel road. 99

this way,

Gu Yuwei is very familiar with it, and she has also watched the video "The Return of the Wuling Gods".

For gravel roads, she is confident in her Red Rabbit Rover.

The car in front stopped.

Gu Yuwei stood up,

I got out of the car window and saw someone getting out of the car ahead to move rocks.

But how could the gravel be moved.


This section of the road is caught in the middle of the cliff, and the convoy is currently the only way to go.

Even if the gravel is very large, in the end, it can only be brave enough to break through.

But how easy is this road?

They are not Wuling.

It stumbled and crashed all the way, and several cars broke down.

There have been many problems with the car in the past.

But to the surprise of the leader,

Gu Yuwei and her car had no problem at all.

She didn't even call for help.

This made the team leader even more curious...

Is Gu Yuwei more powerful, or is this car more powerful?

Those riders whose car broke down,

In the end, I could only sit in other people's cars and continue to explore with the large group.

As for the car,

It can only be thrown here, and then go back to the towing company to deal with it.

over the gravel road,

Not far ahead, there is an open space.


Everyone will spend here.

If you don't have a car, you can only squeeze in someone else's car.


Gu Yuwei put down the seat back and lay in the car with Xiao Yu, feeling like she was at home.

"Sister Wei, your car is so comfortable, I feel like sleeping on Simmons.

"Well, I'm also quite surprised. I bought this car to look good at first, but now I find that this car is so easy to use. 39

"Sister Wei still has a unique vision.

"That is."

The two briefly chatted for a while and then fell asleep.

the next day,

Early in the morning, the team leader's walkie-talkie rang again.

"Get up, everyone tidy up, we're on our way, there's still a long way to go today.

According to the plan,

The team will arrive at the specified coordinates today.


Take a night's rest, watch the Buddha's Light on the Gobi Desert tomorrow morning, and go back in the afternoon.

The convoy moved on.

not long gone,

Suddenly there was a sound of wind.



The gravel not far away was rolled up, forming a small dust storm.

Visibility gradually decreases.

"It's a sandstorm, everyone follow closely, don't get lost.

The leader reminded with concern on the walkie-talkie.

But the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and there was no sign of it stopping.


Visibility dropped to about ten meters.

"Everyone is in a group, don't walk in a straight line. The leader speaks.

In order to prevent the following car from being lost,

All the cars are slowly coming together.

This way the journey will be slower, but at least not lost.

The sandstorm is getting bigger and bigger, and the sky is dim yellow.

"Why is my navigation missing?"


Someone yelled on the walkie-talkie.

Everyone responded.

"I don't have mine either."

"mine too.

"Me too.""

Gu Yuwei looked at her mobile phone, and the signal had already been lost.

"Don't panic, everyone, follow me first." The team leader reassured everyone.

He also glanced at his phone, but there was no signal.

Maybe it's because of a sandstorm, or maybe they went to an area with no internet service.

Navigation is gone now,

The leader can only take everyone out of the sandstorm by feeling.

The team moves slowly,

None of them knew they were there.

Trapped in a sandstorm and can't see where to go.

The only thing that can be used is the walkie-talkie in the hand.

that's it,

I don't know how long it took.

Someone was shouting on the walkie-talkie.

"It's over, my car is out of gas, what should I do?

"Me too, the fuel tank has bottomed out and I can't run very far."

"Mine is almost too soon, we can't go out when it's over."

The team leader looked at his fuel tank, the pointer had already reached the red line, and he couldn't hold on for long.

He still has a can of spare oil in his car,

But even so,

Under the current situation, it is definitely impossible to get out.

Gu Yuwei glanced at the meter of the Red Rabbit Rover.

Oh hoo?!

There's still half the battery left.

It is indeed the plasma battery developed by Wuling, and the battery life is really fierce.

If this is a boyfriend, then I can't be happy?

Gu Yuwei was taken aback,

How did this idea pop up all of a sudden?

She shook her head, quickly dismissing her own thoughts.

The convoy could no longer move forward, and everyone could only hide in the car.

good luck,


The dust storm stopped.

A small part of the sky gradually returned to blue, but visibility was still poor all around.

Everyone gets out of the car to discuss countermeasures.

Everyone took out their cell phones, and there was no signal at all.

"What do we do now? Can't we go back? Someone is anxious.

Even the others started to panic.

There are hundreds of people in a team, and there are people from all countries.

"What? What? Are we really going to die here?"

"Don't talk nonsense, let's think about ways together.

"From the beginning, my aunt persuaded me not to come, but I didn't listen, it's over..."

"I'm still young, I don't want to die in a place like this, I want to go home.

"This place is horrible.

the coordinates they are looking for,

Many hard-core off-road masters in the past have not been able to reach it.


They were also trapped.

Looking at the panicked crowd,

Gu Yuwei was also a little worried.

If you really can't get out, it's really a big pity.

She is still single and has not enjoyed the love of her boyfriend yet.

But it can't be gone here.

The team leader quickly appeased everyone and tried to take everyone away.

His first thought,

The first thing to do is to find the cell phone signal and figure out where everyone is.

But the visibility is too low, and I dare not go far.

He could only drive around around the convoy.

But no matter how you turn it, the phone has no signal.

Empty the fuel tanks of several cars in a row,

In the end, I still couldn't figure out where it was.

"Whose car can still drive?"

The leader did not give up and wanted to try again.

Everyone else shook their heads.

At this moment,

Gu Yuwei raised her hand.

"My car still has half the battery and should be able to run quite a distance."

"There's still half of the electricity? 35 team leader was surprised.

From the start to here, his Audi Q7 fuel tank has long been unable to hold on.

And Gu Yuwei's electric SUV still has half the battery?

Who will believe this?

There is a limit to bragging, right?

Even if Truss came, he wouldn't dare to brag like that.


When he walked towards the Chitu roaming, the whole person was completely stupid.

There's still half of the battery left.

Wuling's Red Rabbit is really a magic car.

He used to look down on electric cars, including Tesla, but now he has to rely on an electric SUV to save his life.


He began to change his point of view, thinking that the Chitu electric car is at least a magic car,

But still look down on Truss.


Even the Red Rabbit Rover, even with the latest plasma batteries, has amazing battery life.

But it can't stand the constant tossing.

down a few laps,

The Red Rabbit Rover's battery has dropped by half again.

There's still so much electricity!

While surprised, the leader gradually gave up resistance.

"Sorry, we..." The leader bowed his head in front of the crowd, "We got lost.

The meaning of this statement is very clear.

The team has lost contact with the outside world.

They were trapped in the desert and could not get out.

Fortunately, the dry food I brought is enough for a few days,

Everyone was optimistic at the beginning, imagining that maybe a day later, the signal would come.


The people in the convoy sat together and waited silently.


Everyone sleeps together.

another morning,

A group of people with dark circles finally felt what despair was.

Their mobile phones are almost out of power.

"It's over."

Almost everyone's hearts are cold.

Xiaoyu also hugged Gu Yuwei's arm tightly in fear, her body shivering.

Gu Yuwei looked at her very guiltily, feeling very uncomfortable.

It was she who brought Xiaoyu over, which was basically equivalent to her causing Xiaoyu.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu." Gu Yuwei's eyes were wet.

The two sat on the ground leaning against each other, both silent.

"Xiaoyu, do you remember that we drove to the beach together before."

At this time,

Gu Yuwei always felt that it was better to say something.

"Well, Sister Wei, we quarreled over the car radio channel at that time. 35

"Yeah, I really want to listen to the radio again.

"But there is no signal, no network, how can I listen?"


Internet signal?

Gu Yuwei seemed to remember something.

The appearance of Xu Feifei appeared in her mind.

"The Chitu SUV is also equipped with satellite communication connectivity, allowing you to make calls and send text messages in areas without cellular coverage.

this function,

It seems so tasteless, basically people who bought this car forgot about it.

happens to be,

In order to cross the no-man's land, Gu Yuwei turned off all the auxiliary functions of Chitu.

Including artificial intelligence bunnies.

She got up quickly, and under Xiao Yu's astonished eyes, she flew towards the Red Rabbit Wanderer.

not long ago,

She finally made the long-lost call.

"Uncle police, we are stuck on our backs, help."

The time returns to the present.

Wuling headquarters.

Tang Shengbin, who borrowed the car, has completed the task.

Ye Qiu sent him out, and the two chatted while walking.

"Speaking of this, I have to thank you Wuling." Tang Shengbin said 033.

"Oh?" Ye Qiu was curious.

"Obviously a group of people has lost contact, the mobile phone has no signal, and the phone can't get through. 35

A hint of surprise flashed in Tang Shengbin's eyes, "But the Red Rabbit Rover that girl drove was able to connect to the Internet.

Satellite communication connection function.

Ye Qiu understood in an instant.

"The girl not only called the police, but also gave us the location. 95

"The most interesting thing is that she also used the car's network to start a live broadcast." Tang Shengbin was dumbfounded.

"Now, audiences across the country know that she is trapped in the Northwest Gobi."

"The phone calls from fans never stopped and kept asking about the progress of our rescue."

"The line was occupied for 24 hours, and there was really no other way. Our rescue team had to broadcast a live broadcast to report the progress at any time.

heard here,

Ye Qiu smiled awkwardly, thinking that it would be difficult for brother Bing to do it.

Most exaggeratedly,

There are many foreigners in the team.

After such a live broadcast,

Now this has become an international event.

The whole world is watching.

The embassy has issued a request.

at the moment,

If the rescue cannot be done well,

The loss of their troops is really the face of the country.


Tang Shengbin also told him about the difficulty of rescue.

Too many people needed to be rescued, and dust storms covered the sky above the no-man's land.

Using a helicopter is not only costly but also risky.


They tried to rescue from the ground.

But the Gobi is too difficult to walk, and the existing cars are basically unable to go in.

after all,

They are not the Western Military Region, there is no saber-toothed tiger.

Other car companies are reluctant to borrow cars, and they all think that their own cars cannot be driven in.

By the time,

It not only delayed saving people, but also lost the face of the company.

at last,

there is really no way,

Tang Shengbin slapped his thigh and decided to come to Wuling to try his luck.

It really did.

"I see." 9 Ye Qiu understood.


"Dunhuang seems to be quite far from our Zhongyun."

"Well, I will use Wuling's plane to airlift the car for you to save time for rescue."

"What's so funny..."

Tang Shengbin was about to say something when Ye Qiu interrupted him.

This kind of favor is too big... Tang Shengbin thought to himself.

"That's it, it's important to save people. 35

Ye Qiu patted him, "but I have a condition.

"What condition?

"Let me lead the rescue team."

"How can this work?

Tang Shengbin couldn't believe Ye Qiu would say such a thing, "This is very dangerous, you are an ordinary person..."

"Don't worry, I'm measured, you trust me."

"Besides, I can't embarrass the country. As a son of Xia Guo, of course I should fight on the front line."

"Okay, it's decided.

Ye Qiu said this because of rescue considerations.

As a new pickup, no one is more familiar with Leviathan.

With his driving skills,

Using Leviathan to run the Gobi, I am afraid no one can run him.

To complete the rescue faster,

He Ye Qiu could really help, maybe a lot.

"Well, even if I promise you."

Tang Shengbin is short-handed,

Had to use the army as an excuse at the same time.

"My group of army colleagues are not easy to deal with."

Ye Qiu smiled confidently.

"You just take me there, I'll take care of them, no problem. 99

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