Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 241 Wuling red flag? It's all just blowing! 【Subscription】

at the same time,

Some suburb in the west of America.

There's a special race going on here, and all of them are sports cars.

The runway is also relatively rough,

It's just a road beside the farm, and it's a simple protection with a fence.

looks like an unprofessional game,

But it attracted a lot of media people to video, and the road was also full of fans.

this game,

The rules are simple and arbitrary.

The participants are all sports car owners, and they compare the performance of the major supercars.

The track is mainly divided into three sections,

The first segment is straight-line acceleration, the second segment is an arched ramp, and the third segment is a sharp turn.

Speedometers are set up at important locations on the track to monitor the real-time speed of each supercar.

Besides speed,

There are also some interesting parameters to monitor.

for example,

The roar of the engine, see which car is causing the most decibels, etc.

During the game,

The driver needs to drive his own supercar, accelerate from the starting line, and pass the straight line.


Rush up the arched ramp at maximum speed and keep your body unstable so that you don't overrun the track.

A speedometer records the instantaneous speed of each vehicle as it rushes up the arched runway.


That naturally shows that the performance of the sports car is better.

The game officially begins,

The host stood aside, holding the microphone to explain.

"Thank you to all car fans for taking the time to watch this luxury car performance competition. I am today's host Robert."

"This competition is co-sponsored by the gentlemen and beautiful girls of the Lightning Luxury Car Club. Let us give warm applause to these thrill-loving people."

Moderator Robert bombarded and blew a wave of sponsored members.

Fans have also extracted key information from it.

Simply put,

It was a group of rich people from the Lightning Luxury Car Club who had nothing to do and held such a game.

The grounds were provided by one of them, his own farm.

remaining people,

Each took out a supercar that he treasured.

The rules of the game are jointly formulated by everyone, not for anything else, but to test whose car is more powerful.

As for,

Will the car be damaged by this...

They won't care.

"The vehicles in this competition are, McLaren 650s, Nissan gtr, Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Corvette...

After blowing the sponsorship tycoons, Robert began to introduce the race vehicles.

More than a dozen luxury cars, including almost all the well-known luxury car brands in the world.

"There is also the latest arrival of the Hongqi Dragon Son, which is also widely anticipated, let's wait and see.

The last sentence,

Robert roared loudly, stirring up the enthusiasm of the roadside fans.

Some people had already started cheering, and they all stood on tiptoe to see how the drivers were getting ready.

at the same time,

In a wooden house not far from the track.

A group of graceful and luxurious people, holding champagne and laughing, glanced at the live broadcast on the wall from time to time.

Unlike car fans out in the sun, these rich people are enjoying themselves.

Although this wooden house looks old from the outside, it is unique inside.

Air conditioning, champagne, tea... everything.

They watched the entire game live on video right here.

There is a big difference between the lifestyles of the rich and the poor in America.

Although people talk about "freedom" all day,

But here, indeed, class thinking is most evident.

Rich people can sit behind the scenes with champagne and learn all the details of the game through live broadcast.

And ordinary people,

You can only stand on the side of the road and wait, and you can't see what happened in the venue when you look up.

"No need to compare, my Chevrolet Corvette must win, it cost me ten million dollars."5

"A lot of money doesn't mean you can win. I believe in my wild horse anyway, and it can always surprise me."

"McLaren is the real king, step aside.

"I prefer Silber, the real king of speed."

"It's not anymore, Silbe is outdated, so let's get out of the luxury car world. 99


The rich shook their glasses and argued.

For them, this is not just a competition of luxury cars.

It's a face-to-face competition.

The most important thing for the rich is to spend money to buy face.

Everyone wants the car they bring to win.

Whoever came in last would definitely be ridiculed.

"Isn't anyone curious about the Son of Dragon?"

Someone mysteriously said, "I spent 20 million dollars on the goods delivered the day before yesterday.

"Am I the only one who has expectations for it?"

As soon as this person's words were over, the disputes of the rich people ended immediately.


It was a look of doubt, and some envy.

As a limited edition, Son of Dragon is really hot.

By the time one of them wanted to book, it was too late.


The outstanding performance of the Dragon Son at the Bali Auto Show has already made them doubt about their car.


There must be some people who are unhappy.

Why should the Son of the Dragon win?

Everyone is a supercar, so let's compete well to see whose car is more powerful.

A new car company in Xiaguo, I don't believe it is so magical.

Although they did not say these words in their hearts, their expressions still had subtle changes.

The screen on the wall swept across the entire game scene in turn,

The players were almost ready, and the audience at the scene was also aroused by the remarks of the host Robert.

Each car media person occupies a special stronghold,

The camera is aimed at the runway, ready to capture the wonderful moments of each luxury car.

In order to show the authenticity of the scene, some photographers did not forget to give fans a close-up shot.


They were in the scorching sun, chatting hotly.

"Which of these luxury cars do you think has a better chance of winning"?"

"Does that need to be said? Of course our national treasure, the Chevrolet Corvette. What other car can compare to it?"

"That's right, even if I was pinned to the ground today with a knife to my neck, it's still number one in Chevrolet."

"Lamborghini, Ferrari... are world-renowned sports cars, don't underestimate them.

"No use, it has to be a Chevrolet Corvette.

"I would like to ask, is no one supporting the Ford Mustang?"

"Ford? An unsatisfactory car company with nothing to support."

"If you can't even keep your main business, this kind of business should go bankrupt sooner rather than later.

"Am I the only one who noticed that Dragon Son?"

"I heard it too, it was a big hit at the Bali Auto Show, and it's going to blow up in foreign news.

"Yeah, what kind of performance, speed, intelligence, it seems that there are no shortcomings."

"I don't believe it anyway. If it can outperform the Chevrolet Corvette, I'm going to strip in public."5

"I didn't expect you to be so cruel to yourself.

"It's not cruel, it's confidence.

"I don't know why, although I know that the Son of the Red Flag Dragon will definitely not win, but I still hope it can win."

"Haha, for nothing else, I just want to see you do a striptease.""


not long ago,

The host Robert's voice sounded again, announcing the official start of the game.

Crews began clearing the track and taking fans to safety.

Do not get too close to the fence, otherwise there will be a safety hazard.

"Okay, the game will officially start when the staff leaves the field.

"The first thing that came out was a Lamborghini pit bull," said Robert.

"Okay, the driver is ready...he starts, he rushes. 35

I saw Lamborghini sprint on the straight track and complete zero to 100 acceleration in 2.4 seconds.

The end of the straight track is the arched ramp.

The other side of the arched ramp is connected to a curve.

That is,

When the driver finishes the straight section, he will be faced with closely connected arched ramps and dense bends.

it's here,

Not only to test the driver's driving skills, but also to test the stability of the vehicle itself.

If the speed is too fast,

And the control is not timely, or the control is not in place,

There is a good chance that an accident will occur while rushing up the ramp.

this is not,

Lamborghini is the first to appear, the driver is inexperienced, and the problem comes.

When he passed the straight line,

Accelerate all the time until you hit the arched ramp.


Because of the speed, the Lamborghini flew up a lot.

After landing,

The front wheel was unstable, the body staggered, and it broke through the fence and got into the farmland.

"The bull was 200kph when it came up the arched ramp, great speed."

Robert said: "Unfortunately, the body went out of the track unsteadily.

"So, grades don't count."

"But you can remind the racers behind, the track is very difficult, and speed alone is not enough."

Looking at the funny look of Lamborghini planted into the farmland,

Fans also bemoaned its driver.

"Unfortunately, the speed is too fast, and it seems that the experience is not enough. 35

"I don't have enough experience, I just underestimate this track, look at this ramp, can it run at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour?"9

"It is estimated that I was too confident in this little pit bull, and I didn't expect it to fall.

"It's not a question of self-confidence. No car can stably climb this ramp at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. This is a matter of common sense. The driver doesn't understand it at first glance. It's a loss.

"Yeah, I still take myself too seriously."


The second car is ready.

Silber's "Large Lizard"

The driver of the "Large Lizard" learned from the experience of the predecessors, and after accelerating on the straight section, he saw the opportunity to slow down.

He tried his best to keep his car at a speed of 190 kilometers per hour when it rushed up the slope.

he made it.

"Large lizard" eventually rushed up the ramp at a speed of 187 kilometers per hour.

When it reached the top of the ramp, the body flew upwards, and the distance was almost fifty centimeters.

At this height,

It is also difficult for the "Large Lizard" to remain stable after it hits the ground.

Or the front wheel slipped, and the "Tau Lizard" rushed out of the runway.

Fortunately, the driver's driving skills were good, and he stabilized the "big lizard" and did not make himself rush into the farmland.

"Oh, what a pity."

Robert exclaimed, "Silber's 'Tau Lizard' was 187 kilometers when it rushed up the slope, and it still failed. 99

"Then we can only hope for the cars behind, and I hope they can give us a wonderful performance."

"Okay, next up is a Ferrari.

"Everyone, please watch the game."5

With the failure experience of the first two.

The Ferrari accelerated quite a bit slower on the straights, and eventually hit the ramp at 140 km/h.

At the apex of the ramp, the body is vacated by more than 30 cm.

After landing,

The Ferrari front wheel swayed, and everyone was shocked for him.

Fortunately, the driver's skills are good, and the body is stabilized by the operation in time.

Ferrari sprinted into the corner at 140kph.

As soon as you cross the ramp,

The rest of the road is relatively simple.

He finished the game smoothly.

The fans cheered him and gave him a round of applause.

Robert did not forget to explain: "Everyone must be very curious, what is the final result of Ferrari?

"The data has been sent in and the Ferrari is 140kph."

"Great result, this is the first valid result so far."

Fans are talking about

Their expressions were not too surprised, but mostly disappointed.

after all,

The front ran a 200 kilometers and 187 kilometers per hour.

Although they all failed, the sudden drop to 140 kilometers per hour still made it difficult for them to accept.

"This can't be done, it looks scary, how come it's only 140?"

"I don't know what will happen to the car behind? I still hope to create a miracle."

"Let's put it this way, the cars behind, any slower than 140 kilometers per hour, are scrap iron."

"It's not very pleasant, but it makes sense. 95

"Hey, even if it's scrap iron, it's scrap iron that we can't afford.


Just as the fans were chatting, a fourth car rushed over.

Ford Mustang.

This car should be regarded as the most unprofessional of all supercars.

As for the results, it is also so-so.

The rush speed is 132 kilometers per hour.

The driver is still too steady.

in the hut,

Although the owner of the Mustang saw that his car had finished the race, he was not very happy.

So much lower than the Ferrari, he wished the Mustang had gone uphill a little faster.

Even if you fail, you won't be embarrassed.

see this,

The rich man of Dragon Son took the opportunity to step aside.

He called his driver in a low voice and explained to him in a very harsh tone.

"""I tell you, no matter what method you use, I don't care if you win or lose.

"In breaking speed, must give me more than 200 kilometers per hour. 35

"Remember, it's a must. 99

"Okay, you don't have to say anything, I'll cover all the expenses if something goes wrong.

"If there is a problem with the car, you don't have to worry about it, you just need to rush up.

He didn't want to lose this man.

Like the Mustang, winning is harder than losing.

In this case,

Hearing this, the driver was a little apprehensive at first, but now he doesn't have to think too much.

He breathed a sigh of relief, ready to fight.

the other side,

On the track, the race continues.

Both McLaren 650s and gtrs also finished the race.

The results were 145 km/h and 146 km/h.

They got a lot more applause than Ferrari.

Someone in front kept refreshing the lower limit, and suddenly the two cars surpassed continuously.

The surprises brought to fans can be imagined.

"Suddenly it's powerful again, the gtr's 146 kilometers should be the fastest.

"Don't worry, there's a Chevrolet Corvette behind, it's too early to tell.

"It's hard to see, the gtr is already very unstable when going over the ramp, and I'm worried that the Chevrolet Corvette will be the same."

"We're going to believe in the Chevrolet Corvette, believe in it. 55

The Chevrolet Corvette has a place in the hearts of Meriken fans just like the Ford F550 pickup.

One represents supercars and the other represents civilian cars.

Both are irreplaceable and have emotional bonuses.

If it weren't for the emergence of Wuling, Ford would still be America's No. 1 family car.

"You guys say, will the Hongqi Dragon Son be better than the Chevrolet Corvette?"

"Have you got shit in your head? You can ask such a thing.

"No matter how good it is outside, it can't beat a Chevrolet Corvette, don't even think about it.

"Yes, if he can run 140 kilometers per hour, I will jump on the track and kill myself.

"I mean in case, in case it..."

"There is no such thing as 'either it dies or I die', just watch.


It seems,

Although the media has a high evaluation of Dragon Son,

But it will take a while to completely change the way Volkswagen fans think of the Son of Dragons.

In particular, actual evidence is required.

on the track,

The Chevrolet Corvette is finally here.

Its driver was also proud to be able to drive the car, and he decided that no matter what, he couldn't lose face.


The Chevrolet Corvette accelerates a lot faster than other cars in a straight line,

Then it rushed up the ramp at a speed of 149 kilometers per hour, and the body flew more than 40 centimeters off the ground.

The body fell to the ground and the wheels were extremely slippery.

The driver stabilized his mind, and it really stabilized him.

"Nice handling, 149 km/h. 35

Robert was pleasantly surprised, "No surprise, I think the Chevrolet Corvette should be today's champion."

"Sure enough, it's still our American supercar's top-notch performance.

superiority comes,

The fans jumped and applauded excitedly.

"Look, the Chevrolet Corvette is the No. 1 supercar in the world, you won't believe it. 35

"It's amazing this time."

"You don't need to look at the latter, they are all brothers."

"This time, Chevrolet really gave us the super running face of Meriken.""

"That's for sure, we have to fully trust the Chevrolet Corvette."


The media were also excited.

They captured the wonderful moments of the Chevrolet Corvette.

I thought to myself, this time I will not only have the headlines on the front page, but there may also be bonuses.

Such a good picture, such a high sense of superiority.

This issue of news is sure to grab a lot of attention.

Some media people have begun to fantasize about how they are hiding under the covers at home and counting money.

in the hut,

The owner of the Chevrolet excitedly spilled the champagne all over the floor.


He looked at everyone with a confused expression.

Others have nothing to say, and they have already tacitly agreed that he won.

Even the owner of Son of Dragon had to admit it.

what he can do,

It can only be a decent point for the Son of Dragon to lose.

If the speed reaches more than 200 kilometers, even if he loses, it is still insufficient strength.

At least have the courage.

He thought so.

"The next thing to play is..." Robert paused.

Due to the stunning performance of the Chevrolet Corvette, he made his explanation more passionate.

Fans are also looking forward to the race even more.

They don't want who wins, they just want to see how badly the car behind them loses.

It's like a middle school student who rarely gets a high score once,

this time the spoon,

What I want to do most is to show off.

I wish everyone was worse than him right now.


The Son of the Dragon of the Red Flag is on the runway.

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