Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 252 Putting advertisements on the central control screen, you really have it! 【Subscription】

"Maybe it's time to find new materials." Ye Qiu muttered in his heart.


He looked at Lin Xueruo, "I'll figure out a way to do this, you should work hard in other areas first. 99

"Okay, Darling." Lin Xueruo blinked.


She then exited Ye Qiu's office.

Ye Qiu opened the system mall and wanted to see if there were any alternative materials that met the standards of toughness and hardness.

"It's better not to be too expensive, it's even better if it's cheaper than the norm.

While muttering to himself, Ye Qiu toured the mall.

Generally speaking,

The carbon content of steel determines the hardness of steel, the higher the carbon content, the greater the hardness.

However, the plasticity and toughness will decrease, the material will become brittle, and the welding ability will also decrease.


In different cases, the carbon content will generally be different for the required steel.

According to the actual situation, Ye Qiu,

To sum up, the materials that Lin Xueruo needs are mainly heat resistance and friction resistance.

"In this case……"

Ye Qiu thought for a moment, and the rocket launch scene appeared in his mind.

"Maybe the material for the rocket is just what I need.


Ye Qiu went directly to the [Aviation] page to find it.

Unsurprisingly, he really found what he was looking for.

Ceramic and carbon fiber bonding material.

This material is the result of further improvement on the basis of rocket materials.

This material is more stable in performance than rocket materials, and the production process is more complicated, but fortunately, the raw materials are readily available.

That is,

As long as the technology is mastered, this material is actually cheaper to produce.

Look at the price again...

Ceramic and carbon fiber combined materials, process drawings 1.2 million points.

A production line requires 800,000 points.

If two items were purchased at the same time, Ye Qiu's accumulated more than two million points would only be a fraction.

The hardest part is,

The production line also needs to be built at his own expense.

In other words, the system only gives a construction plan, and the specific results need to be paid for by themselves.

It's not a reward after all,

Ye Qiu didn't feel much about spending money.

With his current assets, no matter how much money there is, it's just a number.

His mood is different now,

Working hard is no longer about money, but more about realizing the value of life and creating ideals.


This point was spent, and it really hurt him.

"I bought it." Ye Qiu relented.

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a 063 ceramic and carbon fiber composite material craft drawing, please select the object of knowledge instillation...]

After spending the money, the sound of the system sounded.

This knowledge belongs to aviation, Ye Qiu decided to give it to the little cutie Lin Xiuxiu.

"Lin Xiuxiu.

Ye Qiu just finished saying,

On the honeycomb side, Xiuxiu, who was discussing with Lin Xueruo, suddenly froze and paused for a while.

As smart as Lin Xueruo, she quickly understood.

"It must be Darling who has found a new solution.

Lin Xueruo quietly waited for Xiuxiu to recover.

"Yeah." Lin Xiuxiu nodded at Lin Xueruo.

The two were tacit, and said nothing about what had happened.

It's just that I admire Ye Qiu even more in my heart.

Ye Qiu's side,

After handing over the knowledge to Lin Xiuxiu, he ordered to go on and prepare to receive the production line.

According to the scheduled plan, the new production line will be put into use in a week.

Before that,

Lin Xiuxiu was just in a position to convey her knowledge about the combination of ceramic and carbon fiber to others.

In recent days,

The industry's voice that Xiaomi wants to build a car is getting stronger and stronger.


This is not without wind and waves.

about making cars,

In fact, Xiaomi has been preparing and releasing news to the outside world from time to time.

But a "hand warmer" manufacturer suddenly wanted to build a car, and netizens just took it as a joke.

Internal executives originally planned to use Gu Yuwei to visit Xiaomi's factory and completely announce the news of the car.

As a result, the shooting was canceled.

In this case,

Then the executives can only do it themselves, relying on the influence of Rebs, just let "Xiaomi build a car" on the hot search.

Netizens were worried that they had nothing to do, so they gathered around to watch.

"Oh, Rebs is playing for real this time. 39

"I remember last time Rebs said that Xiaomi couldn't make an injector, and Wuling slapped him in the face.

"Don't say that we can't make it this time, we really believe in Wuling.

"I don't know if Rebs can lower the price of the car and let us assholes feel the feeling of sitting in the car.

"Xiaomi car, 2999 yuan, give it to a friend."

"Fuck, in front of you, you're a goddamn talent."

"This is even more ruthless than (cfai) Wuling. The mini of Wuling 30,000 has already taken good care of us. If you pay 3,000 directly, you will not let people live?""

"Three thousand, can't even afford an engine? 99

Seeing that the propaganda worked, Rebs' team followed suit.


They also released the concept car pattern on the official website, and declared that this is an electric car.

"Intelligent driving, long battery life, superior central control..."

Before the car could be seen, they blew up by themselves.

The effect is indeed there,

The news that Xiaomi is going to build an electric car has spread in the circle of car friends.

for a time,

Even with Xiaomi's stock price, it rose by two percentage points.

Seeing this, Geely's Shu Fu couldn't sit still.

Seeing that propaganda is profitable, he immediately convened a meeting to assign tasks.

"In short, I don't care what you do, we must not let this heat go."


Geely did it too.

Because they are also promoting their own electric vehicles, and they also have a new gasoline-electric hybrid.

This heat made Geely rubbed.

Seeing old rivals and new rivals jumping in front of the riders, Bia Di couldn't sit still.

Bia Di is one of the biggest victims of the competition between Wuling and Tesla.

Originally in the Xia Kingdom,

He Bia Di is the first.

Unexpectedly, a Truss suddenly came and madly seized the market.

After that, Wuling took off like a rocket.

When the two clash,

Bia Di could only curl up in the corner and watch the gods fight.

after that,

Tras was defeated, and the Wuling family almost ate nearly 90% of the Xia Kingdom's market.

all along,

Biya Di is always thinking about how to regain the market.

But before the market was recaptured, another millet popped up.


Bia Di couldn't sit still.

Since they were all doing things to gain attention, he simply got involved.


Xiao Peng and Li Li couldn't sit still.

This is how the involution of an electric car began.

Except for Wuling.

According to netizens,

It seems that every time the domestic car companies compete happily, Wuling is indifferent.

There is a great detachment of "the master is wandering, the clown is in the palace".


Originally, apart from Wuling, other car companies took advantage of the gap to entertain themselves.

Harvest point traffic, looks good too.

Everyone was tacit and didn't mention Wuling, as if this was a forbidden word.

Until Weilai also joined in.

"As a pioneer of electric vehicles, NIO has innovated the in-vehicle system and adopted the latest intelligent driving...

Weilai promotes itself.

"This is a great innovation, we absolutely love this change, and I'm sure the owners will love it too.

"Also...we have the potential to surpass Wuling and are moving towards that. 99

At the beginning,

Not to mention Wuling, it's okay, the riders of their respective companies can discuss it together.

But Weilai's publicity directly strangled this involution.

Netizens turned against each other instantly.

"There are always people who want to compete with Wuling. You should think about how to be yourself first."

"When Tras was still around, I never saw Wei Lai being so arrogant. What? Did you think you could do it again?"

"As far as Weilai is concerned, make the battery first, and then let's bark.


Brother Shu Fu looked at the comments of netizens, his face was calm.

He guessed that would be the result.

In the past two years,

Wuling's performance is perfect, and now it has entered the luxury supercar market.

It can be said,

It's that time of day.

But it happens that there are people who do not know whether to live or die, and want to fight against Wuling.

this is not,

The carnival that had just been established was suddenly silent.

It's not that other car companies don't want to speak up, they just don't dare.

For fear of accidentally saying the wrong thing, netizens will treat it as an accomplice of Weilai.


Weilai Li Bin still doesn't know it at all.

He just thought it was his own momentum that scared off other car companies.

And those negative comments on the Internet, he is completely indifferent.

"It's all jealousy. I have the technology, so I have nothing to be afraid of." Li Bin was triumphant.

His attack on Wuling, although he received a lot of negative comments, was indeed effective.

At least all other car companies have retreated, and Wuling has been silent.

"Either I'm afraid, or I'm guilty." Li Bin thought.

"Now, all the attention is on Weilai, and we won."

Many netizens respected Weilai's courage, and they really turned to Weilai.


In just two days, Weilai's reputation began to turn around.

This gave the person in charge of Weilai a direct smile.


When you are arrogant, you need capital.

If there is no capital, it will be revealed sooner or later.

On the third day,

A different voice appeared in the circle of car friends.

The starting point of the matter came from a message from a netizen.

"Central control large screen with advertisements? Is Wei Lai floating, or am I unable to hold the knife?"

The accompanying picture is a photo of Weilai's in-vehicle, which was taken on the central control screen, which was covered by an advertisement.

This is just great,

Before Wuling stood up to refute, Weilai took the knife first.

This post directly caused an uproar in the circle of car friends, and the circle of car friends exploded.

Advertising on the top of the car's central control screen makes almost all netizens incomprehensible.

"This is the so-called "user-based enterprise"? Is it short of money? It's really caring.

"The pop-up advertisements on the central control screen, Weilai really has you."

"Fuck, what kind of fairy operation is this, how dare Weilai? I will never consider Weilai when buying a car in the future."

"This time it's an advertisement, will you open a vip next time to cancel the advertisement?"

"In the future, simply don't watch 80-second advertisements, you are not allowed to use navigation, and you have to watch advertisements on the dashboard before you can see them."5

"It's just that you need to watch advertisements to start a car, and there are advertisements everywhere.


Some netizens directly asked to go to Weilai's official website.

The tone of his speech was not good either, that is, he scolds whatever he wants to scold.


This is a test push of Weilai, and it is only about Weilai's own, and it is related to public welfare.

After all,

There is no money, but the focus is on testing the reactions of riders.

did not expect,

The reaction of netizens would be so extreme that they directly scolded the official website.

Li Bin is also very smart, and didn't care about everyone's scolding at first.

After waiting for half a day,

Only then did he arrange for the propaganda department to speak out, only saying that it was a business announcement, not an advertisement, and wanted to prevaricate the past.


Netizens are not so easy to deceive.

Although a few people chose to forgive after listening to Weilai's sophistry.

But more people are still outraged.

"Who doesn't know that this is an attempt by NIO, and once it passes, they will intensify their efforts. 35

"This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed. Weilai wants to speculate? Don't even think about it.""

"Absolutely don't accept it, that's just taking an inch. After being patient, I'll add a video ad for you. The car I bought with my own money should be used as a free advertisement? Bah!""

"No matter how it works, why does the car I buy have an advertisement? Does the advertisement get a share of the owner?"

"Agreed, if I have a share of the advertising, I can consider it. 35

"Fuck you, why does Laozi's car advertise for him?"

The scolding of netizens did not seem to drop because of Weilai's explanation.

on the contrary,

Everyone thinks this is NIO making excuses for its own mistakes.

Seeing that he couldn't recover, Li Bin pretended to be dead and threw the mess to the propaganda department.

After Lao Li of the Propaganda Department received the order, he was furious in the office alone.

"What on earth is he thinking? At this time, it's okay to put Wuling on the bar, and push advertisements on the owner's central control screen.

"Do you really think that Weilai is invincible? Wuling hasn't spoken yet."

"Don't look at your own virtues, just compare Wuling's Chitu and you'll understand how bad we are. 99

"Let's not talk about the performance of Chitu, just the central control, the introduction is generous, and you can understand it at a glance.

"Look at us again... In addition to a bunch of buttons, we also need to carry private goods and put advertisements in the buttons, which is really good...

Lao Li continued to speak for ten minutes, spitting out all the unhappiness in his heart for a long time.

He was obviously just forty, but he was already bald for Weilai.

Colleagues call him Lao Li, and he has always resisted.

for so long,

Today he finally couldn't take it anymore.

"If it goes on like this, Wei Lai will be killed by you, Li Bin, sooner or later. Just wait."

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