Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 221 This man is damn sweet! 【Subscription】

"I smack, didn't Ye always fly over our heads just now?"

"It turned out that the two blue meteors were Mr. Ye, which surprised me.

"What is that? Is it a skateboard?"

"What kind of skateboard is so advanced that it can fly in the sky?"

"But Mr. Ye just flew by obviously, and he was still swinging in the air a few times. He was so handsome."

"Is this also self-developed by Wuling? I haven't seen anything similar in the market outside. It's too sci-fi."

"And this pair of glasses, our Wuling's new stuff is always surprising.

"Mr. Ye's posture is also handsome, this is the beginning, and there is a star style.

"Has the show started yet?"


Whispers were whispered under the stage, and the lights on the stage were lit.

Ye Qiu raised his right hand high and snapped his fingers towards the sky.

The red queen received the signal,

for a moment,

The starry sky of the entire venue disappeared.


It's colorful lighting.

The sound wave vibrated,

Countless beat sprites jumped out and danced with the rhythm.

the prelude to music,

When Ye Qiu picked up the microphone, several skateboards flew up from the stage.

They lined up and flew to every corner of the venue.

wherever you go,

Scattered is one electronic red envelope after another.

These red envelopes are just a click away,

There will be a reminder that a bonus has been added to their year-end bonus.

After the red envelope was over, Ye Qiu also started to sing.

"...I'm still the same boy I used to be, and I haven't changed in the slightest."

"Time is just a test, and the beliefs hidden in my heart have not changed..."

He sang "Youth".

The tune is exciting and tactful, as if telling the story of a teenager who grew up pursuing his dreams.

This song,

It is Ye Qiu who is depicted, and his beliefs have never changed.

He wants to lead Wuling to the world and achieve the real peak.

For this belief,

He never stopped climbing.

Brave all the gossip and smash them and smash the obstacles to your progress.

as the lyrics say,

Growing up, you will have to go through a lot of ups and downs.

Believe that you will always have your own feat.

Don't stop your footsteps because of hardships,

Persevere and you will have a blueprint that belongs to you...

I sang from the bottom of my heart and infected everyone present.

They raised their hands and shook, shouting: "Mr. Ye, President Ye, President Ye..."

Maybe this is the charisma and spiritual appeal.

As the leader of the entire group, Ye Qiu was able to make the audience cheer with just one song without saying a word.

The singing is over, the cheers are not over yet.

Ye Qiu waved his hand, signaling everyone to stop.


He sighed with emotion about all the good and bad things that happened in Wuling this year, and encouraged everyone to keep forging ahead.

"This year, Wuling has been able to transform from a small company into a large group, and everyone present has contributed greatly.

"You are the heroes and an indispensable part of Wuling.

"I announce that the Wuling Group's New Year's Party has officially begun.

The audience cheered again.

Ye Qiu stepped back and Xu Feifei came to the stage to announce.

The new show starts, and the old buddies from the tech workshop do a burlesque dance.

This is a dance that they have carefully rehearsed, in order to make everyone's eyes shine.


With Ye Qiu's opening pearl in front,

Everyone hasn't recovered from that enthusiasm, so their show doesn't get much attention.

"I read on the program list that Mr. Ye opened the show, so it shouldn't be included in the program, right? 99

"Nonsense, it's definitely not worth it.

"Mr. Ye is on a flying skateboard. Who can compare to him."

"Then there is some expectation. I'm still waiting to see Mr. Ye make an embarrassment, haha."

"However, then again, Mr. Ye will start this year's meeting. It shouldn't be a problem to kill other big companies in seconds, right?"

"Does that need to be said? That's a real flying skateboard, not a Wia.

"Well, just this, we Wuling have won too much."


A group of people chatting around,

Open the red envelope of ideas that fly to you, and add another year-end bonus.

The latest revision of the Queen glasses, using AR-2.0 technology.

It not only increases the realism of the picture, but also enhances the immersive experience.

There is also an instant feedback function, which can realize the interaction between virtual and reality faster and better.

The annual meeting is still going on,

Everyone was waiting for Ye Qiu to appear again.

Xu Feifei also had a show. She changed her clothes and appeared on the stage, performing a recitation for everyone.

She is a woman who loves to learn.

Because she hosted the press conference many times, she also went to practice the broadcasting tune.

"No wonder the goddess's speech has become more and more pleasant recently, and the Leviathan's press conference is also well-mannered.

"It turns out that the goddess went to practice broadcasting, the words and tones are really comfortable to listen to.

"Wow, this transformation of Yujie's voice and baby's voice, love love."

"You have to find a way to marry the goddess home."

"If this is married and brought home, Yu Jie Yin and Loli Yin, wouldn't it be double happiness at night?

"Haha, want to fart to eat, you guys.

Beautiful women always make gentlemen cheer and scream.

When Xu Feifei finished leaving the venue, everyone was still reluctant to part.

Although the subsequent programs are also very exciting, but the voice is obviously smaller.

What everyone is most looking forward to now is Ye Qiu's debut,

The second expectation is naturally the four beauties of the group.

"Why doesn't Mr. Ye appear yet, I'm anxious. 99

"There are also four beauties. The whole group can surpass the goddess Xu Feifei in appearance, and they are the only ones."

"Although I really want to see the stunning appearances of the goddesses, the only thing I can't get out of my head is Mr. Ye. Is there something wrong with me?"

"It's okay, I am the same, everyone is the same."

'Maybe Mr. Ye is worrying about his weird outfit, how to wear it, haha.

"At that time, Mr. Ye should say, I'm so handsome, but you all pay attention to my ugly clothes."

"Haha, you are all devils.



Ye Qiu sat in the chair, and Chen Mengna carefully finished his makeup.

After taking the clothes from Lin Xueruo, he really didn't know how to wear them.

It can only be said that girls' clothes are too complicated.

What a fierce man, leggings, stockings.

There are also long skirts, short skirts, headwear...

Ye Qiu is like a young boy who is getting started for the first time,

Holding the clothes and raising his arms, he didn't even know how to enter the hole.

He looked at Chen Mengna blankly.

"Dear, you should learn". "Chen Mengna walked over playfully.

"If you get married in the future and your wives are pregnant, then you will be busy. 35

"It's scary when a woman is pregnant."


Chen Mengna skillfully took off Ye Qiu's shirt and put on his underwear.

"It's as if you were pregnant." Ye Qiu didn't forget to tease.

"I heard what my mom said.

Chen Mengna giggled, "When my mother was pregnant, my dad took care of me personally, even when I was wearing clothes."

"My father, a rough man, just let my mother get pregnant for ten months, and he was very ingenious.

"So scary?" Ye Qiu shivered pretendingly, "Is there still time for me to run now?35

"You mean you don't want to be responsible?"

Chen Mengna looked at Ye Qiu with interest, "Dear, you have no chance, I am already a member of your Ye family.

"I'm going to give you a football team, you just wait for the punishment of love, hehe.""

Ye Qiu's face was "horrified".

"If a woman hates a man, the best way to get revenge is to marry him and instruct him to do this and that every day."

"Nana, do you hate me?"

"How could it be?" Chen Mengna smiled like a flower, "It's too late for me to love you."

She stood on tiptoe and kissed Ye Qiu's face.

Ye Qiu's pure white face left a faint lipstick mark.

At this moment,

The assistant came to inform,

It's their turn to perform.

"Go, dear, I will cheer you on from the audience. 35 Chen Mengna waved, "You are so beautiful today. ""

Lin Xueruo, Lin Xiuxiu, Qin Mengyao, and Yan Ran also came over.

The five people stood according to the rehearsal positions.

The lift went up, pushing them onto the stage.

Just before he showed his head, the cheers from the audience had already sounded.

When the five people fully appeared on the stage, the cheers were even more like a tsunami.


"I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time, but I didn't expect the goddesses to appear together and blind my dog's eyes.

"The four beauties are so beautiful, each with their own charm, they are simply stunning.

"Don't you know how to count? That's obviously five people."

"Yeah, how could it be five people?"

"Who is the big beauty at the fourth station? Is there such a beauty in our group? 35

"It's so beautiful, standing in the middle of Mr. Yan and the others, he's not at all disadvantaged. 55

"I'm sorry, Director Qin, please allow me to betray for a few minutes."

"I think I'm in love again."

"I announce that this is my new goddess. I hope you all know each other. After the annual meeting, I want to know all the information about the new goddess. 99

"You think beautifully, it's obviously mine.

"A bunch of guys who like the new and hate the old, can't you focus on it? Can't you leave the new goddess to me?

"Bah, asshole!

This performance,

The costumes of the five people were carefully selected by Chen Mengna.

Lin Xiuxiu's lovely style, Qin Mengyao's classical beauty, Yan Ran's pure dress, Lin Xueruo's queen style.

and also……

Ye Qiu's colorful princess dress.

That's why, his clothes are the most complicated.

Disney's princess on the run will naturally not wear ordinary clothes.

This dress was specially made by Chen Mengna, and the material was different from other clothes.

The color of the princess dress can be changed according to the lights on the stage.

This is Chen Mengna's careful trick.

Don't look at the current position,

Lin Mengxue was in the middle, seemingly in the C position.

When the show starts, Ye Qiu will be the focus of the audience.

music plays,

Five "big beauties" started their performance.

First a sexy and passionate dance, and then singing and dancing.

Jumping and jumping, Ye Qiu's clothes changed from blue to red when the lights changed.


Another round of warm applause.

Ye Qiu was startled when he saw the change in his clothes, and almost made no mistake.


In the eyes of the audience,

The scene of the stage changed again and became a forest.

sunset dusk,

The forest was golden, and vines fell from the big trees around.

Someone couldn't help but reach out to touch it, and the rattan actually shrank back at the moment when it was touched.

look at the stage again,

Five people are standing in the last rays of the sunset, all covered in gold.

They were surprised to find that

It's like a magical forest,

On the stage of the forest, five fair-faced elves were dancing.

next second,

What surprised them even more happened.

On the heads of the five beauties, small fox ears of different feather colors grew.


Really became a fairy in the forest.

"My mother, this is too good, isn't it?

"Five charming little fox spirits, Ah Wei is dead."

"What is the function of these glasses, how can there be such a realistic effect.

"I have a bold idea, if I use it to watch small movies..."

"Please put away your bold idea. The group developed black technology just to show you a small movie?"

"Otherwise, what are you looking at?"

"Look at the vixen, wow, it's so beautiful. 99

"Yeah, my heart has melted.

"I want that princess dress."

"Me too.


Everyone can't wait to jump up with excitement.

It was the first time they had seen such a performance in their lives.

It could also be the last time we saw you.

To know,

This kind of realistic effect is currently difficult to achieve.

Even if it can be done later,

Who can guarantee that there are such five amazing beauties on the stage?

And there are many surprises.

Think about it this way,

It really looks like a second less.

next second,

A new surprise appeared.

I saw five people turn sideways, lie down, and twist their hips.

The scene was a little fragrant, and some people swallowed.


A tail suddenly stretched out from behind the "Fox Spirits".

This tail is like a crystal, swaying leisurely, and it also bursts with colorful brilliance.

The scene was constantly "crazy", and the audience's cognition was constantly refreshed.

"Is this true? I'm not really going into the goblin cave, am I?

"I feel like I've entered a fairy tale world."

"This dance must be the best performance today, bar none."

"The family is worth it in this life."

"Seeing this, I have fallen.

"I feel that even the opening of Mr. Ye can't compare with this dance, it's too invincible.

"I really want to rush up and silently those tails, are they real or fake.

"Three years of blood earning, death penalty is not a loss?"

"Fuck, here it is again! 55

on the stage,

The performance has come to an end.

In the final closing stage, the five "Fox spirits" put on their respective shapes.

The music stopped slowly, and the tails behind "them" were still wagging.

at the last moment of the music,

All the tails are spread out like lotus flowers, divided into nine parts.

Nine tails swayed behind "them", and there was an indescribable and inexplicable charm.

next second,

Everyone in the audience stood up and applauded.

This is the most wonderful performance they have ever seen, and it can be called a palace.

Whether it's music, choreography, or singing, it's all done to the extreme.

It's pleasing to the eye, and it's unbearable.

the show is over,

Xu Feifei walked up to the stage and asked the audience, "Excuse me, did the performance of these five beauties look good?


"Do you still want to see it?"


"But it's gone."5


"But it doesn't matter." Xu Feifei comforted, "We have left a reservation.

"What part?" someone shouted.

"You can pick one of these five and let him chat with everyone for a while alone.

Xu Feifei blinked, "You can only pick one.

shouting from the audience...




"Goddess Yan!""

"Goddess Qin! 99

"Sister Lin! 35

Everyone was shouted, but obviously Ye Qiu's voice was louder.

Xu Feifei pricked his ears and listened for a while, then said, "Okay, I already know the result."

"Then please let this beautiful princess stay, and the other beauties can leave the stage and rest first.

Ye Qiu stood there awkwardly, and the other four covered their mouths.

Xu Feifei pulled Ye Qiu to the middle of the stage.

"Okay, first question.""

"Beauty, what's your name and what department do you belong to?" someone shouted.

The people around were also booing.

"Can we go to you at ordinary times? Can we make a friend?"

"Goddess, I want to confess to you, can you accept me?"

"Does the goddess grow up eating cute?"

Ye Qiu picked up the microphone and only answered the first person's question.

"My name is Ye Qiu, from the President's Department.

The voice just fell.

bang one

The audience seemed to have been struck by lightning, and everyone froze in place and did not speak.

The person who was yelling also froze and sat down after a while.

Quiet, long quiet.

Some people start to doubt life...

With such a beautiful face and such a good figure, do you tell me this is Mr. Ye?

The voice is indeed Mr. Ye's, but why is it a female voice when he sings?

It's hard to accept, why is Ye always so beautiful?

Why do I already know it's President Ye, but I still can't help wanting to like it? Could it be that I...

It's terrible, this man is not satisfied with harvesting women, he is crazy enough to start harvesting men.

But he is really beautiful, what should I do?

"" "Like me is fruitless, I advise everyone to do it for themselves." Ye Qiu said with a smile.


All the talents are really sure that the "big beauty" in front of her is really President Ye.

Unlike his handsome appearance, this time it was a sultry dance.

have to say,

It worked both times.

The first time I flirted with a woman, the second time I flirted with a man.

that moment,

All members of the group are rivals in love.

Even Xu Feifei sighed inwardly, this man is damn sweet.

subsequent performances,

It seemed a little boring.

Everyone was immersed in Ye Qiu's beauty domination, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

The only thing that can arouse their enthusiasm,

There is only the final draw and awards.

The judging is to select the best performance, and basically every program has a reward.

lottery draw,

The grand prize is a Red Rabbit Trailblazer.

Ye Qiu didn't care who was driven away in the end, he didn't participate in the lottery anyway.

Since it is a benefit for employees,

As a boss, he naturally can't mess around.

The annual meeting ended successfully.

There is less than a month until the New Year.

end of the year,

The group work has entered the final sprint stage.

Wuling has issued quite good rewards to every employee, and everyone is very motivated.

The production efficiency of the workshop has improved a lot.

The Leviathan, which was originally delivered next month,

a week later,

Some of them have already been delivered to the owner.

in the forum,

Someone posted a photo.

This big guy is the favorite of men.

But not everyone can afford it.

A group of greedy people in the comment area made a declaration of lemon essence one after another.

"Hmph, I'm not envious at all, lemon, lemon, lemon."

"I'm not sour at all, lemon, lemon.

"I've only watched it a few hundred times, and that's it... I really want it.


also want,

And Ye Qiu's old classmate, Huang Yuan.

this day,

Ye Qiu received a call from Huang Yuan.

"Ye Ye, you can do it, the one-handed hero saving the beauty is not bad. Huang Yuan praised.

"Small thing, there is nothing to be afraid of if the car is good. Ye Qiu is telling the truth.

"Then brother, I'll ask you another matter.

"What's up?"

"You Leviathan, can you help me cut a line. 55 Huang Yuanjian laughed, "Hey, brother, my hands are itchy. ""

Wuling's car, he is not like letting go.

Ye Qiu knew that this kid was rich, so he was not polite to him.

"Only four cylinders, can you get into your Huang Shao's eyes? (Good)"

"What's the meaning?"

"If you don't wait, the six-cylinder version will be launched soon, and then I will arrange a front number for you.

"Enough brother, look back, I'll pull all the hooligans here to buy a car from you.

"Okay, reliable.

hang up the phone,

Ye Qiu took a look at the group plan.

Wuling's industry includes almost all models in the industry.

Cars, off-road, luxury cars, pickups are all available.

But the top luxury car series still lacks a mouth.

The honor of the Hongqi L5 is the most luxurious car in the world.

It is precisely because of honor,

As a result, the Hongqi L5 could never be mass-produced.


Civilian luxury cars, or supercars, need to be put on the agenda.

The competition for the American market can come to an end for now.

European market,

It's time to start planning.

Ye Qiu is targeting the last two top auto shows.

Japan? Wa International Motor Show and Bali Motor Show.

The two auto shows,

It is a must for the world's famous factories.

The Japan-Washington International Auto Show is held once a year and is known as the "wind vane of international auto trends".

The new products launched by the big manufacturers every year will be exhibited here.

they will still be here,

Publicly publish the latest scientific and technological achievements developed by itself.

The purpose is to earn enough eyeballs and win the attention of riders all over the world.

The Bali Motor Show,

It is a sea of ​​concept cars.

The cars on display here will always stand out with only one word.


It can be said,

It is a must for super running.

If Wuling wants to enter the European market, supercars are indispensable.

Not to say how much money supercars can make,

on the contrary,

Many big manufacturers have also lost a lot of money on supercars.

But why are they still flocking to it?

Because of the facade.

Supercars are the face of a car company.

After all, a car is a toy, and it is capital that can be used to brag.

Of course, the more luxurious the better.

But not everyone can afford ultra-luxury brands.

Then you have to buy something that is related to the ultra-luxury brand.

Speaking of Mercedes-Benz, there is the S-Class Maybach.

When it comes to Volkswagen, there are Bugattis and Pitbulls.

Even Geely made its name by acquiring Volvo.

It can be seen the importance of ultra-luxury brands to a car company.


The ranking of the system can also be regarded as a hint.

Why is Wuling's industrial ranking inferior to Daimler's?

This is also meaningful.

Speaking of Wuling's luxury brand, what can be mentioned?

Hongqi L5?

not enough.

to democratize,

Let Wuling's supercar penetrate into the corners of the world.

Leviathan is already changing the world's perception of Wuling.

The next thing to do is to chase after victory.

Wuling's supercar,

What is needed is,

As soon as the concept car came out, the whole world screamed.

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