Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 21 Announcement Of Sales, Other Car Companies Are Sour! 【For Collection】

The first day of July.

Major car companies will announce the sales of various models under their own brands on this day.

After all, no matter how fierce your usual advertising is, no matter how ruthless your publicity is.

But in the end, sales are king.

Only sales can prove everything.

Hongguang Mini is now extremely popular on the entire network.

Many car companies don't understand this kind of popularity, why this kind of small car can get so much attention and love.

At the same time, they also want to know,

How many Hongguang mini can be sold this month?

Twelve o'clock noon.

On the official website of Wuling Motors, it announced the sales volume of the Hongguang mini in the first month after its launch.

19 days to be exact.

From the day the auto show started, until now.

A total of 19 days of sales.

58,600 units.

As soon as this sales came out, it shocked the entire car circle.

Great Wall Motor Headquarters.

As one of the current Totems of domestic car companies, Great Wall has been focusing on the SUV market and now has two brands.

One is Harvard, which focuses on the cost-effective line, and the other is the V brand, which focuses on high-end.

Its Harvard h6 has been occupying the top position in the SUV sales list since its birth.

to date,

It's been 78 months.

The monthly sales volume is at least 30,000 units.

"Mr. Wei, the sales of Wuling Motors you are concerned about have come out."

In the luxurious chairman's office, the Great Wall boss was correcting documents, while Secret Art came in with a report.

"How many units were sold?"

President Wei put down his pen and asked with great interest.

For this small car from Wuling, after seeing it, he felt that the sales would not be bad.

Not for anything else.

Just because it's cheap enough.


Great Wall also plans to launch a pure electric brand recently, so Lao Wei is groping for experience and wants to see how Wuling's sales are.

This gave him a reference to lay out the development direction for his pure electric.

"Mr. Wei, you don't believe it. Wuling has sold more than 58,000 new cars in the past 19 days."

After the secret art was finished, Lao Wei's eyes widened.

Can't seem to believe it.

"How many, more than fifty-eight thousand?"


As the CEO of a car company, he knows very well what the production cost of Wuling Hongguang is.

After all, there are no secrets in the industry.

Originally, Lao Wei thought, how could Ye Qiu make money by selling a pure electric car at such a low price.

But when he knew about the various parts used in the Hongguang mini, Lao Wei admired Ye Qiu in his heart.

Ye Qiu is a cruel man.

20kw motor, 9kwh battery pack.

There will never be any more configuration on the body that can be easily configured.

Reduce production costs to the extreme.

Then the production cost of a car is about 15,000, or even lower.

15,000 cars, sold for 28,008, excluding the tax money.

A net profit of at least 10,000.

To know,

This is just a small car that only sells for 28,008.

The profit is more than 10,000.

How much profit did he make by selling an H6?

Seven or eight thousand is a lot.

Sometimes, in order to keep the first sales volume, they will make crazy profits, and they may earn four or five thousand yuan by the last car.

That's a 100,000 class car.

Just so much profit.

Compared with the Hongguang mini, it is simply scum.

19 days,

Hongguang mini sold more than 58,000 units.

How much does this cost?

Old Wei calculated it with a computer, and then felt that he was sour, just like negotiating an oversized lemon.

"Nearly two billion!!!"

"Pure profits are worth 700 to 800 million yuan."

"His, he made seven or eight hundred million in 19 days. This is faster than stealing money."

I don't know,

It was startling.

In 19 days, I made seven or eight billion.

This is really a fucking money grab.

"Go, tell all the executives to come to the conference room for a meeting, Ye Qiu can't make this money alone."

I never thought that such a cheap car could have such a high profit.

Wuling's behavior seems to have opened a new path for Lao Wei.

He is also going to build a cheap brand to get a piece of the pie.

There are not a few car company executives who have the same idea as Lao Wei.

Liji, Zotye, Changan and other domestic car companies heard that Wuling sold more than 58,000 cars in just 19 days.

Just dying of envy.

Then we calculate the profit rate.

The bosses of various car companies are all sour.

The pure electric vehicle market below 50,000 yuan will have such a high profit.

This is something no one has thought of.


Beginning on this day,

Almost all car companies have begun to prepare, ready to learn from Wuling and build a low-cost and cheap pure electric vehicle.

These things,

Ye Qiu didn't know.

Even if he knew, he didn't know it.

The market is like this. When capital sees business opportunities and sees money, it will flow in crazily.

Ye Qiu is now in the parking lot in front of the workshop, watching the transporters loading Hongguang Minis one by one.

After so many days of production, the first batch of 20,000 vehicles will be delivered to consumers one after another starting today.

Although there is no 4S store, the delivery needs to be arranged by the manufacturer, which is very troublesome.


Doing so will reduce the price to the dealer more, and the profit margin of the manufacturer will be greater.

"Mr. Ye, a lot of sales companies have called in the past two days to be our Wuling 4S store. What do you think of this?"

Xu Dabao went out to dig people for Ye Qiu.

Everything in the factory is basically managed by Li Changxing.

In the past few days, many people have called to inquire about joining the Wuling 4S store.

especially today,

When Wuling announced its 19-day sales, more people called.

All over the country, everywhere.

Li Changxing couldn't make a decision and could only ask Ye Qiu.

Anyone want to join Wuling 4S store?

This is a good thing.

Wuling's previous sales network has long since been scrapped.

The distribution network must now be re-rolled.

Otherwise, a car can be delivered directly by the manufacturer to the consumer.

But after a long time, as Wuling has more and more models, this will not work.

Because there is no sales network, there is no after-sales service.

For a car company brand, the most important thing is after-sales.

There is also the issue of the warranty of this batch of Wuling new cars.

Hongguang Mini, but promises three years or 100,000 kilometers of free warranty.

There must be after-sales service.

"Inform the whole country that we, Wuling, are going to hold a dealer conference. Those who want to join Wuling should come to the factory."

The sales network must be rolled out immediately.

As the first batch of models arrive in the hands of users, there will be more or less problems.

This is urgent.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

PS: It’s miserable, it’s so miserable, the comments have been gone for two days, the data has not increased, and the collection is only a pitiful 2,000. It’s really terrible. Are you still watching? Let me know in the comment area, Otherwise, the writer is very panicky.

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Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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